Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 111 Her first commission (thanks to ‘Shadow of Lawlessness’)

Many days later.

Tang Yu sat lazily on the sofa in the living room, looking at the busy back of the cat lady, feeling that her maid temperament was becoming more and more mature.

He rubbed his forehead and sighed inwardly.

“Why do I feel a little guilty?”

"The ancients never deceived me. They were born in sorrow and died in happiness."

Tang Yu has been away from home for many days in a row. As a result, Sasha, a special assistant, has not been to the company for a day and has been staying at home to "play" the role of a maid.


Tang Yu tried his best to resist at first, but now he is not like the young masters in ancient times. As a grown man, he is fully capable of taking care of himself.

But now it seems that with the cat girl at home and taking care of him, Tang Yu has really become lazy.

He didn't want to quibble about anything, but he just felt that it would be too much of a waste of Sasha's talent, a complete hacking function module, an advanced combat implant, and powerful intelligent AI-assisted learning.

Finally, under Tang Yu's successful guidance, Sasha's maid mode became more and more mature.

On the contrary, her more practical hacking mode and combat mode are still unopened.

Little Michiko probably didn't expect that Sasha, who arranged the assistance work, eventually became Tang Yu's exclusive maid.

But what makes Tang Yu happy is that Sasha is learning faster and faster and has gradually behaved like a normal person.

Even if Sasha is allowed to go out to live and work independently, it may be difficult for outsiders to see the clues.

After all, Sasha is a living and beautiful girl, no matter from the exquisite appearance or the scanned biological signs.

in addition.

The 350,000 Euro mission reimbursement has been transferred to Tang Yu's electronic account, and he has a small amount of money on hand.

I still remember that the trio started out on the streets of Heywood. They were dirt poor.

Tang Yu had just fired Arasaka, V had just returned from Atlanta, and Jack was still a little bastard who stole cars.

Three poor guys wandered the streets together, living a life of no time to spare.

Fortunately for Jack, Mrs. Wells was covering the bar at home, so at least he wasn't hungry.

Tang Yu was miserable. After being fired, all benefits and benefits were confiscated. Fortunately, Lao Wei helped, and he followed V Zi to start a night city survival operation.

I have to admire that V Zi has a strong ability to survive on the street. He took Tang Yu to search through the treasure chests in the streets and alleys, eating and drinking, and picking up good things. He managed to save a fortune little by little through frugality.

Later, both of them became prosperous, rich, and luxurious.

Hundreds of thousands are earned just by spending money. If you have money, you can go to nightclubs and bars to have fun.

Or go to Lizzy and spend a lot of money to blind the titanium eyes of Mox's little girls.

Or go to the Dance of Death Club to find Dum Dum and try out some new products.

Occasionally, he would drive a luxury car and hit the streets. When he got tired of playing Sword in the Stone, he would switch to Gudradu or Herrera.

If he gets tired of playing in the city, he will go racing in the bad land, meet up with Panan, and have a horseback and slashing game with the Luan Dao Club. If the opponent can't be cut down by too many people, Tang Yu will start to stare at whoever is pregnant. *, Vzi turned on the King of Hell mode and cut fruits crazily.

Thinking back to the past, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Sasha was busy, as if she had something in mind. Suddenly she turned around and found that Tang Yu was looking at her, a little lost.

She smiled and said: "Mr. Tang, what's wrong? Do you need Sasha's service?"

After the bionic sclera was connected to Sasha's visual system, her vision of Tang Yu became sharper.

Tang Yu smiled and explained that it was nothing, and then withdrew his gaze.

Suddenly, he received a new communication request.


During these few days of free time, he didn't have much to do, so he didn't take the initiative to contact her.


Tang Yu has thought about a very important issue, how to train Gloria to grow into a real right-hand man, rather than an agent who only follows orders.

The goal he set for Gloria was to hope that one day she would be able to stand alone and do what she was best at.

In the big exposure mission of countering military technology, Gloria did a good job in coordinating, but in fact it was Tang Yu who was behind it.

He believed that Gloria's potential was much more than that.

So Tang Yu is also waiting, waiting for Gloria to take the initiative to call and fight for work, instead of just passively accepting it.

Today's phone call can be regarded as an improvement for her.

Line connected.

Gloria first took the initiative to say hello to Tang Yu, and after a brief greeting, went straight to the point.

"Mr. Tang, Regina Jones came to see me and said she had a very important commission, which may be related to the company."

"He also introduced me to a client who is from a certain tribe in the Bad Land. I have considered this matter over and over again and decided to report it to you."

Client from the Badlands?

Tang Yu is naturally no stranger to the bad land, and can even be said to be very familiar with it.

Outside Night City is a vast plain, where the soil is barren and dusty, and most of the animals are extinct.

Desolate scenery can be seen everywhere. Burning oil wells, abandoned windmills, and dilapidated electric towers constitute the daily life of the bad land.

Asphalt roads run across the bad soil, and the wind and sand eroded the road surface, causing cracks.

This land full of death is called the Badlands.

Wanderer tribes, large and small, are distributed in the bad land, each occupying large and small territories of different ranges.

Panan's family of wanderers, Adecado, lives in a bad land.

After Tang Yu and Panan got to know each other, they also stayed in Adeka for a while and knew that the Rangers tribe did not like to deal with the company.

So when Gloria said the commission came from the Badlands, he felt a little strange.

Then he asked, "Well, what do the tribesmen say?"

Gloria replied directly: "The other party wants to have an interview. He said that some things can only be discussed clearly in person. Let's make an appointment at the next life bar."

Tang Yu thought for a moment and thought that we could talk about it first. After all, this was the first commission that Gloria had received.

He believes that as Gloria comes into contact with more and more people, her paths will gradually broaden, and her abilities and abilities will grow accordingly.

As a middleman, connections and intelligence are the core keys. Without these two things, it is impossible to make a name for yourself in the middleman business in Night City.

When the wandering tribe discusses business, the natural choice is the Afterlife Bar.

Tang Yu thought there was no problem, so he said, "Your first business starts at Laisheng Bar."

On the other end of the phone, Gloria was stunned for a while, and then replied: "I understand, I will go and communicate with the client now."

hang up the phone.

Sasha saw that Tang Yu had just hung up the phone and stood up from the sofa, seemingly ready to change clothes and go out.

She quickly took a step ahead, trotted to the room, took out a brand new jacket and suit and handed it to Tang Yu.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to tie Tang Yu's tie, Sasha asked smartly: "Mr. Tang, are you going to work in the field now? Sasha can assist you in your work very well."

After saying that, she blinked twice with expectant eyes.

She stayed with Tang Yu at home for a few days. Although she felt very happy, her main responsibility was to assist Tang Yu in his work, so she was eager to follow Tang Yu on field trips.

In fact, Tang Yu had just considered whether to take Sasha out.

Things on Gloria's side have not been negotiated yet, and it is not known whether she will accept the commission. For now, Sasha's assistance is basically not needed.

It can be seen that Sasha's eyes are full of desire, but he still reluctantly agrees.

She is still "little", so she should be taken out to see the world.

Tang Yu casually touched Sasha's cat head: "Okay, go and get ready."

When Sasha saw Tang Yu nodding, he immediately smiled happily and ran to clean up and put on the newly bought clothes.

Sasha has a tall figure and slender legs. She wears a tight-fitting black leather jacket that covers her whole body. The texture is soft and elastic, and she also has a set of small tactical shoulder straps for easy carrying of ammunition and performance in battle.

After the two of them cleaned up everything and made sure it was clean and without any problems, they opened the door and set off.

On the way.

Sasha followed Tang Yu obediently, keeping her mouth shut sensibly, looking forward to what she would see next.

This was the first time she went out with Tang Yu on the field, so she imagined various battle scenes and how she would protect Tang Yu.

Sasha's mind began to play movies unconsciously, and a fierce defense battle started in his mind.

She thought that Tang Yu was surrounded by gang members, surrounded by bullets and fire.

In order to protect Tang Yu, she did not hesitate to fight to the death and kill everyone, and finally rescued Tang Yu. The two looked at each other and were about to...

Tang Yu walked straight towards the Afterlife Bar. Seeing that Sasha was in a trance, he knew that she liked to have random thoughts in her mind, so he asked casually.

"You should know about the Afterlife Bar."


Sasha's thoughts were suddenly interrupted, and he quickly explained without reacting.

"Want to go to the bar? Sasha drinks well!"

Seeing her dull look, Tang Yu felt a little helpless and said again: "We are going to the Afterlife Bar to discuss business, not to drink."

Afterlife bar?

Sasha suddenly froze, as if he felt something strange, and quickly took out the white pills from his pocket and took one orally.

Tang Yu stopped, observed Sasha's face, and asked carefully: "What, are you feeling a little uncomfortable?"

Sasha returned to normal immediately after taking the medicine, and quickly explained apologetically: "Sasha is fine."

Afterlife Bar.

Tang Yu noticed that Sasha should have experienced abnormality after hearing these four words. Could it be that his native consciousness reacted to the afterlife bar?

He was unsure for the time being, but after seeing Sasha return to normal, he moved on.

Sasha walked next to him and took the initiative to answer Tang Yu's previous question: "Sasha knows that the Afterlife Bar is also located in Little Chinatown, not too far from the apartment where we live."

"The Afterlife Bar was transformed from a morgue. This place is fully equipped with both public booths and hidden boxes, making it very suitable for secret talks."

"In addition, the Afterlife Bar has a great reputation. It can even be said to be an iconic place in Night City. Almost everyone knows about it."

"It plays an important role in the industry and is highly sought after by mercenaries and middlemen. Almost all transactions, commissions and livelihoods in Night City are negotiated in the Afterlife Bar."

"Rogge, the owner of the Afterlife Bar, is even revered as the 'Queen of the Afterlife'."

Tang Yu nodded slightly, agreeing that what Sasha said was basically in line with the current situation of the Afterlife Bar.

In particular, the Rogge she mentioned was a legendary figure with a well-known reputation and strength, and was recognized as a living legend.

Tang Yu has also not seen her old friend 'Rogg' for some time. Her last sunset love with the scumbag Johnny was caused by him.

Times have changed.

Tang Yu somewhat understood Rogge's mentality. Johnny scolded her for betraying everyone.

But actually.

Rogge just didn't want to see anyone die again, get involved in the company's bad things, and lose their lives in vain.

The queen of the afterlife finally proved herself with actions. She was willing to sacrifice everything for Johnny, even her own life.

Tang Yu praised Sasha and said, "That's right. Let's go to the next life to discuss business."

Sasha nodded seriously and said, "Sasha will work hard to assist you in your work!"

Not long after, the two arrived at the entrance of their destination, walked down the stairs, and turned the corner to see the door of the Afterlife Bar.

Sasha looked curiously at the dark entryway of the bar, the green fluorescent ambient lights, and the people chatting together in twos and threes.

She felt inexplicably excited, as if she had been here personally, but what she knew about the afterlife was obviously learned through searching for information.

As Sasha walked, she felt that there was a strange smell in the air, a damp and rotten smell unique to the basement, mixed with the smell of burnt smoke and alcohol.

There is a sign hanging on the top of the main entrance of the bar, and the green light is dazzling.



The green light above Sasha's head passed under the sign, passing by the self-service purchasing machines on both sides, and came to a stainless steel gate.

A thick man guarded the door, looking evil.

Sasha didn't turn on the scan, but he could tell from the tattoos and clothes that the other person was from the Animal Gang.

The Animal Gang accepts various commissions, including security services.

The bar security guard stood in front of the door with no intention of giving in.

"Who are you? Faces are not welcome here."

The Afterlife bar has always looked familiar, and it is not well-known on the street. It is a bit difficult to freely enter the Afterlife bar.

Obviously, the other party had never met Tang Yu and Sasha, so he asked specifically.

Tang Yu is no stranger to security guards. His name is Emerick. He has been watching the gate for a long time in the next life. He is relatively conscientious and dedicated, and he is considered the least annoying one in the Animal Gang.

Tang Yu said bluntly: "Of course I'm here to discuss business. Just mention it to Rogge. If she wants to have a romantic date with someone, like a silver-screen open-air cinema, remember to come to me."

Emerick tilted his head, his prosthetic eyes flashing blue, as if to confirm with Rogge.

Not a little longer.

Emerick took the initiative to give up his seat, and the gate opened automatically, and then said: "The boss told me that she doesn't have time to receive you now, so she can let you in. She will pay for the drinks today, but please leave your contact information."

Tang Yu motioned to Sasha behind him to pass his contact information and information to Emerick.

The two of them stepped through the iron gate and walked into the restaurant.

After receiving the information, Emerick was a little surprised. It seemed that he did not expect that Tang Yu was actually a company employee or a high-level position.

As soon as the two walked into the bar's inner hall, Tang Yu saw Gloria sitting in front of the bar. He stood up and walked over, knocking on the table.

"Claire, two glasses of 'Johnny Silverhand', Roger's treat today, thank you."

Gloria quickly turned her head and realized that Tang Yu was coming. She was about to stand up and say hello, but was stopped.

After Tang Yu stopped her, he also sat in front of the bar and said, "This is the afterlife, a stage for middlemen, relax."

Sasha stood obediently next to Tang Yu, looking curiously at the red-haired beauty in front of her.

Is it a middleman?

What is her relationship with Mr. Tang?

Gloria also sensitively noticed Sasha's gaze, but due to Tang Yu's identity, she didn't ask any more questions and just sighed silently in her heart.

"really beautiful"

Tang Yu sat in front of the bar and looked around. The familiar green light flashed and the familiar lively atmosphere. People from all walks of life gathered here to chat.

Strange commissions and expensive transactions all start from here.

Back then, they, the 'threesome', ordered three 'Johnny Silverhands' here to celebrate, making a huge deal and dreaming of becoming famous overnight.


Claire stepped forward, put two cups of 'Johnny Silverhand' on the bar table, and joked: "Why, you and Roger are very familiar? There will be no handsome guy like you in the next life."

Tang Yu looked at Claire, who was getting a little fatter, and couldn't help but think of the time when she was drag racing for her. The beast was quite fierce, so he smiled and replied.

"Isn't it available today?"

Claire didn't expect that he was quite talkative, but there were guests ordering wine next to him, so he pushed the wine glasses in front of the two of them.

"Johnny Silverhand, good taste."

After saying that, Claire was busy mixing drinks.

Gloria then explained: "Mr. Tang, the private room has been prepared, but the client has not arrived yet. It may take a while. We can go into the private room and wait."

Tang Yu enjoyed the familiar atmosphere of the Afterlife Bar. These days, he should have come to sit there a long time ago. He would have called Jack to have a drink, but this time it was about business.

"No, just sit here for a while."

Gloria nodded and saw Tang Yu's interest and said nothing more.

She felt that Tang Yu seemed to be familiar with the afterlife, but only mercenaries and middlemen came and went here, and almost no one from the company came.

The main reason is that the customers here are not very welcoming to people from the company. Many of the commissions are related to the company, which will inevitably cause unnecessary trouble.

But Tang Yu is the original person. Even if he is wearing a high-end suit, it is difficult for people to believe that he is a senior executive of the company.

What made her even more unexpected was that Tang Yu actually knew Rogge, the owner of the Afterlife Bar.

Even a layman like her had heard that Rogge was the most powerful and famous middleman in Night City.

Tang Yu picked up the wine glass on the table, then looked at Gloria and said.

"The drinks at Afterlife Bar all bear the names of the regulars, but here, Johnny Silverhand is a must. Do you know why?"

Gloria shook her head, her eyes full of curiosity, wanting to know the story behind it.

Tang Yu stared at the wine glass shaking in his hand and murmured: "Because without Johnny Silverhand, there would be no afterlife."

After speaking, Tang Yu raised his glass to her.

Gloria also raised her glass quickly.

"The city of respect for the night."

"Well, Jingye City."


Two glasses collide.

Instant Noodles: "The boss of the 'Shadow of Lawlessness' is rewarding the helmsman! The book club is building a new building, and the only way for Instant Noodles to repay is by being a mess in the dark room!"

Johnny: "Ah! Damn it! This is just a copied mark. I'm still alive somewhere else, so it must be like this! I'm going out, do you understand? I'll kill anyone who dares to get in the way, including you, instant noodles Same thing."

Instant noodles: "???"

Johnny: "Oh, I can't do anything big with this intelligence."


PS: There will be another chapter tonight, try to finish it before twelve o'clock.

Special thanks to the following rewards!

One day the roc rises with the same wind, starting to read iOS 6.66

Shadow of Lawlessness 100.00

Book Friends 20200307101526717 15.00

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