Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 105 The wolf is destroyed (thank you for being disqualified in the world o)

Arasaka Tower.

Exclusive office floor for Director Arasaka.

"Like it?"

When little Michiko blurted out, Tang Yu already realized something was wrong.

The tone of little Michiko's rhetorical question didn't sound like asking for advice, but more like some kind of suggestion, with a hint of coercion.

Tang Yu was perfunctory with a smile, and little Michiko kept smiling and waiting.

The two of them just sat in the reception area of ​​the office, keeping calm, and the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

Only Sasha watched the two of them curiously, seeming to understand the meaning of their conversation, which was related to his own future destiny.

For some reason, Tang Yu felt something was wrong, but he was quickly covered up by his strong psychological quality, and no one could detect his true thoughts.

He understood that Michiko had no good intentions at all and arranged for Sasha to be his special assistant, which actually meant two things.

The first thing is that little Michiko has decided to win over her and join her camp faction, and it is very likely to involve a more core struggle, so she arranged for Sasha to come to test.

The second thing was that little Michiko became a little anxious. The situation became increasingly urgent. She had to prepare in advance for the coming storm.

Therefore, Xiao Michiko should have nothing to hold on to and can firmly control Tang Yu.

Follow the authority in urgent matters.

She wanted to use Tang Yu, but also had to guard against him, so special assistant Sasha became the best choice.

Little Michiko had an elegant posture, sitting on the soft sofa, holding a wine glass and smiling, quietly waiting for Tang Yu's answer.

In other words, as long as Tang Yu didn't say anything and explicitly refused, she was sure it would happen.

Little Michiko is smart, and she also knows that Tang Yu is smart.

If a big, smart person is forced to serve as an assistant, Tang Yu will definitely feel disgusted, and he will be on guard at all times, and will not have any supervisory effect at all.

But Sasha Yakovleva is different.

She has the perfect human body and appearance, superb hacking skills, and certain combat capabilities. She is almost the perfect choice to combine the functions of a maid, a bodyguard, a hacker, and a girlfriend.

The most important thing is that Sasha's dominant consciousness is not purely human consciousness, nor is it purely AI consciousness.

Tang Yu is single and serves as deputy minister of two departments. With such a special assistant, there is no reason to refuse.

After the two toasted in the air, they began to make plans, testing each other's bottom line.

After all, Michiko Xiao was in a high position. As a director of Arasaka, she was qualified to sit firmly on Diaoyutai, so she still forced Tang Yu to speak first to break the silence.

Tang Yu first showed an expression of surprise, with a hint of joy and surprise in his eyes, and then his eyes gradually lowered, as if he had thought of something important, and felt that he had lost a precious opportunity.

He said with some embarrassment: "Director Michiko, I know that I am not worthy of your trust."

Tang Yu saw that Xiao Michiko was determined to take action, so he simply expressed his feelings.

As an assistant, Sasha is indeed quite good in all aspects.

But the problem is not with Sasha, but with her intentions.

Sasha now is like a certificate of nomination, an important statement, and a dangerous bomb. This bomb is also wrapped in a beautiful shell, and the button is in the hands of little Michiko.

No one wants to hold a bomb in their arms, even if that bomb is a beautiful cybercat girl.

Tang Yu continued to express his attitude: "Since joining Arasaka Company, I have understood that any position or reuse is linked to contribution and ability."

"They say I am a lone wolf in the company. I never make friends with anyone or buy anyone's face, because I know that the person who promoted me was Mr. Arthur Jenkins of the Counterintelligence Department. No one except him would give me this opportunity. , so I only work for Mr. Jenkins in counterintelligence."

"Now, Director Michiko has arranged for me to concurrently serve as the deputy director of the Special Operations Department and assign the task of countering military technology. To be honest, this is also a trust in my ability."

"But there is really no need to put a special assistant beside me."

"I am a straightforward person. Leave everything to me because you trust my ability."

"If you can't trust my abilities, it's of no use no matter how much you show your loyalty."

"A lone wolf will naturally work for whoever has the flesh."

"Director Michiko, what do you think?"

Tang Yu no longer hides and tucks in, and directly fights with little Michiko openly.

He didn't want to live a life of being supervised all the time. Even if the possibility was slim, it was not ruled out that Sasha would leak everything he saw and heard to little Michiko.

Tang Yu has too many major secrets, and it is impossible for little Michiko to detect any clues.

So although cat girl Sasha is nice, she can't be greedy.

Little Michiko did not interrupt or interrupt. She listened quietly to Tang Yu's statement and seemed to be very serious.

She thought for a moment, then turned her head to look at Sasha behind Tang Yu and asked.

"Whose special assistant is Sasha?"

Sasha's eyes flashed, and he smiled and replied softly: "Tang Yu, Arasaka Company, employee number is NC770416, department position is deputy director of the counterintelligence department, and concurrently deputy director of the special operations department."

She answered neatly and without any hesitation.

Ah this

Tang Yu seemed to understand something, and then he remembered what little Michiko's guide said when sending him into the office.

"A special assistant will be at your service later."

The special assistant of feelings was not Xiao Michiko's from the beginning, but his, Tang Yu's.

No wonder little Michiko took it upon herself to get some wine and light a cigarette, and weirdly told him that Sasha was his special assistant.

Tang Yu immediately understood that the so-called tough stance just now had no effect on little Michiko.

As a member of the Arasaka family and the director of Arasaka Tower, Michiko-chan would not ask for any ideas when arranging a special assistant, so she would naturally arrange whatever she wanted.

No matter how capable and status Ren Tangyu is, he is worthy of being attracted and reused, but he is still a wage earner of Arasaka Company.

To put it mildly.

To Michiko Arasaka, everyone at Arasaka Tower looked like his own chained company dog.

The disparity in status determines that Michiko is naturally in a dominant position, unless Tang Yu fires her family.

Little Michiko continued to ask with a smile.

"Sasha, who is the first person you see?"

"Tang Yu."

"Who is your highest authority user?"

"Tang Yu."

"What is your basic mission?"

"Comprehensive assistance in Tang Yu's work and life."

"Then who is the person in front of you?"

Sasha's neon eyes flickered and she looked at Tang Yu's back seriously, her eyes full of expectation and curiosity.

Tang Yu also looked sideways at Sasha behind him, and their eyes met.

In an instant.

Sasha seemed to have met the person he had been looking for, and then softly uttered two words.

"Tang Yu."

Hearing this, Tang Yu already knew that there was no room for maneuver on Sasha becoming his special assistant.

Sasha Yakovleva.

It was specially prepared for him by little Michiko.

Tang Yu felt a little helpless and seemed a little moved.

That’s all.

Time is also fate.

He doesn't mind carrying more people on this small boat.

Little Michiko still looked at Tang Yu with a smile, and then asked, "Do you still think I don't trust you now?"

"Sasha is more of a gift than a special assistant."

"This countermeasure against military technology was well done and deserves a toast."

Little Michiko raised her glass again from a distance, and Tang Yu also raised his glass.

Drink individually.

When it comes to Sasha's matter, it's basically a foregone conclusion.

No matter what Michiko's intentions are hidden behind Sasha, Tang Yu can only resort to tricks.

But Tang Yu quickly realized that having an extra Sasha was not all a bad thing.

At least he can stabilize little Michiko and make outsiders think that he has become more deeply involved in the affairs of the Arasaka family.

He can better put on the company's skin, do things openly and justly, and put all the blame on Michiko.

By then, who else could have guessed that the lone wolf who held a senior position in the company and was highly valued by Michiko Arasaka turned out to be a wolf killer.

He is a lone wolf, but the wolf is destroyed.

Tang Yu took advantage of the situation this time and took the initiative to say: "Director Michiko is interested. He holds the position of deputy director of two departments and is indeed very busy. Now that Sasha is assisting, the work pressure will be less."

Seeing that Tang Yu finally agreed, little Michiko smiled even more.

"Tang, then I have planned this gift well."

"You haven't undergone basic cyber transformation since you came to the company. With Sasha helping you, you can save a lot of trouble."

"In addition, this implantable invisible bionic sclera is adapted to the Sasha visual recognition system."

With that said, little Michiko waved to Sasha to get a small, exquisite black box with an O character printed on the outer shell.

Sasha placed the box on the table in front of Tang Yu, then stepped back to remain standing, waiting obediently behind Tang Yu, standing tall and graceful.

Qi Lu Si?

Michiko continued to explain: "This bionic sclera is specially made by Qilu Division. It not only adapts to Sasha's visual system, but also embeds a multi-functional module. You will know after it is implanted."

"In addition, Sasha's current state is like a newborn artificial intelligence. After she learns for a while, she will be basically the same as a normal person, and she will naturally understand how good she is."

Little Michiko smiled meaningfully, picked up the big cigar and took a puff of the cigarette, filling her lungs with it, and then exhaled it through her nose.

Tang Yu nodded slightly. For Xiao Michiko's 'kindness', he could only accept it all.

And judging from Michiko's indifferent demeanor, she doesn't seem to mind conducting an all-round inspection of Sasha, even including Sasha's basic AI algorithm.

If he really did something, he would never be able to hide it from Tang Yu.

As a former top hacker, he has extensive knowledge and has many ways to confirm Sasha’s background. He can even go to the ‘AI God’ Ott Cunningham and ask her to take Sasha’s pulse.

The most important thing is that there is no need for Michiko to do this. Arranging a cybernetic man to supervise Tang Yu will only be counterproductive.

Was Sasha really just a gift?

Tang Yu always felt that things were not that simple, but he was not sure what Michiko's backhand was for a while.

He could only take one step at a time and think that Sasha was a 'gift' for the time being. After all, as far as Sasha was concerned, there was nothing wrong with him.

If Tang Yu insists on refusing, Sasha, who has been set as his special assistant, may only have one end.


After Sasha's arrangement was resolved, little Michiko stared at Tang Yu and asked.

"Now, can we get down to business?"

Tang Yu knew what little Michiko meant, it was time for Sasha to leave her office.

From now on, Sasha, as an independent special assistant, only obeys Tang Yu.

He picked up the box on the desk and prepared to hand it to Sasha.

Suddenly I remembered that Sasha had just left the factory and there were no corresponding arrangements for food, clothing, housing, and transportation, which meant that she could only be taken home.

Tang Yu couldn't help feeling a toothache.

The apartment he lives in now is not too small, but he is not used to having an extra 'person' suddenly there.

The terrible thing is that Sasha cannot be completely treated as a cybernetic human. Even an AI will one day learn physiological knowledge.

Tang Yu was a little skeptical. The strange knowledge possessed by the cute cat lady now most likely involves his knowledge blind spot. After all, the intimacy mode has been developed.

Sasha can master thousands of dishes, and naturally he can also master thousands of strange knowledge.

He had no choice but to accept everything silently for the time being and let Sasha go home first.

Sasha has not yet started to have contact with the company's affairs, and it is impossible to assist in the work. There is no need to stay in the company.

Directly authorize the address information and identity authentication to be sent to Sasha, and then send a private message to remind her about some situations at home, and ask her to go back and cook to fill her stomach.

Unexpectedly, after receiving the message, Sasha happily replied: "Yeah, Sasha will go home first and wait."

Little Michiko smiled and said nothing.

Tang Yu: "."

It seems that emotional intelligence needs to be studied more or less.

Sasha accepted the box, said goodbye to Tang Yu, and politely exited the office.

On the huge office floor, only Tang Yu and Michiko were left.

Little Michiko drank all the red wine in the glass, her cheeks were slightly tipsy, and she spoke lightly in the haze of cigarette smoke.

"After this board meeting, Arasaka Yorinobu's side should calm down for a while."

Little Michiko didn't care at all, and casually mentioned Arasaka Yorinobu's matter without any scruple in her words.

Tang Yu understood that little Michiko had begun to regard him as one of her own, qualified to know some of the internal secrets of the Arasaka family, and to find whips for future success.

Tang Yu thought to himself that little Michiko's little Jiujiu was really not good enough. In terms of understanding of Arasaka Yorinobu, as a niece, she was not as good as him, an outsider.

In fact, Michiko-chan seems to dominate Night City Arasaka Tower, but she actually has no foundation to speak of.

As long as Arasaka Yorinobu comes to Night City, most of the forces in the entire Arasaka Tower will fall to him. Even if there are those who are dissatisfied, they can only endure it.

Tang Yu has no intention of getting too involved in the affairs of the Arasaka family now. After all, it is still too early.

Whether it is Michiko Xiao who is siding with the team or Yorinobu Arasaka who has not yet arrived, it is not a safe move.

When Arasaka's God takes action, neither of them can do anything.

Not to mention that there is Hanako Arasaka behind him. Under the banner of Saburo Arasaka, he controls the power of Kyoto and can mobilize military forces such as aircraft carriers.

This Arasaka family game has just begun.

Little Michiko slowly closed her eyes and leaned back on the sofa, seeming a little tired.

"You should know about the recent rumors in the company."

"I'm afraid many people already know that Arasaka Yorinobu will come to Night City."

"Actually, Arasaka Yorinobu already contacted me when he asked you to think of ways to counter military technology."

"You know what he said."

Tang Yu remained silent and continued to listen to little Michiko complain about his uncle.

Little Michiko frowned slightly, as if she felt displeased at the thought of Arasaka Yorinobu.

"He took the time to call, and it was to hold me accountable."

"Oh, I admire him for his hard work. Even though we are separated by an ocean, he is still thinking about my niece's work."

"Actually, I know what happened in Watson that night. People from Military Technology took action. If the Uzumaki Gang is really capable of taking down three Arasaka special forces, Arasaka Tower might as well be renamed Uzumaki Tower."

"I have to say that you handled this very well. Although the board members knew it well, they couldn't find any evidence and had no reason to attack. Due to the relationship between the two companies, they could only settle the matter."

"Even if it is really exposed, we will not start a war with military technology. There is still a tacit understanding between big companies for so many years."

"After all, it's not a life-or-death situation yet."

When Tang Yu saw that little Michiko had spoken, he seemed to be opening up his heart, but he was not strong enough to recognize it.

Now little Michiko is worried that she has no leverage to check Tang Yu. If he voluntarily admits colluding with military technology and kills the Arasaka Special Service Team, wouldn't it be like putting a knife on his own neck and handing it to little Michiko.

Even if you want to show loyalty again, it is never such a stupid thing to do.

Tang Yu simply praised directly: "Director Michiko has a sharp vision."

Then he kept silent and continued to listen to little Michiko bragging.

Seeing that Tang Yu was still watertight, little Michiko became inexplicably irritable.

It felt like facing a stone. No matter how hard or soft it was, it would still remain as hard as ever, no matter how hard or soft it was.

She originally thought that the position of the two deputy ministers would make Tang Yu proud, and when the time came, she would be able to comply honestly by just jumping around.

I didn't expect this guy to be so useless. He didn't even go to the Special Operations Department. He didn't refuse or accept the offer. He just dragged it on.

In fact, little Michiko somewhat hates this feeling, as if the other person is clearly under your palm, but you can't control him.

Think about this.

Little Michiko frowned even more tightly.

Tang Yu saw that she seemed uncomfortable, so he casually expressed concern.

"Director Michiko, are you feeling unwell?"

The subtext of this statement is that I want to leave.

Little Michiko: "."

Not enough words to speculate.

Little Michiko doesn't want to play the piano to others anymore. At the critical moment of hiring, she has no choice but to do this first.

"Yeah, I have a bit of a headache."

Tang Yu put down the red wine glass in his hand, felt a little sorry for her, and said, "Actually, Sasha's technique is pretty good."

Little Michiko: "."

Instant Noodles: "I am not worthy of the world. The boss's name is full of art. I suddenly have artistic inspiration."

Johnny: "What you write is just about riding a horse. You think we can't see it. When it comes to art, you have to look at my rock and roll and intubation. Do you understand?"

V: "Oh, Johnny, I can't tell you are still an art lover."

Johnny: "You guys know nothing."


Thanks to the unqualified financial sponsor in the world for the reward. He was also the friend who started the group together. He even gave me money to smoke as a reward. I am very touched.

PS: There will be another update tonight, later.

Thanks to the following donors for the reward!

Dadai likes the sea 50.00

Sa Dian foreveryo 15.00

Peerless Emperor Jun 1.00

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