Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 109 New Minister (Thanks to ‘Rama Kai’)

Rainy night.

It was chilly.

In Laowei's underground prosthetic clinic, Tang Yu promptly stopped the follow-up examination of Sasha.

Although Lao Wei didn't know why, he seemed to realize that something was wrong and immediately put away his hand operating the screen.

The two looked at each other for a moment.

Tang Yu looked a little solemn and said bluntly: "Lao Wei, just make sure there is no problem."

Lao Wei didn't ask any more questions, just nodded and started clicking on the screen to exit the visit.

After Tang Yu waited for all connected devices to exit safely, he removed the nerve data cables from Sasha's neck and wrist.

"Sasha, wake up."

Hearing Tang Yu's soft call, Sasha's neon eyes opened, fluttering, and said after waking up.

"Sasha, exit from highest authority mode has been confirmed."

Sasha woke up quickly, sat up from the operating table, her expression returned to normal, and then politely thanked Lao Wei.

"Mr. Wei, thank you!"

Lao Wei just laughed twice. No one had ever called him that. He waved his hand and replied, "Just call me Lao Wei. Tang has always called me that. After the examination, you are healthy."

After hearing this, Sasha looked very happy and looked at Tang Yu for confirmation: "Mr. Tang, is this true?"

Tang Yu nodded affirmatively.

Sasha stood up and left the operating table, walked to Tang Yu and was very happy: "As long as Sasha is healthy, he can continue to serve Mr. Tang well!"

Lao Wei just smiled and said nothing.

Tang Yu raised his hand and touched her cat's head, and then said: "Take out the bionic scleral lens. Since you are all here, let's implant it for use."

Sasha immediately took out the small box from his pocket and handed it to Lao Wei with both hands.

Lao Wei opened the box and took a look. Inside was a pair of bionic scleral lenses, soaked in sterile liquid. They were also high-end optical implants produced by Qilushi.

However, this set of bionic sclera is placed in the safe area in front of the lens of the native human eye. It can be implanted or removed. It is only suitable for native eyes. It is expensive and usually customized.

Tang Yu introduced: "This pair of bionic sclera is adapted to the Sasha visual system."

Lao Wei picked up the box and walked to the workbench behind him, preparing surgical implant tools while smiling.

"With this pair of bionic sclera, basic functional modules can also be incorporated, so that when it is inconvenient for you to wear glasses, you can still use the bionic sclera."

"The bionic sclera is brand new and there are no problems. You sit on the operating chair first and it will probably be healed in less than five seconds and in the blink of an eye."

Tang Yu took off his glasses and put them away, sat directly on the operating chair, half-reclined, and planned to leave it all to Lao Wei: "Okay, Lao Wei, you can do whatever you want."


Lao Wei came over with the bionic sclera, sat on a chair and operated the screen, then pulled a robotic arm and aimed the probe at Tang Yu's eyes.

"Just stare at the picture in the aperture, don't blink, just hold on for five seconds."

"Okay, it's done."

Before he could even finish a sentence, the bionic sclera had been implanted into the eye lens, which can be called femtosecond.

Lao Wei moved the robotic arm and asked, "How do you feel?"

Tang Yu blinked and found that there was only a slight foreign body sensation, but he quickly adapted to it.

Various data prompts and light blue text descriptions began to appear in the field of vision.

[User information confirmed]

【Tang Yu】

[Employee number: NC770416]

Tang Yu looked at Lao Wei.

【Victor Victor】

[Occupation: Doctor at the Prosthetic Clinic in Little Chinatown, Watson District]

[Remarks: Former Devil Boxing Club professional boxing player]

He looked at Sasha again.

【Sasha Yakovleva】

[Position: Special Assistant]

Tang Yu felt that the basic functions were fine, so he said: "Everything is normal, there is no problem with the auxiliary imaging."

Sasha on the side was a little excited: "Mr. Tang, after Sasha recognizes your bionic sclera, you can open a visual connection with Sasha."

"And you'll be able to go more directly through the sclera, using the hacking capabilities that Sasha has mastered."

"Sasha can also serve you better and more timely!"

After hearing Sasha's proactive introduction, Tang Yu understood that Xiao Michiko's words were indeed true.

Sasha's functions and effects can really make up for Tang Yu's shortcomings in this area.

Lao Wei reminded: "The main function of the bionic sclera is to assist. The running memory is not enough to support advanced hacking functions, and it can only store a small amount of information. You really need a good helper like Sasha."

Tang Yu nodded. Lao Wei was telling him that this sclera would not record what he saw or said. It was essentially just a carrier of auxiliary functions.

That being the case.

He felt free to use it, but he didn't expect to bother Lao Wei again.

Tang Yu stood up from the operating chair and was not polite to Old Wei Duo. He joked: "Old Wei, I owe you another debt. If this continues, your land will almost become my private clinic. .”

Lao Wei tidied up the work surface again, reset and shut down the relevant instruments, then turned around and said: "Anyway, there is no big deal. You come here often and treat this place as your own home. Besides, you are cleaner than anyone else. I want to make money from you." Paying for a prosthetic body is harder than betting on a boxing match."

Tang Yu smiled helplessly: "That's right. I don't have much chance to take care of your business, but my wallet is quite strong recently. When I have time, I will make an appointment with Jack to go to Santo Domingo to watch a boxing match. I'll treat him."

Lao Wei walked to his old position at the counter, sat on the sliding stool again, looked at Tang Yu and Sasha, and said with a smile: "Okay, when you are not so busy, we can make an appointment. I have a lot of money." free time."

Tang Yu knew the reason why Laowei Prosthetic Clinic was not very prosperous. The main reason was that he never accepted gang threats, took over some cheap black prosthetics from scavengers, and refused to perform prosthetic surgeries that were against his will but huge profits.

In short, Lao Wei's heart is as peaceful as his person, and as tough as his skills.

Tang Yu didn't want to break Lao Wei's living conditions and repeat every day, which was calm and slightly monotonous.

All is well.

Everything that came to see Lao Wei tonight was done, so Tang Yu stopped bothering him.

"Okay, Lao Wei, I won't disturb you and continue watching the boxing match. Let's make an appointment again when we find time."

Lao Wei waved his hands to the two of them: "Let's go quickly. It's raining hard. Don't get wet and catch a cold."


Lao Wei was immersed in the world of boxing matches again, as if the wind and rain outside had nothing to do with him.

Sasha followed Tang Yu's example and said goodbye to Lao Wei.

"Old Wei, next time Sasha will ask you to make an appointment for Mr. Tang to watch a boxing match. Goodbye!"

After that, Tang Yu led Sasha out of the Laowei Prosthetic Clinic, returned to Misty's Divination House through the back door, and said goodbye to her.

Sasha liked Misty very much, especially the mysterious and fun Tarot cards, so she took the initiative to come forward and chat a few more words.

The two walked out of the store and picked up the transparent fluorescent umbrella placed in the corner.

After Tang Yu opened his umbrella and stepped into the rain again, Sasha quickly followed, not wanting to have any more fun.

On the way home, Tang Yu thought about Sasha's problem and temporarily confirmed that it was safe. He recognized her as his special assistant.

Sasha is clean. If there is a problem, it is because of Michiko's ulterior motives and has nothing to do with Sasha.

In fact, it is not that Tang Yu has never brought girls back to the apartment, but the situation is somewhat different from the current situation.

The relationship with V and the others came naturally, and it came naturally to that point. Both parties were willing to do so.

Moreover, he was more accustomed to staying in a V-shaped apartment in the past, and rarely lived in his own luxurious flat.

It's better now, he brought a special assistant home. Even though Sasha has unparalleled obedience to him, it is always distorted by artificial changes.

Moreover, there is another native consciousness in Sasha's mind, which is unfamiliar to Tang Yu.

Tang Yu has never claimed to be a saint, but he just cherishes feelings, the kind that he cherishes very much.

If the person standing next to Tang Yu today was a real cyberpunk beauty, he really wouldn't mind being free and engaging in a dangerous and romantic chase under the neon lights of the city.

Unfortunately, it's not suitable yet.

Sasha is not the original Sasha, and Tang Yu is not the original Tang Yu.

Two strange people, by chance, lived in a neon building in Night City and maintained an inexplicable relationship.

Both close and separated.

To be honest, this was something Tang Yu had not expected.

Many major events happening now are deviating from his past experience and understanding.

Who would have thought that after rebirth, he would pick up a cat girl and take it home, or that she would be a foster cat.

Tang Yu turned his head slightly and found that Sasha also looked up at him.

Eyes facing each other.

Sasha's smile was bright.

At this moment, countless neon lights over the city turned into stars and fell into her eyes, making them colorful.

And in those colorful pupils, only Tang Yu could be seen.

Tang Yu stretched out his warm palm again and gently touched her cat's head.

Sasha squinted her eyes slightly, smiled like a crescent moon, and quietly felt the unique breath of Tang Yu's palms. Different from the coldness of the prosthetic body, his hands were warm and gentle.

"Sasha, let's go home."

The night is deep.

Arasaka Tower R\u0026D Department.

Tanaka, the director of the R\u0026D department, had just walked out of the laboratory door and looked at the time. It was almost one o'clock.

He is now rushing to a place to find Jimmy Kurosaki, the famous Black Mewtwo editor, to buy and experience the latest Black Mewtwo, which is one of his few hobbies.

Jimmy Kurosaki is definitely one of the top directors in the Mewtwo world, and the Mewtwo he releases is guaranteed to be fresh within 24 hours.

His style of making Black Mewtwo is often known for its fierce gun battles, massacres, and bloody battles. He is especially good at making Black Mewtwo from the first-person perspective of cybermaniacs.

Many dignitaries who like it are Jimmy Kurosaki's VIP customers and can enjoy tailor-made Black Mewtwo services.

Tanaka twisted his stiff neck and walked to the public elevator and arrived at the Arasaka Tower lobby.

Called a Draman taxi and started heading to Jimmy Kurosaki's secret Black Mewtwo base.

Tanaka doesn't want to be disturbed by anyone now. His hobby of watching Black Mewtwo is not very honorable, so he usually goes alone.

However, his exclusive car was stolen a few days ago, which made him wary for a while.

Therefore, I have never traveled alone, which resulted in me missing several new Black Mewtwo movies, including Cybermaniac James’ Battle Black Mewtwo.

Tanaka knew the whole story about the company square, and the Counterintelligence Department had already retrieved the military-grade Sian Westan operating data.

But what really makes Tian Zhong itchy is not this set of data, but the last madness of cyber madman James during his lifetime.

Company square, bloody killings, ruthlessness, flesh and blood, one against a hundred, almost every keyword hit Tanaka's highlight.

Having worked at Arasaka Tower for many years, he strictly abides by the company's strict hierarchical order and considers the company's overall situation in everything.

This caused a subtle change in his mentality, and he actually imagined the moment of death when he stood at the top of Arasaka Tower and slaughtered everything.

In fact, Tanaka had already obtained the Black Mewtwo chip, and it was the first perspective of cybermaniac James before his death.

But he has never watched it alone, because only by going to Jimmy Kurosaki's secret base can he enjoy exclusive customization and bring the most extreme Mewtwo experience.

The stimulation of the senses during the fight is heightened to its peak state, as if one is personally present at the scene and killing everything with one's own hands.

Although Tanaka knew that Military Technology was investigating, this was the norm for him.

It is common for two major companies to investigate and infiltrate each other. As long as they do not go too far, they will not pursue it too deeply.

In addition, in order to avoid being ambushed, Tanaka even further strengthened the combat implants on his body.

Tanaka vaguely guessed something. Military Technology had a deeper purpose in investigating him.

"I'm afraid it's because of that military-grade Sianwistan that it attracted the attention of Military Technology."

"After all, if one of those sets of prosthetics can be recovered and the re-development experiment is successful, it will be a devastating disaster for them."

"It's a pity that the sample data is not enough. It is now difficult to find a cyber candidate who can rival Adam's Hammer."

While Tanaka was deep in thought, he suddenly received a communication request.

Susan Abernathy?

Tanaka frowned slightly, feeling a little strange.

"Why is she calling so late? Isn't she suspended?"

He made some calculations in his mind, and estimated that it was most likely related to today's board of directors, and pointed at the Counterintelligence Department.

The conflict between Susan Abernathy and the Counterintelligence Department, especially Deputy Minister Tang Yu, has long been known to everyone.

Moreover, Tang Yu was indeed a bit reckless in countering military technology, which led to a lot of calls on the board of directors to deal with him.

Communication is connected.

Tanaka: "Susan Abernathy, why are you so late?"

Even if the other party holds the position of director, Tanaka is not false at all. As a direct descendant of the Arasaka family, the value of this relationship is far higher than the position itself.

On the other end of the phone, Susan Abernathy did not mince words and directly suggested: "Mr. Tanaka, I would like to invite you to cooperate once."

Tanaka did not show any interest and said in a low tone: "What is the cooperation? I hope you can explain it clearly."

Susan Abernathy smiled: "Of course it's about company personnel. You know, the Counterintelligence Department still has a vacancy for a deputy minister. Their minister, Arthur Jenkins, has been away on a business trip and won't be back for a while."

Tanaka: "The affairs of the Counterintelligence Department are not within my scope of responsibility. The higher-ups will naturally consider it in terms of personnel arrangements."

Susan Abernathy was not annoyed by Tanaka's impeccable answer, but continued to explain.

"Each department should be in charge of each department, but as the Director of Special Operations, I have the responsibility and obligation to be responsible for the normal operation of the Counterintelligence Department. Now only Deputy Minister Tang Yu is in charge of the Counterintelligence Department."

"Tang Yu is the deputy director of both departments. So far, he has only been to the Special Operations Department once and only reimbursed the mission funds."

"It can be seen that Tang Yu can no longer handle the affairs of the two departments. The counter-intelligence department alone is enough to keep him busy for half a day, not to mention the fact that he is also in charge of the special operations department."

Tanaka finally heard what she meant. Now that Arthur Jenkins of the Counter-Intelligence Department is away, Tang Yu is busy running in both directions. The Counter-Intelligence Department is extremely short of people.

If it is suggested at this time that the top management of the board of directors can most likely send someone to serve as deputy minister of the Counterintelligence Department, then the key to the problem lies in this candidate.

The Counterintelligence Department is one of the core departments in Night City Arasaka Tower. It has a large amount of secret information about company employees and has privileges for external operations. This is indeed what Tanaka needs now.

But Tanaka is not the only one who is eyeing the position of Deputy Minister of Counterintelligence. Many forces are competing, and no one wants to support their own faction.

Tanaka pondered for a moment, but did not express his position directly. He wanted to hear her arrangements and asked, "What did you think about it?"

Susan Abernathy explained: "My preference is to recommend someone from your department to serve as deputy secretary of counterintelligence, Kate."

When Tanaka heard the name, he fell silent.

Kate does work in the R\u0026D department, but the real owner behind it is actually Arasaka Yorinobu.

Although Arasaka Yorinobu is far away in Kyoto, he is also looking for opportunities to place chess pieces within Arasaka Company. For what he does, Arasaka Saburo turns a blind eye and turns a deaf ear.

In addition, Arasaka Yorinobu is the nominal legitimate heir of Arasaka Company, so Arasaka Company has a large number of people who support and follow him.

Before today's board meeting, rumors spread that Arasaka Yorinobu is very likely to come to Night City.

But after the board meeting, the matter is likely to come to nothing.

Michiko Arasaka stabilized the situation in Night City and proved her loyalty to the Arasaka family.

Now, the person who arranged for Arasaka Yorinobu to serve as the deputy minister of the Counterintelligence Department is a disguised form of strengthening his influence in Night City.

At present, Tang Yu is most likely to side with Michiko Arasaka, so the two deputy ministers must be incompatible and will fight to the death.

In addition, Kate has worked under Tanaka for many years and is still obedient. She is still tens of thousands of times better than Tang Yu.

Every time I think of Tang Yu's words at that time and his unsatisfied air, I feel inexplicably irritated.

Seeing that Tanaka didn't answer, Susan Abernathy continued to persuade: "Don't you want Tang Yu to suffer a little about your young master?"

"In addition, I can also send someone here to serve in the Counterintelligence Department to help Kate secure her position."

"how about?"

Tanaka immediately understood Susan Abernathy's wishful thinking, and each family placed one person in the counterintelligence department.

Kate is in line with Arasaka Yorinobu's interests and Tanaka's needs. As long as the directors make suggestions for the appointment and Arasaka Yorinobu exerts some pressure from Kyoto, Arasaka Michiko will most likely not be able to refuse.

After all, Michiko Arasaka has protected Tang Yu from being dealt with, and if she prevents the reasonable deployment of manpower to the Counterintelligence Department, it will cause greater dissent.

As the director, it is not difficult for Susan Abernathy to transfer a person to the Counterintelligence Department. Just follow the normal procedures.

After Tanaka was silent for a moment, he finally said: "Don't mention Katsuo's matter anymore. I only care about the company."

"It is recommended that Kate be appointed as Deputy Minister of Counterintelligence. I can cooperate with you. As for who you want to arrange, that's up to you."

The two finished talking.

Tanaka hung up the phone.

Looking at the receding night scene on both sides, he coldly ordered: "Delaman, return."

Instant Noodles: "Thanks to the sponsor of 'Rama Qi', the boss and the helmsman, for the reward. I can't do anything without coding on the weekend. Johnny, please don't bother me."

Johnny: "Instant Noodles, if you are kidnapped, just tell me. It must be because of me. I found out that there is a financial backer named 'Rama Qi' who wants to threaten Instant Noodles with money as a blackmail! Still! Playing the same old trick, they wanted to take the opportunity to anger me! OK, they got what they wanted!"

v son: "."

Johnny: "So what do you say, do you want to go to the dark room together? Let's go get the instant noodles?"


PS: Thanks to the financial backer of ‘Rama Qi’, the helmsman, for the reward, there will be another update tonight!

Special thanks to the following sponsors for their generous rewards!

Rama Kai 29.00

Fantasy color difference 15.00

Night Mist Phantom Burial's Time Stopper 15.00

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