At the critical moment, Baidi saved nine yuan.

He asked Jiu Yuan to take the other orcs away.

The python's eyes had turned scarlet, and blood was dripping down the fangs and dripping onto the grass.

The original green grass was poisoned instantly and turned into a scorched black.

At this time, Sang Ye rose to eight stars again.

His strength is much higher than that of all orcs, but now he is like a lunatic who loses his mind, with only killing in his mind. As long as someone is close to him, whether it is an enemy or a friend, he will be attacked indiscriminately.

Baidi roared: "Sang Ye, you wake me up!"

However, in response to him, Sang Ye did relentlessly sweep the end.

Baidi avoided the snake's tail. He tried to paralyze the python with an electric current to stop the python from attacking, but the eight-star python was extremely defensive, and the electric current could not penetrate the scales.

Seeing that Baidi was fighting with Sang Ye, Shuangyun rushed over to help.

However, even the two-on-one Baidi and Shuangyun could not have the upper hand, and Baidi was even swept by Sang Ye's snake tail!

Baidi resisted the danger of being eroded by the aura of the strange demon, and firmly grasped Sang Ye's snake tail, his claws pierced the snake skin, and thunder and lightning were injected from the wound.

Sang Ye was in pain, twisted the snake madly, and threw the Bai Di fiercely away!

Damn it! All these people deserve to die! !

Sang Ye's eyes became redder, and his killing intent became more and more terrifying.

Frost Yun tried to freeze Sang Ye with ice, but the ice cube was just frozen when it was broken by Sang Ye.

The strength of the Eight-Star Soul Beast is terrible!

Baidi's arm was scratched by the scales of the snake, blood flowed out and landed on the ring of the ring finger.

The silver ring suddenly burst out with a pale green light.

Green patterns appeared on the giant python at the same time. They were like vines, entwining the huge snake body tightly, and those black mist and blood red patterns were gradually suppressed.

Sang Ye's eyes gradually turned back to black.

He finally stopped attacking.

The huge snake body shrank a lot, and the beast soul fell from the eight stars back to the three stars.

Sang Ye turned back into a human form, and stood there blankly.

Beneath him was the blood-stained land, and all the orcs around him looked at him with horror.

Shuangyun and Baidi were also injured.

They were injured by herself-Sang Ye remembers this clearly.

Sang Ye looked down at his blood-stained hands.

How could this be?

The blood of a strange demon is flowing in his body!

Sang Ye clenched her fists, her knuckles faintly pale.

He remembered everything!

Including the last time he was awakened by Ma Qing the blood of the different demon, and killed dozens of snakes and beasts in one breath, all of them clearly surfaced in his mind at this time.

The high priest once told him that the alien demons are monsters that kill people without blinking! They will eat the meat of the orcs and **** the blood of the orcs. They are the most terrifying monsters on the orc continent!

At that time, he promised the high priest that if he met the alien demons, he would kill the opponent without mercy.

But now, he himself became the descendant of the alien demon.

He became a **** monster.

If it hadn't been for the contract ring to recall his sanity in time, he would even kill Baidi and Shuangyun!

Different demons and different demons! Why is he a strange demon? !

Sang Ye hugged his head in pain, wishing to extract all the blood of the monster in his body now!

Shuangyun approached him cautiously: "Sang Ye..."

"Don't come here!" Sang Ye hissed with exhaustion, "Don't come here!"

Shuangyun had to stop.

At this time, Baidi had also stood up again. He covered the wound on his arm, looked at Sang Ye's painful appearance, frowned and said, "Listen to me, it's not your fault, you..."

"I'm a monster!" Sang Ye interrupted his consolation, her voice trembling, "No wonder the people in the temple tried every means to kill me. It turns out they were right. I was a monster since I was a kid!"

"You calm down, you go back with us first, and we will slowly figure out a solution when we get home."

"Go back? How should I go back? What if I go crazy in the future and want to kill Slow? I'm a monster, I can't control myself..."

The more Sang Ye talked, the more uncomfortable he was. He couldn't bear to leave Yan Yan, but if staying beside him would bring her danger, he would rather leave alone.

Thinking of this, he suddenly turned into a python and swam quickly toward the depths of the forest.

"Sang Ye!" Shuang Yun wanted to chase him back, but his speed was too fast. In addition, Shuang Yun had injuries on his body and was thrown off after not long after chasing him.

Shuangyun returned empty-handed, he said helplessly: "He is gone, what shall we do now?"

Baidi smeared the crispy fruit puree on the wound, and calmly said: "You take some wolf beasts and rush to the Heihe tribe. Don't let Yi Wu and Ma Qing run away, cut them off the roots as soon as possible! As for those injured The wolf beast was brought back by Jiuyuan for treatment."

"how about you?"

"I will look for Sang Ye in the forest again."

The Emperor Bai must find Sang Ye and take him back, otherwise he will be worried slowly.

Shuangyun disagrees: "No, you are still injured. You can't let you act alone. I'll accompany you to find him!"

"If you go with me to find someone, who will kill Yi Wu and Ma Qing? Don't forget, we paid such a high price this time to cut the grass and roots! Don't let them cause harm to the rocky mountain. !"

In order to take care of the overall situation, Shuangyun finally gritted his teeth: "Then be careful yourself. After I get rid of Yi Wu and Ma Qing, I will go to you immediately!"

Baidi patted him on the shoulder: "Come on, be careful on the road."

"You too."

Shuangyun turned into a silver frost white wolf, picked out fifty agile wolf beasts, and rushed to the Heihe tribe at the fastest speed.

Jiu Yuan slowly returned to the Rock Mountain with the wounded remnants.

Baidi turned into a big white tiger, got into the depths of the forest, and chased up along with the breath left by Sang Ye.

It didn't take long for Xue Ling to slowly land on the place where the fierce fighting had just happened.

The remains had been burned, leaving only a pool of blood on the ground, and the smell of blood in the air that was so strong that it almost made people vomit.

Even if he was mentally prepared, his face turned pale when he slowly saw all this.

She forcibly resisted the discomfort in her heart and looked around, only to find that everyone was gone, and the three of Baidi Shuangyun Sangye were also gone.

Xue Ling carefully distinguished the remaining breath in the air, and said leisurely: "Shuang Yun took some wolf beasts to the Heihe tribe. Sang Ye and Baidi went to the depths of the forest, and the others were on their way back to the rocky mountain."

Shuangyun went to Heihe tribe to get rid of Yi Wu and Ma Qing.

So what do Sang Ye and Bai Di go to the deep forest?

Slowly touched the ring on the ring finger. The warning on the ring told him that Sang Ye was in danger. Now the danger seems to be relieved, but she still feels very uneasy.

She said, "Let's find Sang Ye."

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