Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 116 Bad Users

Above the Badlands.

Tang Yu saw the Night Wandering Ghost convoy chasing Mann and the others from a distance. Although the two gunners were eliminated, the situation remained unchanged.

But this already allowed Falco to take a breath, stabilize the car, step on the accelerator to the bottom again, and sprint forward.

In the chaos, the Night Walkers didn't know what was happening and still attacked Mann and the others.

Tang Yu, who was sitting in Tingwei, once again took up the 'Watch' and aimed at the opponent's position.

The familiar wife sniping, the familiar gunfights, the familiar feel, the familiar breathing, everything is back.

He could feel that his body's memory was also reviving. As long as he held up his 'Watch', he would be sure to hit the target with perfect accuracy.

Tang Yu breathed evenly, and after determining the target, he turned on 'bullet time'. His originally fast-moving sight slowed down instantly.

He seized the opportunity, adjusted the subtle angle of the sniper shot, predicted the bullet's falling arc and wind direction deviation, and then pulled the trigger.


Another long bullet was shot out rapidly, drawing an arc in the air, directly penetrating the car window, hitting the driver's brain, and spraying out a bloody mist.

The hit vehicle then lost control and crashed into the right rear, causing a serious high-speed car accident. Several vehicles collided and rolled over, causing a long spark on the ground and then exploding.

A blazing flame once again ignited on the wasteland.

The night wanderers finally realized something was wrong. At first they thought it was just a stray bullet, but now they realized that someone was sniping at them from a distance.

The night wandering ghost howled and reported wirelessly to the leader: "Boss! We were attacked by a sneak attack, and the opponent has a sniper! I don't know where he is hiding! The opponent's location cannot be found on the radar!"

The leader of the night wandering ghosts said angrily: "If you don't think of a way to find the trash on horseback, climb up to the roof of the car and use the binoculars to find them, and let our snipers crush them!"

He knew that the reason why he couldn't find the other party was because the distance was too far.

If you want to kill the opponent's sniper, you have to rely on your own sniper.


When Panan saw Tang Yu hit the target again, he originally thought that his first shot had some luck bonus, but now he realized that this clean and handsome boy turned out to be a sniper master.

No, he is a sniper genius.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that I would be wrong one day. Your shooting skills are really good. If this gun fell into your hands, it wouldn't be considered an indignity."

"Mitch put a lot of effort into modifying it from a high-tech military Ice Storm. He specially equipped it with a silencer and added a card slot chip to improve shooting efficiency."

"It's a pity that he doesn't know how to use the big sniper, so he has been lending it to me for use. I didn't expect you to play tricks on him. If Mitch knew about it, he would definitely lament that good things are not wasted."

Tang Yu naturally knew the origin of 'Watch'. At that time, he and Panan went to rescue Sol, and they went through life and death together. In the end, Panan gave this wife sniper to him.

Gloria, who was in the back seat of the car, was also surprised. She had already seen how powerful Tang Yu's marksmanship was, but she still couldn't help but sigh when she saw Tang Yu taking serious aim with his sniper.

have to say.

Every time he goes on a mission with Tang Yu, he always encounters such tense moments, but he can solve the problem with his own strength.

Without Tang Yu's accurate sniping, Mann and the others would be really in danger.

Sasha on the side was even more delighted and looked at Tang Yu with admiration. This was the first time she saw Tang Yu take action, and he used a difficult sniper.

Sasha's intelligent analysis concluded that the sniper success rate was actually only 5%, but she still firmly believed that Tang Yu would succeed.

So when she saw Tang Yu hit the first shot, she was so excited that she was even happier than her own sniper hit.

Then the second sniper shot hit again, which shows that Tang Yu definitely did not rely on luck, but really relied on strength and precise marksmanship to kill the night wandering ghost.

Sasha was more excited than anyone else, but when she saw that there was someone else next to her, she tried her best to hold back her impulsive thoughts.

In fact, Tang Yu cheated a little bit by turning on 'Bullet Time' for sniping. If he was really allowed to snipe, the probability of hitting would still be low.

Nowadays, in vehicles traveling at high speeds, without the assistance of various advanced prosthetics, it is still difficult to hit with the naked eye.

Moreover, the situation is critical, and he must ensure that he hits the target as much as possible, and he will definitely not ask Da to practice at this time.

The Night Wandering Ghost convoy had a large number of people, and even though it lost a few vehicles, it was still very powerful, bombing Falco and the others indiscriminately.

Tang Yu once again aimed his gun at the opponent's firepower point, turned on 'bullet time' and pulled the trigger.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

Three long silenced bullets flew out quickly, blasting the heads of three night wanderers again.

"Fuck! Boss! Found them, they are on our left!"

"Sniper, hurry up! Snipe them to death for me!"

Immediately, snipers and observers appeared in the Night Wandering Ghost convoy. Looking in the direction of Tang Yu, the long-range night vision device was turned on, constantly looking for Tang Yu's location.

Soon, the night wandering ghost observers found their target, Tingwei, who was flying parallel to them in the distance. A sniper rifle was aimed at him on the passenger window.

"Their location is"


A bullet shot through the air quickly.

Before the night-ghost observer could finish his words, the bullet, the observer, and the human head were shattered into pieces. The headless body fell limply from the car and fell to the ground, dead.


The night wandering ghost sniper cursed angrily and quickly took aim at Tang Yu's direction. After making a rough judgment, he pulled the trigger.

A bullet landed not far from Tingwei and caused sparks to fly. The sparks alerted the other two snipers, who turned their guns to point at Tang Yu.

With the aid of observers and prosthetic aiming, the three snipers took turns to launch long-range attacks on Tingwei.

At first the bullet fell quite far, but as the Night Sniper adjusted its angle, the long bullet was able to hit the trunk of the car, leaving bullet marks and sparks.

Tang Yu realized that the situation had changed again, and he must eliminate the opponent's three sniper fire points as soon as possible.

He said in a deep voice: "Sasha, Gloria, you guys, lie down and lower your heads, be careful of missiles."

The two obeyed Tang Yu's arrangement, then lowered their heads, no longer holding the car window to look at each other's situation.

Although the windows of Panang's car are bulletproof, the sniper used by the opponent is very powerful, and it is still very dangerous if it penetrates the glass.

Tang Yu continued: "Panan, listen to my command and pay attention to sudden changes in speed to disrupt the opponent's sniper angle."

Now is the time for sniping. Tang Yu is sitting in the passenger seat with the window open. He is also taking risks and cannot maintain a constant speed to create the best sniping opportunity for the opponent.

Panan responded decisively: "No problem, you count to three, two, and one, and I will cooperate with you in sniping!"

She believes that as long as Tang Yu adjusts the sniper angle faster than the opponent, he can be one step ahead of others, shoot the bullet first, and then suddenly slow down to avoid the opponent's sniper bullet.

After Tang Yu lowered the window, he raised his gun and roughly aimed at the Night Walker's first sniper point, and then began to judge the opponent's shooting time and count at the same time.




Tang Yu instantly turned on 'bullet time', fine-tuned the angle and pulled the trigger!


A long bullet burst out from the muzzle of the gun and shot out rapidly.

at the same time.

Panan stepped on the brakes and suddenly slowed down.

Between the lightning and flint.

The 'Watch' sniper bullet has already flown to the forehead of one of the opponent's snipers. The huge penetration force directly overturned the skull, and even the whole person was overturned and fell onto the car.

The other two snipers also pulled the triggers, and two long bullets flew towards them, just grazing the front hood of the Tingwei and splashing into the distance.

Even Panan couldn't help but feel his heart tighten. If he had been slower just now, the bullet would most likely have hit Tang Yu in the passenger seat.

The consequences could be disastrous.

Gloria and Sasha, who were sitting in the back seat of the car, also realized that the situation was extremely dangerous.

The three people asked hurriedly in unison, their tone full of concern: "Are you okay?!"

Tang Yu called Panan again: "Speed ​​up!"

Panan saw Tang Yu's madness and stepped on the accelerator to accelerate.

Due to the braking action just now, Tingwei was already lagging behind the Yeyougui Racing Team on the parallel line.

If you want to find the perfect sniper angle, you must equalize the distance between the two sides and keep parallel in the same direction.

Night Walker also discovered that Tang Yu's marksmanship was abnormal, and quickly asked his accomplices to start shooting Tingwei indiscriminately, in an attempt to use firepower to cover and interfere with Tang Yu.

Although the distance is far and the probability of hitting by indiscriminate bombing is not high, it can still be a good interference.

Soon, most of the firepower of the Night Tour Ghost Convoy began to shift, pointing their guns at Tang Yu and the others.

Countless bullets, sparks and small artillery shells exploded in the front and rear of the vehicle. The flying stones and smoke greatly affected Panam's driving.

Tang Yu immediately said: "Put the distance away!"

Obviously, Tingwei and Yeyougui kept a certain distance, but they were still within the effective coverage of the opponent's firepower.

So we can only continue to distance ourselves and look for better sniping opportunities.

As Panan turned the steering wheel to the left, he asked urgently: "It's so far away, are you still sure of hitting the target?!"

Tang Yu could only put away the gun and close the car window to prevent stray bullets from flying into the car.

Kinetic bullets can eject multiple times. Sometimes they fail to hit the target directly, but there is also a certain probability of hitting the target through splash.

Tang Yu looked at the Night Tour Ghost Motorcade through the car window, gradually getting farther and farther away, and replied in a deep voice: "You'll know after you try it!"

Soon, Panan was already driving the Tingwei and was on the same level as the Night Wandering Ghost Racing Team.

Tang Yu picked up the sniper rifle again and began to search for the location of the opponent's sniper based on his memory of the firepower point.

The night wandering ghost sniper had already suffered a loss and also changed the speed of the car to hide in the convoy.

Tang Yu couldn't find where the other party was hiding for a while, but he had many ways.

This time he did not shout a command, but directly turned on the 'bullet time' and continued to snipe the opponent's pilot.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

One shot after another, and three more sniper shots hit three vehicles, and the number of night wandering ghost convoys continued to decrease.

Even if they were large in number, they couldn't stop Tang Yu from sniping like this.

The leader of the Night Walkers said angrily: "Why haven't you solved that problem yet? Where's the sniper? If you're not dead, fight back for me right now!"

Facing the leader's roar, the two snipers could only bite the bullet and set up their sniper rifles again, allowing the driver to slowly move out of sight.

Because when he can see Tang Yu, it means that Tang Yu can also find him, so the two night wandering ghost snipers are extremely cautious.

The two off-road vehicles each carried a sniper, gradually falling behind the convoy, leaving enough space for them to aim and shoot.

The palms of the two night wandering ghost snipers were sweating, their breathing was up and down, and their mentality was already in chaos.

Tang Yu's extremely terrifying shooting skills have made them feel great pressure and fear.

If you hide in a convoy, you can still dodge bullets.

But now we have to fight a sniper. If he can't kill the opponent with one shot, his own brain may be at risk.

The two snipers easily found Tingwei's direction. They relied on the magnifying glass and auxiliary prosthetic body to barely stabilize their guns, trying to aim at the front and top of the opponent.

If there is a little more luck, the bullet is very likely to hit the opponent's head, and then everything will be over.


One of the snipers, filled with anxiety and expectation, took the opportunity to fire a shot at Ting Wei, gently pulled the trigger, and a bullet burst out from the barrel.

But he actually saw that the opponent's vehicle had just slowed down, as if he had predicted the timing of his shooting, and the bullet passed in front of the opponent's vehicle.


He cursed in his heart: Damn it, he didn't even have time to put away the gun. When he was about to lower his head and hide, a long bullet had already flown towards him and hit his head.


The bullet penetrated the opponent's head quickly and silently, leaving a big hole.

The other sniper, with his hands shaking in fear, fired a shot out of thin air, and then his mind disappeared into the dark night.

After Tang Yu eliminated all the opponent's snipers, he changed the magazine again, and now he could let go of the dog.

The number of members of the Night Wandering Ghost Convoy is still decreasing, and it is already one-third less than when it just set off.

One after another, night wandering ghosts fell under the attack of Tang Yu's wife, but their rampant momentum continued unabated.

The leader of the Night Walkers angrily ordered: "Arrange three heavy armored vehicles to drive to the left side of the convoy and raise the left baffle!"

After hearing the order, the Yeyouggui convoy began to change its formation. The three heavy-duty off-road vehicles gradually moved to the far left side of the convoy, lined up in a straight line before and after, and then raised the stainless steel spike baffle.

When Tang Yu just picked up his sniper rifle and was about to shoot, he found that the target was blocked by three heavy vehicles.

He had no choice but to put away his gun, feeling helpless: "The other party has learned a lesson, now there is nothing we can do against them."

Panan smiled and said: "You have scared them, otherwise those madmen would not give in, but there is almost no way ahead. I don't know what Mann and the others are planning."

After Tang Yu's interception, the speed of the night wandering ghosts was obviously much slower. They must stay on the same level as the heavy armored vehicles, otherwise they will be threatened by Tang Yu's sniper.

Mann and Falco each drove their vehicles and sprinted towards the slope canyon.

The reason why Mann dared to be so bold was because he knew that Rebecca was still ambushing the ghost car at night.

This time, their ammunition was fully prepared, and they were just waiting for a full-scale fight with the Night Walker. At the critical moment, Rebecca had the opportunity to clear the field from behind.


Mann and his car had rushed up the slope and reached the canyon.

Falco parked the car directly at the entrance of the canyon, then moved out the temporary bulletproof base shield from the rear compartment and placed it on both sides of the front and rear of the car. After starting, it can be combined with the long car body to form a simple defensive position.

Mann and Dolio parked the car in the canyon, took out the heavy machine gun, barrel ammunition, etc. from the trunk, and arrived in front of the simple defense position.

After the last incident with the Tiger Claw Gang, Mann realized that sometimes it was difficult to cope with such high-power scenes simply relying on the blessing of prosthetics, so he specially purchased enhanced firepower equipment.

Gloria's two commissions also made them a lot of money, so they updated it.

Through that real dream, Mann also knew that he needed to exercise some self-restraint. Although he was now equipped with a military-grade Sianwestein, he still had to use it with caution. The damage and load the thing caused to the body was ultimately irreversible.

Soon the convoy of Night Walkers approached the Dapo Canyon and prepared to drive up the slope.

But what they didn't expect was that Mann and the others, who had been fleeing in panic just now, seemed to have changed their troops, and suddenly they were full of firepower.

Countless bullets with heavy firepower were sprayed out, and strings of fire points swept across the area.

Ta-ta-ta. Ta-ta-ta.

Mann's thick arms carried a six-barreled heavy machine gun, and bullets poured down the slope for free, like a god of firepower.

At this moment, he suddenly felt the pleasure of the Animal Gang.

No matter what the occasion, no matter what the mission, just carry the heavy machine gun and rush wildly.

Dorio also raised an RPG and fired it directly at the heavy armored tank at the front.

The missile jetted out with a long tail flame, directly paralyzing the tank and igniting a raging fire.

Falco also joined the battle, holding a rifle and shooting at night ghosts. People, not only must enjoy themselves in time, but also take revenge in time.

Mann, Dorio, and Falco all smiled heartily.

I don’t know if it’s because it’s not easy to make some money, but it’s all down to bullets, and I hide my heartache with a smile.

Or because of the crazy shooting, I felt unprecedentedly relaxed.


Heavy firepower battles are not the strong point of mercenary groups like them.

Their past missions were more of small-scale conflicts, and they hoped to complete the commission by obtaining the desired intelligence through infiltration.

Such a fierce battle of firepower is actually more like a melee between gangs.

The gang has strong financial strength and does not care about any cost in the melee, so the Animal Gang can rain down bullets without hesitation.

Mann's firepower is pouring down, and I'm afraid all the commission money he earned will have to be thrown in again.

Now we can only wait and see if Gloria can come up with more remuneration to make up for the ammunition cost.

Facing the powerful firepower of Mann and others, the Night Wandering Ghost convoy was unable to charge upward for a while, otherwise more people might die.

The leader of the night wandering ghosts ordered everyone to stop the car and launch a counterattack on the spot.

Modified vehicles parked in the middle of the slope, forming a temporary vehicle formation and launched a counterattack against Mann and others.

The two sides began to fight wildly, with fiery red bullets flying back and forth between the two sides.

Night Walker: "Boss, they are at a high place, it is difficult for us to fight them!"

The leader of the night wandering ghosts: "Bring me the new smart weapon you got. I'll give them a look."


The night wandering ghost held a gun box, ran to the leader, and opened the lid: "Boss, I got it. This smart pistol was just brought from the city by the brothers. The bullets can automatically navigate and shoot the enemy. Said this Why call the gun the Four Seasons Treasure?" (Note 1)

The leader of the night wandering ghosts picked up the smart pistol in the box and cursed: "What kind of treasure is there to control the horse? I will blow the heads of those people!"

"New fingerprint detected."

The holographic image light hole on the side of the gun body projects a bullet image the size of a thumb. The bullet is even equipped with big eyes and small arms, and the sunglasses on the head are very handsome.

"Volume increased by 33%, new fingerprint detected."

The leader of the Night Walker directly raised his smart pistol and pulled the trigger hard in the direction of Mann, but not a single bullet was fired.

He took back the smart pistol, looked at it twice, and cursed angrily: "What kind of stupid gun is this? It's a smart pistol. Didn't you tell me it's an automatic headshot?"

Sijibao: "Self-test is in progress, estimated at 47 seconds."

"Bang bang beep clang, bang bang beep clang bang."

The leader of the night wandering ghost: "."

What kind of rubbish? !

He slammed the gun in his hand and threw it to the ground.

Sijibao's holographic image stared at him and said angrily: "Increase the volume by 300%, bad user, bad user!"


Note 1: The Sijibao was originally the pistol lost by Regina Jones. According to the appearance in the game, it should have been modified based on the surviving gun developed by Arasaka and implanted with an AI system (unknown). The gun was later stolen and lost.

The small theater is temporarily closed, waiting for the new financial boss to feed it.

PS: No tonight!

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