The doctor said that the situation was not good.

Lao Wei contacted Jack and told him about Rocky's situation.

Jack, who received the news soon, rushed to the clinic in a hurry.

What Rebecca and Lao Wei didn't expect was that Jack brought someone with him.

This person was naturally Lucy.

When Jack learned that Rocky was captured by Arasaka, he notified Lucy as soon as possible.

In addition to being afraid that Lucy didn't know, he also thought that Lucy might stay with Rocky and know something about the situation.

But when Lucy received Jack's call, she was completely stunned.

She didn't expect that she was talking to Rocky on the phone just now, and Rocky was captured by Arasaka.

The situation she was most worried and afraid of happened, Arasaka found Rocky.

Lucy knows Arasaka better than anyone else, and she is more afraid of Arasaka. Being captured by Arasaka is her biggest fear, and now this kind of thing has happened to the person she loves.

Lucy felt like she was about to collapse. She couldn't imagine what she would do if Rocky died at the hands of Arasaka.

But fortunately, Jack was there. Jack first calmed Lucy down on the phone, and then rushed to Lucy's apartment and took her out.

Lucy also understood that the most important thing now was to find a way to rescue Rocky, and there was no time for her to vent her emotions.

Suppressing her inner worries and fears, Lucy and Jack came to Rocky's clinic, drove De Rosso out, and went to Old Wei together.


In the clinic, Rebecca looked at the two people who came in, or should I say the three people, and showed a little surprise.

After seeing Jack and Lucy rushing to Old Wei's clinic, Misty knew that something important must have happened. After asking Jack, she followed them in.

Rebecca's surprise came from Lucy.



Both of them asked at the same time, each wondering why the other was here.

Jack, who was watching this scene, was also confused.

He had seen Rebecca when he was at Wild Wolf.

He thought they were that kind of relationship at that time, but now it seems to be a misunderstanding, and it seems that Lucy knows her?

The atmosphere at this time was a bit weird, and several people looked at each other, some knew each other and some didn't, and they didn't know how to start for a while.

It was Jack who broke the silence first.

"Let me introduce myself first, I'm Jack, if I remember correctly we met at the Wild Wolf Bar, I'm L's good buddy.

This is Victor, the best prosthetic doctor in Watson District, L used to be his assistant."

Jack introduced himself to Rebecca first, and then introduced Lao Wei to Lucy.

Finally, Jack introduced Lucy to Lao Wei.

"This is Lucy. She is L's... friend. She met him during the last commission. She is a reliable hacker."

When Jack talked about the relationship between Lucy and Rocky, he paused, glanced at Rebecca, and finally swallowed the adjective on his lips, and only explained the identity of a friend.

In the case of not knowing the situation very well, Jack decided not to say too much.

And Misty on the side also briefly introduced herself, so that everyone almost understood the situation of everyone.

Lao Wei spoke about the cause of the incident.

"It was this Miss Rebecca who brought me the news. She saw Arasaka's people taking L into the car, just in front of L's clinic.

According to my guess, Arasaka is likely to have targeted him because of the serum sold by L.

If Arasaka wants to get the formula from L, then he should be fine for the time being, but what Arasaka will do to him afterwards to prevent the formula from being leaked is what I am most worried about."

"Wait a minute, what is serum?" Rebecca asked in confusion, as if she was the only one who didn't know except Misty.

"That's a drug produced by L himself, which can greatly strengthen the human body. He has recently been selling this stuff to clinics in Night City, which has caused him to be targeted by Arasaka." Jack explained.

Rebecca nodded on the side. Although she still didn't know what the serum sold by Rocky was, she understood what Lao Wei said later. In short, Rocky was in danger.

At this time, Rebecca glanced at everyone in the clinic and found that Lucy was a little abnormal.

After listening to Lao Wei's analysis, Lucy's emotions fell into a strong fluctuation again. She knew Arasaka's methods too well. After they got the formula, they would never let Rocky go.

L left.

Rebecca looked at Lucy with worry and fear written on her face and was stunned for a moment.

Rebecca was not a fool. She felt something was wrong when Lucy came in. Lucy and Rocky had only known each other for a few days, but the worry Lucy showed was far beyond the level of ordinary friends. She had never seen such an expression on Lucy's face.

In addition to her intuition as a woman, Rebecca naturally understood Lucy's feelings for Rocky, just like her.



"Do you like L?"

Lucy was stunned by Rebecca's sudden question.

She opened her mouth slightly and vaguely guessed why Rebecca asked this question, but she nodded. She naturally couldn't lie. After all, she and Rocky had reached that point.


Lucy was a little nervous when their eyes met, and Rebecca's next words also confirmed what she thought in her heart.

"Me too, let's go and rescue L together."

Rebecca directly exposed her love for Rocky in front of everyone.

Rebecca didn't like to beat around the bush. She never hid her emotions. She would scold when she was angry, laugh when she was happy, and speak boldly when she loved.

Although Rebecca might not have thought that Lucy would steal her house in just a few days, Rebecca didn't care who loved Rocky or who Rocky loved.

She just wanted to rescue him now because she liked Rocky, so no matter what, no matter what happened, she would choose to save him.

Maybe she would be unhappy that Lucy was competing with her for a man, but that would have to wait until Rocky was rescued. At least now Lucy and she were definitely on the same side.

And Lucy's guess was confirmed, which made her feel strange.

Lucy didn't expect Rebecca to also have a crush on Rocky. To be honest, she didn't know what the relationship between Rocky and Rebecca was. If they had already fallen in love, wouldn't she be the one who got in between them?

But now she also didn't have time to think about it. Like Rebecca, she was only worried about Rocky. No matter how many doubts she had, she had to rescue Rocky first.


Lucy nodded heavily in response to Rebecca. They both tacitly didn't say anything more. As for the war between women, they would wait until Rocky was safe.

Jack, who was watching the scene, opened his eyes wide and was completely shocked.

Old Wei chuckled and sighed that it was good to be young.

After this episode, everyone's mood eased a lot.

Old Wei then analyzed: "If you want to rescue L, you must first know where Arasaka took him. What do you think?"

Obviously, Old Wei can't help much.

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