"No, it's the same as usual." after that, the old man looked around and frowned. "There's no trace of thieves. Look, this footprint is only yours. By the way, why did you throw the vegetable basket here?"

With that, the old man picked up the vegetable basket and handed it to Xia Qingluo.

Xia Qingluo took the basket, held it in her hand, hesitated to look at her grandfather and murmured, "Grandpa, look at what's in the vegetable cellar?"

"What can be in the vegetable cellar? Snakes won't go there at this time."

The Oriental old man muttered and looked down at the vegetable cellar.

Then he looked at Xia Qingluo, "no, there's nothing. There's nothing but a ladder and the sand below."

With that, the Oriental old man stretched out his hand and swung the ladder. Xia Qingluo's eyes suddenly widened with fear, and he didn't have time to stop.

But the next moment, Xia Qingluo was stunned.

Because she really saw the Oriental old man move the ladder in the vegetable cellar.

It's not like that just now.

The ladder, the sand and the walls of the vegetable cellar disappeared.

There's only a big black vortex in the dark.

Are you really wrong?

Xia Qingluo really doubts herself.

In order to prove that she was wrong, Xia Qingluo boldly walked towards the vegetable cellar.

Squatting beside Grandpa, he also looked inside.

This time, Xia Qingluo calmed down a lot.

Whether it's because I'm worried that Grandpa will see something different, or because grandpa is on the side, he has a lot of courage.

In short, Xia Qingluo didn't cry out like just now.

I didn't fall to the ground.

But I still felt my calf and stomach shaking.

Because Xia Qingluo saw the black vortex just now.

Or black holes.

What makes Xia Qingluo tremble is that Grandpa's hand is playing with the ladder, but this action is completely isolated from the black hole.

In other words, in Grandpa's eyes, his hand is holding the ladder, but in Xia Qingluo's eyes, this action does not exist.

In other words, Grandpa's hands and ladders have been swallowed up by this black hole.

Xia Qingluo couldn't care about anything else. She quickly grabbed grandpa's arm, pulled him away from the vegetable cellar and stood about three steps away.

Although the appearance is calm, but the heart is still full of panic.

But grandpa can't see it at this time.

The Oriental old man looked at the little girl with a little white face beside him in surprise, frowned and said, "Qing Luo, what's the matter? You tell Grandpa the truth, how do you feel that you're wrong? What do you think is in the vegetable cellar? Do you see anything unclean?"

Speaking of this, the Oriental old man was also startled by his words.

Staring at the bead and looking at Xia Qingluo who was silent in front of him, he quickly comforted, "it's okay. Don't be afraid. Grandpa was talking nonsense just now. Where is there anything unclean? Let's go. There's nothing here. Don't come here in the future. What if you fall down and break it?"

Although Xia Qingluo wanted to go and have a look again, she knew that curiosity should not be there. At this time, she was still in shock and did not dare to take any more risks, so she pushed the boat along the river and left the vegetable garden with the old Oriental man.

After leaving this place, Xia Qingluo was much better. After washing the cucumber, he ate it and looked at the book in his hand.

Grandpa has a lot of books here, from any age. At this time, she reads the earliest literature with revolutionary themes. There are few emotional descriptions. Most of them describe war scenes. Xia Qingluo likes to read them.

I also think we can learn about the history of that era from here.

It seems that on the surface, Xia Qingluo has forgotten everything she just saw, so the old man Dongfang quietly walked into the room.

Through the hall, I came to my study and came to a large bookcase. A door of the bookcase was carved with wood,

Look carefully, there are blooming peonies on it.

The Oriental old man put his hand on one of the flowers and leaves, and then a magical thing happened. The bookcase in front of him slowly separated and revealed a secret room inside.

So this is where he put his baby things.

Xia Qingluo naturally knew this. He came to the house and opened a drawer. There was a black wooden box. After opening the wooden box, there were several yellow runes with strange characters on it.

The old man in the East knows that there may really be unclean things in the vegetable cellar. He is too old to see them. However, Xia Qingluo is too young. According to the old man, the heavenly eye has not been closed yet. It is also possible to see these unclean things,

And the rune paper in his hand is to drive away demons and subdue demons.

It has been preserved by him for decades, and it was given to him by a Taoist priest with great Taoism.

Whether there is anything unclean there or not, it's also good to throw one according to the way the Taoist priest said, although Xia Qingluo has been told not to go again.

But what if there's something in there, and then run out to find Xia Qingluo?

The young girl will be frightened.

The determined Dongfang old man took the rune paper and put it in his pocket, then closed it here. He hurried to the yard and saw Xia Qingluo reading and eating cucumbers there. He didn't seem to notice his action, so the Dongfang old man quietly walked along the root of the wall and entered the vegetable garden again.

Of course, Xia Qingluo saw grandpa's action. She always felt that Grandpa seemed to be holding something, but since grandpa didn't let herself know, she didn't ask.

The words in the book sometimes jump and sometimes honestly put there. Xia Qingluo's heart is also messy. It seems calm on the surface, but it is still choppy at the bottom of her heart,

Why, what I and grandpa see is not the same picture.

Does this have anything to do with seeing another world?

It should be related.

Because, according to the truth, isn't this another world?

Just where does the vortex of the black hole lead?

Why are there those colorful rainbow lights flashing?

Xia Qingluo bit the cucumber hard and chewed it hard.

She always felt that something was wrong in the past two years.

Obviously, her memory is normal, but it seems that in her memory, many strange things seem to have happened in this city.

However, just like a dream at night, if you think about it during the day, no matter how hard you try, you can't remember it at all.

Now Xia Qingluo is in this state.

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