Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 110 Raising cats at home (thanks to ‘Little Awen’a’)

The next day.

Santo Domingo, Valle District.

David yawned loudly, pushed open the bedroom door and walked to the living room, only to find that the living room was empty.


He tried shouting, but saw that Gloria's bedroom door was open, but there was no response.

"Where have you been so early in the morning?"

David muttered and walked into the bathroom and started to wash up and get ready for work.

Yesterday, he got off the early shift. After having dinner with Tang Yu at noon, he felt much better.

David held up a puddle of cold water with both hands and rubbed his face vigorously. He was instantly refreshed and looked up at himself in the electronic mirror screen.

There are faint edges between his eyebrows and his eyes, which makes him look a bit adult.

David couldn't help but recall what he said yesterday. Tang Yu told him to be himself.

It's a pity that he didn't live up to his expectations at the time and cried profusely. He obviously didn't understand the meaning of the words, but he was inexplicably moved.

David clutched his face tightly with both hands, feeling waves of regret welling up in his heart, wishing he could find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

When he was sleeping last night, these damn memories and scenes kept sneaking up on him. Every time he thought of crying in front of Tang Yu, he was so embarrassed that he almost twisted into a worm in the bed.

What a shame!

After all, David was a man who was about to turn eighteen, so how could he lose his composure and cry in front of Mr. Tang.

Moreover, the words Mr. Tang said were neither comfort nor encouragement when I carefully tasted them now. How could I be so easily moved that when I think of Tang Yu, my mind is full of confusion.

"Little brother, Mr. Tang calls me little brother"

"Oh, I'm still a kid after all."

"But Mr. Tang seems to be quite nice to me."

David put down his hands, and his big face was covered with ten finger marks, which was red.

He looked at himself in the mirror and fell into an extremely confusing situation.

"Do you still want to go to the company today?"

"I hope Mr. Tang can forget what happened at noon yesterday."

"Don't do such stupid things again. Why don't you ask Mr. Tang for dinner?"

David slapped his face, trying to cheer himself up.

No matter how embarrassing it is, you have to go to work. The worst thing you can do is hide it. As time goes by, Mr. Tang will naturally forget about it.

David firmly believed that Tang Yu, who was also the deputy minister of two departments, must be extremely busy and would not have time to remember these things.

He took two deep breaths in front of the mirror, tidied up his appearance and ran to the living room to change clothes.

Suit, tie, leather shoes, and finally some hair oil to fix the hairstyle.

David in the mirror looked like a company employee.

The suit was newly bought by Gloria for him. It was a relatively high-end suit. Although it was not as good as the luxury items like Jinguji Temple, it was enough for work.

David fully understood his mother's intention. He did not want to receive strange looks because of his clothes when he was interning at Arasaka Tower.

After finishing, David opened the door and set off towards Arasaka Tower, starting a busy day for the company dog.

It didn't take long.

David arrived at his destination, the Counterintelligence Department on the 33rd floor of Arasaka Tower.

He said hello to the front desk as usual, and then walked to his office, only to find that everyone was here again.

David looked at the time suspiciously. It was still early before going to work. Could it be that today was another big day?

After working in the Counterintelligence Department for a period of time, he discovered that his colleagues in the department had a habit.

Whenever something important happened yesterday, or something important is about to happen today, everyone would come very early, and then get together in small groups to gossip and discuss.

Just like you can skip breakfast, but you can't listen to gossip. Just like when the stock market opens, all kinds of fresh information are traded early in the morning. The Counterintelligence Department really makes a living from intelligence.

David, who was gradually getting used to everything, pretended to be absent-minded and walked slowly towards his office.

As you pass by other colleagues' desks, you can hear bits and pieces of gossip.

Some female colleagues will complain about their husbands, some male colleagues will complain about the high-end places they go to, and some will discuss the current situation of other companies.

David barely understood anything and couldn't get a word in at all. He was like a young guy who had just arrived in town. Everything he heard from his older brothers was new and exciting.

But today, all my colleagues seemed to be talking about the same issue.

"Something big happened. I heard that there was a latest personnel change late last night. It was very sudden. My colleagues in the human resources department secretly said it."

"I also heard the news, it may be related to our department."

"It can't be that a new person is coming. The boss has been on a business trip for so long and there is no news."

"I heard it's from a high-level person in the department, and I guess it's most likely the new deputy minister."


New deputy minister?

David was suddenly startled, and when he was distracted, he almost went to the wrong station.

He quickly returned to his workstation, turned on the electronic screen and pretended to tidy up the desktop, while raising his ears to listen to what his colleagues were chatting about.

If a new deputy minister is really coming, it will be a big deal. Mr. Tang may be in trouble.

He concentrated on listening to the exchange of information among several colleagues.

A charming lady, wearing a pair of black stockings, whispered: "This is not a random guess, it is well-founded. Think about it, you can count on your fingers the number of times Mr. Tang has come to our department."

Another cool girl with short hair echoed: "Yes, and according to the Special Operations Department, Mr. Tang has never been to their place. He reimbursed some expenses and left yesterday."

"It's obvious. Boss Tang is trying to show off to them. In the past, he used to be a big department, and every time we cooperated, he was just wiping their tails. It makes me angry just thinking about it!"

Sister Fengqing saw it more thoroughly and confidently analyzed: "It's not that simple. How can they care about these things at their level? What I want to say is that Boss Tang has never gone to the Special Operations Department. The board of directors will definitely not let it go. Yes, nine times out of ten, they are talking about this."

Sister Fengqing's legs under her short skirt changed positions again, stacked up and continued to speak: "Since Mr. Tang is in charge of two departments, the Counterintelligence Department is too busy, so naturally a new deputy minister will be arranged to share the burden. And this matter has been mentioned by the board of directors before, but it just didn’t pass.”

Sister Ku exclaimed in a low voice: "Then the new deputy minister airborne so fast this time. I'm afraid it was arranged by the superiors. It was confirmed in one night. This speed is too fast. I'm afraid he has a lot of background."

Sister Fengqing nodded meaningfully, expressing her agreement with Sister Ku's point of view, and then added: "There is no need to guess, we will find out when we get to work later. Boss Tang may not come today, let's wait and see what happens."

Sister Ku cried bitterly and said: "Oh, I don't want to have to bear the mountain with multiple heads. It's best for Boss Tang to be alone!"

Sister Fengqing smiled helplessly, with slight dimples at the corners of her mouth, and silently sighed in her heart: "Who is not? I haven't reported to Boss Tang alone yet, and I don't know if there is still a chance, alas."

Several people sighed, and when they saw that the time was almost up, they all returned to their workstations to sort out their mood and start today's work.

After listening to this, David Martinez sat in his seat and suddenly became confused.

This intelligence news was simply too shocking to him.

The Counterintelligence Department actually has one more deputy minister, so Tang Yu has one more competitor.

He knew what people around him said about Tang Yu, saying that he was a lone wolf who offended people too easily.

Whether it is Special Operations Director Susan Abernathy, Director Tanaka of the R\u0026D Department, or employees of other departments, large and small, they all have a bad impression of Tang Yu, thinking that he is difficult to deal with and likes to show off.

David didn't think so. After being in contact with Tang Yu for a while, he felt that he was not as cold and majestic as everyone said.

David admitted in his heart that he could not understand or guess Tang Yu at all.

Tang Yu's world is unattainable.

Whether it is his height or his hidden inner nature, outsiders have no way of knowing.

But David firmly believed in his intuition, just like Tang Yu's words, which would inexplicably touch the depths of his heart. It was not a big truth, but it had a sense of healing.

But the struggles and arrangements of the company's top management were completely beyond the knowledge and involvement of an intern like him.

Who will serve as deputy minister can only be left to fate.

David looked up at the office aisle, but saw no familiar figure. He was anxiously waiting for the moment to go to work.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The entire office area began to become eerily silent, which seemed to indicate that this was a sign before the storm.

Many colleagues began to look around, staring in the direction of the public elevator.


There was a commotion in the direction of the public elevator, as if a group of people were approaching. Colleagues in the office area were immediately alert, realizing that what was supposed to come was coming, and they all pricked up their ears to hear what was going on at the front desk.

The front desk of the department saw a group of people walking out of the public elevator, chatting and laughing, and surrounded by Arasaka bodyguards. They were obviously senior executives of the company. The front desk immediately stood up to greet them.

The group of people walked to the front desk, and someone immediately introduced them: "This is your new deputy minister of counterintelligence, Ms. Kate."

The front desk scanned the person's identity and recognized the person as the deputy director of the Human Resources Department. He quickly reacted and politely called: "Ms. Kate, good morning."

Kate looked arrogant, her brown-red braids were tied into two bunches, and her eye sockets were cybernetic implanted and transformed into square visual system processors that emitted a faint red light.

She was expressionless and didn't say much.

The senior management of the HR department had no choice but to ask: "Is Mr. Jenkins in the office?"

The front desk responded: "Mr. Jenkins is on a business trip and has not been working in the department recently."

The deputy director of the Personnel Department was a little unhappy, and then asked: "What about your deputy director, Mr. Tang?"

The receptionist told the truth and replied: "Mr. Tang is out on field duty and will not work in the department today."

When the new deputy minister took office, no senior executive from the huge Counterintelligence Department came out to receive him. This was somewhat contemptuous.

The Deputy Minister of Personnel clearly remembered that the appointment notice had been sent to Arthur Jenkins, and he should not have treated the new Deputy Minister so coldly.

The Deputy Minister of Personnel knew that Kate's background was not simple. She was suddenly qualified to become Deputy Minister overnight and could not deal with it casually. So he asked angrily: "Are you ready for the new office of Deputy Minister?"

front desk:"."

He just felt confused. He didn't receive any notice, so how could he prepare the deputy minister's office in advance.

The Counterintelligence Department does have a free independent office, but it has not received any notification as to who will take care of the free office.

The deputy director of the Personnel Department angrily rebuked: "Why don't you hurry up and make arrangements!"

The front desk got a slap on the wrist for no apparent reason and quickly started notifying people to tidy up the office.

Kate stood aside and said in a cold tone: "I'm just here to take a look today, so please send them here."

After hearing the main speaker's words, the Deputy Minister of Personnel felt that his appointment had been completed and there was really no need to stay here.

The company executives who accompanied her here saw that Kate was exhausted on her first day in office, and knew that she was somewhat unhappy, so they no longer reluctantly stayed.

Everyone said goodbye and left the Counterintelligence Department.

At the front desk, only the new Deputy Minister Kate and another subordinate who was newly transferred from the Special Operations Department to the Counterintelligence Department were left.

Kate ignored the front desk and walked directly into the office area, minding her own business and began to patrol.

Since she has already reported to the Counterintelligence Department, the Personnel Department generated Kate's new job identity information, and Counterintelligence Department employees can confirm her identity through scanning.

Kate's expression remained unchanged as she walked down the aisle, carefully looking at the layout and details of the Counterintelligence Department.

Some counterintelligence staff who were passing by looked at her curiously. When they found out that she was the new deputy minister, they immediately put on a smile and proactively called her: "Ms. Kate, good morning."

Kate looked intently, as if the people around her were nothing, and she didn't pay attention at all.

Not long after.

Kate walked to the office area of ​​the Counterintelligence Department and immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Many employees who were working looked up at Kate and looked at the new deputy minister.

It was also the first time for David to meet the new deputy minister. He felt that he was slow in his steps, had a strong aura, and looked like he was not to be approached by strangers, so he was not easy to deal with.

Kate glanced around the office area coldly, without saying anything, just staring at everyone for a while.

Everyone present could not help but feel a chill in their hearts. This posture and attitude were obviously not easy to handle.

The employees quickly lowered their heads and started working, pretending that nothing happened.

David also lowered his head tactfully to avoid looking at Kate and causing unnecessary misunderstandings.

After he saw the new deputy minister, he couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

"I didn't expect that the R\u0026D department was parachuted in. The relationship between Mr. Tang and Tanaka doesn't seem to be harmonious. Could it be related to Tanaka Katsuo again?"

"And I feel like she's quite scary and I'm afraid she's not easy to get along with."

"Mr. Tang didn't come to work today, did he deliberately let her go?"

"Probably not. Mr. Tang is not even afraid of the director. How could he be afraid of a new deputy minister? Most likely he is on field duty. After all, as a deputy minister of two departments, it is normal to be busy."

David carefully speculated in his mind what kind of impact the new deputy minister would have, and what Tang Yu planned.

"Well, the technique is good and there is progress."

The morning sun had just penetrated the thin mist.

Tang Yu was sitting on the balcony, basking in the sun leisurely. It was another day without going to work.

The only difference is that there is a cat lady in the house.

Sasha stood obediently behind Tang Yu, placed her slender fingertips on his temples, and pressed them gently in circles.

She was a little strange. As a special assistant, assisting Tang Yu in his work was her main job.

But Tang Yu told her today that she didn't have to go to work and could just go out at home.

Sasha didn't quite understand why he was at home when he was out in the field. Shouldn't he be running a mission?

Although she didn't quite understand, she still followed Tang Yu's will and stayed at home to continue her maid service.

Tang Yu knew that Sasha was still in the learning stage, and she couldn't let her guess everything by herself. Her mind would probably become more and more crooked.

"If you have any questions, just ask them directly. Holding them in your head will cause problems."

When Sasha heard Tang Yu speak, her eyes immediately flashed with light, and then she asked.

"Mr. Tang, Sasha wants to know why he stayed at home when he was out on the field. Isn't this a holiday?"

Tang Yu was quite helpless. While closing his eyes to rest, he explained casually: "How can I call it a holiday when I go out on the field? It can only be regarded as fishing. Let me ask you, what is my status now?"

Sasha's answer was simple: "Deputy Minister of Counterintelligence, Special Operations Department, and Dual Departments!"

Tang Yu then asked: "Then which department do you think I should go to work in, the Counterintelligence Department or the Special Operations Department?"

Sasha thought for a while and said decisively: "Go to both of them!"

Tang Yu: "."

He had no choice but to go around and ask: "Then how much salary and performance will I receive? Who will pay the task bonus?"

Sasha had a clear understanding of the information related to his position and replied again: "Get a salary, which will be paid by the Finance Department of the Special Operations Department. Mission bonuses will be paid based on the actual situation!"

Tang Yu said matter-of-factly: "Isn't that right? If I get one salary but have to work in two departments, then I can only cut it in half."

Sasha quickly shook his head in denial: "It can't be cut in half! It can't be cut in half!"

Tang Yu pretended to be tired and explained helplessly: "So you understand, if I go to work in the Counterintelligence Department, the Special Operations Department will be unhappy. If I go to work in the Special Operations Department, the Counterintelligence Department will be unhappy, so I might as well go out into the field so that I don’t have to worry about it anymore.”

He sighed again: "Besides, working in the field is very hard, do you think I am relaxed? I am just waiting for the opportunity to recharge my batteries."

"When the big task comes, it will naturally be my responsibility. If I don't rest now, how will I have the energy to work then?"

After hearing this, Sasha felt that it made sense, and then nodded in agreement and said: "Then Sasha must work hard and try to let Mr. Tang rest and relax. Do you need Sasha to change the mode? It is recommended that you change the intimate mode and set it to 70% , Sasha can help you click on more places!”

Tang Yu: "."

Seeing that Tang Yu did not agree, Sasha did not continue the promotion, but reminded: "Mr. Tang, Sasha just noticed that there have been updates to the top positions of the Counterintelligence Department, and Kate is the new deputy minister."

Tang Yu naturally knew about this. Arthur Jenkins sent him a message late at night, saying that a new deputy minister was transferred from the R\u0026D Department.

Arthur Jenkins was very angry about this matter. He dropped the deputy minister from the external department without communicating with him. It was obviously very disrespectful.

While he was on a business trip, he couldn't reconcile the situation in time, and his nest was raided. This was really intolerable.

So Tang Yu and his old boss Jenkins simply stopped doing nothing and did not go to receive Kate today, letting her play in the ministry by herself.

When everyone in the club was in a state of rage and resentment, Jenkins went back to finish the game and give Kate a good squeeze.

The new deputy minister took office, and for Tang Yu, this matter was exactly what he wanted.

He wished he wouldn't even sit in the counter-intelligence department. If it wasn't for the sake of his old boss, Jenkins, and the fact that the department couldn't be idle, he would have gone on to do private work long ago.

It's good this time. A new deputy minister has arrived, so let her go and pretend that she doesn't know anything and wait for Jenkins to come back and take care of her.

Tang Yu knew that Kate was from the R\u0026D Department, and also brought a follower Douglas from the Special Operations Department.

No matter how he looked at it, it smelled like a conspiracy, and it was still aimed at him, Tang Yu.

A gentleman must know how to avoid his sharp edges. It is better to be young in this class!

Tang Yu opened his eyes and looked at Sasha, and said helplessly: "You'd better take care of yourself first and buy two pieces of clothes later. Don't wear mine every day."

“Sasha thinks the clothes fit her perfectly, so there’s no need to buy new ones!”

Tang Yu: "This is an order!"

Sasha felt aggrieved.

Instant Noodles: "Thanks to 'Little Awen', the big boss and the boss for the reward, instant noodles will stay in a dark room and work hard at night to write!"

Johnny: "V, I'm tired. Let's destroy it. Put this under the window of the small dark room, turn the volume to the maximum, and shake all the glass open. Let's wait and see the show!"

Sub-V: "Go *by* yourself, Johnny!"

Instant noodles: "???"


PS: No more tonight. I have to be recommended by the editor on the 25th. I have to save some manuscripts and try to update 20,000 on the 25th. The daily code limit is 10,000. Instant noodles are really tiring.

Special thanks to the boss for the reward.

Rama Kai 1.67

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