Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 121 Playing with Fire

Watson District.

Little Chinatown, high-end apartments.

Early in the morning, Sasha got up early, changed her clothes, washed herself, then walked to the dining area and put on her apron, and started her day as an assistant.

She started the smart home system first.

The curtains in the entire apartment slowly opened automatically, the windows automatically raised for ventilation, and the morning light illuminated the entire living room through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The smart voice starts to broadcast weather and traffic information, and the TV broadcasts morning news.

Sasha boiled a pot of hot water, let it warm, and then started preparing two breakfasts for today.

After living together for a period of time, she had basically figured out Tang Yu's routine.

When I don’t go to work on weekdays, I go to bed later and don’t get up until 0:00.

Get up, wash up, and catch up on some news while enjoying breakfast.

After breakfast, Tang Yu would come to the balcony to rest for a while. In addition to basking in the sun, he would occasionally play the guitar, chat with Sasha, and do some more relaxing things.

After the leisure time in the morning is over, Tang Yu will start to handle some company affairs remotely.

If he is not too busy, he sometimes goes out in the afternoon to practice marksmanship at the Wilson Shooting Gallery. This is a necessary training for him to maintain his gun sense.

At night, I usually just go out for a night run. After the run, I go home, shower, clean up, and get ready to rest.

In fact, Sasha was not worried about Tang Yu going out for a night run alone, but every time Tang Yu went out, he had no intention of taking her with him.

So Sasha could only keep her thoughts in her heart and watch Tang Yu go out and come back after the exercise.

She actually wanted to go out with Tang Yu to practice shooting and run, but she often ended up staying at home alone, looking forward to it.

But Sasha is not idle at home. In addition to being Tang Yu's life assistant, he also learns a lot of new knowledge, such as learning a few dishes and browsing some weird and new content on the Internet.

After being with Tang Yu for so long, she found that she was in maid mode 90% of the time.

The combat mode has only been enabled once, and other modes still have zero points.

This made Sasha feel a little distressed, after all, each different mode was a new experience for her.

She herself is also curious about what intimacy mode feels like. Although she knows what the content is, it is definitely very different from the actual experience.


What she looks forward to most every day is to stay with Tang Yu, listen to him playing the piano and humming music, and listening to him tell novel stories.

These things will bring her a sense of pleasure and happiness. This feeling is very wonderful, and it is indeed consistent with the description of the term, but it is completely impossible to express it in words without personal experience.

For example, Sasha's favorite stories include green snakes, fairy swords, etc. She doesn't quite understand many things in these stories, but she can still feel the emotions in the stories and empathize with the characters' experiences.

Over time, she seemed to be able to perceive more wonderful things than before, far beyond what her knowledge and skills could match.

After Sasha gets up early, he will prepare everything before waking up Tang Yu.

It's just that Tang Yu's bedroom door is always locked, so Sasha has no choice but to knock on the door gently.

Boom, boom, boom.

"Mr. Tang, it's already time to get up early."

at this time.

The bedroom door will automatically unlock and open, and Tang Yu has already changed his clothes. When he goes out, he will smile and touch the cat's head, and then start his day of working from home.

Sasha wanted to poke her head to take a look at the scene in the bedroom, but before she could take a general look, the door closed and locked automatically.

This made Sasha a little disappointed.

She then followed Tang Yu, walked to the dining table, sat down, and started enjoying breakfast together, while Tang Yu would process some news at the same time.

[Counterintelligence Arthur Jenkins: Don, how is everything in the department? I am on a business trip and it will probably take some time before I can return to the company. Please remember to pay attention to the trends in the ministry at all times, especially the new deputy minister Kate. 】

Tang Yu replied: "I will pay attention."

[Kate from the Counterintelligence Department: Mr. Tang, I have the results of the work related to the R\u0026D Department, and I need you to come to the company to verify]


[Counterintelligence Department Front Desk: Mr. Tang, you have 16 registered appointment visit records, please ask]


[Special Operations Department Front Desk: Mr. Tang, you have 43 work reports that have not yet been reviewed and processed.]


[R\u0026D Department Intern Tanaka Katsuo: Hello, Mr. Tang, I would like to sincerely apologize to you for what happened last time. I hope...]


[Military Technology Meredith Stout: "Are you free for a drink recently? Just you and me, private, how about it?\

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