The energy gradually dissipated and calm returned to the cave.

Lin Yuan and Qingxia collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily.

They knew that they had passed the old man's test.

Deep in the cave, a dazzling light slowly rose.

Lin Yuan and Qingxia took a closer look and found that it was an orb that exuded mysterious light.

The orb seems to contain endless energy, which makes people feel in awe.

"This is……"

Qingxia shouted in surprise.

"This is the legendary Nine Turns Golden Pill!"

Lin Yuan nodded.

"It seems that we have passed the test. This is the treasure the old man said."

They carefully put the Nine Turns Golden Elixir into the storage bag.

This golden elixir will become the key to improving their strength, and will also help them take a step further on the road to immortality.

However, before they had time to celebrate, another roar came from deep in the cave.

Immediately afterwards, a huge stone door slowly rose.

Behind the door is a passage leading to a higher level.

Lin Yuan and Qingxia both looked very surprised. They didn't expect to meet a legendary guardian and dragon here, let alone a forgotten secret realm.

The old man looked at them with a smile.

"There are endless treasures and opportunities here, but if you want to get these, you have to pass my test."

Lin Yuan and Qingxia looked at each other and saw determination in each other's eyes.

They know that if they want to achieve greater breakthroughs here, they must bravely face the challenge.

"We are willing to accept your test."

Lin Yuan said in a deep voice.

The old man nodded and said with a smile.

"Very good. You need to pass three tests to get the treasure here. In the first test, you have to find the designated herbs from this forest within a stick of incense."

After that, the old man handed them a list full of medicinal herbs.

Lin Yuan and Qingxia took the list and immediately set off for the forest.

This forest was even weirder than what they had encountered before, with all kinds of strange monsters infesting it.

But with their firm will and mutual help, they finally found all the herbs within a stick of incense.

Returning to the old man, they handed the herbs to him.

The old man nodded, expressing his approval that they passed the first level.

"In the second level, you have to find my inheritance in this secret realm. Only my inheritance can allow you to truly understand the mysteries here."

The old man said with a smile.

Lin Yuan and Qingxia embarked on the journey again.

This time, they have to face a more difficult challenge.

In the process of searching for the old man's inheritance, they encountered countless dangers and difficulties, but they never gave up and supported each other moving forward.

Finally, in a hidden cave, they found the old man's inheritance.

This is a simple book, which records the old man's lifelong practice and experience.

Lin Yuan and Qingxia studied this book carefully and gradually realized the real mystery here.

When they returned to the old man, the old man nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good, you have passed the second level. In the last level, you have to find a Dragon Heart Tear in this secret realm."

After listening to the old man's words, Qingxia and Lin Yuan couldn't help but feel curious.

Lin Yuan asked.

"Excuse me, where is this place? How can we pass the test?"

The old man replied with a smile.

"This is my former cave, and it is also a forgotten secret realm. To pass the test, you need to defeat an illusion I set up."

Lin Yuan and Qingxia looked at each other, feeling a little nervous.

They knew that this fantasy must be full of unknown dangers and powerful enemies.

The old man seemed to notice their concerns and continued.

"Don't worry. Although this illusion is dangerous, as long as you keep your faith and firmly believe in yourself, you can defeat it."

Lin Yuan nodded, took a deep breath, and prepared to face this test.

He held Qingxia's hand tightly and gave her a comforting smile.

Qingxia also smiled back. She knew that with Lin Yuan by her side, she was not afraid of anything.

Seeing that they were ready, the old man began to recite the magic formula.

Suddenly, a powerful energy surged from all directions and enveloped them.

Lin Yuan and Qingxia felt their eyes go dark. When they opened their eyes again, they were already in a completely unfamiliar world.

The place is deserted, without any sign of life. They knew that this was the illusion that the old man called.

"what should we do?"

Qingxia asked nervously.

Lin Yuan held her hand tightly and comforted her.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

They moved forward cautiously, always alert to the movements around them.

Suddenly, a deep roar came, and a huge monster appeared in front of them.

Its eyes revealed a fierce red light, as if it would pounce at any moment and tear them apart.

Qingxia and Lin Yuan were both surprised. They did not expect such a terrifying monster to appear in this illusion.

Lin Yuan took a deep breath and prepared to fight this monster.

However, at this moment, a burst of light flashed and the monster suddenly disappeared.

Instead, there was a beautiful sea of ​​flowers, with petals swaying gently in the breeze.

Lin Yuan was fighting fiercely with a ferocious monster.

Lin Yuan was a powerful warrior, but facing this monster, he felt unprecedented pressure.

The monster was huge, covered with hard scales, and its tail was as hard as steel, constantly whipping the ground, making a deafening roar.

Lin Yuan held the long sword tightly in his hand and dodged the monster's attack flexibly.

He knew that this was a life-and-death struggle, and he would die if he was not careful.

He focused on dealing with the monster's attack, silently reciting the sword formula in his heart, and every time he drew his sword, he was fierce.

The monster seemed to be enraged, opened its bloody mouth, revealed its sharp fangs, and pounced on Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan flashed and quickly dodged the monster's attack, then chopped the monster's head with a sword.

However, the monster's scales were too hard, and the sword hit it with a dull sound, which made Lin Yuan's arm numb.

Lin Yuan was shocked, and he knew that he could not let the monster continue to be rampant.

He moved quickly, using the surrounding trees and rocks to avoid the monster's attack, while constantly looking for flaws.

Gradually, Lin Yuan discovered that the monster's eyes were its weakness.

So, he quietly approached the monster and stabbed the monster's eyes with a sword.

After defeating the monster, Lin Yuan felt exhausted, and he was finally able to temporarily relax his tense nerves.

He knew that this battle was only part of the illusion, and he still needed to move forward to find the Dragon Heart Tears that the old man mentioned.

Sitting on the ground to rest for a while, Lin Yuan began to sort out his thoughts.

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