The only way to save money is to buy prosthetics.

"These are all, there is no better."

Seeing that Mann was not satisfied with the prosthetics in his clinic, Rocky was helpless.

The prosthetics in Rocky's clinic all came from Lao Wei's suppliers, so the goods were naturally not as high-end as those from other black clinic supplier channels.

After all, the probability of high-strength prosthetics appearing from the bodies of cyber lunatics is obviously much higher than the probability of appearing in the regular market.

In addition, the purchase of prosthetics was paid by Lao Wei, so Rocky would naturally not buy expensive high-end prosthetics that could only meet the needs of a few people.

However, Rocky's prosthetics are completely sufficient to meet the needs of most cyberpunks and gang members.

It can only be said that Mann's requirements are too high.

But this is not a bad thing for Rocky. If Mann really likes a certain prosthesis and wants to install it, Rocky really doesn't know how to persuade him.

"If you are not satisfied with the prosthesis in the store, you can bring your own prosthesis to the clinic for installation.

At the same time, you can also get medical treatment, prosthesis modification and upgrade, and repair and update services in our store. Or purchase common medicines such as immunosuppressants, etc., which are all good choices."

Although the prosthesis cannot be sold, this is not the only service of Rocky's clinic.

Mann nodded. If the prosthesis doctor in front of him is really good, maybe he can come to him when he needs to install a new prosthesis in the future.

"I will come to you again if I need to install a prosthesis in the future. If you have a good and strong prosthesis, you can also contact me. I can accept it as long as it is suitable."

Mann said as he got up from the operating chair.

Although Mann has not installed a prosthesis in this clinic, he still feels good about this clinic. The store is very clean and looks much more reliable than other underground prosthesis clinics.

"Okay, the application for the address book has been sent. If you need anything, feel free to contact me." After sending a request to add the address book to Mann, Rocky accepted it.

Although Rocky wanted to remind Mann that he could no longer install the prosthesis, he finally chose to speak up.

After all, even Dolio and David could not persuade Mann, and speaking up as an ordinary prosthesis doctor would only arouse Mann's disgust.

The application for the address book was approved, and Rocky's communication system added a contact named Mann.

"Dong Dong"

At this time, Rocky's left hand was knocked twice. Rocky turned his head curiously. It was Rebecca standing next to him.

"Hey, at least ask me what I want. I've been standing here for a long time."

"Oh, sorry, I thought you were just here with Mr. Mann. Do you want to install a prosthesis too?"

Rocky thought Rebecca was just here to help Mann look after the prosthesis doctor, but he didn't expect that he also had the idea of ​​installing a prosthesis.

In Rocky's impression, Rebecca seemed to have only installed an artificial eye and a decorative cyber circuit. At this point in time, there should be no plan to install a gorilla arm.

"I'm not installing a prosthesis, I want to update the program of the artificial eye."

Rebecca pointed to her eyes and said.

As one of the most popular implants, the artificial eye can be equipped with a variety of visual enhancement programs and powerful scanners. These programs are constantly updated and evolved with the iteration of the artificial eye.

Many low-level artificial eyes also have good compatibility with updated programs, so most people will update the artificial eye program regularly.

Rebecca took off her large coat and lay on the operating chair.

Rocky thoughtfully adjusted the operating chair that had just been adjusted to fit Mann's size back to its normal shape so that Rebecca could lie normally.

Connecting the surgical terminal to Rebecca's system, Rocky began to read the data of Rebecca's artificial eye. Analyze the artificial eye program that is compatible with it.

Select the latest version of the updateable program, and then put all compatible and easy-to-use extension programs into the installation list.

"The update project is displayed on the screen. Check if there are any problems. If not, start. The field of vision may be black for a while, but it will be fine soon."

After showing Rebecca the project to be updated, Rocky restarted Rebecca's artificial eye after receiving a positive response and started the program update.

The update program is not complicated, and the artificial eye completed the update and restart soon.

After the artificial eye was successfully started and the resolution was debugged, Rebecca's field of vision was clearer than before. At the same time, the performance of the analyzer was also improved.

"I feel much better, thank you."

Rebecca unplugged the interface behind her ear and jumped up from the operating chair.

Mann, who was standing next to her, looked at

Rocky finished his work and pointed to a shelf in the store and asked Rocky.

"What is that?"

Rocky looked in the direction Mann pointed, and there were dozens of green potions on the shelf.

"That is a combat stimulant drug that was recently purchased. After injection, it can increase the movement speed by one third within 60 seconds.

The price is 230 euros per bottle. Do you need it?"

The shelf that Mann pointed to was naturally the power stimulant type 2. As an underground clinic, it is natural for Rocky's clinic to sell stimulants, and it makes more money from selling each one.

"Really?" Mann raised his eyebrows slightly, and seemed to be quite interested in this potion.

"It has been tested, the effect is fine, and there are no side effects." Rocky vowed.

"Then help me get ten, and a month's supply of immunosuppressants."

For a cyberpunk of Mann's level, this amount of money is nothing, and if it really works, these stimulants will be a good help in completing the task.


Rocky packed the power stimulants and immunosuppressants and handed them to Mann.

After receiving the transfer from Mann and Rebecca, the business was successfully completed.

Before the two left, Rocky sent Rebecca a contact application, and Rebecca happily accepted it.

After all, who would refuse a reliable prosthetic doctor?


Old Wei's clinic.


As the sound of cans clinking rang out, Old Wei and Rocky raised their heads and drank the energy drinks in their hands.

Old Wei flattened the empty can and threw it aside, asking: "How was your business this week? Is it okay?"

"It's okay. I have already gained a lot of fame in Japan Street. Wakako helped me a lot."

Rocky, who was standing aside, also threw away the can like Old Wei, picked up the towel hanging around his neck and wiped the sweat off his body again.

At this time, a week had passed since Rocky's clinic opened.

In this week, except for the delivery of stimulants at the beginning, Rocky has been staying in the clinic to do business, and even rejected Jack's commission, and the encounter with Mann Rebecca was just an episode.

Today is the day for the boxing match with Lao Wei. Rocky deliberately closed the business early tonight and came to Lao Wei's clinic to accompany him to box.

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