Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 108 Native Consciousness (Thanks to Xuanyuan Wuhe)

Rainy night.

Laowei Prosthetic Clinic.

Sasha stood obediently behind Tang Yu and looked around the entire prosthetic clinic. The clinic was not too large, but all surgical instruments were available.

What made her most curious was that there were many boxing trophies and certificates placed on the wall cabinet.

It seems that the prosthetic doctor in front of him, the uncle with a magnetic voice, Lao Wei, used to be a boxing expert.

Judging from the tone of conversation between Mr. Tang and Lao Wei, the relationship between the two should be very good.

But Sasha isn't too sure. After all, she currently knows that Tang Yu only has three people to chat with.

The high-ranking Michiko is Tang Yu's immediate boss.

The gentle and sweet fortune teller Misty is the fiancée of Tang Yu's good brother.

Lao Wei, the uncle with a magnetic voice, is a good friend who takes care of Tang Yu.

As Sasha gradually understood everything, she began to wonder why she came to see the prosthetic doctor. Isn't Mr. Tang the original person?

Soon, Tang Yu answered her doubts.

"Lao Wei, Sasha is my assistant. Bring her to your place for a full set of examinations."

Tang Yu directly explained his intention, even if Sasha was around, he didn't take it into consideration.

The purpose of bringing Sasha to Lao Wei was to thoroughly confirm her background.

If Michiko really did something, he could prepare for it in advance.

With his hacker experience in his previous life and Lao Wei's superb prosthetic technology, I believe that no problem can be hidden.

In fact, no matter whether Sasha has any problems or not, Tang Yu will not do anything to her. After all, Sasha was just a poor girl who turned into what she is now due to various encounters.

The fault was Arasaka's, the company's, and it had nothing to do with her.

After hearing this, Lao Wei immediately understood the intention and knew that Sasha was the assistant sent to Tang Yu by Arasaka, and there might be something fishy about it.

He stood up from the sliding stool and led the two of them towards the operating area.

When Sasha heard that Tang Yu wanted to do a full set of examinations on herself, she couldn't help but feel a little strange, why should she do it?

Although she was puzzled, out of complete obedience to Tang Yu, she had no idea of ​​resistance. She just followed Lao Wei obediently to the operating chair.

Seeing that Sasha seemed a little nervous, Tang Yu casually touched her cat's head, and then said, "Don't be afraid, it's just a check-up, and you'll be fine after just squinting for a while."

Sasha nodded seriously and then lay down on the operating chair.

She took the two nerve data cables handed over by Lao Wei, and connected one to her wrist and the other to the back of her head and neck.

Lao Wei sat in front of the screen of the testing instrument and began to operate it.

"This in-depth examination involves your visual, circulatory, immune, nervous and other major systems, and you need to open the highest authority."

After hearing what Lao Wei said, Sasha looked for Tang Yu's opinion again. Tang Yu's approval was needed whether to open the highest authority.

Tang Yu said directly: "Sasha, enable the highest user permissions."

Sasha's eyes turned blue and he confirmed again.

"Mr. Tang, Sasha requests confirmation to enable the highest user permissions. Please enter by voice."

"Tang Yu, confirm to open."

"Sasha has confirmed that the highest user permissions are enabled. When in this permission mode, you have the right to access, set, and edit the basic underlying database."

After Sasha finished speaking, she seemed to have entered a downtime state. She slowly closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep. Only the breath from the tip of her nose showed that she was still alive.

Lao Wei also started clicking on the screen to access Sasha's underlying database information.

[Authorization confirmed/Accessing.]

Although the results of the interview had not yet come out, Lao Wei had already seen the clues and saw that Sasha had gone into sleep, so he asked.

"What's wrong with this kid?"

Tang Yu looked at Sasha, who was like a sleeping beauty. She was once really alive and kicking. Now she is neither a human nor an android. She is somewhere in between. It is strange and embarrassing.

"Lao Wei, you must have noticed something strange."

Lao Wei responded in a muffled voice: "This child's origins are not simple."

Tang Yu introduced: "Her name is Sasha Yakovleva. She was appointed by the company's senior management as an assistant to me."

"I'm not sure about her origins. The company didn't give any information, only a name and her."

"It should be the black technology of Arasaka Company. I don't know how a living person managed to do this."

"God knows what she suffered from, but I still don't understand it, so I brought her to you for a checkup."

Sasha's underlying database is still being accessed, and the data pool is very large. In addition, it needs to read the data structure of her consciousness to run and diagnose the intelligent AI situation, so it will take a while.

But the biological sign data, as well as the whole-body prosthetic implant data, are all fully presented before our eyes.

Tang Yu stood next to Lao Wei, and the two of them checked the situation together.

Lao Wei sighed softly: "This kid has a lot of secrets."

"The whole body is not only equipped with high-end combat implants such as lynx, but also equipped with a large number of hacking function modules, implanted with network access warehouses, RAM managers, enhancers, cerebral neurocortical support, etc."

"The implant version is complex, and it is not a new model after an update, but the compatibility and coordination are obviously good. Overall, it is mainly about hacking functions, supplemented by the combat system."

Tang Yu stared at the screen and quickly judged the situation: "Lao Wei, there are no traces of secondary implantation in Sasha's whole-body prosthetic body. Could it be that the cybernetic transformation was already in place before entering Arasaka?"

Lao Wei agreed with Tang Yu's speculation: "Her whole body prosthesis has basically maintained its original appearance. This possibility cannot be ruled out, but most of her native internal organs have been replaced. They are basically artificially synthesized organs to maintain the operation of the biological organism."

Tang Yu also found this strange thing. Why did he replace the internal organs instead of the implants on his body? There was indeed something suspicious here.

Most of the time the internal organs were replaced because the original organs were damaged or failed, which meant that she was likely to have suffered severe trauma and had to have her internal organs replaced in order to save her life.

Tang Yu guessed: "Perhaps she was seriously injured before entering Arasaka and had to undergo a synthetic organ transplant. After ensuring her survival, she was forced to undergo cybernetic transformation by Arasaka."

Lao Wei pointed at the image of Sasha's brain area on the screen and said seriously: "Now, this child's whole body is alive, only his brain is in trouble."

Tang Yu looked at the screen and found that Sasha's brain still supplied blood and oxygen and released signs of bioelectric energy. Although it was very weak, it proved that the brain was indeed native and still alive.

"Pseudo-death of the brain?"

Lao Wei also didn't understand why the original brain should be retained since everything has been cyberized.

"Yes, although this brain is still alive, it is obviously 'sleeping'. The person controlling the child's body may be an implanted intelligent AI. We need to wait until the underlying database is accessed to confirm."

Tang Yu fell into deep thought. What is the inevitable relationship between Sasha's native brain and Arasaka's black technology? Even if the brain is removed and artificial intelligence AI is injected, it will not affect Sasha's functions and actions.

Like a data AI, controlling cybernetic human corpses, Arasaka is fully capable of doing this.

To preserve the brain and implant electronic consciousness data, Tang Yu could only think of relic.

On the basis of the soul killer program, Arasaka has already played many tricks. With years of painstaking research, I am afraid that the technology of injecting data consciousness into the native human brain has been overcome.

Having experienced Johnny's electronic ghost incident, he was no longer surprised by any electronic soul possession.

At present, these are Tang Yu's guesses and cannot be confirmed, so naturally he will not tell Lao Wei.

Lao Wei explained: "This child's native consciousness is like a vegetative state. She lies there motionless and you don't know whether she is still awake."

Tang Yu asked: "Can she still feel everything around her?"

After thinking for a moment, Lao Wei replied: "Theoretically, it is possible. After all, her native brain is still connected to the whole body's neural network."

"But her brain fell into pseudo-death, and she may have already fallen asleep and was unable to notice anything happening in the outside world."

But Tang Yu remembered what he said to Sasha this morning, and felt that she seemed to be touched, and there was something different hidden in her eyes.

Just now, Misty also asked Sasha to draw a tarot card for divination.

The Hanged Man in chains.

Could it be that the consciousness of the original Sasha is trapped in the pseudo-death brain and cannot break free.

Physical isolation of consciousness is completely justified in biomedical theory.


Tang Yu would rather fake death. Sasha in his brain has already fallen into a sleep of endless darkness. When his brain shrinks and dies, everything will naturally end.

If the original consciousness of Sasha still existed, I'm afraid he would be even more aggrieved than Johnny's situation.

The whole person is like being locked in a transparent cage, watching a movie, it is obviously his own story, but he can only be chosen by others.

"Old Wei, is it possible to cure pseudodeath of the brain? Perhaps this can awaken the brain's native consciousness."

Lao Wei shook his head helplessly and explained.

"This possibility is slim. People's cognitive exploration of the brain is far from reaching the point of resurrection from the dead. Hundreds of billions of synapses and hundreds of millions of neurons are too large and too complex."

"In short, I would rather believe that the brain will automatically awaken to consciousness one day than try to actively awaken a sleeping brain. Even if you cut it open, you will not be able to find out where the original consciousness is hidden."

Tang Yu also agreed with Lao Wei that there is little hope for the awakening of native consciousness.

The key is that Sasha, as his special assistant, if his native consciousness really wakes up, how can Tang Yu guarantee whether he is an enemy or a friend.

No matter how you look at it, the current Sasha is the best and best meets his requirements.

This thing is like a pimple, it has no effect on you, but it just grows there. It makes you upset even more when you look at it.

Tang Yu suddenly remembered that Sasha had taken a white pill on the street just now.

He took out a transparent medicine bag from the pocket of Sasha's waist, which contained five white pills.

Tang Yu took out one pill and handed it to Lao Wei.

"Check the ingredients of this pill. She took one today."

Lao Wei picked up the pills and walked to the workbench, and began to test the drugs. He used the instruments to detect the ingredients and found out the results not long after.

"Cranial nerve drugs are mainly used to inhibit brain activity and at the same time promote the recovery of injured nerves to a certain extent. The specific ingredients are relatively complex. I have seen similar products produced by biotechnology."

Tang Yu understood why Sasha took white pills to inhibit the activity in order to slow down the speed of brain death.

It is equivalent to protecting the brain from survival and at the same time allowing the brain to continue to sleep.

"Old Wei, once this medicine is stopped, it may be difficult for Sasha's original consciousness to wake up."

Lao Wei returned to the operating table and sat down and said, "Yes, the original brain body has been damaged. Waking up will only aggravate the symptoms, but suppressing the activity can prolong the life of the brain body."

"Of course, there is another possibility. After the brain automatically completes the damage repair, it will wake up again under some chance stimulation. This can only depend on God's will."

That's it.

Tang Yu can no longer regard Sasha as a bionic person. No matter in every aspect, Sasha is a living eldest daughter.

He stuffed the remaining white pills back into Sasha's pocket. There was nothing wrong with the pills themselves and they could be purchased through normal channels.

It would be better for Michiko to give him a bionic man. If Tang Yu is not used to it, he can just turn it off and throw it in the utility room.

But it was Sasha who couldn't throw it away and couldn't move it. How could this not embarrass Tang Yu?


displayed on the electronic screen.

Sasha's underlying data access was successful and all data has been read.

The underlying data algorithm structure is the foundation of the system's operation. If Sasha really has any problems, he will never be able to hide them from Tang Yu.

Although Sasha has not been out of the factory for a long time, as she studies hard, the database continues to expand, the algorithm structure continues to be optimized, and it has become more and more human-like.

But what surprised them even more was that this artificial intelligence program seemed to be actively adapting to the body, and various system parameters were changed and adjusted to meet the body's behavioral preferences.

It must be said that Arasaka’s research on digital consciousness has reached a cutting-edge level.

If this situation continues, this set of data AI will get closer and closer to the original subject consciousness, and even 'replicate' a Sasha.

Lao Wei began to search and scan the database to see if there were vulnerabilities, heretical programs, hidden viruses, etc.

These hidden points will fundamentally maliciously tamper with Sasha's underlying data algorithm, thus posing a potential threat to Tang Yu.

Lao Wei began to search and scan the data one by one, and a continuous string of numbers and symbols scrolled on the screen.

a long time.

Regardless of the retrieval and scanning of language, emotion, personality and other aspects, the underlying database is very clean.

Lao Wei looked at the screen and said: "It is basically confirmed that there is no problem. Her database forms the core of the algorithm and is indeed set up to comply with human beings as the highest user authority."

"Now that you have been identified by her as the only user with the highest authority, there will be no accidental tampering. This is the basic logic of her operation. Without this, the data flow will be confused and will not work properly."

Tang Yu also saw that Xiao Michiko did not lie to him, and Sasha was clean.

In other words, Sasha was a gift prepared by Michiko for Tang Yu from the moment she left the factory.

This is the only meaning of Special Assistant Sasha's existence in this world, and all her learning and growth are centered on this.

Tang Yu only felt that this 'gift' was too heavy.

Even if the girl was sent to Arasaka before she died, and then cyber-transformed into this, it was not what she really wanted.

He, Tang Yu, can't wipe out all the injustice in the world.

Lao Wei stared at the electronic screen and continued his analysis: "It is worth noting that the underlying database has a code, code name company code."

Company Code?

Tang Yu also looked at the code symbols on the electronic screen and carefully interpreted the algorithm's operating logic.

I found this company code to be somewhat familiar, just like the hidden rule algorithm of Arasaka Tower, emphasizing the importance of superiority and inferiority.

As Tang Yu's special assistant, Sasha must abide by the company's rules to ensure that when assisting Tang Yu in his work, he does not commit the following illegal behaviors. This is to protect him to a certain extent.

Tang Yu carefully confirmed again that the basis of this company code is still to follow Tang Yu as the center, so there should be no serious problems.

After checking for a long time, he and Lao Wei couldn't find any bugs.

all in all.

Sasha is clean, and as Tang Yu's special assistant, there is no problem.

This puts Tang Yu in a difficult position. If he finds some loopholes in Sasha, he will feel more at ease.

But even he and Lao Wei couldn't see the problem, which was somewhat problematic.

Did little Michiko really just give ‘gifts’?

It's not that Tang Yu is suspicious, but that he can't trust the Arasaka family.

at this point.

Tang Yu could only keep Sasha for now, but there was no other way.

A bionic person whose mind is filled with Tang Yu's thoughts will only be worse if she doesn't accept Tang Yu.

At this moment, Lao Wei suddenly discovered a strange problem.

"Tang, although we have checked the database, we have not found the core of her electronic subject consciousness. This is indeed strange."

Tang Yu also discovered this problem. This is equivalent to a living person who is normal in all aspects, including eating, going to school, chatting, and sleeping, but finds that the root cause of all these behaviors cannot be found.

Tang Yu suddenly thought of Sasha's biological signs. Her native brain still maintained basic blood supply, oxygen supply and bioelectric energy release.

Could it be that.

What controls Sasha is not actually AI, but a digital consciousness mark. This mark uses Sasha's native brain as a carrier to control the entire body.

The reason why Sasha is so pure and simple, always focusing on Tang Yu in everything, and always acting ignorant.

It is entirely because this digital consciousness imprint has been greatly edited and processed, and only requires the extremely weak biological functions of the native brain to operate normally.

All the artificial intelligence algorithms it carries are serving this conscious body and reducing the load on the native brain.

This also means that Sasha will learn and understand more and more, but her character will never grow up.

It's like a naive and ignorant girl driving a giant mecha. No matter how powerful it looks, the girl is still in control of the mecha.

Arasaka’s research in the field of biological brain and consciousness digitization is unparalleled.

Tang Yu judged that Sasha's secret was no small matter. It involved Arasaka's core secrets and was closely related to Arasaka's relic project research and development.

Sasha's matter can only stop here for the time being.

If discovered by Michiko, Tang Yu can recognize the secret hidden behind Sasha's original consciousness.

Not only he and Sasha, but also Lao Wei will be in an extremely dangerous situation.

Sasha was probably just a semi-finished product of the experiment and could no longer play any more role in the research and development of the experiment, so he was selected by Michiko and sent to Tang Yu.

Tang Yu couldn't predict Xiao Michiko's intention of this move, but it should have nothing to do with the Arasaka family.

If he had really revealed any clues, I'm afraid it wasn't Sasha who was sent, but countless Arasaka ninja troops, clamoring to do slice studies on him.

Tang Yu hurriedly stopped Lao Wei's continued research. If he continues like this, I'm afraid the storm vortex will only become more and more involved.

He really still needs time to prepare.

Instant Noodles: "We have a new helmsman, and we welcome the reward from the 'Xuanyuan Wuhe' financial boss!"

Rebecca: “Yeah!”

Johnny: "Little girl, don't steal the show, these are my lines."

Rebecca: "What did you say?! What did you say?! What did you say?!" (Kicking her fat legs)

Johnny: "Instant noodles, you still don't care. Oh, I'm annoyed just by looking at this girl! Let's just get out of the way!"


PS: Thanks to the financial backer of ‘Xuanyuan Wuhe’ for the reward, the instant noodles must be even better! No more tonight, everyone, please go to bed early!

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