The above all made it difficult for Goro Takemura not to doubt whether Arasaka Yorinobu was the murderer of Saburo Arasaka.

But soon, Goro Takemura's doubts were interrupted by Yorinobu.

"Takemura, what is your duty? Answer me!"

Faced with Yorinobu's questioning, Goro Takemura could only answer.

"Protect the head of the Arasaka family."

"Very good, then I hope you can continue to fulfill your duties."

The purpose of Arasaka's training of Takemura and the belief that he has been instilling in him is to be loyal to the Arasaka family and protect the head of the family.

Yorinobu Arasaka is reminding Goro Takemura that now Saburo Arasaka is dead, and he is the head of the Arasaka family as the only heir.

What he should do now is to obey his orders.

Faced with Arasaka Yorinobu's reminder, Takemura Goro looked at Adam's hammer who was ready to move, and could only hide all his thoughts temporarily.

"I understand." Takemura Goro knew that he could not change anything now, so he could only listen to Arasaka Yorinobu.

After all, he was right. Once Saburo died, Yorinobu became the patriarch of the Arasaka family.

Helplessly, he could only follow Arasaka Yorinobu and leave here, without going to investigate the real cause of Arasaka Saburo's death.


The news that Arasaka Saburo died quickly spread to the top of the Arasaka Group, causing an uproar.

However, although Arasaka Saburo's death was unexpected, the huge Arasaka Group still needed to operate normally.

And it was after Arasaka Saburo's death that the factional struggle within the entire Arasaka was really brought to the table.

In the past, the Arasaka Group had always been under the rule of Arasaka Saburo, but it did not mean that there was no struggle within Arasaka.

There are three major factions in the entire Arasaka today, the Green Pheasant Faction, the Hawk Faction, and the Dove Faction.

These three factions represent several possible successors of the Arasaka Group, and all hope that their representatives can inherit the entire Arasaka Group from Saburo Arasaka to achieve their ideal goals.

The representative of the Green Pheasant Faction is Hanako Arasaka. This faction is mainly composed of conservative technical bureaucrats who hope to continue to develop along the path set by Saburo Arasaka himself.

As a hermit-like figure, Hanako Arasaka hardly participates in the affairs of the Arasaka Group, which can well meet their needs to maintain the old order and stability within the company.

The Dove Faction, with Michiko Arasaka, the daughter of Saburo Arasaka's eldest son Kei Arasaka, as the designated successor of the faction, is mainly composed of some company officials seeking deep-level changes, and this is also the weakest of the three factions.

As for the Hawk Faction, it is the faction headed by Yorinobu Arasaka, who is often more willing to take the most direct and uncompromising solution.

Arasaka Yorinobu is stubborn and moody, very similar to Saburo, so it is natural for him to gain the support of these aggressive company officials and elites in the faction.

Now that Saburo is dead, the battle between factions has officially started, and Arasaka Yorinobu quickly received full support from the Hawks.

The Hawks have the greatest influence in Night City, which is why Arasaka Yorinobu chose to run to Night City.

And obviously, as supporters of Arasaka Yorinobu, the Hawks don’t care whether Arasaka Saburo was killed by Arasaka Yorinobu. Pushing Arasaka Yorinobu up is the top priority in their eyes.

With the support of the Hawks, Arasaka Yorinobu successfully covered up the cause of Arasaka Saburo’s death, and suddenly took over before other factions reacted and became the CEO of Arasaka Group.

The news that Arasaka Saburo was poisoned by an assassin has also become an indisputable fact.

Facing Takemura Goro who doubted him, Arasaka Yorinobu knew that he was a loyal dog raised by Arasaka Saburo.

Although he said that he was loyal to the Arasaka family, he would never be loyal to himself, the murderer of Saburo.

Arasaka Yorinobu simply went all out and threw the dirty water of killing Saburo Arasaka on Goro Takemura.

After all, there was no V and Jack in the suite at that time. There were only Saburo and Yorinobu in the huge suite. Apart from that, only Takemura and Adam Heavy Hammer had been there.

And putting everything on Takemura could not only clear himself, but also get rid of Saburo Arasaka's biggest loyal dog.

Under the promotion of Yorinobu and the Hawks, Goro Takemura soon became the top wanted criminal of the Arasaka Group.

As the most loyal bodyguard of the Arasaka Group, he is now being hunted down by the Arasaka Group.



It is different from what Rai Xuan claimed to the company that Saburo was poisoned by Takemura.

Arasaka also announced Saburo's death, but they claimed that Saburo died of natural causes.

This news is really explosive.

Saburo Arasaka, the man who ruled the Arasaka Group for a hundred years.

A person who really shook the earth with a stomp of his feet, now fell.

The whole world was shocked by this news, and Night City was even more so.

Even the sensation caused by the Ascension Technology Robot and the news that Ascension Technology and Night's Company just announced cooperation were not one ten-thousandth of this.


Inside Arasaka Tower, a luxurious office.

"Arasaka Saburo is dead, I'm curious about how you feel now."

Sitting on the luxurious sofa, Rocky looked at Arasaka Rai Xuan with interest.

Since Rai Xuan took over as the CEO of Arasaka, Rocky came to Arasaka Tower just like going home.

There is no need to hide their cooperation anymore.

Of course, their ultimate goal must not be known to these guys from Arasaka.

"Feeling? Do you hope I will feel guilty? Let me tell you, I don't feel guilty at all.

I never thought he was my father. For my ideal, he must die." Arasaka Yoriyuki was terribly calm.

Arasaka Yoriyuki and Arasaka Saburo, although they were father and son, became destined enemies because of their different ideas.

Rocky secretly lamented that things are impermanent, but he could only say that Saburo's death was like this.

"Don't be too happy too soon. Arasaka Saburo is not dead yet. There is still a mark of his consciousness in the mikoshi. Don't take it lightly."

"I know, that's why I need your help."

Just as the two were talking, the sound of metal limbs moving suddenly came.

Adam Heavy Hammer, a mechanical monster with prosthetics installed all over his body, came to the office.

"Didn't you see that I was receiving VIPs? Let's talk about it later."

Seeing Adam Heavy Hammer, Raiyuki reprimanded him mercilessly.

Adam Heavy Hammer saw this and turned to look at the 'VIP' sitting on the sofa, only to see a familiar face.

"Adam Heavy Hammer, long time no see."

Seeing Adam Heavy Hammer looking at him, Rocky smiled.

The last time he saw him, Rocky was still humbly asking for cooperation with Arasaka, but now he has become a guest of Arasaka.

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