Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 129: :burn one's boats

Slowly I was really angry.

In terms of strength, she can't beat Blood Ling even in ten, and in terms of mouth fights, she is not the opponent of this birdman at all.

After all, he can be shameless, but she can't.

The only thing she could do in the end was to stare at the blood feathers fiercely.

If the gaze can be turned into substance, the blood Ling must have been stared out of the hole by her at this time.

Originally, Xue Ling wanted to pull the collar, but noticed his slow gaze, he moved for a while, and then he pulled the collar a little bigger.

Seeing that the clothes were about to fall to the waist, he slowly couldn't help covering his eyes, and said angrily: "You put your clothes on!"

Xue Ling smiled happily: "Don't be shy, I can let you watch my body."

"Who wants to see you? Minato is shameless!"

Slowly turned his head away from anger.

She cooked and cooked breakfast. After the little wolf pups had finished eating, she went to class, and the barbata stayed at home to play with the little wolf pups.

The morning passed quickly.

After class, I slowly ran into Muxiang who came to pick up the children from school.

The two stopped to chat for a few words.

Muxiang was worried: "I heard that Konoha followed Yiwu to the Heihe tribe. I don't know if Patriarch Shuangyun and the others will encounter Konoha on the battlefield. If they do, will Konoha hurt or suffer?"

Slowly didn't dare to tell her the truth that Konoha was dead, so she could only comforted her gently.

"Don't worry too much. There are Shuangyun and Jiuyuan. If they see Konoha, they will definitely not do anything to him."

"I believe that Chief Shuangyun and Jiuyuan will not hurt Konoha, but Konoha's personality is too impulsive, and I am afraid that he will do something stupid and hurt himself."

Slowly shook her hand: "Konoha is no longer a kid, he will take care of himself."

Muxiang smiled bitterly: "Our parents passed away very early. Konoha and I have depended on each other since childhood. I am several years older than him. It can be said that I took care of him as a half son."

I didn't know what to say slowly, so I could only sigh silently.

Muxiang frowned, and a gloomy expression appeared in his eyes: "Last night I had a dream. I dreamed that Konoha fell to the ground covered in blood. He was calling for help, but I couldn't save him. I could only keep watching. Watching..."

At the end, she couldn't help covering her face and shrugging her shoulders slightly.

"I'm so scared! I'm really afraid that something will happen to him!"

Slowly can't help but startled slightly, is this the induction between sister and brother?

She comforted Muxiang again, and when Muxiang's mood calmed down, she slowly watched her leave with the child.

During the day, I didn't see the figure of Blood Ling, until the sun was about to set, the Blood Ling came back from outside.

He also carried two big pheasants in his hand.

"Eat chicken tonight!"

Then he took out five big lotus leaves and a big bag of mud.

The chicken tasted so good last night, Blood Ling had never tasted such a delicious chicken!

Slowly watching the pheasant whose neck was broken in his hand, he couldn't help but muttered.

"It was born from the same root, so why not worry about it too quickly."

Xue Ling raised his eyebrows: "Huh?"

"I said you are all of the same race with wings, why do you need to kill each other?"

Xue Ling was unhappy: "I am a noble feather clan, and pheasants are just low-grade birds. How can you compare them with me?!"

"Anyway, they all have wings, I think they are almost the same!"

Seeing that the blood ling was about to explode, he slowly dragged two big pheasants into the kitchen.

She regards the pheasant in front of her as the incarnation of the blood plume, plucking the hair and pulling it out is particularly relieved!

At this moment, she was suddenly burnt by the ring on her ring finger!

Slowly and quickly stopped, staring down at the ring, it became hot, and the surface was still wrapped with a faint black mist.

There was a throb in her heart.

Something happened to Sang Ye!


Bujin rushed to the rock mountain with more than three hundred strong males, ready to uproot the rock wolf clan!

But before they reached the Rock Mountain, they were attacked.

Baidi Shuangyunsang night soldiers divided into three groups, outflank the Heihe tribe from three different directions.

The three of them are powerful soul beasts. Coupled with the active attack, they have the absolute initiative. Bu Jin has never seen such a big battle, and he did not expect a small rock wolf clan to hide inside. With three soul beasts!

No wonder Yi Wu has been persuading him not to rush to the Rock Wolf Race.

Bu Jin began to regret it. Knowing that the other party had so many soul beasts, he wouldn't be so impulsively that he would rush over with his men and horses.

Seeing the situation fell to the rock wolf clan, Bujin knew he would lose in this battle.

He was retiring and wanted to retreat with the surviving manpower.

But the Baidi had long expected that he would have this trick, and immediately let Sang Ye block his back path, forcing the Heihe tribe into a hard fight.

Sang Ye turned into a huge black python, its tail swept across, and the orcs of the Mustang tribe were swept away.

When Bu Jin was forced into a desperate situation and had nowhere to go, he gave birth to a cruel heart.

He roared: "Come on! I will fight with you today!"

The prototype of Bukin is a dark brown high-headed horse, whose strong forelimbs kicked out forcefully, kicking the enemy in front of him to spit blood and fell to the ground!

He completely ignored the wolf beasts who rushed up to bite him, catching one at random, would launch a fierce attack until he killed the opponent.

The brown wild horse had more and more wounds, but more and more enemies fell under his hooves.

Seeing that all the wolf beasts around Bujin were almost killed, Sang Ye swam towards him.

The giant python passed through the crowd like lightning, rushing to Bu Jin's side, and its tail swept towards him!

One snake and one horse launched a fierce desperate struggle.

As a three-star soul beast, Sang Ye was much stronger than Bu Jin. Shuang Yun and Bai Di did not help, but instead gave Bu Jin a solution.

Shuangyun and Baidi went to solve the Mustang orcs who were still fighting against their opponents, and they quickly packed up the enemy.

Shuangyun shook off the blood stains on his body, and there were still fragments of ice residue on the ground under him.

He said to Baidi: "I'll deal with these corpses, you go and gather our men and horses, and prepare to go home!"

Slowly waiting for them at home, they must go back soon!

The Baidi gathered the scattered wolf beasts and was counting the number of people, only to find that Sang Ye's state was a bit wrong.

Obviously Bujin had been killed, but Sang Ye still did not stop attacking. The huge python twisted Bujin into a pool of fleshy flesh. The blood stained the body of the snake, turning it into a weird pattern and a frightening darkness. Red luster.

A faint black mist lingered around the snake.

It was the breath of death, which made people extremely uncomfortable.

Jiu Yuan wanted to stop Sang Ye and tell him that he was going to go home. Who knew that Sang Ye turned out to be mad, opened his big mouth and bit towards Jiu Yuan!

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