Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 120 Enlightenment

Early morning.

The sky is slightly bright.

Gloria followed Tang Yu and worked hard all day and night, and finally returned to the apartment in Santo Domingo Skyscraper H4.

He didn't even have time to change his clothes, so he opened the bedroom door and fell directly on the soft quilt.


She exhaled heavily, feeling her whole body relax.

not long ago.

Panan drove them back to the city in the Tingwei, and then Tang Yu summoned his exclusive company car to take her home, and then drove Sasha away.

This commission in the bad land consumed almost all her energy. Not only was she highly stressed, but she was also tired from the long journey and the complexity of dealing with various matters.

From the moment she received the commission to the time she came back after completing the commission, she really didn't rest for a moment.

She was really tired and wanted to sleep. She felt her brain was swollen and aching, but there were so many thoughts in her mind that as long as she closed her eyes, all the scenes that happened today would happen.

There is a desolate land in the bad land, the wild girl Panan is grumpy but very righteous, there is also the super strong fighter Sasha with a delicate face, and finally the 'boss' Mr. Tang, who shows his unparalleled precision sniper marksmanship.

Her mind was in a mess, and she felt like there were too many things to sort out.


Gloria has completely regarded Tang Yu as her boss, and she can't think of a better identity to describe their relationship.

Everything she has reached today is inseparable from Tang Yu's cultivation.


She had also wondered why she was worthy of Tang Yu's "carefulness".

Gloria couldn't understand it, so she didn't bother to think about it, but many times she couldn't help but not think about it.

For example, in the car before, Mr. Tang introduced Sasha as his company assistant.

Is this what a company assistant is like?

Why send yourself home first instead of sending the company assistant home first?

Although Gloria had never been in a company or worked as an assistant, she still felt something was not right.

On top of that, Sasha's relationship with Mann's team seems a bit strange.

When everyone was still in the tribe, she keenly observed that whether it was Mann, Dolio, Rebecca, or others, their attention was always on Sasha.

Especially Mann, although he kept silent, he was in a strange state after completing the commission.

It was as if he wanted to ask clearly, but hesitated for some reason. As a result, Mann was distracted while talking about the commission with the tribe elders.

That's why Gloria analyzed and judged that the Mann team definitely knew Sasha, but due to Mr. Tang's presence or Sasha's personal reasons, they did not choose to take the initiative to break the deadlock.

She also discovered a problem. Sasha only followed Tang Yu from the beginning to the end, and obviously ignored Mann and others. It didn't look like a reunion of old friends at all.

The reasons are worth pondering.

Gloria's sixth instinct as a woman told her that there was definitely a secret hidden beneath Sasha's delicate and cute appearance.

She felt that Sasha was more like a little fangirl than Tang Yu's company assistant.

Gloria was exhausted, but her mind was very energetic, as if she had entered an illusory state where the mind was separated from the body.

The body is asleep, but the brain is not.

She turned over and stared at the ceiling.

"This is the advantage of being young."

It is clear.

Sasha behaves more like an inexperienced little girl, so no matter how much she praises Tang Yu, it won't make people feel strange.

She talks and behaves like a little girl, but her fighting power is terrifying, and her appearance and figure are also top-notch.

With such a perfect assistant, no one would be confused.

"What are you thinking about? That's Mr. Tang's assistant, not his secretary."

Gloria felt that she was thinking too much, and there was no need for her to meddle with Tang Yu's affairs.

What she should consider now is the commission. The leader of the Red Ocher Tribe wants to do another commission, to assassinate Joanne Kochi of Biotechnology.

Mr. Tang has given her full authority to decide on this commission, so she can no longer hope to get some hints as before.

Because she knew that as long as Tang Yu said he was determined to do it, he would step in to support it.

Therefore, although various commissions have been dangerous, Gloria's heart is stable. She knows that in critical moments, Tang Yu will take action and is worthy of her unconditional trust and reliance.

to be honest.

Personally, she hates Joanne Kochi very much. If she can really kill her, it will be regarded as eliminating a harm to Night City.

As a senior executive of a biotechnology company, Joanne Koch single-handedly initiated and planned the antibiotic trial program, using red ocher to obtain what she called test sample data at the cost of thousands of human lives.

Gloria understands that there are more than one dirty company executives in biotechnology. If she really wants to be a hero, even if she kills all the bad guys in Night City, nothing will change.

Therefore, the assassination of Joanne Kochi should not be done emotionally, but more as a commission to calmly analyze and judge the potential risks involved.

But at present, she has too little information at hand, and she does not know the details of Joanne Couch's work and life, her social circle, and the most important armed security force.

Assassinating a senior executive of a giant company was something she had never dared to think about.

The regional director of technology and development of a biotechnology company is definitely a rich and powerful company executive in Night City.

The top management of a giant company was a term that was beyond her reach.

It was the stage she had dreamed of and hoped David could be on.

I don't know why, but when I learned that I might want to assassinate a company executive, this idea seemed to be shaken a little.

If it was really necessary to use these dirty methods to get David to the top of Arasaka Tower.

Will she remember the David he once was?

Gloria couldn't accept this result.

If one day, David stood in front of her with blood on his hands and told her with a smile.

"Mom, I finally stand at the top of Arasaka Tower."

She might actually fall apart.

The more Gloria thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became: "Is there really no other way?"

Suddenly, Gloria felt something hard hitting her waist.

Only then did she remember that Tang Yu gave her a pistol when she was in the tribe, so she took it out from behind.

The Kenshin pistol used by Gloria to interrogate the employees of the biotechnology company has been returned to Tang Yu.

Gloria held the Sijibao in her hand, looked at it repeatedly, and found that the gun body was somewhat faded.

"New fingerprint detected."

A bullet holographic image was projected on the side of the gun. She had seen Tang Yu operate it before and understood that this was Sijibao's AI system.

It was also the first time she talked to Gun, and she tried to ask: "Are you Sijibao?"

Sijibao: "Confirm user inquiry, technical specifications HJKE-11, built-in AI smart pistol, experimental model, name, Sijibao."

Gloria: "Well, how can I use you?"

Sijibao: "Self-test is in progress and the test time is expected to take 47 seconds."

"Bang bang beep clang, bang bang beep clang bang."

Hearing this familiar tune, Gloria knew that this gun was somewhat valuable, and she found it quite interesting inexplicably.

"Bang bang beep. The detection is completed and the current function is normal. Program: Sijibao."

"Main function: automatic aiming."

"Please choose the following two operating modes."

"The first mode is for peaceful people who love dogs. This mode will automatically target the enemy's lower limbs."

"The second mode, cold-blooded mode, automatically aims at the enemy's head"

Gloria struggled for a long time and finally chose the self-aiming lower body mode. Direct headshots were still a bit difficult to accept.

While she was playing with Sijibao in her room, she suddenly heard a knock on the door of her bedroom.

"Mom, are you back?"

Gloria quickly stuffed the gun into the bed, then dragged her tired body to open the door.

"Good morning David"

Gloria smiled a little reluctantly.

David looked at her suspiciously and found that her clothes were still work clothes. He didn't know when she came back last night or what she was doing.

Since Gloria stopped working at the public medical center, she has been disappearing all day long, and she has no idea what she is doing.

Gloria felt a little guilty when her son saw her, and quickly said: "David, are you going to work in the company?"

David nodded and didn't see the reason, so he went to clean up his affairs and casually mentioned: "Mom, our department has a new deputy minister recently. Mr. Tang hasn't gone to work for several days."

He felt that Mr. Tang was his lifesaver, and Gloria should also be more interested in knowing something about Tang Yu.

These things were not considered intelligence in the company, so it didn't matter if he told her.

Gloria was obviously stunned.

New deputy minister?

She spent a whole day with Tang Yu, but she didn't see him mention this matter. It seemed that there were competitors in the company.

Also, what's up with not going to work for a few days?

Although Gloria advised herself not to worry about it, she couldn't help but want to know more, so she asked pretending not to care.

"Then do you know the reason why Mr. Tang doesn't go to work?"

As David put on his suit jacket, he explained helplessly: "I heard from other colleagues that Mr. Tang did not want to conflict with the new deputy minister. Now everyone feels aggrieved for Mr. Tang. He has done so many things, but in the end he still... To be ostracized.”

Gloria suddenly fell silent. It turned out that Tang Yu also encountered trouble in the company, but he always acted so relaxed and comfortable.

The mother and son chatted about the company for a while.

Gloria saw that the time was right and asked in a roundabout way.

"Do your deputy ministers all have personal assistants or secretaries?"

David just assumed that she didn't understand the company system well, so he explained: "The director will have assistants and secretaries, but it depends on the actual situation. Some company executives do not have assistants or secretaries. For example, Mr. Tang has never seen him have assistants or secretaries. .”


David finished cleaning up, opened the door and said goodbye to Gloria.

"Mom, I'm going to work."

Gloria: "Uh"

David saw that she was a little absent-minded and felt a little strange. He didn't know what his mother was thinking, so he shrugged helplessly and went out to work.

Gloria was alone again in the huge living room.

Don’t have an assistant?

What happened to Sasha?

Haven't gone to work for many days?

Gloria felt that there were more unknown stories here and became more and more curious about Sasha's true identity.

"Why would you take your assistant with you when you're not at work?"

"Yeah, why didn't I think of this level?"

"Is it a related household?"

Gloria walked slowly towards the bedroom, mumbling all kinds of speculations.

"Oh! I'm so annoyed, I can't sleep."

She threw herself on the quilt again and buried her face in the pillow.

a long time.

Gloria just poked her head out of the pillow, took two deep breaths of air, her face flushed.

Just when she finally calmed down, her eyelids started to fight and she felt sleepy, she suddenly received a message.

Tang Yu?

Gloria sat up in shock and quickly clicked to view the content.

Any information on Joanne Couch?

[Name: Joanne Coach]

[Education: Doctorate]

[Company: Biotechnology]

[Position: Regional Director of Technology and Development]

[Currently staying at: Gonghe G Road Biotechnology Hotel]

[Security: Kangtao]

Gloria reacted immediately after receiving the intelligence content.

This is the commissioned information that Tang Yu used his intelligence authority in Arasaka to prepare for her as the information for her to judge the commission.

She really didn't know anything about Joanne Kochi, but now that she had this information, she was much more sure.

Gloria looked at this message and smiled inexplicably, feeling that he understood her.

She figured out that she had to accept the commission from the Red Ocher Tribe.

It is not only a matter of remuneration, but also a matter of mentality of everyone involved in this matter.

Both she and the Mann team have learned about Joanne Couch's dirty sins through the Night Walker.

If everyone is really allowed to pretend that nothing happened, everyone's mentality will undergo subtle changes.

In other words.

The assassination of Joanne Couch was the necessary move to bring everyone together.

Gloria was sure that it wasn't just her who wanted to punish Joanne for taking out her anger, Panam wanted it too, Mann wanted it too, Rebecca wanted it too, and maybe even Sasha wanted it too.

Everyone around Tang Yu wants Joanne Kochi to die, so there can only be one ending for her.


Only her death can make everyone stand together and come together.

Gloria instantly understood something, why Tang Yu chose her as a middleman to contact all parties involved.

This is Tang Yu's method of controlling the heart, not only to make everyone use it for him, but also to do it willingly.

And she herself is the thread, held in Tang Yu's hand, the thread responsible for touching everyone's 'hearts'.

Gloria was shocked when she thought of this profound meaning. Perhaps the chess game Mr. Tang wanted to play had just begun.

She was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that she had not replied to Tang Yu.

He quickly brought up the communication interface, turned his eyes around, and began to reply: "Mr. Tang, received. I will report to you if there is any progress."

Tang Yu: "Smile (expression)."

Gloria looked at the little smiling expression and couldn't help but smile happily.

"I'm finally able to keep up with Mr. Tang's footsteps. I'm afraid it would have been unclear before."

Gloria firmly believes that what she thinks is right, and Tang Yu must have a deep intention behind promoting her as a middleman.

His status as a senior executive in his company does bring power and background, but there are still many constraints on his actions.

The most obvious point is that you cannot gain the trust of others.

Even she was worried about this at the beginning. She was not afraid of being used or coerced, but worried that Tang Yu would hurt David.

Agreeing to Tang Yu's intermediary invitation was somewhat due to fear of his identity.

But after experiencing so many things, Tang Yu in Gloria's mind has quietly changed.

The grace of saving life, the grace of support, the grace of rebuilding.

She really has nothing to repay, and the only thing she can do is to believe in the other person with all her heart, even if the end result is a moth flying into the flame, she is willing to accept it without any regrets.

Gloria gradually realized the role she should play, and gradually discovered that her specialness was irreplaceable.

As Tang Yu's middleman, she neither has the super fighting power of Sasha nor the family background of Panan, and is just ordinary.

But her advantage lies precisely in being ordinary and able to implement Tang Yu's intentions well.

Just like the assassination of Joanne Kochi, if Tang Yu intervenes, once the information is grasped by someone with ulterior motives, the situation will rise to the company level, which will cause him a lot of trouble.

If it is left to her to handle everything, even if the matter is exposed, as long as she keeps it to herself, Tang Yu will never be involved.

But similarly, if you assassinate company executives, you must be prepared to bear the corresponding consequences, and you may face being hired by others to assassinate you.

Gloria no longer cares about these things. At this point, life and death are God's will. If she can really block a shot for Tang Yu, she will not hesitate at all.

She immediately called up Mann's contact information and started making calls. She believed that Mann must not be resting either.

Sure enough, the call was connected.

Mann's voice was heavy and hoarse: "Are you going to accept an assassination commission from the Red Ocher Tribe?"

Gloria: "It seems you are mentally prepared."

Mann: "Well, I leave this commission to me, but I have a request. I hope you can help me convey it to Mr. Tang."

Mann is now very sure that Gloria is working for Tang Yu, and he is worried that the other party will refuse, so he added.

"I don't need any reward for this commission, but this request must be conveyed to me."

Gloria's expression also became solemn. What request was worthy of Mann being so solemn and asked.

"I can convey it on your behalf, but I can't guarantee whether Mr. Tang will agree to it."

Mann: "Well, I know. In fact, I just want to see him alone. There are some things I want to explain clearly in person."

Gloria had already guessed what it was and asked, "Is it about Sasha?"

Mann was silent for a moment and replied in a deep voice: "Yes, this matter is very important. You can tell Mr. Tang that Sasha used to work with us."

Sasha was also a member of Team Mann?

Gloria's pupils shrank suddenly. She never expected that there would be such a relationship. This news must be conveyed to Tang Yu no matter what.

"Mann, don't worry, I will convey your request."

"In addition, I will send you the information about Joanne Kochi later. Please keep it confidential. It is best to find out the details before taking any specific action."

"The remuneration sharing should still follow the old rules. After all, cooperation comes above favor. Whether Mr. Tang agrees to your request is another matter."

After listening, Mann thanked him and tentatively asked another question: "Gloria, could you please tell me, what is the relationship between Sasha and Mr. Tang?"

Gloria: "Company assistant."

After hanging up the phone, Mann heard the words 'company assistant' and was thoughtful.

When he was in the tribe before, he paid attention to Sasha's words and deeds and found that she seemed to have changed.

Not only did he not remember any of them at all, but he also kept clinging to Tang Yu, which was completely different from his previous performance.

He actually wanted to go forward and get to the bottom of it, but because other people were present at the time, talking about Sasha's problem rashly would only arouse Tang Yu's disgust.

So Mann was patient and wanted to find a chance to meet Tang Yu alone afterwards.

He believed that Tang Yu did not understand Sasha's past and would agree to his request to meet and find out the whole story behind Sasha's incident.

No tonight.

Recommend to strive for the fourth update tomorrow.


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