After two steps slowly, I still feel a little unwilling.

She turned to look at Bai Luo and said with courage.

"I have lost my parents since I was a child. I have no brothers and sisters around me. My only relatives just treat me as a dispensable burden. When I was a child, I dreamed of a family. I didn’t need to be too rich, as long as I was just like ordinary people. , These can only be dreams for me."

"The dream that I could not ask for is a burden that you deeply hate. If you don't listen to it, you will be stinky here if you are full!"

"Since you don't like Baidi, that's great! Give him to me, and I will live with him for the rest of my life, and never let him go!"

"As for you, hold on to your throne and die alone!"

He put down the last cruel word, and walked away slowly without looking back.

She walked aggressively, and if she was given a cloak, she would be able to coS the queen immediately, but as soon as she walked out the door, her momentum disappeared instantly, holding on to the wall to pant.

She has never spoken like just now, and she feels so scared, what if Bai Luo suddenly violently violently kills her? !

When I think about it, my legs feel weak and my eyes are dizzy.

Slowly didn't dare to go too far, afraid that Baidi could not find himself.

She wrapped her cloak, and then squatted in the corner by the door, her hands wrapped around her knees, her big hood covered half of her face, only her small round chin was exposed, quietly waiting for the Emperor Bai to come to find herself.

Xue Ling did not know when she fell in front of her.

Seeing her shrunk into a pitiful appearance, Blood Ling was funny and distressed. He reached out and hugged her up: "Isn't she quite capable just now? Why is she so weak as a little chicken in a blink of an eye?!"

Slowly startled by him, hurriedly struggled: "You let me down!"

"Don't move," Xue Ling hugged her tighter, "if you move, I will kiss you."

Slowly and immediately did not dare to move.

She knew very well that this old rascal dared to speak and act, and she didn't want to be forced to kiss by one person, and then another person was forced to kiss in a blink of an eye.

It feels terrible to be kissed by someone you don't like!

Scutellaria barbata took the opportunity to get out of the hood, and affectionately rubbed the back of the **** hand: "Abba~"

Xue Ling's eyes paused slightly, as if she was a little surprised: "How did Xiao Lian grow up?"

Ask slowly: "Isn't it normal to grow up?"

"After the Scutellaria sprouts, it can quickly enter the early childhood, but if you want to enter the juvenile period, you need a lot of nutrients."

Slowly unknown so: "What nutrient? Do you mean water?"

"It's not just water, but also the power of life," said the blood plume for a while, "I almost forgot, you have the sacred tree seed on your body, the sacred tree is the source of life force, Xiaolian should have absorbed its power Right."

Slowly, it seems to understand but not understand.

Xue Ling spread its wings, hugged her and flew.

After a while, she reacted in hindsight, and lost her face in shock: "How do you know that I have sacred wood seeds?!"

Xue Ling said nonchalantly: "You have the breath of sacred wood on your body, although it is very weak, but as long as you get close, I can still smell it."

Slowly and immediately became nervous, she did not expect that Shenmu seeds would be so easy to be discovered, and she must be careful in the future!

As if seeing the worry in her heart, Xue Ling said again: "You don't need to be too nervous. Few orcs in this world can know what the breath of the sacred tree seed is. Even if they smell it, they won't know. What it is."

The tension in his heart eased slightly.

She looked at Xue Ling suspiciously: "Why do you know everything?"

Xue Ling laughed: "Because I am older, I am so knowledgeable."

Slowly knowing that this was something he thought he was old before mocking herself, she touched her nose angrily, thinking that this guy is not only old, but also small-minded, and a single word can be remembered for many days.

She deliberately changed the subject: "Where are you taking me?"

"Take you to find the person you want to meet."

Xue Ling took her to Baidi.

At this moment, he had just walked out of the Chamber of Commerce, with two face-to-face male beasts behind him.

One of the male beasts respectfully said: "The second prince walks slowly, let's prepare the manpower and gather outside the city later."

Baidi nodded: "Well, see you later."

When he turned around, he saw Slowly standing not far away, and the blood plume behind her.

"Why are you here?" Baidi quickly walked over and reached out to hug her. "Didn't you tell me to wait for me at the bamboo bear beast's house?"

Slowly lowered his head, his hood covered most of his face.

She hugged Baidi's neck, pressed tightly to his chest, and said with attachment: "I miss you."

Only then separated, the little female missed herself, and Baidi felt too soft.

Asked slowly: "Can we go now? I want to go home quickly."

Originally, she wanted to sell more fruits and vegetables to Nimei, but she just wanted to leave here quickly.

She really wanted to go back to the rocky mountain, and miss Shuang Yunsangye and the children.

Baidi replied softly: "Okay, we will go home now."

The three of them left the inner city, but when they reached the first floor of the outer city, they were stopped by the guards.

Baidi frowned and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Xiongshu clenched a fist with one hand and pressed it to his chest, then bowed and said: "I'm very sorry, without my king's permission, His Royal Highness and your partner cannot leave Sun City."

Xue Ling laughed, but there was no warmth in his eyes: "The new king has just taken the throne. Are you planning to get rid of his own brother? You are really brotherly!"

Baidi thought this sounded a bit harsh, he looked back at Xue Ling and said, "Xiao Luo is not such a person."

"Then what kind of person do you think your brother should be? Simple and kind? Sunny and cheerful?" Xue Ling's smile was full of mockery, "If he is really as good as you think, then why would he bully and slow down?!"

Bai Di was startled: "He bullied slowly?"

Xue Ling glanced at the little female who was about to bury her head in her stomach, and asked with a smile, "Slowly, why don't you dare to raise your head and let your dear Baidi look at your mouth?"

Slowly speechless, this birdman is really not too big to watch the excitement!

Baidi didn't care so much, he directly pinched the slow chin and forced her to raise her head.

The red and swollen lips were bitten a bit, and it looked particularly harsh under the white and tender skin.

Anyone with a brain can see how the wound on her mouth came from.

Baidi's eyes suddenly darkened.

The blue ocean seems to be brewing a storm.

He asked in a deep voice, "Did he bite?"

He slowly felt a little guilty: "In fact, it's not very painful. Just look back and rub some medicine..."

"Why didn't you tell me just now?"

Slowly do not know how to answer.

She didn't want to tell Bai Di, or let him know Bai Luo's true thoughts.

She didn't want him to be uncomfortable.

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