When Linqing saw that the punished fairy was Feng Ruyan, he couldn't calm down.

Then when the emperor of heaven sent out the third sky thunder robbery, he rose with his sword and flew to the killing Sendai.

When Linqing stood on the killing Sendai, his body received the natural disaster of the third sky thunder and the Qi of proud sky sword.

And these two together, the incomparably powerful strength is far from what he can bear under impulse.

He was beaten and spat out a mouthful of blood and fell down.

"Linqing, wake up, wake up."

Feng Ruyan was tied in the spell cloud and couldn't move a step. She could only call Lin Qing lying on the ground anxiously outside.

Vaguely, he heard a soft voice calling him, which went straight to his heart.

It was so urgent that he seemed to have real power.

When he opened his eyes, through the clouds, he saw a beautiful but pale face, staring anxiously in his direction.

Linqing finally stood up, and Feng Ruyan's tears fell down her pale cheeks.

The emperor of heaven frowned. Did he even carry the proud sword?

Linqing can't believe that the body hit by Aotian sword is still good.

He couldn't believe he had such strong cultivation, but he touched his body. He could see the girl watching him cry and hear her calling him.

So his soul didn't fly away?

Although he knew he might not last long.

But he can't fall.

Because he came to save the girl, he knew that his cultivation could not compete with the emperor of heaven.

But he couldn't see the girl hurt by the Aotian sword.

Because this Ao Tian sword, Yan'er must be gone.

For a moment, it was even darker. The eyes of the emperor of heaven were full of cold light, looking at Feng Ruyan on the stage.

How could this happen?

The sudden scene made the emperor of heaven unprepared.

Because no one has ever dared to disobey the emperor and save the people he wants to punish.

No one dares to face his proud sword to suffer for others.

Looking at Linqing, who was beaten with blood all over, the emperor of heaven showed a cruel determination. Since he wanted to save her, let him taste it.

Feng Ruyan saw the murderous spirit from the emperor's indifferent eyes. Feng Ruyan tore her heart and lungs and shouted Linqing's name to let him leave zhusendai.

But no matter how Feng Ruyan shouted and cried for him to leave, Linqing didn't move half a step at all.

At this time, Linqing stood straight like a God, looked up and shouted, "come on, come towards me."

Feng Ruyan's heart twitched for a while, the kind of pain like sawtooth cutting heart, "Linqing, I don't want you to be punished for me. I deserve it..."

Even now, although Feng Ruyan only remembers that she went to the underworld to ask for a soul reviving pill in order to save someone, she can't remember who this person is.

Feng Ruyan won't know. In order not to let her return to heaven with that red world love, the emperor of heaven erased all the men Si Ling liked from her memory.

She deserved it for breaking the rules.

Suddenly, there was more killing spirit on the killing Sendai.

The emperor of heaven frowned and looked at the man on the killing Sendai with cold light.

The majestic cold light showed the decision to kill.

At the next moment, the emperor waved his hand, and the sky went towards Linqing with thunder and lightning. The light curtain flickered and changed.

In the cloud shrouded heaven, the killing spirit spread on the killing Sendai

Thunder and lightning, thunder rolling, the spirit of killing makes the whole heaven as gloomy as the underworld.

When the last thunder hit Linqing, his internal organs exploded, and the gushing blood made him stagger and fall to the ground.

"Linqing, why are you so stupid..."

Feng Ruyan was stuck in her throat, but she was so weak, "Linqing, get up, wake up..."

Looking at Linqing, Feng Ruyan's heart is like a knife. He won't die. He can't die.

He just became a dragon.

The blood dyed Zhu Sendai bright red. The young man in white grasped the sword in his hand. The sword seemed to be spiritual and shining. The light was very dazzling against the blood on the ground, and the light slowly became very light.

Linqing tried his last strength to stand up.

In the looming fog, the slender young man with a long sword in his hand stood in front of Optimus Prime and slowly fell down

Then his body disappeared in front of Feng Ruyan


Feng Ruyan heard a heart rending cry, but saw many shining stars rising in the place where Linqing disappeared, beating in the air little by little.

It becomes a small light spot like a star in the sky, floating over the sky. It is the soul scattered by Linqing.

Feng Ruyan's eyes were full of tears. She just looked at it blankly. Her eyes floated to the largest light spot for a while, and then went to see the light spot that was rising into the air.

Zhu Sendai, surrounded by clouds, is confused.

The shining light points kept jumping, just like playing with Feng Ruyan. Feng Ruyan also showed a little smile on her face.

But my heart is dripping blood.

In the end, she forgot that she had been beaten to pieces at this time.

The body glowed red, and the snow-white skin seemed to crack a little like a shelled egg.

She doesn't know the pain at all.

She put out her hand to touch the flashing light, "Linqing, you are so stupid. Don't you know how difficult it is for you to turn Jiao? How difficult it is for you to come to heaven. Why did you give up so easily?"

Don't you know that you can't carry the thunder robbery this day?

Don't you know who the Aotian sword hurt will disappear?

At this time, her heart was filled with uncontrollable pain, which made her forget that she was also being devastated by the thunder disaster.

She survived because Linqing blocked the last proud sword for her, so she could live.

Looking at the shining star like light spot slowly disappearing until she couldn't see anything, she knew that Linqing had really dispersed from her eyes and from the heaven.

But isn't it all because of that man?

Feng Ruyan took a cold look at the majestic King standing under the killing platform with her quenched eyes. On the emperor's indifferent face, her expression was still so calm and calm without any change.

Just like the scene in front of him, no matter how tragic and unacceptable, it is just a punishment for many times to punish the wrong immortals.

He did not know that one of his punishments had annihilated a young man who had just had a little hope.

And didn't she just save a baby in the underworld?

Didn't she raise Yin with her divine knowledge?

She can be punished. Why not even Linqing?

Anger and pain made her lose her last point of reason. She roared at the king with infinite majesty, "emperor of heaven, you are a confused king. Why are you so cruel?"

Suddenly, the emperor of heaven was angry.

Just now he wanted to let her go. After all, she was the first fairy to survive the three talismanic Tianlei robberies.

Although the little fairy was just a little Phoenix, with a shallow path and low cultivation, the Dragon child blocked the Ao Tianjian for her, which was her fault.

After all, Ao Tianjian can only fight once, and her crime has been punished.

But she said he was confused. How could he be confused?

It's also a last resort to use Aotian sword.

After catching her, the emperor asked tianbai if the Pluto would become any climate or disaster?

Tianbai told the emperor what he saw from the Lingtong Sanjie gate.

Five hundred years later, the little Pluto would stir up the whole three realms to save his mother who had died for more than 10000 years after he had practiced and had a strong cultivation.

Then Fansheng will become a demon king more powerful than his father in the future.

And how could this fairy know that the mistake she made unintentionally was to exchange her life, her accomplishments and her fairy fate.

She doesn't know. Everything can be negotiated.

However, he has been the God of these three realms for tens of thousands of years, and no one dared to mention the word "dizzy king" in front of him.

He wanted to make the fairy regret what she said easily.

The cold air radiated from the emperor's side. The emperor waved his hand, and then the rain poured in, with thunder and lightning.

In the sky, there was a whirlwind and residual clouds, and a rune light shot towards the crape myrtle hall.

Then the crape myrtle hall was as bright as day.

Lingshi suddenly woke up.

The emperor of heaven is calling it.

In an instant, pieces of spirit stones flying out of the dark rushed out of the crape myrtle hall and headed for Zhu Sendai.

The spirit stones heard the call and all came towards Zhu Sendai.

The leading Lingshi is the Lingshi with the largest size and the most aura.

It was once left over from the cochlear man in ancient times.

That year, the female cochlea made a man. Because she looked at its beautiful pattern, she didn't want to pound it into gravel to be a man, so she left it.

Later, the female cochlea made it into accessories and wore it on her body.

After experiencing the vicissitudes of heaven, the sun, the moon and the stars, this spiritual stone has already absorbed the spiritual Qi in the female cochlea's body and turned into a stone with strong spiritual Qi and mana.

Later, it was collected as a spirit stone by the ancient moon god emperor, and then passed to the God Emperor.

He was very excited about the emperor's call, because he had been sleeping for thousands of years.

In Lingxiao hall in crape myrtle palace, it and its descendants were packed in jiugu Lingshi box by the emperor of heaven.

Without the call of the emperor of heaven, the spirit stone can't come out casually.

Because it's too powerful.

Its body carries the ancient solar fire. As soon as it appears, the fire will burn that day.

No matter how powerful the God is, (of course, in addition to the emperor of heaven, the emperor of heaven is its master and its only obedient God.)

No matter how profound his accomplishments and skills, all the gods of the three realms can't resist its spiritual fire.

It just doesn't know that the emperor of heaven has never used this fire indiscriminately. Who angered the emperor of heaven?

In an instant, Lingshi had arrived at Zhu Sendai.

The spirit stones formed a circle according to the order of the emperor of heaven.

Then turn around on Feng Ruyan's head.

Circle by circle.

Feng Ruyan looked at the huge stone and flew around her head.

The spirit stone first sent out light, and then sent out a cluster of small flames like candlelight from the stone's heart. It also blinked. The flames soared into the air. Those small spirit stones surrounded the secondary fire into a fire pillar.

In an instant, Feng Ruyan was bound in the sea of fire.

The spirit stone sends out solar fire, and then the cloud will turn red, and then the cloud will burn up to form a sky fire.

The fire was so hot, but Feng Ruyan didn't feel the slightest bit of heat, but she trembled, she trembled, she bit her teeth

She could hear her teeth trembling, but she remembered that Linqing was annihilated by the soul of the emperor's proud sword, and her last desire for survival was dispelled.

Linqing died for her, and she didn't want to live.

What happened in zhuxiantai has evolved into an uncontrollable situation.

The emperor of heaven was angry, and then a gorgeous purple light curtain appeared in the sky. The gods in the palace saw the change of heaven and were frightened. Was the emperor angry?

And the... The spirit stone came out?

Who is so brave to provoke the emperor of heaven?

And let the Heavenly Emperor use the spirit stone that has not been used for a long time?

At this time, the gods in the heavenly palace felt panic in their hearts.


Fire, there's fire in front of her. She's hot.

The burning Feng Ruyan has suffocated and can't breathe.

Feng Ruyan licked her chapped lips. There was no wind around. The hot fire adhered to her skin through her clothes. Every time she moved, the pain of tearing her heart and lungs hit again and again.

And the fire is still burning.

Feng Ruyan was surrounded by the sky fire. Her body became more and more red, and her eyes burst into flames.

Her skin was peeling off, and she felt that her chest was about to burst, her skin was about to burst, and her whole body was red and cracked.

Feng Ruyan knows that this is the power of sky fire. She will be burned to death.

The spirit stone surrounded the fire pillar and dared not move the formation.

Because only when the emperor of Heaven gives an order, they will move and the fire will stop.

Otherwise, the spirit stone can keep the fire burning for thousands of years.

And soon the fairy in the fire pillar will turn into ashes.

The red flame of the sky reflects not only the whole killing Sendai, but also the face of the emperor of heaven.

The gorgeous clothes are red by the sky fire, which is more gorgeous and eye-catching, but the emperor's face is still so cold.

He felt sorry, and he didn't want to punish her with such a heavy punishment.

The fairy forced him.

She was burned by the fire and was still crying. She said that he was cold and had no mercy. Why was he so inhuman?

Gradually, the sound inside decreased, until finally there was no sound

The emperor of heaven didn't leave for a long time. He just watched the fire burn that day.

And the fairy in the fire pillar has no human form.

The emperor of heaven knows that no matter how powerful the God is, he can't resist the spirit stone and sky fire, not to mention the immortal with such cultivation?

Just as the emperor was about to leave, suddenly, a crackling sound came out behind him.

The emperor of heaven suddenly turned back. Suddenly, a red bird flew out of the fire pillar. Reflected by the red sky fire, he stared at his dark eyes and stirred up his huge wings.

Then a cry broke through the clouds

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