The two of them were in a mess.

Takemura Goro and Adam Heavy Hammer walked into the elevator. As the elevator descended, only Arasaka Saburo and Arasaka Yorinobu were left in the suite.

Arasaka Saburo looked at Yorinobu who was sitting and said.

"Do you think I won't notice if I lose something?"

Arasaka Yorinobu stole the relic chip, which naturally could not escape his eyes.

Even if he had not acquiesced and did not stop Arasaka Yorinobu, Arasaka Yorinobu would not have been able to successfully come to Night City with the relic chip.

"Will you find that this is important? I don't care what you think. You are always so arrogant and think that the whole world revolves around you.

You said you would no longer interfere in my affairs, and now you come to Night City again. Are you here to humiliate me? Or do you want to teach your son how to behave himself?"

Faced with Saburo Arasaka's questioning, Arasaka Yoriyuki was a little emotional.

These are his true feelings. He has had enough of Saburo Arasaka's control over him and his arrogance.

Faced with Arasaka Yoriyuki's aggressiveness, Saburo Arasaka's expression did not change at all.

Perhaps it was his strong heart that allowed him to be calm and indifferent in any situation, or perhaps he had long been accustomed to Arasaka Yoriyuki's attitude towards him.

"Yoriyuki, you don't know what you are doing at all. You want to hand over the hard-earned results of our family to those Westerners and bury our future."

Arasaka Saburo continued.

At this time, Yoriyuki had stood up from his seat and paced back and forth.

He was angry, but a little nervous.

He tried to ease his emotions in this way.

Because he knew what he was going to do next.

"I don't care about the future at all, and who says the future is yours."

While walking back and forth, Arasaka Yorifumi pointed at Arasaka Saburo and refuted him forcefully.

In the face of Yorifumi's impolite behavior, Arasaka Saburo still put his hands behind his back and walked slowly towards Yorifumi.

"I knew this day would come. Your actions and your shamelessness will sooner or later cross my bottom line.

I have always been tolerant of you, but betrayal is something I cannot tolerate."

When Arasaka Yorifumi betrayed the Arasaka Group, established the Iron Dragon Gang, and united other forces to deal with Arasaka, Arasaka Saburo once said that he would make him pay for his betrayal.

Saburo once planned to kill Arasaka Yorifumi, but was moved by his daughter Arasaka Hanako's plea.

The relationship between Arasaka Hanako and Arasaka Yorinobu has always been very good. Even though Arasaka Yorinobu betrayed Arasaka, Arasaka Hanako has been contacting her disappointing brother.

Saburo Arasaka loves his daughter very much, and he doesn't want Hanako to be sad because of Yorinobu's death.

She has tasted the taste of losing her blood relatives, and Saburo Arasaka doesn't want her last brother to leave her.

So he let Arasaka Yorinobu go.

Later, when Yorinobu returned to the Arasaka Group, Saburo Arasaka also put away the idea of ​​hurting Arasaka Yorinobu.

To be honest, Saburo Arasaka did tolerate Arasaka Yorinobu again and again.

He was not wrong in saying this.

Even though he had betrayed Arasaka before, Saburo Arasaka always hoped that Arasaka Yorinobu could turn over a new leaf, pick up the responsibility of strengthening the Arasaka Group again, and become a qualified successor.

But Arasaka Yorinobu has been restless all these years since he returned to the Arasaka Group.

Saburo Arasaka also understood that he had never given up his goal, but just changed a method.

Gradually, Saburo Arasaka also lost his patience with Yoshinobu and gave up changing his mind.

And Yoshinobu's performance in front of him just now also made him completely decide to give up hope on Yoshinobu.

"I am really disappointed in you. I am very glad that your mother did not see this scene, otherwise she would definitely be heartbroken and desperate for you."

As he spoke, Saburo Arasaka had already come in front of Yoshinobu, and the two enemies stood opposite each other.

Looking at Saburo Arasaka in front of him, facing his endless preaching.

Yoshinobu Arasaka did not respond to him with words, but suddenly rushed forward and strangled Saburo Arasaka's neck tightly.

Clamping Saburo Arasaka, Yoshinobu Arasaka pushed him to the partition wall on the side and held him tightly.

Arasaka Yoriyuki took action. Facing this father whom he hated so much, without any interference from outsiders, Yoriyuki chose to strangle him to death.

"Now you don't have to be tolerant or patient anymore, go to hell

Accept the punishment for what you did. "

Arasaka Yorinobu strangled Saburo and yelled at him angrily.

Even Arasaka Saburo was frightened by this sudden change.

Saburo's old and broken body had no power to fight back under the hands of Yorinobu, who was still considered strong.

With the lack of oxygen, Arasaka Saburo gradually died.

He did not resist, although it was indeed very sad to be strangled to death by his own son.

But this also successfully cut off all blood ties between him and Arasaka Yorinobu.

I believe that in this way, Arasaka Hanako will not hate herself for occupying Arasaka Yorinobu's body.

He can also carry out his plan with peace of mind.

But just as Arasaka Saburo was dying, he heard a shocking sentence in his dying moments.

"You want to occupy my body and live again to continue to develop Arasaka, right? I won't let you succeed, just watch. "

After Arasaka Yoriyuki said this, he saw Saburo Arasaka's dilated pupils.

Obviously, this shocked Saburo Arasaka, and also confirmed that everything Rocky told him was very likely true.

Thinking of this, Arasaka Yoriyuki increased his strength.

As Saburo Arasaka's body became unresponsive, Yoriyuki pushed him to the ground.

After checking that Saburo Arasaka was really dead, Yoriyuki calmed down his excitement and then notified the intelligent AI of the Blue Blue Building.

"My father, he was killed."

Yoriyuki's words ignited the entire Blue Blue Building.

In an instant, the red alarm sounded.

Soon, Goro Takemura and Adam Heavy Hammer, who had just left, rushed back to the suite.

"What happened?" Goro Takemura exclaimed.

"My father, he was poisoned to death." Yoriyuki revealed a frightened expression.

"Poisoned to death? Arasaka-san, I suspect..."

Takemura's first reaction to learning that Arasaka Saburo was poisoned was disbelief.

As Arasaka Saburo's personal bodyguard, how could he not know Arasaka Saburo's usual habits?

Arasaka Saburo has extremely high requirements and standards for all daily diets. He only drinks and eats what is prepared by his own designated team of chefs, and never eats or drinks anything outside.

Now Arasaka Yoriyuki said that Arasaka Saburo was poisoned, and only Yoriyuki and Saburo were in this room.

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