The two sides of the tunnel are still in the same place.

"You can let Lucy try to search for L's location first. If that doesn't work, then we can only find a middleman who specializes in intelligence."

Jack expressed his thoughts. Now they have no idea about Rocky's situation, so they can only let Lucy try to find Rocky's traces through deep diving on the Internet.

Everyone nodded in approval of Jack's statement. There is really no better way now.

"I'll prepare for deep diving."

Lucy was the first to prepare to leave. There was no interface required for deep diving in the clinic. Time was running out and she had to act immediately.

At this time, Misty, who had been silent on the side, watched everyone discuss the action and expressed her thoughts.

"You are going to save L. I know he is in danger now, but what if he is locked up by Arasaka people, and there are strict guards there? Isn't it too dangerous? I am a little worried about you."

Misty expressed her concerns. She was also anxious when Rocky was captured, but she knew what kind of existence Arasaka was, and she was afraid that Jack and others would also be in danger.

"No matter how dangerous it is, I must save him. Even if he is taken to Arasaka Tower, I will rush to Arasaka Tower to save him.

At that time, I watched them take L away in front of me. It's all my fault that I was too weak and couldn't stop them." Rebecca clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.

Recalling the scene in front of Rocky's clinic, she really hated herself for not being strong enough and not protecting Rocky well.

Rebecca has never been a weak girl. She doesn't need the protection of others. On the contrary, she hopes that she can protect the people she loves.

She didn't have a loved one before, but now she has one, but she can only watch others take him away, so she vowed to save Rocky.

Rebecca's firm words rang in everyone's ears, and everyone was slightly moved. They didn't expect Rebecca's determination to save Rocky to be so firm.

'Is this Rebecca's love for L? It turns out that there are really people who would choose to rush to Arasaka Tower for the one they love.

If it was L, would he do the same for me? Yes, he said he would. '

Lucy was moved by Rebecca's words and felt Rebecca's sincere feelings for Rocky. Lucy was a little flustered for some reason.

It seemed that she was the thief who stole Rebecca's lover. If Rebecca knew about her and Rocky, how would she look at herself?

Unlike Lucy's subtle psychology, Jack's thoughts on the side were that Rebecca was too righteous. It was really romantic to go through fire and water for her lover, and he couldn't fall behind.

"Rebecca, you're right. We must rescue L. Don't worry, I'm here and I won't let you take risks alone."

After hearing the two people express their opinions, Lao Wei, who was sitting on the chair, was also moved by Rebecca's determination, but he still kept his rational thinking.

"Actually, what Misty said is right. If we really want to break into Arasaka's territory to rescue people, it's still too dangerous. And with the strength of the two of you, to be honest, it's difficult to do it."

Lao Wei said to Jack and Rebecca. He knew that the main force of the final operation still depended on these two people.

Jack heard Lao Wei say this, and he was a little dissatisfied for a moment: "Hey, Lao Wei, don't underestimate me. I'm different from before. L gave me that thing, and I'm very strong now."

And Lao Wei looked at Jack who rolled up his sleeves to show his muscles and shook his head.

"You are fine, but what about Rebecca?

Sorry, Rebecca, I don't mean to look down on you, but you have to know that this is a job that costs your life, and I can't watch you die in vain. If L knew about this, I don't think he would agree."

It was expected that Jack injected the serum, but he was actually referring to Rebecca. She didn't even know what the serum was, so it was impossible for her to have injected it.

This is a very realistic problem. It has nothing to do with whether Rebecca is looked down upon or not. Her fighting ability is too weak.

No matter how nice the words are, no matter how determined the determination is, it can't change this fact. At her current level, going to Arasaka is just a waste.

Rebecca actually understands this point. She is too weak. She can't save Rocky at all.

"Victor, you are right, I am still too weak. Can you help me? You are a prosthetics doctor, you can help me become stronger.

No matter what means or what kind of prosthetics, as long as it can make me stronger, I can accept it."

Rebecca made a decision. She used to think that it didn't matter if she didn't have prosthetics.

Mann and the others are here to support the burden of the battle.

But now she finds that it is not enough. Only if she has strong strength can she protect the people around her.

And now there is a prosthetic doctor here. She wants to install a prosthetic to make herself stronger so that she can go to save Rocky.

"Have you made a decision?"


After Rebecca's affirmative reply, Lao Wei took out a blue potion from the cabinet behind him. This is the serum potion that Rocky left for Lao Wei, and it is a 100% effective original potion.

"This is a super soldier serum potion that L left for me. It comes in handy now. Only by injecting this can you install a better prosthetic, and then you will have more confidence to rescue L."

Looking at Lao Wei taking out the potion, Rebecca nodded, without hesitation, and lay on the operating chair at Lao Wei's signal.

Soon Lao Wei helped Rebecca complete the injection, and Rebecca fell asleep.

Misty took Lucy to a nearby apartment with a deep-diving interface, and the clinic became quiet for a while.

"Old V, I'll make a phone call."


Jack looked at the quiet clinic, hesitated for a moment, walked out of the clinic, and called V.

In fact, Jack thought of V when he first knew that Rocky was captured by Arasaka.

But Jack didn't want to bother V. In his impression, V was just an ordinary agent, not to mention whether he knew about Rocky's capture.

Even if he knew, it might not be so easy to help them. Maybe V would be dragged into the vortex. After all, V is not the only one who has the final say in the company.

Leaking Arasaka's information and causing someone to kidnap the target is a serious crime for anyone.

Besides, V and Rocky are not very familiar with each other, and he has no right to ask V to help him.

Jack originally thought that if he had no choice, he would consider contacting V, but Rebecca's performance just now made him think differently.

If there was a chance, he didn't want Rebecca to take risks, and he didn't want Rocky to lose someone who loved him.

But what Jack didn't expect was that V had made a qualitative leap in just a few days, but he just hadn't had time to tell Jack.

Even Rocky's arrest was caused by V, but V himself didn't know that it was Rocky who was caught.

He handed the task to his men, and he only needed to get the information about the Ascension Technology handed over by his men.

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