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The shock of the attendees will not affect the ship's navigation.

Soon they saw what was called the Black Star.

It is an existence like a black metal sun in the universe. The closer you get to it, the more majestic it becomes.

One spaceship after another passed through the entrance of Black Star and sent these people inside.

And these people finally saw the main base of Feisheng Technology.

This is a city located inside an artificial satellite. The headquarters tower of Ascension Technology stands in the center, constantly stimulating their nerves.

This is a dreamy scene they have never seen before. Even the rich people's paradise known for its luxury, the Crystal Palace in Earth's orbit, is not even one thousandth of it.

And this picture was also transmitted back to the earth by various representatives through the ascension network, so that everyone could see this shocking scene.

At this time, the mystery about Ascension Technology and their true strength was truly revealed.

Various technologies that surpass people's cognition have appeared frequently. Nowadays, all parties have lost the confidence they had in establishing the anti-ascension technology alliance.

The trend of the whole incident has also changed from the tension that the war was about to break out at the beginning to a more subtle relationship.

Above the port, spaceships landed one after another. Each representative looked at each other after getting off the spacecraft. Then, under the guidance of the machine soldiers, they went to the main building of Ascension Technology where the conference room was located.

Yorinobu Arasaka and Adam Hammer are also in this ranks, but they seem to be exceptions.

Because almost all the forces were present alone, only Arasaka had an extra Adam Hammer.

But thinking about the relationship between Arasaka and Feisheng Technology, no one would find it strange.

We arrived at the conference room prepared by Feisheng Technology. The space here is huge enough to accommodate everyone.

And high up in the front was Rocky sitting on the main seat that looked like a huge throne.

At this time, he was overlooking everyone below, and below him were the elders of ascended technology such as Lao Wei, Jack, Rebecca, Lucy and David.

As for the other participants, under the arrangements of Feisheng Technology, they were quickly seated in the conference room according to the distribution of power.

Arasaka Yorinobu also took the Adam Hammer and came to the seat closest to Rocky.

Regardless of whether people from these forces wanted to participate in this so-called meeting, whether they took the initiative or were initiated by Feisheng Technology, in short, the people arrived quickly and smoothly.

And this meeting, which is about to determine the fate of the world, has officially begun.

"Everyone who is here today is a representative of a well-known company or government from all over the world. I believe that the forces behind you are always paying attention to normal meetings, and I believe that other ordinary people do the same.

So let me introduce myself again.

My name is L, a kid who broke into the world from the streets, a careerist, and a madman who wants to control the world.

The purpose of calling you here today is to tell you that from now on, Feisheng Technology has the final say in the entire world, and Feisheng Technology will also set the rules.

And your choice is only to obey or perish. "

Rocky's crazy words instantly caused an uproar, both within the meeting and on the earth.

Looking at the many angry eyes below, Rocky didn't care and just said with a smile.

"If you agree, raise your hands."

As soon as these words came out, the commotion below did not subside, but seemed to be a bit more sarcastic.

No one will suddenly choose to obey this emerging ascension technology.

For the forces present, it is simply impossible for them to submit to another force and accept his rule because they have not held power and capital for a long time and enjoyed the upper class society.

But amid the incomprehensible looks of many people, Yorinobu Arasaka, who was at the front, slowly raised his hand.

"Arasaka Group agrees that from now on Arasaka Group will be unconditionally classified as a subsidiary of Feisheng Technology, and more than 80% of the company's business will be closed and all will be transferred to Feisheng Technology."

Arasaka Yorinobu said something that shocked everyone.

After knowing that Arasaka is one of the largest companies in the world, it goes without saying how scary this decision is.

In the eyes of everyone, Arasaka and Feisheng Technology have always been allies, but now it seems completely wrong. Even the strongest allies cannot give the entire company to each other.

But the one who was really shocked by this news was Yori Arasaka.

Adam Heavy Hammer next to Nobuo and a group of Arasaka executives on Earth.

"What is Arasaka Yorinobu doing? Is he going to hand over the entire Arasaka Group to Ascension Technology?"

"He is really crazy!"

The executives cursed, and now they know why Arasaka Yorinobu said those words to them before leaving. He probably guessed how these company executives would react.

"Arasaka Yorinobu, this is not in our interests. What are you doing? You should take back what you just said."

Adam Heavy Hammer looked at Arasaka Yorinobu and said coldly.

Today, Adam Heavy Hammer, relying on Arasaka Yorinobu's promotion, has become the head of the security department of the entire Arasaka, and is a real power holder.

Of course, he cannot accept that Arasaka Yorinobu destroyed the entire Arasaka Group like this.

At this time, in Adam Heavy Hammer's communication, a group of Arasaka executives were already commanding Adam Heavy Hammer to kill Arasaka Yorinobu immediately.

As long as Adam Heavy Hammer gets rid of Arasaka Yorinobu and takes back all the decisions just made on his behalf, then things won't be too troublesome to deal with.

Although the power of these senior executives was given by Arasaka Yorinobu, how could they bear the taste of losing power after getting the power?

Obviously, they did not follow every plan of Arasaka Yorinobu as he said.

"The current Arasaka Group is Arasaka Yorinobu's Arasaka, and my orders are everything. Adam Heavy Hammer, you have no right to question me." Arasaka Yorinobu didn't even look at Adam Heavy Hammer, but just said calmly.

Adam Heavy Hammer saw Arasaka Yorinobu like this, and realized that this guy was serious.

In this case, Adam Heavy Hammer no longer hesitated, and he was about to raise his arm next to Yorinobu to blast Arasaka Yorinobu into pieces.

But just as Adam Heavy Hammer raised his hand a little, a black shadow flashed over.

Adam Heavy Hammer quickly turned on Sian Westin and wanted to react.

But even after turning on Sian Westin, he still couldn't see the figure clearly.

The blade's light and shadow flashed and intertwined for a moment, and then stopped abruptly.

Only then did Adam Heavy Hammer see the true identity of the black shadow, a young man wearing a jacket.

The young man was holding an alloy blade in his hand, with a confident smile on his face. It was David.

As David stopped, Adam Heavy Hammer's neatly broken mechanical limbs appeared.

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