But they quickly regained their composure.

They knew that this mysterious man might be a test on their road to immortal cultivation.

"Who is this mysterious man? Why did he stop us?"

Qingxia asked doubtfully.

Lin Yuan shook his head.

"I don't know either, but we can try to find clues from his words."

The two decided to ignore the mysterious man and continue to explore the cave.

They found that the cave was full of various traps and traps, and they would fall into danger if they were not careful.

But with their mutual understanding and strength, they cracked the traps one by one and continued to move forward.

Deep in the cave, they finally found a portal leading to another space.

The portal exuded a dazzling light, as if it was a portal to the fairyland.

Just as the two were about to enter the portal, the mysterious man appeared again and blocked their way.

He sneered.

"Do you think you can pass the test by finding the portal? That's a big mistake! There are more powerful tests waiting for you behind the portal."

Lin Yuan and Qingxia looked at each other and saw determination in each other's eyes.

They knew that the deeper they went into the dangerous place, the more they could not take it lightly.

They continued to move forward cautiously, always keeping alert.

After leaving the cave, Lin Yuan and Qingxia did not give up their determination to break the seal.

They returned to the stone wall and carefully observed the giant sword again.

This time, they found that the blue gem on the hilt flickered slightly, as if calling them.

Lin Yuan remembered that the old man had said "heart to heart".

He suddenly had an idea.

"Qingxia, let's communicate with each other again, activate the spell together, concentrate our strength on the gem, and see if we can break the seal."

Qingxia nodded, and the two closed their eyes and concentrated their magic power on the gem.

When their magic power intertwined, the blue gem suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

After the light dissipated, they were surprised to find that the seal had been unlocked and the giant sword was quietly suspended in the air.

Just when they thought they had succeeded, the mysterious voice sounded again.

"Do you think the Sealed Sword is so easy to obtain? To pass my final test, you must work together and overcome your inner fear."

As soon as the voice fell, a strong suction suddenly surged in the cave.

Lin Yuan and Qingxia were pulled into an illusion.

In the illusion, they saw the scene they feared the most.

Lin Yuan faced the temptation of his inner demon, and Qingxia dreamed that she had lost all her cultivation.

In this dangerous situation, they did not give up on each other, but encouraged and supported each other.

In the end, they overcame their inner fears with firm belief and perseverance.

After the illusion was broken, they returned to the cave.

At this time, the owner of the mysterious voice appeared.

It turned out that he was the legendary sword spirit who had been guarding this magic sword.

The sword spirit exclaimed.

"You have passed the test, and now this magic sword belongs to you."

Lin Yuan and Qingxia took the magic sword and felt a strong force surging into their bodies.

They knew that this was a gift from the sword spirit.

With the help of the magic sword, their cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds.

Then Lin Yuan was ready to leave the secret realm and return to his sect.

The surrounding scenery gradually became clear, and Lin Yuan and Qingxia found themselves back to the place where they entered the secret realm.

The vast grassland, the ancient altar, everything seemed to have not changed.

However, they knew that they were no longer the young monks who had just entered the secret realm.

Just as the two were about to leave the secret realm, a melodious flute sounded.

The flute sound was melodious and seemed to lead people into dreams.

Lin Yuan and Qingxia followed the flute sound and found a young woman in a white robe sitting on a boulder and playing the flute.

The woman smiled and nodded when she saw the two.

"Are you the monks who passed the sword spirit test?"

Lin Yuan and Qingxia looked at each other, then bowed.

"That's right, I'm Lin Yuan, and this is Fairy Qingxia. May I ask who the lady is?"

The woman chuckled.

"I am the guardian of this secret realm and also your guide. You have passed the test and can leave the secret realm now. However, before that, I have a gift for you."

After that, the woman took out a crystal clear jade slip from her arms and handed it to Lin Yuan and Qingxia.

"This is the inheritance of the secret realm, which records the cultivation methods and secret techniques of the Sword Spirit Clan. If you can comprehend the mysteries, your cultivation will definitely reach a higher level."

Lin Yuan and Qingxia took the jade slip and were grateful.

"Thank you for the gift, we are grateful."

After saying goodbye to the guide, Lin Yuan and Qingxia set off on their return journey.

They knew in their hearts that this trip to the secret realm not only improved their cultivation, but also gained deep friendship and endless opportunities.

In the days to come, they will continue to fight side by side and explore a wider world of cultivation.

And this experience will become a memory they will never forget.

In the secret realm, Lin Yuan and Qingxia had experienced the test of life and death together, and the tacit understanding and trust between them had long surpassed that of ordinary cultivators.

After returning to reality, they naturally chose to continue fighting side by side and explore the wider world of cultivation.

As his cultivation continued to improve, Lin Yuan also began to gain a deeper understanding of Qingxia's inner emotions and motivations.

Qingxia once told Lin Yuan that she had an unknown past.

Before practicing immortality, she was a girl from an ordinary village, but was forced to embark on the path of immortality because of a disaster.

In the secret realm, she often dreamed of that village, and those warm and beautiful memories often made her fall into contemplation.

Lin Yuan understood that Qingxia always had an unbreakable concern in her heart.

He decided to accompany Qingxia back to her hometown to explore her past.

After several days of flying, they finally arrived at the village where Qingxia once lived.

The scene in front of them stunned them - the once bustling village had long since turned into a ruin, and the air was filled with dullness and dead silence.

Qingxia knelt on the ground trembling, stroking the dilapidated walls, tears streaming down her face.

Lin Yuan stood aside silently, with mixed feelings in his heart.

He suddenly understood that the reason why Qingxia practiced so hard was not only to pursue power, but also to find a hope that could make up for the pain of the past.

In the ruins, they found a jade slip that was shining with a strange light.

Qingxia gently picked up the jade slip, and tears dripped on it.

The jade slip suddenly burst into a dazzling light, and an illusory figure gradually emerged.

They were Qingxia's parents, and their kind faces made Qingxia burst into tears.

It turned out that when the village was hit by a disaster, Qingxia's parents used up their last bit of magic power to send her away, hoping that she could survive.

But they themselves stayed in that place forever.

Qingxia hugged the jade slip tightly.

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