Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 117 Kang Tao


High slope canyon.

Mann and others stood at the top of the slope and engaged in a fierce battle with the Night Wandering Ghost convoy.

Taking advantage of the terrain, the three of them stood high and used heavy firepower to resist the Night Walker's charge.

Afterwards, both sides relied on their convoys to defend themselves and began to shoot at each other. For a while, they were in a stalemate.

Mann and the others were hiding in the deep ravines of the canyon, so the Night Walkers were unable to get around from both sides and had to attack them from the front to capture them.

But Mann and others are not resting easy. If this firepower is poured out, the ammunition they carry will only be enough to last for a few minutes.

When the ammunition is exhausted, he will inevitably have to fight the night ghosts head-on.

Therefore, Mann had a backup plan and hid his newly modified car in the canyon. When the bullets ran out, he could still drive out and not wait in a dead end, waiting to die.

In addition, Rebecca has been lurking until now and has not taken action yet. She is just waiting for the Night Walker to completely relax her vigilance, which is when she will show off her skills.

The Night Walkers stabilized their formation and launched a counterattack with almost multiple times the firepower. Bullets fell on the long car door and the bulletproof position one after another, like raindrops, making a crackling sound.

The front of the long-box bulletproof vehicle had been blasted with machine guns, but Falco couldn't care less about feeling distressed, even though it was a new vehicle that he had just acquired.

Even he, a veteran driver, discovered that since Mann started taking over Gloria's work, he was making more and more money, but the enemy was getting harder to deal with every time.

The three of them frantically faced off against the Night Walker, while Qiwei continued to monitor the surrounding situation. Firepower confrontation has never been the home of hackers.

Seeing that the Night Walker relied on powerful firepower to suppress them, the team moved up the slope little by little, occupying more terrain and gradually approaching Mann's position.

At this time.

Mann motioned to Dolio to remind Rebecca that she could take action.

Dolio took out a flare gun, raised his hand and fired a flare into the air.

Boom! Boom!

The slope of the canyon was instantly illuminated. The night wanderer looked up at the sky and found that he had nowhere to hide.

Rebecca, who was already ready to attack, saw the signal flare rising into the sky and knew that the time had come for her to take action.

Lying in the trunk of the pickup truck along the way, it was shaking and bumpy, which made her almost faint, but now she could have a good and hearty shooting.

Rebecca quickly got out of the body bag, unzipped her jacket, took out two green-shell modified submachine guns, and jumped onto the roof of the car.

With the help of the flashlight, I saw night ghosts everywhere in front of the car and on the slope. I laughed boldly, held the submachine gun in both hands, and pulled the trigger!

Ta-ta-ta. Ta-ta-ta.

Two firelights illuminated her zombie-like face, coupled with an extremely exaggerated and terrifying smile, which was quite frightening.

The night wandering ghost never expected that a zombie loli would suddenly appear behind him, holding a submachine gun and smiling ferociously.

Fire and red light shine on the zombie-like face, and you can even see flesh and blood dripping from abscesses.

Under Rebecca's crazy shooting, one night wanderer after another was shot into a sieve.

"Hahaha! I'll kill you scum! You dare to bark like a dog!"

Due to Rebecca's sudden appearance, the Night Walker's rear was in chaos, and Mann and Dorio also launched a charge together.

The scene was extremely chaotic for a while.

The night wandering ghost couldn't keep track of it, so he could only watch helplessly as the zombie loli behind him jumped madly with two guns.

Many of them reacted immediately and began to retreat from the slope, trying to run back to the car formation to find cover, but were immediately harvested by Mann and Dolio's bullets.

Seeing this situation, the leader of the Night Walker was extremely angry. He also knew that now was not the time to talk, so he grabbed a Night Walker next to him and used it as a human shield. He turned on the full body prosthetic function, rushed back to the convoy, and found a place to hide.

He gasped for air and realized the wind was blowing in the wrong direction.

A third of them were lost during the attack, and now they were attacked from both sides and lost more than half. The remaining night ghosts were unable to organize an effective resistance and could only be passively beaten. It was hard for him to say that if this continued, he could not say anything.

Fortunately, they still had the advantage in numbers, and many night wanderers ran back to the car formation and began to fight back piecemeal.

A few bullets hit Rebecca's ears, but she was no longer afraid and continued to shoot wildly.

At this time, a night wandering ghost popped out a mantis knife, climbed up to the rear of the car behind Rebecca without anyone noticing, charged up a jump, jumped high, and killed her.

The sharp mantis knife flashed with a cold light and was about to cut towards Rebecca's neck.

Seeing this, Dolio shouted anxiously: "Rebecca!"

Rebecca turned back immediately, her eyes full of anger, but it was too late to raise her gun and shoot.


A fine and silent impact instantly penetrated the Night Walker's brain. His body leaping high was pulled to the side and hit the car next to him heavily, causing blood to spread on the ground.

Good marksmanship!

Rebecca looked along the direction of the bullet, seemed to realize something, and smiled proudly: "Huh, not bad!"

She got up without any scruples and once again threw herself into the selfless battle.

The leader of the night wandering ghost kept scolding: "Kill that zombie for me! Damn it, what the hell is it!"

Rebecca saw many nocturnal ghosts rushing over, replaced them with new magazines, and then jumped off the top of the car, running and jumping.

"Haha! Hahaha! It's so fun! Kill you all!"

Whenever someone wanted to sneak attack on Rebecca, they would be taken away by a strange penetrating force, which could not threaten her safety at all.

Armed with two submachine guns, Rebecca entered the night-ghost camp like no one was there, harvesting their filthy lives wantonly.

These people don't deserve to live in this world!

Seeing that the team was retreating steadily, the leader of the Night Wandering Ghosts was already unable to resist the opponent's attacks. Now they were in a situation where they were absolutely passive and being beaten.

The opponent has heavy firepower, including chargers and snipers, and each of them is very skilled. Killing the Night Walker is like chopping melons and vegetables.

The leader of the night wandering ghosts is confused now. He is not afraid of death, but those who died before were prey, and those who died were other people. Today it may be his turn!

He heard the roar of the convoy's engine coming from the distance again. Looking up, he found that they were reinforcements sent by the tribe, approaching the slope position.


The leader of the night wandering ghosts realized that if they didn't call for help, everyone would die here.

He immediately dialed the contact number of the entrusting company and was quickly connected, but the tone on the other end of the phone seemed very dissatisfied.

"What's going on? How many corpses are taking so long?"

The leader of the night wandering ghosts cursed angrily: "Fuck! Someone is eyeing our corpses today. All my people have been killed. Reinforcements will be sent immediately. I'll send you the address!"

"If you don't dare to send someone here, just wait for the body to be snatched by them. Tell you, they may be here for your shabby research. If you don't want the secret of the experiment to be leaked, then kill him." them!"

There was silence on the other end of the phone, as if he was judging whether what he said was true or false.

"Do you have more specific information? Are you from other companies?"

Apparently the person on the other end of the phone was quite wary and didn't want to cause any conflict with other companies.

The leader of the night wandering ghost: "What's the message? Can't you understand what I'm saying? They have a premeditated plan and are just here to steal the body! What else do you want to do with this tattered body except to steal it and study it? I can't hold on any longer, no." Send someone here, and you just wait for the secret to be discovered, idiot*."

Hang up the phone.

He knew that the company's client would send people, these experiments would be kept secret, and all research must be conducted confidentially.

Now that someone is eyeing these corpses, they can't just sit back and watch. After all, they have a small group of Kangtao intelligent mechanized troops in their hands.

After the phone call was made, the leader of the night wandering ghosts sneaked into a car, started the engine while others were fighting, and stepped on the accelerator to escape.

Rebecca heard the roar of the engine not far behind her, and immediately turned the gun and pointed it at the driver's seat and fired wildly, not wanting to let go of this scumbag leader.

But the bullets were blocked by the bulletproof glass, and the other party started the vehicle safely and drove down the slope with a flick of its tail.

Upon seeing this, Mann immediately raised his arm cannon to aim at the vehicle, and fired a small missile.


There was a puff of smoke and dust on the slope, but it was still a step too late and missed the target.

Just as the leader of the night wandering ghosts was speeding away in his escape vehicle, the front of the car suddenly tilted and hit the stone pier next to it, and the engine smoked and stalled.

In the Tingwei parked in the distance, Tang Yu had just put away his wife to spy.

Multiple consecutive sniper shots made the barrel of the gun extremely hot, and wisps of white smoke came out of the silencer.

He had previously asked Panan to find a good angle to park the car and observe the firepower confrontation between the two parties on the slope.

It was discovered that Rebecca was wearing zombie loli makeup, standing on the roof of the car and shooting wildly, and was almost attacked by a night wanderer.

After Tang Yu sniped and killed the sneak attack Night Walker, he helped Rebecca eliminate the security threats around her.

Finally, when I saw the leader of the night wandering ghost driving a car and trying to escape, it was naturally impossible for him to do so. A long sniper shot penetrated the car window glass and killed him with a headshot.

At this point, the Night Wandering Ghost Convoy has basically been wiped out, and the remaining dregs can be left to Mann and the others.

In addition to the reinforcements of the tribe's convoy, there are eight or nine off-road vehicles, which can be regarded as the elite of the tribe.

Under this situation, there is no need for Tang Yu to use the 'Watch' sniper excessively. The barrel of the gun has been ejected too many times and the barrel has to dissipate heat.

Panan sat in the driver's seat without saying a word, watching Tang Yu seriously sniping with perfect accuracy, which opened his eyes. He saw Tang Yu's action of closing the gun and praised him.

"Okay, you didn't waste a single bullet. I've never achieved this result with 'Watch'."

"We also have a cowboy sharpshooter in our family. He's quite old. He loves shooting bottles and he's always hit the target. But compared to you, he's far behind."

Tang Yu glanced at Panan. It was rare to hear her say a few nice words, so he said lightly: "What, do you want me to teach you? You can't buy my skills with money."

Panam: "."

Sasha looked excited and shouted excitedly from the back seat: "Sasha wants to learn! Sasha wants to learn!"

She suddenly froze again, thinking that she didn't seem to have a penny for tuition, so she grimaced and said aggrievedly: "But Sasha has no money, so he can't pay for tuition."

Everyone laughed.

Soon, Gloria received a reply from Mann and conveyed it to Tang Yu in time.

"Mann's side has finished its work. The Night Walkers have not spared any of them, but they have not been able to dig out the target they want to trade."

"At present, it can be initially confirmed that the instigator behind this is the company. In addition, Qiwei has locked the location of the last phone call made by the leader of the Night Walker, which is not too far from here."

Tang Yu nodded slightly. It would be a pity not to continue to investigate the matter at this point.

But after Mann and his friends fought with the Night Walkers, no matter whether it was weapons, ammunition or physical strength, they could no longer keep up.

Based on his knowledge of the company, it would definitely not be just a few or two people who would come to the bad land to trade in the middle of the night.

There must be armed forces with powerful firepower to escort them, otherwise they might face a sudden backstab in the face of this group of heartless night wanderers.

When the company uses night ghosts, it must also prevent them from causing chaos. After all, night ghosts really have no credibility and often secretly stockpile goods to kill their employers when they are doing transportation.

This leads to the fact that except for the company, no tribe will cooperate with the Night Walkers. Even the Luan Dao Club must be cautious.

That was the case with Luandao Hui Nash, Panan's first guide in the City of Night.

Nash already has some conscience and only hacked Huo and Tingwei.

If he were more evil-minded, Tang Yu might never see this wild girl from the bad land.

Tang Yu was thinking about asking Gloria to tell Mann and the others that there was no need to continue the pursuit and that they should first find all the clues about the night wandering ghost.

But he suddenly discovered that there seemed to be unusual movement in the distance in the dark wilderness.

He frowned and found that something was not right. There should be a force approaching here rapidly.

The troops that would come over at this time, apart from the company behind Yeyougui's dealings, he couldn't think of a second answer.

Tang Yu immediately asked Gloria to tell Mann and the others that there was an enemy attack and be ready to fight again.

I definitely can't run away.

The pursuit of company troops is not like that of night wandering ghosts, bullets can only scratch the itch.

In addition, Mann and his car had been damaged, and there was a large stretch of barren mountains and cliffs behind them, so there was no way they could escape.

After receiving Gloria's intelligence, Mann also cast his gaze into the distance and asked Qiwei to investigate the situation immediately.

Qiwei stared at the screen and quickly started the radar scan. It didn't take long to find the target, and said in a deep voice: "I found it. It's a small mechanized force from Kangtao Company. The other party has sent out heavy combat drones, everyone, be careful!"

Not far ahead in the sky, a bright light was rapidly approaching the slope battlefield.

Mann realized something was wrong and immediately yelled.

"Everyone find a hiding place to hide! It's Kang Tao's heavy combat drone!"

The words fell.

The people in the tribe also stopped what they were doing and looked up into the sky.

I saw a giant heavily equipped drone hovering in the sky, its engine spraying four blue fireworks as it approached rapidly.

Different from ordinary wind-powered drones, this intelligent heavy-duty combat drone produced by Kangtao Company is like a mobile fort hovering in the sky. It is wrapped in heavy metal armor and driven by a floating engine.

The people of the tribe did not bother to collect trophies and found cover in the position of the night wandering ghost convoy.

The heavy combat drone looked down from a high position and found targets on the ground. The red laser dot array directly locked onto everything.

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless large heavy-fire bullets spurted out at once, spraying down like a curtain of rain, illuminating the entire position.

fry! fry! fry!

The convoy's position was completely penetrated by a hail of bullets. Countless bullet holes appeared on the vehicle body. The tribesmen hiding in the vehicle were all killed by the powerful firepower.

A long line of blazing fire was lit at the scene, and the smoke was scorching and boiling in the air.

Mann, Dolio and others ran back into the canyon, thankful that they had not chosen to hide in the car just now.

Fortunately, the bullet rain from the heavy combat drone seemed to be only one wave. After strafing, it did not continue to attack and began to hover over the position and cruise automatically.

Mann and others hid on the side of the stone wall, not daring to show their heads at will. Obviously, the heavy combat drone could not be overturned by bullets.

Mann asked Qiwei urgently: "How about it? Can you hack that drone?"

Qi Weiyi's eyes rolled around, trying to crack the ICE of the drone. Although there was some progress, it was very slow. She said helplessly: "That smart drone is equipped with military-grade ICE. It will take some time to hack and crack it!"

Mann frowned and realized that the opponent's ground troops were almost here. If they couldn't find a way to escape, they would definitely be discovered.

At this time, he did not dare to contact Gloria wirelessly at will, lest the other party discover the electromagnetic signal and expose his hiding location.

At this time, in the distance, there was a car in Tingwei.

Tang Yu also saw the power of Kangtao's heavy combat drone. With that thing present, Mann and others did not dare to take the lead. Kangtao's ground mechanized troops were approaching. If they continued, they would be waiting to die.

He turned back and asked Panan beside him: "Think of a way to get that thing down in the air."

Panan looked at the terrifyingly powerful drone and seemed to think of something. He opened the car door and walked to the trunk. He dug out a long weapon packaging box from a pile of boxes and put it on the hood of the car. Patted.

"With this guy, we can definitely defeat him!"

Tang Yu followed the sound and saw that Panan took out an RPG rocket launcher from the box.

"Good guy, it will definitely be fine with it."

Panan said with a proud smile: "Now you know that sniping alone is not enough. When the critical moment comes, you have to rely on the big guys!"

She quickly started assembling the RPG barrel and prepared to shoot down the drone.

at the same time.

Tang Yu observed the slope position and Kangtao's ground-based mechanical troops had arrived at the scene.

A Kangtao large armored vehicle led the charge, followed by three black business SUVs.

The convoy stopped at the bottom of the slope.

The door of the Kangtao armored vehicle opened automatically, and one full-body green-shell alloy combat robot walked out one after another, with the word Kangtao printed on the forehead shell.

More than a dozen robots carried rifles and dispersed in unison, heading towards the slope position. The prosthetic head scanned the search light and began to search for remaining life forms.

A group of people also got out of three black SUVs. They were wearing black suits and their identities were unknown.

Tang Yu estimated that they should be the trading partners behind Yeyougui. As long as they are captured, clues should come out.

Intelligent drones, intelligent robots, mechanized troops.

Tang Yu looked back at Sasha in the back seat and said with a smile.


"It's your turn to perform."

"Start hacker combat mode."

Being lazy, the small theater continues to close.

PS: There will be another update tonight.

Special thanks to the following funders for their rewards! Thank you Wei!

Chaos 50.00

Nan Dual Face 10.00

Rama Kai 20.00

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