A ray of light golden sunshine was projected from the clouds. Feng Ruyan slowly opened her eyes and was stunned by the scene in front of her.

Clouds and mist, light blue fog and side.

The clouds under her feet stirred her feet like waves.

It was the wind that moved the clouds.

She subconsciously wanted to move her feet, but she found that her feet couldn't move.

She couldn't move her hands. She was tied to a post.

She looked down at the rope that bound her body. When she moved, the rope tightened again, which made her feel like she was about to suffocate.

Where is this?

The pain made Feng Ruyan dare not move. She looked around to find something familiar that could let her know where it was.

It was just clouds, vaguely shaking in front of her eyes.

In front of her eyes, she saw an evergreen grass with small white flowers in the longevity bottle stopped in mid air.

Seeing the evergreen grass, Feng Ruyan suddenly remembered that this was the Yegong where the emperor of heaven interrogated the sin fairy.

Because when she was a fairy, Shangyan, the God in the heaven, was the guard of Yegong.

At that time, she was bored in the spirit beast palace. She would come to the Ye palace to find Shang Yan to play. She also secretly saw the Heavenly Emperor interrogate the fairy who made a mistake.

Feng Ruyan didn't expect that she would be locked up here one day and tied by Tianjin silk rope.

That means the emperor of heaven will come and interrogate her in person.

If her guilt is true, she will go to kill Sendai and be tempered by the three heavenly thunder robberies of the Heavenly Emperor.

Feng Ruyan knows that her skills are only ordinary in the fairy world, that is, Xiaoxian. She has to withstand the thunder robbery of the Heavenly Emperor's Fu. It is estimated that she will be doomed this time.

Feng Ruyan knows these very well, but even so, she still doesn't regret her original decision.

And today, all this will be repeated on her?

While wandering, a cloud dragged a man in.

When Feng Ruyan saw the visitor clearly, she shouted, "Shang Yan."

The man's eyes flashed, smiled, and the sun and moon shone.

A blue robe, a white folding fan in his hand, a golden belt around his waist, jade trees facing the wind, white skin and snow, looked at Feng Ruyan solemnly, "Si Ling, this is the meaning of the emperor of heaven."

Feng Ruyan nodded and said, "Xiaoxian knows that who dares to come to you without the order of the emperor of heaven."

Said, Feng Ruyan also smiled at Shang Yan.

Shang Yanwen was angry. "You still laugh. Do you know what trouble you're in?"

Feng Ruyan certainly knows that the immortals who can enter here are naturally not small mistakes.

But she said faintly, "when will the emperor of heaven come?"

Shang Yan closed the folding fan in his hand and stared at Feng Ruyan. The little girl disappeared for a few days. It turned out that she had gone to mortal robbery.

Because he traveled all over the world, the girl was still good to be her spirit fairy.

He came back yesterday. Today he was enjoying flowers in yaochi. I heard that Nantianmen caught a fairy who came back from the world.

Shang Yan asked where he had been caught? When it was said that he had been caught by the heavenly soldiers in the Yegong palace, it was the palace he was on duty. He hurried back.

He saw that Tianbing brought a woman into the Yegong palace. When he walked in and looked, he was really startled.

It's Fairy Si Ling.

Hearing the sound outside, Shang Yan's heart tightened and looked stunned, and then said softly, "the emperor of heaven is coming."

Then Shang Yan looked at Feng Ruyan, shook the folding fan in his hand, and retreated with his teeth.

When the sun set outside, Feng Ruyan saw the emperor of heaven.

Although Feng Ruyan is a fairy, she has few opportunities to see the emperor of heaven.

She remembered that the last time she saw the emperor of heaven was 500 years ago.

The highest king in the sky, wearing a glittering suit and a gilt crown, stood majestically in front of Feng Ruyan.

He held back the immortal official and his entourage, and then walked into the column tied by Feng Ruyan.

Since he became the emperor of heaven, he has not interrogated a female immortal in the Yegong palace.

Because all the immortals who entered the Yegong palace committed serious crimes.

After leaving the Ye palace, he had to accept the three heavenly thunder robberies of the emperor of heaven. Therefore, the emperor of heaven was shocked when he heard that Si Ling committed the crime when he entered the Ye palace.

The three sky thunder robberies are quite different from the three sky thunder experienced by the cultivator.

The three sky thunder robberies were runed by him. No one can crack them, and no one can carry them.

For tens of thousands of years, many people in the heaven have been beaten by this talisman robbery. With strong skills, they have been driven into the mortal world of the lower world, lost their cultivation and become mortals.

Those with poor skills were beaten away and the soul was annihilated.

If she can't bear three days of thunder, her soul will be destroyed.

But now that they have been tied up, they naturally have to be interrogated.

The emperor of heaven's cold light flashed. He was not angry. His whole body exuded a strong and dignified cold air, "can you plead guilty?"

"Emperor, I'm trying to save people..."

The emperor sneered, "is it against heaven to save people?"

"Xiao Xian didn't break the rules?"

The emperor sneered, "don't you go against the rule of heaven by secretly colluding with the Pluto and helping the tyrant?"

"Xiaoxian did not secretly collude with the Pluto."

She and Pluto are all to save their loved ones, and Feng Ruyan doesn't think it's collusion with Pluto.

The emperor of heaven's eyes shot a cold light, "without collusion, why do you use your divine knowledge to support the Yin thing?"

"Xiaoxian just wanted to revive the soul and save people. She was forced to agree."

When the young master's life is on the line, only she can save him, how can she let go?

But the price is too high.

"Do you know that ghosts and enemies in the underworld are always rampant in the spirit of Yin killing? You are not timid. You are not afraid of the reverse bite of Yin to support the Yin thing?"

"Xiaoxian is eager to save people. She is not afraid of life and death."

The emperor of heaven smiled faintly, "I didn't expect that you had a good relationship after fifteen years on earth."

Chu'e was ordered to collect the soul of Si Ling, because on the day, Si Ling took the medicine, and then he could fly up to heaven and return to heaven. Something went wrong on the way.

The young master of the Marquis house fell in love with Si Ling, hugged Si Ling's body and didn't give up. Then he vomited blood and fainted.

Si Ling's body is stained with mortal blood. Naturally, his soul can't return to heaven smoothly.

Feng Ruyan lay on earth for three days and three nights, while the young master of the Marquis house sat with Si Ling's body for three days and three nights.

For hundreds of years, chu'e summoned many immortals who came down to earth and robbed them. It was the first time for her to meet such a loving mortal.

Chu'e looked at the man holding Si Ling's body in the sky, muttered to herself, and then cried in a low voice. She didn't move at anyone's persuasion, and scolded the persuader back.

The man with red and swollen eyes seems to have been drained of his soul, but he doesn't give up holding Si Ling

Looking at this scene, Chu e was also moved by it, but the deadline had come and could not be delayed for a day.

If not only Si Ling's soul can't be recovered in three days, she won't wake up.

Finally, Chu e had to force Si Ling's soul back and reported it to the Heavenly Emperor. The Heavenly Emperor knew that Si Ling's good fate was not over, and there should be such a disaster in his life.

The immortal moved his heart and could not continue to practice Taoism in the fairy world.

Therefore, the pills given to Si Ling worked.

Every immortal in the lower world, regardless of whether he has moved his heart or not, will take the pill, forget the past and return to heaven.

When he came back, Si Ling was found to have the Yin Qi of the underworld at the gate of the South sky, because this is the first barrier to enter the heaven, and hundreds of immortals are on duty

Only a little Yin Qi was detected by the Ferris spirit realm.

Therefore, tianbai reported to the emperor. The emperor felt that things were not simple, so he immediately ordered to tie up Si Ling.

After being tied for a long time, Feng Ruyan wanted to move. The rope was constantly tightened, so Feng Ruyan had to give up.

Her forehead was sweating. Feng Ruyan raised her head and looked at the emperor's long beard, but her eyes were cold and trembling.

Seeing that the emperor of heaven was already angry, Feng Ruyan knew that she was defending and could only provoke the emperor of heaven to be angry, which had nothing to do with her. "The emperor of heaven, Xiaoxian knew that she could not escape her fault and was willing to bear the punishment of Tianlei robbery."

"Since you have to be punished, of course you have to be convinced. Do you have any complaints?"

Feng Ruyan shook her head.

The emperor of heaven was slightly stunned. Unexpectedly, the little girl was not afraid at all.

With a wave of the emperor's hand, the rope tied to her was untied. In the blink of an eye, Feng Ruyan went outside the hall and stood on a cloud shrouded high platform.

Cloud thunder billowed overhead, and white light shone on Feng Ruyan through the clouds. Everyone's eyes were staring at the fairy standing on the killing Sendai.

Feng Ruyan just glanced at the emperor outside the cloud. Behind her were dozens of heavenly soldiers and generals wearing black shining armor and holding a long sword.

The air seemed to have solidified. The wind on the table blew her snow-white skirt. She hung her head. No one could see her expression at this time, whether it was crying or fear.

Every heavenly soldier is more like waiting for that moment.

After joining the dragon family, Lin Qinghua Jiao Jackie Chan was appreciated by the emperor of heaven. He was named general Zhentian. Today is his fifth day in office.

The emperor of heaven wants to punish a fairy who has just returned to heaven, and he is the general who leads the army.

Linqing didn't understand. He just dealt with a fairy. It's too big.

Not only did the Emperor himself come, but also the emperor took out his proud sword.

What crime did the fairy commit?

Feng Ruyan was separated in the clouds with a spell, surrounded by the clouds, Feng Ruyan was tied to Optimus Prime.

The inky hair floated with the wind, and a white face was pale under the light of the cloud.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, with thunder and lightning.

The emperor of heaven in the distance frowned. The wind blew the colorful jade belt on the emperor of heaven. A fierce light burst out in the eyes of the emperor of heaven and shouted, "Si Ling fairy, what crime should you commit if you use your divine knowledge to raise the descendants of the underworld without authorization and violate the rules of heaven?"

Feng Ruyan raised her head and said faintly, "Xiaoxian is willing to accept punishment."

The wind blew up her beautiful hair. Although through the clouds, Linqing could see clearly.

Because this face, he is too familiar, has been deeply imprinted in his brain.

When it was determined that it was her, his heart seemed to be hit hard by something, and his hands trembled even more.

Isn't this miss Yan'er?

Why is she here?

The emperor of heaven's fierce eyes flashed and waved his hand. The sky darkened for a moment, and then the first sky thunder robbery hit Feng Ruyan.

Ah, after a scream, Feng Ruyan spit out a mouthful of blood.

The bright red blood flowed out along the corners of her mouth. She wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth and looked at the emperor of heaven. Her soul was still there and her body was not injured. She survived the first sky thunder robbery.

When the second thunder hit her, Feng Ruyan felt that the whole body was like fire. The fire was Sanwei real fire, which could transform everything in the world.

And she is an immortal. Because she has aura protection, she should have some resistance to the three flavors of true fire.

It's just that the feeling of baking is not good.

The fire was burning all over her, and she had nowhere to hide.

Even though she was an immortal, no one could resist the disaster of the emperor of heaven, let alone move. She just suffered the repeated blows of fire and thunder.

There was little of her aura left after being beaten. In front of the powerful sky thunder robbery, that aura seemed insignificant.

When the third Tianlei robbery came, the emperor pulled out the Ao Tian Fu sword, gathered the murderous spirit of the Fu sword and waved it to the fairy's clouds

She thought she would be beaten, bleeding from her seven orifices and her soul would rise to heaven.

She only felt a stronger Qi of Fu Dao hit her, and suddenly she vomited another mouthful of blood.

When she opened her eyes, she saw that her body was still intact and her soul was still there.

Didn't the emperor of heaven use Aotian sword?

Because of the power of Aotian sword, Feng Ruyan had already predicted.

With her skill, she can't escape these three disasters anyway.

She thought her soul would be broken up, wouldn't it be over?

It seems that after a long time, Feng Ruyan's heart stopped beating. When she opened her eyes, she saw a man standing with her back to her.

This is Zhu Sendai. Outsiders are not allowed to enter except the punished immortal.

Because the murderous Qi of thunder robbery is too heavy, everyone wants to hide far away to avoid being hurt by the murderous Qi.

But why is this man standing in front of her?

The man was wearing a long blue shirt and his unbundled black hair blew up with the wind. When he looked back at Feng Ruyan, he still kept smiling.

Feng Ruyan's heart was tight, and then her mind was confused. How could it be him?

She thought she would never see him in her life.

But I didn't expect that they would reunite here.

Feng Ruyan was shocked for a long time and couldn't speak until she endured the pain and shouted, "Linqing."

The corners of his mouth shed bright red blood, and his body was quenched by the three flavors of true fire, but he said faintly, "Yan'er, are you okay?"

Feng Ruyan cried, "Why are you here? This is not where you stay. You... Go back..."

"No, I won't go." Linqing smiled faintly. "I'll accompany you to be punished."

When Linqing saw that the punished fairy was Feng Ruyan, he couldn't calm down.

Then when the emperor of heaven sent out the third sky thunder robbery, he rose with his sword and flew to the killing Sendai.

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