Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 119: : You are annoying!

Baidi said to Mengli: "You can come to class, but there are two prerequisites."

"You said, I can definitely do it!"

"Classes are not free. Each class has one credit. The price should be reasonable?"

Nodded sternly: "It's reasonable!"

More than reasonable? It's really cheap!

Of those old literate guys in the beast city, who didn't treasure the little knowledge he knew like a peerless treasure? For fear of being learned a little bit by others!

Now that they can learn precious knowledge with one work point, for ordinary orcs like them, it is simply a great thing to fall in the sky!

Baidi continued: "Slowly planning to start classes, there will be a lot of students in the future, but she has only one person, and her energy is limited, so she must set an entrance threshold. The orcs must pass an exam and be sure to pass before they can officially Entrance to class-this is the second condition."

Meng Li hesitated: "Will this exam be difficult?"

"It won't be difficult, just test the learning ability of the orcs, we will only leave those with good learning ability, and don't let the bad ones."

After weighing heavily, he asked tentatively: "You just said that you will accept a lot of students. Can we young horse cubs come to class?"

"As long as you have enough work points and pass the entrance exam, you can come to class."

Meng Li's eyes lit up and he happily clapped his hands and smiled: "Good, good! This is really great!"

He was overjoyed, and quickly ran back with the good news to inform the other orcs of the Mustang tribe.

Meng Li left, and there was nine yuan.

Under the gaze of the three male beast companions, the tall orc of over 1.9 meters was a little embarrassed. He grabbed his hair and explained his intention somewhat embarrassingly.

"I heard that classes are being held slowly, so I want to ask, can I send those little boys in my family to class?"

Fearing to be embarrassed, he quickly added another sentence: "We will pay the work points! What else is the exam, my little boys will take the exam honestly, if they can't pass the exam, just ignore them, but If they can pass the exam, can you accept them?"

Slowly smiled and said, "Of course you can."

Jiuyuan smiled happily: "Thank you!"

"Don't you need to discuss this matter with Muxiang?"

"It's Muxiang that made me ask."

Slowly some doubts: "Why didn't Muxiang ask me by himself?"

"She's afraid of embarrassing you."

Slowly smiled: "What's the embarrassment of this? You can come to me directly if you have anything in the future, and I will do my best."

"You are such a good person, no wonder Muxiang always believes in you!"

Slowly embarrassed after being issued a good person card, she coughed slightly, "Are you doing anything else?"

"No, I'll go back and tell Muxiang the news, you continue to have class, goodbye!"

After watching Jiu Yuan leave, she slowly looked at the three people of Baidi Shuangyun Sangye, and asked with her arms akimbo: "Who came up with the idea for the entrance exam?"

The three of them were silent for a while, and finally Baidi spoke: "It's me."

"Sure enough," said slowly.

"I knew it was you. Of the three, you have the most ghost ideas."

Baidi smiled softly: "Do you like this idea?

"I don't like it to be useful? Anyway, you don't ask my opinion before you make a decision." He hummed slowly, deliberately showing an angry look.

Shuangyun immediately shouted injustice: "It's Baidi who said he wouldn't let you tell you, it has nothing to do with me!"

Slowly looked at him with contempt: "Betraying brother, you are not a good thing."

Sang Ye stared at her: "These are all small things. The three of us can handle it well. I don't want you to worry too much."

Slowly hugged his arm and said to Shuangyun: "I see it, this is the most pleasing standard answer, you should learn from others!"

Shuangyun was so angry that his nostrils spit fire: "You are eccentric Sang Ye!"

"No way, who told Sang Ye to cause pain."

"Don't I make it hurt?!"

"You," slowly stretched out a soft finger and poked his chest, "You are annoying!"

Shuangyun lost his anger in an instant after being poked, and his eyes straightened as he watched Slowly.

Baidi smiled and asked, "Teacher, when will the class start?"

Slowly he laughed a little guilty, and quickly let go of Sang Ye's arm, pretending to say: "Now starting class, you have all sat down for me, and you are not allowed to talk about topics that are not related to class."


Early the next morning, Meng Li and Jiu Yuan brought the cubs to look for them.

The number of Mustang cubs brought out by Meng Li this time was not large. Some of them died on the road. Now there are only five cubs left. Meng Li took care of them very well and also gave them a great deal. Gave great hope.

Slowly treats them equally, and simply examines a few questions, and almost feels confident.

She chose two from the cubs of the Mustang race, and three from the nine-yuan cubs.

"For the time being, just the five of you, and the other children will go back first."

The cubs who were selected were very happy, but those who were not selected looked disappointed.

Slowly feeling unbearable, she said softly: "If you are interested in learning, you can come to class and listen to it in the future. As for how much you can learn, it depends on your own ability."

Upon hearing this, the lost cubs rekindled hope.

Someone boldly asked, "If we learn well in the future, can you accept us as students, teacher?"

Slowly nodded: "Of course."

She paused and looked around at everyone: "I will take exams regularly. If I fail the exam, I may be disqualified from school. As for those cubs who do not go to school, they can ask me after passing the exam twice. I will consider the application for admission."

This is equivalent to every cub having the opportunity to go to school, and they are full of fighting spirit while happy.

Mengli also successfully passed the slow entrance examination and became the oldest student in the class.

Every time he was in class, he listened very carefully, wishing to engrave every word slowly said into his mind.

It's a pity that his age is still too big after all, and both energy and memory are far inferior to the young orcs.

Even if he tried his best, he still struggled to learn.

Ten days later, Meng Lixiang slowly applied for withdrawal.

Slowly was surprised: "Why? Is it because I didn't teach well?"

"You teach very well, but I know that I am no longer suitable for studying at my age. I want to quit school and give up my position to other young orcs. They have more future than me."

Slowly and helplessly: "Well, I respect your decision."

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