She doesn't know whether others are like this, but sometimes she feels that her parents are sometimes in a trance.

However, they didn't say anything, and Xia Qingluo couldn't ask, because such a thing can't be said, it's just an inexplicable feeling.

It seems that one day in 2016, everything has changed, but she can't remember what happened.

It's like something has been stripped from memory.

Xia Qingluo's eyes were dim, and she couldn't read the book in front of her.

I was really worried about my grandfather, so I quickly put down my chopsticks and walked quickly towards the vegetable garden.

Xia Qingluo's grandmother came out of the kitchen and muttered, "what is this old man doing?"

He shook his head and entered the main room.

In the vegetable garden, the old man in the East lit the rune paper according to the Taoist priest's instructions and read a spell taught by the Taoist priest.

The spell is very simple, only eight words.

After reading, the Oriental old man threw the spell into the vegetable cellar.

Xia Qingluo just saw this scene.

Xia Qingluo was startled because she saw a fire red light falling into the vegetable cellar, and there was still Guanghua flowing above the vegetable cellar.

Xia Qingluo thought, maybe grandpa threw those runes that were almost torn off by her when she was a child.

But will such a symbol paper be useful?

Xia Qingluo didn't wait to express doubt. The old man in the East saw Xia Qingluo coming here at the door.

Dongfang old man hurriedly looked under the vegetable cellar. At this time, the rune paper had turned into a flame and disappeared on the sand.

But from his eyes, it's no different from just now.

But he thought that the Taoist priest would not deceive him. If there was anything unclean in it, it must have been destroyed by the rune paper at this time. Because he was old, he said he couldn't see anything else.

Then, the Oriental old man walked quickly towards Xia Qingluo and said, "go out quickly and don't come to the vegetable cellar in the future."

Xia Qingluo stopped, waited for the old Oriental man to come to him and took grandpa's hand. "Grandpa, it's okay. Don't worry. Maybe I read it wrong."

"Wrong, what do you see?" the old man asked in surprise

Although Xia Qingluo is young now, she is not a child.

Some things can be endured, so he felt he should ask. Moreover, now that the sun has risen to the top of his head, the brilliant sun has enveloped the world, and all the haze and ghosts have disappeared. In addition, he just threw a piece of Rune paper, and the old man in the East felt that there was nothing wrong, so he dared to ask.

Of course, Xia Qingluo couldn't tell Grandpa the truth. Her eyes turned, "I saw that there seemed to be a big butterfly flying around, but it didn't exist when I looked carefully..."

The Oriental old man frowned and muttered, "butterfly..."

I thought it might be a bat. Then I found someone hiding in a corner of the vegetable cellar. Of course, I couldn't find it.

Then, after they left, the bat flew away. It is said that some bats are really like big butterflies, but the color is black

But don't ask about it any more. If you ask too much, your granddaughter may think more.

So the Oriental old man took Xia Qingluo to the yard.

Never mention it.

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