The first time, the first time.

In the eyes of the crowd, a frigate quickly approached the satellite where they were, and then a small spaceship flew out from it and roughly docked with the interface of the space station.

The sound of fierce fighting began to spread on the satellite and soon came to the conference room where they were.

The door of the conference room, which was originally opened horizontally on the left and right, was violently kicked open by someone.

In the eyes of many congressmen, Jack appeared in front of them with a gun.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I am here to bring you warmth on behalf of Ascension Technology."


The appearance of the space fleet in space did not escape the observation of many forces on Earth, and the news that the European Council was hijacked on the satellite also spread like wildfire with the help of Ascension Technology.

People were already paying close attention to this possible world war, and when the news came out, they were shocked and realized that the war was about to begin.

The appearance of the space fleet shocked everyone, but what they didn't expect was that this was just the appetizer of Ascension Technology.

At the same time, the same ships that had confronted military technology appeared over the major cities of major countries around the world.

At the moment when many ships appeared, the operation of these cities seemed to be suspended, and people's attention was attracted by the shocking scene in the sky.

All major governments and local companies were in a state of emergency, and emergency combat alarms rang.

Ascension Technology was obviously taking the initiative to declare war on the whole world, and they actually wanted to challenge the whole world at the same time.

Just when governments around the world were still hesitating whether to launch an immediate attack on these ships, Ascension Technology once again started a global live broadcast through the Ascension Network.

"Hello, people all over the world, it's me again, L.

Remember what I said not long ago, that I wanted to change the world. But now it seems that many people do not welcome what Ascension Technology has done.

But it doesn't matter, Ascension Technology is not an unreasonable company. Even though Ascension Technology has made all preparations, it is still willing to give companies and governments around the world a chance to talk and negotiate with Ascension Technology.

Now, on behalf of Ascension Technology, I sincerely invite representatives of various companies and governments to come to our headquarters of Ascension Technology, Black Star, for a meeting that can change the world.

The invitation letter for the meeting will be sent personally to the servers of various companies and governments, and there will be Ascension Technology vehicles to pick you up later. I hope you can prepare as soon as possible.

By the way, one last thing to mention is that Ascension Technology does not want the invited party to be absent from the meeting, and it does not rule out the use of coercive means to "invite" you to the meeting."

This time, Ascension Technology did not go to war directly, but issued a meeting invitation that made everyone a little confused.

All the major companies and governments around the world, whether they joined the so-called anti-ascension technology alliance or not, received invitations from Ascension Technology.

All of a sudden, all forces immediately began to take action on Ascension Technology's invitation.

Although Ascension Technology took the initiative to be their enemy, no matter what Ascension Technology was doing, they had to know so that they could make better countermeasures.

The ships over the cities also temporarily suppressed their idea of ​​taking the initiative to start a war.

After all, the sense of oppression brought by these huge ships was too great, and almost all parties had seen the performance of such ships in the war with military technology.

If these ships were equipped with the same number of troops as in the war at that time, once the war started, they could already foresee what terrible blow these ships would bring to their cities and companies.

Therefore, most of the companies obediently followed what Ascension Technology said and sent senior executives with decision-making ability in the company to prepare to welcome Ascension Technology's vehicles and take them to the so-called Ascension Technology headquarters.

Soon, spaceships were dispatched from the Black Star to various parts of the Earth to welcome the participants of this important meeting.

As for the minority who ignored the warnings of Ascension Technology and did not want to attend the so-called meeting, they also received thoughtful services from Ascension Technology.

A whole team of elite combat robots on the spaceship came to take away the leaders of these forces in person.

And these forces had no ability to resist the hands of the Ascension Technology robot team.

At the top of Arasaka Tower in Night City.

Arasaka Yoriaki was standing in front of the helipad of the hovercraft, waiting for something.


Soon, a spaceship from Ascension Technology landed here.

Not surprisingly, Arasaka also received an invitation from Ascension Technology.

This time, Arasaka was treated the same as other companies, and it seemed to have lost the aura of an ally of Ascension Technology.

Arasaka Yoriyuki took the initiative to go up without thinking too much.

"Adam Heavy Hammer, go with me, and the others will stay here and wait for the meeting to start. This meeting is not closed. Keep the connection to the Ascension network, and you can see the situation at the meeting at the same time.

And what you have to do is to implement all my decisions at the meeting, understand?"

Arasaka Yoriyuki looked at the senior executives behind him and said in an unquestionable tone.

Under the training of Arasaka Yoriyuki these days, these senior executives naturally did not dare to disobey his will, and they all bowed their heads in response.

But after Arasaka Yoriyuki gave the order, he rarely emphasized it again.

"I hope you can really do what you say, know what you should do, and understand the consequences of disobeying my orders."

After saying this, Arasaka Yoriki stepped onto the spaceship of Ascension Technology, and Adam Heavy Hammer followed closely behind.

The spaceship took off, and Arasaka Yoriki looked at the gradually rising scenery and murmured.

"Is it finally over..."

And Adam Heavy Hammer, who was standing by, saw this and glanced at Yoriki, without saying much.

He didn't know what Arasaka Yoriki meant by this sentence, but according to Adam Heavy Hammer's understanding, Ascension Technology is now trying to challenge the whole world.

Arasaka is their ally. If they really win after the incident, Arasaka will undoubtedly become stronger to a higher level.

The speed of the spaceship is very fast. At the moment of breaking through the atmosphere, the hearts of the tourists on each spaceship began to beat faster involuntarily.

According to Rocky, they are going to the headquarters of Ascension Technology now, and now it seems that the headquarters of Ascension Technology is actually in space.

This absurd and terrifying fact completely shocked everyone, but it perfectly explained many things about Ascension Technology.

Now people know where the army and weapons of Ascension Technology are hidden.

In the deep space that no one can reach.

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