Bai Luo didn't answer the question, "I heard that you and your second brother are leaving Sun City soon?"

"Well, we plan to go home."

"Isn't this your home?"

Slowly looking at him with a funny smile: "I understand that Nimei would ask this kind of question. After all, she is very simple, but you are different. You should not know better than anyone. Why did Bai Di and I leave in such a hurry? ?"

"I won't do anything to you, you live here with confidence," Bai Luo stared at her eyes, "We will always be one family."

Slowly shook his head: "We must go back. My children and partners are still waiting for us at home."

"I can get people to bring them to Sun City and live with us."

"Thank you for your kindness, I got it, but Baidi and I can't stay and live."

After a slow pause, she felt that this was a bit unkind, so she added: "If Baidi wants, he can come to Sun City to see you at intervals, and the relationship between your brothers will not change. Unfamiliar."

Who knows Bai Luo stared at her and asked: "Then what about you? You will never come to Sun City again?"

Slowly I really don't want to come here again.

People living in this beast city are carnivorous orcs, and the fruits and vegetables grown in her family are not very marketable. If there are more herbivorous orcs here, she can consider coming a few more times in the future, or doing business by the way.

But she didn't say anything to death, she just responded vaguely: "It depends on the situation."

Bai Luo was very dissatisfied with her answer.

What is meant by the situation? She was just playing with him.

Bai Luo grabbed her hand and frowned and asked, "Why do you always push back and block my request? Is it true that in your heart, I really can't compare to my brother at all?"

He was slowly startled by his sudden questioning, and suddenly forgot to break free.

She stared at him blankly: "I don't think you are inferior to Bai Di..."

Bai Luo didn't seem to hear her, but he was still aggressive: "You, like everyone else, feel that I am not as smart and powerful as my brother. I will always be his foil, right?!"

"What the **** are you talking about? I don't understand at all, you let me go!"

Instead of letting go of her, Bai Luo went one step further, slamming her against the big tree, propped her arms on both sides of her, and held her firmly in his arms.

He bowed his head and approached her: "I worked so hard, but you all turned a blind eye. You will always only see Baidi in your eyes."

Slowly leaning his back on the hard tree trunk, with nowhere to go, he could only struggle with all his strength, trying to break free from his shackles.

But her strength is too small, it is impossible to push Bai Luo.

She flushed her face with anxiety: "Bai Luo, calm down!"

Bai Luo squeezed her chin and forced her to raise her head: "Stay, be my partner, I can give you an endless rich life. Don't you like bamboo bears? If you stay, you can come every day Find Nimei to play."

Slowly felt that Bai Luo in front of him was very abnormal, which was a thousand miles away from the usual sunny and cheerful appearance.

He now looks like an enraged male beast, his eyes are full of plunder and cruelty.

Slowly was a little frightened.

Her voice trembled a little: "I am your sister-in-law, how can I be with you..."

"No, I have never regarded you as a sister-in-law," Bai Luo lowered his head and approached her, his blue eyes locked her tightly, "I like you very much, and I hope to be a partner with you and spend my life together."

Even though he was scared, he slowly tried to stay calm: "It's not like that, I can feel it, you don't like me at all."

Bai Luo laughed softly: "You feel wrong, I really like you, I like you very much."

"You can lie to others, but you can't lie to yourself. You have no affection for men and women at all to me!"

"Since you don't believe my feelings for you are true, then I have to let you feel it for yourself."

After he said the last word, he suddenly leaned forward and kissed his slow lips!

Slowly was scared to open his eyes wide, struggling desperately.


Bai Luo relied on her high strength and strength, completely ignoring her struggle and resistance.

He squeezed her chin with one hand and the back of her head with the other, forcing her to accept this not tender kiss.

Slowly I almost cried.

She doesn't like Bai Luo, she doesn't want to be kissed by him!

Who will save her!

At this moment, the Scutellaria barbata that had been dormant on her head raised its buds, the pink petals turned black in a flash, and the buds bloomed into lotus flowers, which suddenly became more than ten times larger, and bit his head aggressively. Go down!

Feeling the danger, Bai Luo quickly let go and slowly, just to avoid the Scutellaria barbata sneak attack.

Slowly taking the opportunity to break free from the restraints, she vigorously wiped off the wetness from her mouth, and raised her hand to give Bai Luo a slap in the face!

A crisp sound!

Bai Luo was beaten by her directly.

This was the first time he was slapped, and the other party was still a weak little female.

For a moment he didn't know how to react.

His slowly bitten lips were red and swollen, and both eyes were red. There were two droplets of water hanging on the corners of the eyes, as if they were greatly wronged.

Seeing her like this, Bai Luo suddenly felt distressed.

He couldn't help saying: "Don't cry..."

Inhale slowly and hard, trying not to let the tears fall.

She shouted out: "I won't cry for people like you!"

Scutellaria barbata dropped its buds and rubbed her cheek lightly: "Aniang, don't be sad, I'll kill him for you."

Although it is very out of date, but slowly still can't help but tilted downstairs.

"Xiaolian, how can you say so many words? Didn't you only speak two words before?"

And its shape has become much larger, and there is a small green lotus in the center of the petals, which looks small and very cute.

Scutellaria barbata said softly: "When I grow up, I can talk a lot and protect A-niang."

Slowly touched its petals, after such interruption, the sense of grievance just now eased a lot.

But still very angry!

She was not angry for herself, but angry for Baidi.

"Bai Luo, it doesn't matter how you treat me, but Baidi can't. He has always loved you as a younger brother. If he knew the dark thoughts in your heart, how uncomfortable he would be?!"

Bai Luobie began: "I just told the truth."

"If this is the truth, then you are really awkward!"

Slowly not wanting to look at him again, she touched the barbata: "Xiaolian, let's go."

Scutellaria barbata swung a sharp blade at Bai Luo, if he dared to bully A-niang, it would tear him to pieces!

It changed back to its original, well-behaved appearance, with a small pink flower bud resting on its head slowly.

It seemed that the fierce appearance just now was just an illusion.

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