Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 118 I am Rebecca

Mann saw that the Kangtao robot had gone uphill, and he searched with his gun. He found a surviving tribesman and shot him dead.

More than a dozen combat robots gradually approached, and heavy combat drones were still hovering overhead, monitoring the battlefield at all times.

Mann and the others were hiding in the canyon, and they could only guarantee temporary safety. They had to find a way to get rid of the big guy above them.

Otherwise, as soon as it appears, it will be swept away by the powerful aerial firepower, leaving no room for survival.


Seeing that the situation was becoming more and more critical, Mann felt helpless. He asked Qi Wei beside him.

"How about that, can you get the drone down?"

Qiwei covered her temples with one hand, frowned, and her prosthetic eyes rolled around, as if she was in trouble when invading the drone.

"Not available for now. The drone is specially equipped with military-grade ICE."


Kang Tao understands that the biggest weakness of smart weapons is that they can easily be hacked into the system by hackers, thereby losing command authority.

Therefore, special processing is done on the electronic firewall’s anti-intrusion and penetration to prevent rapid intrusion by hackers.

Mann had no choice but to look behind him. The newly purchased modified car was really not working. There was only one way.

Just activate Si'an Westan yourself, attract the opponent's firepower, and then create an opportunity for Falco to take the remaining people, drive out, and escape from here.

Even Kangtao's small group of intelligent mechanical troops is far from being comparable to the Night Walkers. With their mechanical alloy bodies and powerful fire suppression, they are almost like war machines.

There are no dangers around, and if you stand firm, you are courting death.

Rebecca was extremely angry when she saw the robot approaching step by step.

"Old woman, if you really can't do it, I'll go out and fight with them to buy you some time!"

Dolio was worried that Rebecca was too impulsive, so she quickly grabbed her and said, "Rebecca, wait a minute!"

Mann said seriously: "You guys get in the car first and rush out when you see the opportunity."

Dolio knew what he was paying attention to, and wanted to rely on the military-grade Sian Westan to go out and fight the opponent head-on.

If the other party is a dozen ordinary people, it won't matter. Activating Si'an Westan can completely solve the problem.

But now there are more than a dozen robots on the other side, and it's not worth fighting with You head-on. It may be fine after being hit by a dozen bullets, but Mann can't.

Dolio tried her best to dissuade her and shouted: "No, if you want to get in the car, get in the car together!"

Mann couldn't control that much and could only let Falco start the vehicle first: "Falco, you take Qiwei and get in the car first!"

As a team hacker, Qiwei must be protected. Only with her can it be possible to crack Kangtao's smart weapons.

Falco also disagrees with letting Mann attract firepower alone, but now they must cooperate with each other to gain a chance of survival.

"Qiwei, let's get in the car first!"

Qiwei was currently working hard to break into the ICE drone, and had no time to be distracted by other things, so she allowed Falco to take her into the car.

Mann tried to steady his breathing, looking for the right opportunity to activate Sianwistan to see if there was a chance to kill several Kontao robots in seconds while still surviving.

But after thinking about it, there is no possibility, as long as he starts it once and stops.

The heavy combat drone above his head will definitely melt him into slag in the next second with its terrifying full coverage firepower.


Mann's eyes turned to the group of men in black down the slope. They should be the employers of this intelligent army.

If we can kidnap them, we might be able to successfully threaten them and leave here alive.

While Mann was thinking hard, the heavy combat drone hovering overhead seemed to be abnormal. It trembled unsteadily twice, and then pointed the scanning light towards the canyon.


It has discovered that hackers are invading the system.

In an instant, as if telepathically, the dozens of Kangtao robots present cast their mechanical scanning light into the canyon, looking straight at where Mann and others were hiding.

Mann secretly thought something was wrong: "Damn it! What's going on? Has it been discovered?!"

Qi Wei frowned and said anxiously: "Its ICE protection is too strong. It has already attracted attention. There is no way to control it. We can only overload the drone. It is expected to be paralyzed for half a minute. Hurry!"


The heavy combat drone emitted electric sparks everywhere, the entire fuselage shook twice, and issued a red warning.

"Suffering electronic intrusion, the weapon system is paralyzed and is being repaired."

The ground robot troops immediately quickened their pace and rushed towards the direction of the canyon.

Seemingly to protect the heavy combat drone, four more small drones took off to escort around it, while red laser arrays searched for potential threats.

When Mann heard Qi Wei's shouting, he no longer hesitated, his eyes were focused, and he no longer cared about how many robots he had to deal with.

Just as he was about to set off, he was suddenly stopped by a dazzling and violent explosion.

He hurriedly looked up and saw that the heavy combat drone above his head was hit by a missile, exploded violently, turned into a ball of flames, and turned into a small mushroom cloud. Even the four small drones escorting the surrounding area exploded violently. Humans and machines were also affected and burned.

For a while.

Mann was stunned.

what happened?

Not only him, but Dolio and Rebecca didn't know what happened. The heavy combat drone in the air was blown up, fell to the ground and exploded again.

Qiwei, who had been busy invading, breathed a sigh of relief. The strength of the cracked ICE kept her network access warehouse RAM in a high memory operation state.

But now that the drone has blown up, the load on her brain prosthesis is quickly released and she gets a chance to breathe.

"Falco, what happened?"

Falco shouted back: "The heavy combat drone was destroyed by a missile!"

But before Mann and the others could react, an off-road pickup truck modified with camouflage suddenly galloped into the battlefield, rolling up clouds of smoke.

Gloria sat in the driver's seat of the Tingwei, holding the steering wheel tightly with her hands, swinging the car into a sharp turn and yelling at Mann and the others.

"Do not impulse!"

After saying that, the rear door on the right side of the Tingwei opened wide, and a figure like a neon streamer suddenly jumped out and flew towards the robot. The agile figure drew an arc in the air.

As Sasha flew into the air, her hands popped out of her prosthetic lynx adamantium claws. The moment she landed, the sharp adamantium claws immediately cut off the heads of the two robots.

Immediately, a Kangtao robot turned its gun head and aimed at her, preparing to pull the trigger.

Sasha was one step faster and had already prepared the hacking program. His prosthetic eyes turned and started the electronic intrusion to control the cyberspace.

The Kangtao robot then turned its gun head again, aimed at the other robots next to it, and started shooting wildly.

The corner of Sasha's mouth curled up into a slight smile. Crouching on the ground, she was as quick as a cat. The combat implants all over her body were activated again, and she continued to rush towards another robot. With a swipe of her diamond claw, she cut off the connection to its electronic core system. part.

At this time, other surrounding robots also noticed Sasha's threat, locked onto her as a priority target, and turned their guns to aim at her and fire wildly.

Sasha quickly dodged and jumped to the wreckage of an abandoned vehicle nearby, dodging a burst of machine gun fire.

She waited for a gap in the firepower, then stuck her head out, and started hacking again. She turned her prosthetic eyes, instantly locked on three robots, and initiated virus implantation to overload the prosthetic body.

The three robots immediately erupted with electric sparks and stood there shaking, unable to launch any more attacks.

Sasha rushed out with a quick stride and cut off the smart connections of the three robots again.

Turning on the battle mode, Sasha transformed into a battle girl and rushed into the Kangtao robot to kill everyone.

With the powerful hacking function, it is almost like entering an uninhabited land and killing at will.

With the combination of hacking, claw decapitation, agility, and various powerful combat implants, Sasha showed his true abilities for the first time.

Just a few minutes.

A dozen Kangtao combat robots were wiped out, and the ground was filled with broken mechanical and electronic components.

It wasn't until the last robot was dismembered that Sasha withdrew the lynx's diamond claws with satisfaction, looked at the results of his kills behind him, and took care of his own points.

"One, two, thirty-two, thirteen. Sixteen."


"There are only sixteen robots, but they seem to have caught up with Mr. Tang, great!"

Mann: "???"

Dolio: "???"

Rebecca: “???”

what's the situation?

The three of them looked confused.

They saw with their own eyes an agile figure jumping out of the car and dispatching more than a dozen Kangtao robots in three moves.

The life and death crisis just now was completely resolved in the blink of an eye.

They said they were really confused and looked at what was happening in front of them with their eyes wide open, in disbelief.

But that's not the most important thing.

What really shocked them was that the extremely agile and flowing figure was something they were all too familiar with.


Mann, Dolio, and Rebecca almost shouted this voice in unison.

Sasha heard someone calling her, looked up in the direction of the sound source, and found three strange people staring at her with excited expressions.

Something strange suddenly flashed through her brain, as if someone had hit her hard in the depths of her brain.

Sasha, who was originally fine, suddenly covered her head in pain and squatted on the ground. Some strange pictures kept flashing in her mind.

To her, those scenes seemed familiar yet so strange.

This time, Sasha was so painful that he even forgot to take medicine. He gritted his teeth and murmured: "Don"

Rebecca suddenly felt something bad, and quickly broke away from Dolio's arms, quickly ran to Sasha's side, and asked with concern: "Sasha, what's wrong with you?"

Sasha: "Don"

Rebecca wondered: "Sugar?"

So she quickly rummaged through Sasha's pocket and found a transparent bag containing several white pills. She quickly took one out and put it into her mouth.

"It should be this candy."

As Sasha swallowed the pills, the severe pain subsided and she slowly began to regain consciousness. Then she saw Rebecca squatting next to her, gently stroking her back.

Seeing that Sasha had recovered, Rebecca smiled helplessly, with concern and guilt in her tone: "Sasha, it's already this time, and you're still thinking about eating sweets."

Her habit of chewing bubble gum was brought about by Sasha.

Every time Sasha eats bubble gum by herself, she always shares one with her.

Later, after Sasha left, she had nothing to do but chew it and blow big bubbles.

But now Sasha is back, still in this way, which makes Rebecca have mixed feelings, and she can't tell what it feels like.

Anyway, just come back.

As she thought about it, Rebecca unconsciously felt a little sad. She always valued her companions more important than herself.

Sasha saw that Rebecca's eyes seemed a little red, and she didn't quite understand what was going on. He just stretched out his hand to wipe away her tears and said politely: "Sasha, thank you."


Rebecca's expression suddenly became strange. She looked at Sasha several times and murmured, "There's nothing wrong with her. This is Sasha."

Dolio also rushed over and was relieved to see that Sasha was safe and sound: "Sasha, just be fine!"

Only Mann still stood motionless, as if his whole body was frozen.

Sasha, tall buildings, falling, death.

The original scene kept replaying in his mind, and he still couldn't accept this fact.

what on earth is it?

Mann fell into a huge shock and could not extricate himself for a long time.

Death, come back.

Regret, rejoice.

Countless complex and conflicting words were swirling in his mind, making it difficult for him to tell whether they were true or false.

Is Sasha really back?


She's really back!

Mann saw with his own eyes that Dolio and Rebecca were surrounding Sasha with concern. This was definitely not an illusion.

He clenched his fists tightly, never expecting that one day they would meet again.

He had regretted countless times that he should not have allowed Sasha to take risks alone and go to the biotechnology building to steal information.

In the end, I could only watch as she fell and hit the roof of a passerby's car.

He hated himself for not being able to protect his teammates, and this incident became a pain buried in his heart that he could never let go of.

Mann values ​​the team, his teammates, and the camaraderie above all else.

The tough guy burst into tears.

He didn't want anyone to see him like this, so he could only stand there. If he took another step forward, he was worried that tears would fall.

at this time.

Rebecca looked up and stared at Sasha, her expression seemed to be deflated, and she said in a voice: "Why don't you forget me so soon, Sasha, do you still remember who I am?"

Dolio also discovered clues about what happened. It was completely different from the imagined reunion with old friends. Sasha didn't seem to know any of them.

Sasha looked serious, stared at Rebecca for a long time, then shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Sasha really doesn't know you."

Rebecca's expression became even weirder, and she said helplessly with a slumped face: "I am Rebecca, Rebecca, Rebecca!"

"Rebecca, have you forgotten?"

Sasha was a little confused by them, but out of politeness, she still tried her best to reply: "Sasha knows you Rebecca now. Nice to meet you, Rebecca!"

Rebecca was immediately speechless. She felt more and more that something was wrong with Sasha. She was about to say something, but was stopped by Dolio's eyes.

Dolio shook her head and signaled Rebecca not to ask further questions. There was a story behind Sasha.

Mann himself told them back then that Sasha was discovered during an infiltration mission and unfortunately fell to his death. This happened indeed.

So Sasha, who was standing in front of them now, must have had some turn of events before he stood in front of them again.

Seeing that the two of them were acting weird, Sasha quickly thanked them, got up and ran down the slope, continuing to pursue Tang Yu.

She quickly jumped out of the distance, only to hear Rebecca shouting behind her: "Sasha."

She couldn't help but look back at Rebecca, her eyes flashed with a hint of loneliness, and then returned to normal.

"Rebecca? Why does it feel familiar?"

at this time.

Gloria drove the Tingwei, and Tang Yu, the co-pilot, headed towards the man in black.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the other party quickly gathered around one person who wanted to get into the car and escape. He should be the main target.

Tang Yu held the 'Watch' and fired four sniper shots, directly killing several bodyguards and leaving the target behind.

Gloria braked and stopped in front of the other person, instantly pushed open the car door and knocked him to the ground, preventing his escape.

The target person rolled to the ground and quickly got up, only to find that a pistol was pointed at him. He quickly raised his hands to protect his head, praying not to shoot.

Gloria held the Kenshin pistol to his head, preventing him from moving at all.

In fact, this was the first time she pointed a gun at someone. Although she was not used to it, she knew that this person was a vicious and damned person, so she felt no burden.

After following Tang Yu for a long time, she had seen all the bloody and high-energy scenes. It was nothing to threaten a bastard with a gun.

"Name, company, purpose, and instructions behind it. If you tell me honestly, you can still survive."

Gloria poked his head hard with the gun, then looked up at Tang Yu, slightly shy.

This is my first time interrogating information. I really have no experience and I don’t know if it’s right.

Who knew that this guy was actually a coward? He knelt on the ground and began to beg for mercy, claiming that he was a coward.

"Alex Pushkin, senior assistant for biotechnology quality supervision, I am only responsible for drug product quality assurance inspection, I don't know anything else."

Gloria asked coldly: "How come you, a warranty guy, are in the bad land? And what kind of pharmaceutical product are you talking about? Why do you want to kill so many people?"

Alex was a little hesitant and said hesitantly: "Well, this is a secret of biotechnology and cannot be told to outsiders."

Gloria pressed the gun against his temple again, scaring him into hastily explaining.

"We are developing a new type of antibiotic. You should know that these are all for medical progress. If antibiotics are successfully developed, many infectious diseases can be cured!"

"Besides, these homeless people from the Badlands tribe are just a bunch of cockroaches. They only have one nest in their lifetime and there is no end to their experiments. Don't be so angry."

There was no remorse in his words, he was only worried about his own life.

Naturally, Tang Yu would not believe his nonsense and even cured the disease. After this antibiotic was developed, it was probably not something ordinary people could afford.

In addition, there are also those super bacteria that infect and kill tribal people, which may also be one of their goals.

Gloria was even more furious and wanted to kill this scum with a shot. But when Tang Yu didn't speak, she knew that he was obviously dissatisfied with the result, so she held the gun tightly with both hands and aimed a shot at his thigh.


Alex hugged his thigh and cried out in pain, begging for mercy.

Gloria demanded again, otherwise she would break one of his legs again.

Alex didn't dare to be glib anymore and began to honestly tell everything he knew.

Although this guy didn't know much, he still gave extremely crucial information.

Antibiotics, super viruses, biotechnology, test samples, this information was gradually put together to piece together the whole story, revealing an extremely bloody and cruel corporate industry chain.

Tang Yu was too lazy to look at the trash lying on the ground. He turned around and got into the car and said, "The commission is over. Let Mann and the others take it back and hand it over to the tribe."

No more tonight.

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