Slowly and temporarily put aside the development of Wang Qing Shui.

She hopes that females and males can get along as fair as possible, but she doesn't want to cause serious disasters for females.

But what she didn't expect was that under her influence, the partners in the tribe quietly changed.

In the past, females always relied on their dominant position in the relationship, and did not pay attention to the male beasts at all. Some excessive females, such as Shuangyun's mother, even abused the male beast partners as slaves.

But now that there is a way to dissolve the partnership, it means that the constraints of the partnership contract are greatly reduced.

The females have a sense of crisis. They don't want to leave their male animal partners, and have tempered their tempers, and their attitude towards the male animal partners around them is much gentler.

This makes the male beasts really flattered, and they love females more.

So instead of cracks in their relationship, they became more intimate and harmonious.

Lin Changwan didn't know anything about it. She continued to study medicines for infertility in the Yu clan, and supervised the establishment of the kindergarten. She was very busy every day.

The kindergarten is set up in the study area, the houses are ready-made, and the tables and chairs have been made of wood.

Slowly went to check it in person, basically no problem, except that a blackboard was still missing.

There is no black paint here. She can only ask people to find a large slate with a darker color and stand it in the classroom, and then find a few palm-sized talc, which are cut into long strips and used as chalk.

Well, everything is ready, only Dongfeng!

In the first teaching experiment, he slowly didn't dare to harm other cubs, so he could only carry his four little wolf cubs into the classroom.

The little wolf pups squatted on top of the animal skin blankets, raising their furry faces, looking at them slowly and innocently.

Slowly spent a horizontal line on the blackboard, and said to them: "This is one, you read it to me, yi——"

The little wolf cubs opened their mouths: "Ooooooooo!"

Slowly: "..."

The first teaching experiment failed!

While slowly pondering how to teach the little wolf pups to learn to speak, Baidi Shuangyun Sangye sneaked in.

Ask slowly: "Why are you here?"

Baidi cleared his throat: "We are here for class."


Shuangyun said: "We want to learn to read, too!"

Sang Ye also agreed: "Teach us."

Slowly looked at them blankly.

Baidi hesitated: "Can't it?"

Knowledge is a very precious treasure, and most people don't want to teach it to others, even if they are their close relatives.

"If you can't teach, then you just assume we haven't said anything..."

"I'm happy to teach you!" said slowly and quickly.

Upon hearing her words, the three male beasts all smiled at the same time.

Slowly said in a somewhat cramped manner: "But I have said it beforehand. We are talking and learning with each other. We are not a teacher-student relationship."

She didn't want her husband's teacher at all! There is a sense of shame for the character pALY!

Baidi Shuangyun Sangye immediately sat down.

The seat that was originally customized for the cubs was relatively small, and it was too cramped for the three adult males. They sat uncomfortably, and finally pushed away the tables and chairs and sat directly on the ground.

Slowly said: "Then let's start with numbers today..."

The three male beasts are very capable of learning. She originally only planned to teach ten numbers today, but later found that they were learning very quickly, so she wrote their three names on the blackboard and taught them how to write.

Shuangyun suddenly asked, "Slowly, how do you write your name?"

Slowly wrote the words "Lin Slowman" on the blackboard.

"Lin is my last name, and slowly is my first name. In the place where I used to live, the last name is a symbol of family continuity."

Shuangyun immediately said, "Then all our children are named Lin!"

Slowly smiled: "You are their father, they should have the right surname with you."

"But I think your last name sounds better."

Slowly and helplessly: "Do whatever you want."

So Shuangyun happily added "Lin" in front of the names of his children. From then on, all of them were named Lin.

The three male beasts traced and painted Lin Slowly's name over and over again, as if to carve these three characters into their bones.

In the next few days, as long as Baidi Shuangyun Sangye is free, he will come to listen to class slowly.

They like the way they teach slowly and seriously, and they are very cute with their small faces, like a big white and soft bun, which makes people want to take a bite.

Slowly seeing them listen so earnestly in class, I was very relieved, so I became more excited about teaching.

The classroom can be described as a great harmony.

But today seems to have changed a little.

Slowly she found two sneaky figures at the door of the classroom. When she was about to go and see who they were, Sang Ye had already rushed out and pulled the two guys in.

It turned out to be Meng Li and Jiu Yuan!

Slowly and very surprised: "Why are you here?"

The stern gaze floated to the blackboard involuntarily, and there was still the word Slowly written on it—at first he was only skeptical, but now he has completely confirmed his conjecture. The person who can read and write among the Rock Wolf tribe is Lin Slow !

He was shocked.

A young and weak female knows so many words? It's incredible!

Meng Li couldn't help asking: "Who taught you to read?"

There should be no one in this world willing to pass on precious knowledge to a female, right? !

Slowly said: "My teachers taught me."


Explained slowly: "Teachers are elders who answer questions and help others learn knowledge. They know a lot and deserve respect."

Meng Li has never heard of such a great and selfless person in this world? !

teacher? I really hope he can meet these people in the rest of his life!

Shuangyun said in a deep voice, "Elder Mengli, you haven't answered Slowly asked just now."

Since the establishment of the Presbyterian Council, Mengli entered the Presbyterian Council as a witch doctor of the Mustang tribe and became a member of it.

She looked at the little female in front of her, as if she had made up her mind. She clenched a fist with one hand on her chest, and bowed her face slowly. "Teacher, please accept me as a student! I also want to learn. Knowledge!"

Slowly looked confused: "Huh?"

"Please! Teacher, as long as you are willing to teach me, let me do anything!"

Slowly and quickly helped him up: "You are old enough to be my grandfather. Do salute to me. I'm afraid of losing my life."

Looking at her eagerly: "Will you teach me?"

Slowly unable to make a decision for a while, she subconsciously looked at Baidi and asked questions.

Regarding the admission of students, the three of Baidi Shuangyun Sangye had already discussed in private, and they had already had appropriate countermeasures.

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