After learning that Rocky was doing well in Japan Street, Lao Wei nodded with satisfaction and said, "This is how our business works.

It's always difficult at the beginning, and it will be much easier if there are some friends who can help.

But the key is that your own skills are strong enough, otherwise it's all empty talk."

Rocky picked up another bottle of functional drink, opened the bottle cap and drank it down, relieving the fatigue brought by the high-intensity confrontation just now.

"Burp, cool." Rocky made a satisfied sound. Then he said, "I don't know if you are praising me or yourself."

"Haha, just take it as both. Isn't it worth praising to be able to bring out an excellent prosthetic doctor?"

"That's right." Rocky nodded and agreed with Lao Wei's point of view.

Lao Wei and Rocky sat together, talking about various things in Night City, from clinics in Night City, to boxing matches, to companies, to cyberpunks, and finally back to the prosthetic clinic.

"By the way, many prosthetic clinics seem to have started selling a kind of stimulant recently. Do you know anything about it?"

The question asked by Lao Wei made Rocky raise his eyebrows.

At that time, Lao Wei was not in the target clinic selected by Rocky.

Of course, he was not afraid that Lao Wei would know his secret. If you say who is the most trustworthy in Night City, it must be Lao Wei and Jack.

Rocky would rather believe that his Niu Niu would betray him than Lao Wei would betray him.

Rocky just hasn't figured out how to explain all this to Lao Wei. After two years of getting along with Lao Wei, it can be said that Lao Wei knows Rocky quite well.

The origin of these things is definitely not so easy to explain clearly.

But Rocky also understands that this is something that he will have to confess sooner or later. He can't keep it a secret from Lao Wei, and he is unwilling to give up Lao Wei's talent.

Rather than waiting until more and more things are brought out and it becomes increasingly difficult to explain, it is better to reveal the truth now. It can also pave the way for getting Lao Wei to help him do things in the future.

After hesitating for a while, Rocky still said: "Are you talking about the power stimulant type 2 of Feisheng Technology?"

"Yes, you know that thing? I tried to find out but couldn't find their supply channels at all."

Lao Wei spread his hands to express his helplessness.

"I do know that my clinic is also selling it.

As for the supply channel, to be honest, I actually produce that thing."

Rocky's plain words shocked Lao Wei greatly.

Lao Wei was stunned for a moment, and the drink can was stretched to his mouth and paused for a long time, and then put his hand down again.

"Are you sure you're not kidding? I didn't teach you these things.

I bought two and studied them. The ingredients of that thing don't look complicated, just like the functional drinks that are popular in the market. Logically, it can't achieve this effect at all.

The strange thing is that it can achieve the function of a stimulant and improve the user's speed.

If this thing is really produced by you, I'm a little curious about how you did it."

As Lao Wei said, the raw materials of stimulants are indeed very ordinary. The effect is completely dependent on the rules of the alchemy table. Lao Wei can't find it with just a rough test.

It can be said that except for the alchemy table in Rocky's hand, it is impossible to produce it by other methods.

If you want to produce without the alchemy table, you must install the technical expansion of the stimulant module, so that the stimulant can truly form a complete rule and become a native product of the cyberpunk world.

It's just that the materials and costs of production at that time are completely different. At the current stage, Rocky has no need to achieve it.

"I'm not kidding." Rocky shook his head, paused and said again.

"Old Wei, I probably haven't told you about my life before I came to Night City."

"No, you never mentioned it in the past two years, so I didn't plan to ask. After all, everyone has their own past, and I can understand."

This is the first time Rocky has mentioned his life experience. Even though Old Wei respects Rocky and can suppress his curiosity, he can't help but put away his mentality and prepare to listen carefully to Rocky's story.

Rocky looked forward, his eyes slightly absent-minded, as if recalling the past.

"Before coming to Night City, I lived in a place very far away from here, not in this country.

The society there was not as corrupt as it is now, and the people there were not polluted by the turbid world. They were positive and full of energy.

They have always hoped to change this public

The world ruled and oppressed by the corporations, and they are constantly working for it.

But unfortunately they can't do it. Only I came here, and only I carry their hopes.

The change came too fast. When I appeared in Night City half dead, I knew I could never go back. I was the only one left in the world who could realize their ideals.

And not long ago, I received the property they gave me. It was the crystallization of their thoughts for countless years, full of things that could change the world.

And I want to use these things to change the world. This is what I must do. "

To be fair, Rocky's words were completely true and there was not a single lie in them.

It's just that the people who heard them had different perspectives and different thoughts.

For Lao Wei, he thought of Rocky's hometown in a distant country, where there was a group of people working hard to change the world.

But in the end, for some reason, whether it was a company or a war, they were exterminated and destroyed.

Only Rocky escaped to Night City, taking the crystallization of their wisdom to fulfill their unfulfilled wishes.

For Rocky, this passage corresponds to his experience of traveling through time and obtaining the system.

Before traveling through time, all those who have played Cyberpunk 20 77 or anyone who has seen Edgewalker, who doesn't want to change the corrupt world of Cyberpunk, who doesn't want to change the ending of the tragic story.

But Rocky has traveled through time, and he can achieve all this.

The things in the module system are all from various games, movies and TV shows in the previous life. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the crystallization of their thoughts.

Rocky can only say this much about the origin of these technologies.

He doesn't want to deceive Lao Wei, but he can't really tell his most fundamental secrets, so he can only rely on this method.

Lao Wei's thoughts are surging in his heart, and he put his hand on Rocky's shoulder and patted him.

"I'm sorry to remind you of the sad past."

"It's nothing, it's all over, in fact, I'm quite satisfied with my current life. I have new friends and I'm gradually getting used to it here."

Rocky said in a relaxed tone. Although traveling to Night City changed his life, it was not a bad thing for him.

He has gradually fallen in love with this place, especially after the appearance of the gold finger.

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