Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 106 Be yourself (Thanks ADKiss)

Arasaka Tower.

Tang Yu took the public elevator back to the 33rd floor.

“It’s finally over”

He stayed in Michiko's office for most of the day and didn't return to the department until this point. If he hadn't made an appointment with David for lunch, he would have gone home directly.

Regarding the matter of special assistant Sasha, no matter what, we must find out the details as soon as possible and go to Lao Wei's place as soon as possible.

"The thirty-third floor has arrived."

Upon hearing the elevator prompt, Tang Yu stepped out and came to the lobby of the Counterintelligence Department.

The front desk immediately stood up to remind him that there were visitors waiting. Tang Yu waved his hand to indicate that he was not free today.

When he passed by the office area, he immediately felt a strange look and looked sideways.

He found that his colleagues in the office area all averted their eyes and continued to pretend to work.

Obviously, after he was invited away by Michiko's bodyguard, this group of subordinates who like to gossip must have had a heated discussion about something.

This is not the first time that Tang Yu knows about their Xiao Jiujiu. The most important thing in the Counterintelligence Department is intelligence.

As long as the people in the Counterintelligence Department are willing, they can dig out any gossip in the company, even if it's the color and style Susan Abernathy is wearing today.

The core of the intelligence department is intelligence exchange. To put it simply, it is a gathering place for gossip. You can hear a lot of strange things here.

The atmosphere in the department cannot be changed by Tang Yu alone, and he has also acquiesced in the gossip of his subordinates. Mixing the truth with the lies can make it easier to hide from others.

After Tang Yu glanced at them, he continued to walk towards his office.

After Tang Yu left, the colleagues in the office area raised their heads again and looked in the direction Tang Yu left. After confirming that Tang Yu was gone, they all breathed a sigh of relief and immediately began to whisper.

David also saw Tang Yu who had returned to the ministry, and thought that he could treat him to lunch later, if there were no other interruptions.

He found that his colleagues around him were starting to gossip and discuss again. He felt like he was no longer hungry, so he quickly started to listen in on their chats and gossips. Listening was an important ability in gathering intelligence.

"You know, the meeting has actually been over for a while, and news came back from other departments just now, saying that the board of directors was very noisy this time."

"Didn't our boss Tang get invited by the superiors this morning? Since the meeting is over, why did it take so long to come back?"

"The situation is the same as last time, except that two bodyguards have been changed. Is it really the kind of relationship we guessed?"

"It's impossible. They are all married. They are not compatible with Boss Tang at all."

"Age and relationship don't matter. Even the ones who work can be replaced. There's nothing about the husband that can't be replaced. And you've seen a few women who are strong, but the men who are weak can last for a long time."

"That's true, I haven't heard from her husband for a long time, but to be honest, apart from her high status, there is really nothing that matches Boss Tang."

"I agree with this. A natural face is still noble. Otherwise, why would those powerful people spend so much time maintaining it?"

When David heard them chatting, he felt like a new world had opened up.

Can this be discussed casually?

Is this something that David can just listen to?

Under the harsh words of his colleagues, David, who had never even held a girl's hand, felt extremely embarrassed and a little shy.

However, David held back his blush and still tried his best to hear the result. Did Mr. Tang really have contacts with higher-ups, or was there some kind of unspeakable relationship? The more he listened, the more he was annoyed.

"But it's not good to get too close to her. After all, she really came from Kyoto. Who knows how the wind will change."

"That's true. To be honest, Boss Tang has a bit of a cold temper, but he usually doesn't supervise us very much. Although it's not great, he's much better than other department heads."

"Even so, don't even think about it. This is a company. If the supervisor really wants to be nice to me, I will probably be scared to death. Who knows what kind of errands he will arrange for you."

"In the case of Carter Smith, well, it's just his bad luck. After so many years, he failed. Otherwise, he would have had some chances if he had waited a little longer."

Hearing them talk about Carter Smith, David couldn't help but think of meeting Tang Yu at the subway station that morning when he was at school. He had asked him if he was ready.

David had already heard about Carter Smith. After all, it was a big deal and everyone in the Counterintelligence Department knew about it.

Carter Smith, as the deputy leader of the Counterintelligence Department, is a G4 employee of Arasaka Company.

Compared with Harry, the leader of the investigation section whom David knew, he was only half a level lower and could be considered a middle-level backbone of the department.

Carter Smith was an elderly single mother who both died on the same day.

To be honest, this incident left a profound impact on David.

He had thought about it carefully.

If one day, I join Arasaka Company, spend my youth and finally climb to a small middle level.

By then, my mother will be old and I will be tired. How can I keep everything I care about when the wind and rain whirlpool rolls up?

This is somewhat of a dilemma.

David increasingly felt that joining the company was not what he wanted, but he also didn't know which way to go.

If he really stepped into society, what kind of success could he make? Moreover, Gloria had spent a lot of effort to get him to where he was today. There was no way he could retreat no matter what.

While David was thinking about something in a daze, he suddenly received a message from Tang Yu, asking him to come to the office.

David's heart tightened, and he stood up quickly. He didn't bother to clean up the workbench and walked quickly towards Tang Yu's office.

Tanaka Katsuo was sitting in the waiting room, feeling bored, so he had to watch some movies and TV programs through his prosthetic eyes.

He has received news from the R\u0026D department that the board meeting has been completed, but he waited and waited and did not wait until the owner came back.

Feeling less and less annoyed, I turned off the program and prepared to go to the front desk to ask. As soon as I looked up, I saw Tang Yu passing directly in front. In a blink of an eye, the other person had already strode past.

Tanaka Katsuo didn't have time to say hello, and it seemed as if the other party didn't see him at all.

He wanted to complain harshly, but thinking about those two slaps and his father's teachings, he endured it.

There is an old saying in the East that it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Tanaka Katsuo has the patience to wait until the day he rises.

Tanaka Katsuo thought for a while and simply went to knock on the office door.

His father Tanaka is also a company executive. The elders he has been in contact with since childhood are basically senior executives of major companies. Plus he is from Kyoto, so he doesn't think highly of Tang Yu's identity.

Even though Tang Yu was the deputy minister of dual departments, he still couldn't handle the rank of his father. If he hadn't been stuck after graduation, Tanaka Katsuo would never have admitted this mistake.

Tanaka Katsuo walked to the front desk with his hands in his pockets and asked Tang Yu which office it was.

The front desk staff told him that Tang Yu was not available now and asked him to come back next time.

Tanaka Katsuo was immediately furious. He had just seen Tang Yu coming back, so why was he not free? Wasn't he still in the office? !

"All you have to do is tell me which office it is, okay?"

He didn't pay much attention to the front desks of these departments, and he didn't need permission from the front desk to find Tang Yu.

The receptionist looked up at him, then continued to work, ignoring Tanaka Katsuo.

He was really angry. Ever since he was a child, had he ever suffered this kind of injustice?

Tanaka Katsuo even wonders if Tang Yu is his natural nemesis. Every time something related to Tang Yu happens, he is the one getting frustrated!

He was about to have a seizure, but he held it back and decided to go find it himself and learn about the situation of the Counter-Intelligence Department.

It's not difficult to guess the deputy minister's office. If you really can't, you can ask acquaintances in the R\u0026D department, and you can naturally know where Tang Yu works. However, he doesn't want too many people to know that he is in the counterintelligence department, so it would be a bit embarrassing to come and apologize.

Tanaka Katsuo walked into the office area and began to wander around the counterintelligence department, causing many colleagues to look at him sideways, as if they knew him.

Tanaka Katsuo felt a little weird, like a rare and exotic animal being watched.

what happened?

Does the Counterintelligence Department also know that my father is Mr. Tanaka?

Tanaka Katsuo was confused and continued walking in the office area with a guilty conscience, but his pace was much faster.


He noticed David running over behind him and immediately had an idea.

This guy is an intern in the Counterintelligence Department, so he should know where the deputy minister's office is.

So I wanted to stop David, and asked in a very arrogant manner: "David Martinez, I want to ask you about Mr. Tang's office."

"have no idea!"

David was in no mood to talk to Tanaka Katsuo, and he didn't know what he was doing in the Counterintelligence Department. He just hung around here for a long time.

David finally figured it out. The reason why the colleagues around him looked at Tanaka Katsuo sideways was because everyone had already known about the slap he received.

When he signed up for his number at the front desk, the news spread among his colleagues in the counterintelligence department, so he looked at Tanaka Katsuo strangely.

It's just that Tanaka Katsuo himself is still in the dark and doesn't know anything.

David ran over quickly and disappeared around the corner of the corridor.

Tanaka Katsuo was furious. He felt as if the entire counterintelligence department was playing tricks on him. He was completely embarrassed.

He stood there, clenching his fists in his trouser pockets, and the blue light flowing from his prosthetic body turned around, looking quite angry.

With a cold face, he walked back to the front desk again and asked coldly.

"I'll ask you again, where is your deputy minister's office!"

The receptionist looked up at Tanaka Katsuo and felt baffled. There were so many company executives who wanted to see Tang Yu. An intern who didn't even have a formal employee number dared to come here to show off his face, and he was embarrassed on the spot.

"I'm not telling you that I'm not free. Remember to make an appointment next time. Mr. Tang is very busy."

When Tanaka Katsuo heard this, the veins in his forehead almost burst. He gritted his teeth and kept telling himself to calm down.

But the feeling of being offended by his servants really made him angry.

Although he has not joined the company yet, once he graduates and joins the company, his status will definitely not be comparable to that of these front desk staff.

If you commit the following offense, you really don’t understand the rules!

Tanaka Katsuo just took his hand out of his trouser pocket and raised it high. The Kuiji series chip was operating and the blue light was overflowing. He wanted to slap the table angrily and educate this front desk who did not understand the rules.


The receptionist stood up, nodded and said, "Hello, Mr. Tang."

Tanaka Katsuo's heart skipped a beat, and his raised hand suddenly froze.

After counting the interest.

Tanaka Katsuo stiffly twisted his neck, looked at the situation behind him, and suddenly took a breath.

He didn't know when Tang Yu had come behind him, looking at him lightly, as if waiting for his next move.

Tanaka Katsuo put away his hand in embarrassment, with a rather ugly look on his face, and forced a smile. He was at a loss for a moment, completely forgetting the original purpose of apologizing, and was preoccupied with worrying about getting slapped again.

Under Tang Yu's indifferent gaze, Tanaka Katsuo lowered his head guiltily, not daring to raise his head to face that gaze.

Beads of sweat appeared on Tanaka Katsuo's forehead, and the anger in his heart was gone, but only the regret in his heart.

"Why is it like this again?"

Thinking of his father's teachings, he did not dare to make trouble again and could not cause more troubles, so he had to lower his voice and speak hesitantly.

"I, I just wanted to slam the table."

"Just, I just feel a bit..."

Tanaka Katsuo felt so guilty that he couldn't even speak clearly. You must know that Tang Yu, the king of hell, slapped regardless of the occasion.

He also learned that Susan Abernathy didn't even give the director face, let alone himself.

Tanaka Katsuo originally wanted to explain something, but he immediately thought that he was here to apologize. When he tried to raise his head, he found that there was no one in front of him.

He quickly looked towards the public elevator and found that Tang Yu was already standing there waiting for the elevator.

But what surprised Tanaka Katsuo even more was that David Martinez was standing next to Tang Yu!

Apparently the two were waiting for the elevator together.

Tanaka Katsuo was completely confused.

what's the situation? !

He kindly came to apologize, but Mr. Tang said he was not available, but why was David Martinez following him?

In a daze, Tanaka Katsuo seemed to hear the word 'eat'.

Are they going to have dinner together?

Tanaka Katsuo thought it was dizziness and tinnitus, and after blinking his artificial eyes, he confirmed again.

It was indeed Mr. Tang and David Martinez. They had entered the elevator and left the Counterintelligence Department on the 33rd floor.

Tanaka Katsuo suddenly felt his mentality explode. Countless questions, humiliation, frustration, unwillingness, etc. were all mixed up in his heart, and he was completely numb.

He just stayed there for a long time, watching the two people leave.

The public elevator stopped at the first floor of the Arasaka Tower lobby.

Tang Yu strode out of Arasaka Tower, and David followed closely behind him. The two left the company square and walked towards the valley area, preparing to find a tea restaurant for lunch.

David was a little curious about Tanaka Katsuo, so he asked first.

"Mr. Tang, does inviting you to dinner delay your work? Tanaka Katsuo seemed to have something important to ask you just now."

Tang Yu glanced at David and felt that he was a little dull. He smiled and said: "Tanaka Katsuo is an intern like you. If you come to me for anything important, it's just to apologize."

David nodded in agreement. In terms of academic performance, Tanaka Katsura was not as good as him, and it was impossible for Tanaka Katsura to do core technical work in the R\u0026D department. However, after all, Tanaka Katsura's father was also a senior executive in the company, and he had an influence on Tang Yu after all. .

"The main reason is that Tanaka Katsuo is a grudge-bearing person. I'm afraid he will hold a grudge after being slapped twice. I used to avoid him."

Tang Yu knew that David was telling the truth. In the Sims, even though David was seriously injured in a car accident and lost Gloria, he just endured everything numbly and never thought of revenge on anyone.

David is kind, but it doesn't mean that he has no bottom line and temper. It's just that he cares about too many things, and the psychological pressure at a young age is indeed too great.

Instead, Tang Yu spoke to comfort the kind-hearted young man next to him.

"You know too little about human nature. After being slapped twice, Tanaka Katsuo knew today that I was treating him well."

David immediately raised his head and looked at Tang Yu, his eyes full of confusion and doubts. Tanaka Katsuo had lost face again today. With his character, he probably wouldn't let it go.

"Why? I used to avoid him a lot, but he only got worse."

Tang Yu explained lightly: "Because I didn't slap him for the third time today, so he will be grateful for my kindness."

"Whether it's in Night City or in the company, as long as you are ruthless enough, they will be afraid of you. When one day you smile at them, they will think it is a good day."

David seemed to understand something, and nodded thoughtfully, savoring these words in his mind. After all, it was rare for Tang Yu to tell him this.

Tang Yu saw that he was looking deep in thought, so that he wouldn't get distracted, so he added a patch to what he just said.

"The truth is this, but it also varies from person to person. For example, it may not apply to you."

"Tanaka Katsuo is a son of a powerful man. No matter in terms of background, resources or status, few of your peers can surpass him."

"If you fight hard with him, you will not only be unable to suppress him, but you will also ask for trouble."

"In life, you don't actually need other people's advice."

"Some people live for their own thoughts, and some live for other people's thoughts. The only thing you have to follow is your heart."

"No one can guarantee that your life in Night City will be exciting enough and free enough, but if you live according to your heart, at least in this fucking city, you will be happy, right?"

David looked at Tang Yu intently, as if trying to absorb the meaning of each word.

He recalled that this was the first time in seventeen years that someone had such a heart-to-heart talk with him.

Gloria was too busy dealing with work to care about his thoughts and feelings. She had exhausted all her strength just to send him to Arasaka Academy.

The classmates and teachers in the college were all cold and cold. Not only did no one make friends with him, but powerful children like Tanaka Katsuo bullied him, and no one would stand up for him.

It can be said.

Ever since David had an impression of life, he has been walking alone on the road called "growth".

Just so confused, I spent an unimpressive childhood and entered an even grayer youth.

His heart is soft, but it has already been scarred, and he can only suppress himself to make the situation around him not look so bad.

Just to make life and study passable, he had exhausted all his strength.

Therefore, David likes to watch Mewtwo, like to experience those exciting and interesting lives, and fall in love with the excitement of those bloody battles.

He is a boy, a boy of only seventeen years old.

You are young, but you cannot have youth.

It’s time to dream, but you can’t have your dream.

In a daze, David felt that his eyes were covered with mist, and he couldn't even see the road in front of him clearly.

He didn't know where this inexplicable sad feeling came from. It was obviously not care and comfort, but it was better than care and comfort.

Just like along the way, I have already gritted my teeth and endured it, trying hard to get used to walking through the thorns. My lonely and sensitive heart became increasingly depressed and numb, and gradually fell into darkness.

For the first time, light came in.

As David walked, tears fell and he cried silently.

Tang Yu hugged David's shoulders tightly, patted him twice, and said.

"Little brother, come here."

"Don't worry about Tanaka Katsuo, don't worry about the stupid Night City, and don't worry about other people's eyes."

“Even if you are living for the people you care about, don’t forget it.”

"be yourself."

Instant Noodles: "The ADkiss boss is really a super, super senior financial backer. He helped Instant Noodles get on the new book list and achieve great results! Johnny must thank you very much!"

Johnny: "Instant noodles, believe me, we can survive without money!"

V son: "Nonsense, you don't have to eat, you must thank Mr. ADkiss. I wish him a fortune every year!"

Johnny: "Okay, do whatever you want. Anyway, you didn't listen to me. I went to bed. Damn it, I couldn't sleep."


Thank you to the ADkiss financial backer for your continued support. I really got to know each other just by publishing the book. I cried in the storm.

PS: No more updates tonight. I feel more and more sorry for David, and it made me cry when I wrote it, woo woo woo

Thank you to the following big donors for their support. Just when I was writing a book, I was unworthy of the world. Big brother, I spent the money on two more cigarettes. How heroic!

WilhelmHuang 15.00

Disqualified in the world o 31.00

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