Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 126 Silver Hand

North Oak at night.

A black Delamain taxi was driving slowly on the asphalt road, heading towards the North Oak Park mansion.

In the carriage.

Sasha was looking out the car window at the night scene. On the left were the neon city lights, and on the right were the quiet and deep waves of the night sea.

Stone mountains, palm trees, and sea-view villas all reflect the tropical scenery of North Oak.

Suddenly, a giant sign caught her eye, a bright white letter sculpture sitting on the hillside.


Sasha was a little curious as to why Tang Yu brought her here. He said before that he wanted to hold a concert and find a few friends to suppress the venue.

Sasha withdrew her gaze, looked at Tang Yu and asked seriously: "Mr. Tang, do you have friends living here?"

Tang Yu also saw the white sign on the hillside outside the window, which was a familiar place again.

"Well, there is a friend who lives here."

After saying that, a figure appeared in his mind.

Clio Rodion.

A well-known rock star in Night City, Johnny's former little brother.

If Tang Yu wants to hold a successful concert, he can't do it without Kerry, a young guy.

Delamain gave a helpful reminder: "Mr. Tang, your destination is a luxury villa. The property owner of this villa is the famous rock boy Clio Rodion, who once served as the lead singer and guitarist of the band Samurai. Buying that beach house after releasing a hit fourth album."

Following Delamain's "kind" explanation, Sasha immediately understood who the friend Tang Yu was talking about.

Although she has never met Cliorodian, the overwhelming entertainment promotion on the Internet has already demonstrated the status of this rock star.

Sasha was very surprised. She didn't expect that rock star Kerry would be invited to a concert. She couldn't help but sigh that Tang Yu's 'circle of friends' was so big.

Tang Yu joked: "Lao De, you are very smart. How many AI chips have you installed on yourself?"

Draman mechanically replied: "Mr. Tang, the AI ​​chip can only increase Draman's algorithm capacity. You must be concerned about your friend's current situation. According to various entertainment news reports, rock boy Clio Rodion is suspected of suffering from Depression, accompanied by behaviors such as suicide.”

Tang Yu knew the truth behind these entertainment gossips. The so-called depression and suicide were all deliberate hype by Mr. Kerry.

On the one hand, the reason is to maintain its own popularity so as not to be crowded out by new entertainment stars.

On the other hand, Kerry also wants to be clean. Since the release of his four albums, which became a hit, he has made a lot of money, and there are more and more complicated things around him, making him uneasy.


Delamain's special car arrived at its destination and stopped in front of the gate of Kerry's mansion.

A black steel fence blocks the entrance and exit, and a golden warrior helmet is embossed on the gate.

After getting off the car, Tang Yu looked at the tightly closed door and said to Sasha next to him: "Have hacked the access control, let's go in."

When Sasha heard Tang Yu's words, she suddenly had some doubts in her mind. Since she was here to visit a friend, shouldn't she call to see if the other person was at home first? Isn't it a bit bad to directly hack the access control and walk in without saying hello?

Sasha used her newly learned knowledge of basic social etiquette to analyze and judge the current situation. Although she had some doubts in her heart, she still hacked the access control system remotely very quickly.

Soon, the black steel fence opened slowly and automatically, and the two stepped into the inner courtyard of the villa.

Sasha asked curiously: "Mr. Tang, did you hack the door and come in because you have a very good relationship with Kerry's friends, so you don't need to say hello?"

Tang Yu knew that Sasha was curious about everything now, especially interpersonal relationships and relationships, so he explained: "Kerry doesn't know me yet, but he is very familiar with one of my former friends."

It is true that Kerry does not know Tang Yu now, and the two have not had any dealings with each other, but this does not prevent Tang Yu from coming to him to 'play'.

Sasha said softly "Oh" and nodded in understanding.

Tang Yu knew that she still couldn't understand, so he continued to explain: "The reason why we walked in without saying hello is because Kerry doesn't know us. In all likelihood, he will treat us as crazy fans and will definitely not open the door to let us in." Come in."

"Of course, I can also show my official identity, but this can't scare rock kid Kerry. He has a good relationship with Arasaka Yorinobu, and not many people in the company dare to touch him."

Tang Yu remembered his previous dealings with Kerry and found that this boy did have two brushes.

Kerry was signed to the MSM record company, but he got in touch with Yorinobu Arasaka. The two of them would eat and chat together when they had nothing to do.

Sometimes, Tang Yu feels that Night City is so big that all kinds of people can find a place here.

Sometimes, he felt that Night City was so small that he could not walk around without the presence of those big companies and those familiar people.

He, V, Johnny, Kerry, Rogge, and even Yori Xuan were all squeezed into the same circle without knowing it.

After hearing this, Sasha suddenly became even more confused. Since it was difficult to reveal his identity, how could he still look good if he sneaked in and was discovered?

She was suddenly a little worried because she was worried that the other party would not like her. After all, she hacked into the door and slipped in with Tang Yu. She didn't want to leave a bad impression on Tang Yu's friends.

Just like meeting Lao Wei, Gloria, and Panan for the first time, following Tang Yu, you will quickly become familiar with them.

Sasha's eyes looked a little worried, and she blamed herself in a low voice: "Then will Kerry kick Sasha out?"

Seeing Sasha's innocent and aggrieved look, Tang Yu smiled helplessly and raised his hand to touch her cat's head.

"Don't worry, Kerry will buy my face, or he will buy my friend's face."

"Kerry may not be happy enough to see Big Brother back."

Big Brother?

Sasha didn't understand when there was another big brother, but he didn't see Tang Yu inviting anyone else to come, so he asked: "Sasha is a little confused, who is the big brother? Is he here too?"

Tang Yu said calmly: "Johnny Silverhand, I said he was coming, and he came."

Johnny Silverhand?

Sasha was stunned for a moment.

She was very familiar with this name. When studying the historical information of Arasaka Tower in Night City, this name appeared too frequently.

Johnny Silverhand used a thermonuclear bomb to blow up the Arasaka Twin Towers in Night City and burned half of Night City. He was called a nuclear terrorist by the Arasaka family.

explosion, heat wave, incineration

These words and scenes gave Sasha an inexplicable headache, and they seemed to bring back some memories that did not belong to her.

Tang Yu noticed something strange about Sasha and guessed that her brain might have been stimulated.

Sasha immediately took out the medicine bag from his pocket, poured out a white pill and swallowed it.

After a while, Sasha's face gradually returned to normal, thinking that he had delayed Tang Yu's business, and apologized: "I'm sorry, Sasha."

Tang Yu gently interrupted her apology: "It's okay, no need to apologize, it's not your fault."

Sasha's eyes flashed with light, she smiled with relief, and continued to follow Tang Yu's pace towards the villa building.

The lawn in the inner courtyard is extremely spacious. A luxurious gilded villa is located on the edge of the mountain top, facing the sea and the edge of the city, enjoying unlimited scenery.

On the periphery of the building, several intelligent bodyguard robots holding rifles automatically cruised back and forth around the single-family villa, turning on alert mode to protect the safety of the residence.

Sasha thought that she had hacked the door to unlock it when she came in, and she understood immediately when she saw these intelligent robots.

With Tang Yu's permission, she quickly turned on the combat mode, leaped over with a soundless step, and remotely hacked several intelligent robots in advance.

Sasha immediately entered new code instructions, changed the robot's patrol route, and cleared the villa gate area.

She then walked to the door of the villa and easily cracked the access control system. By the time Tang Yu came over, all obstacles had been overcome.

Tang Yu suddenly understood Xiao Michiko's intention at this time. It is indeed much more convenient to have a hacker like Sasha by his side.

In the past, as a top hacker, he naturally did not need Sasha's help, and many troubles could be easily solved in the blink of an eye.

It's just that now he is still his original self, and he can't handle smart electronic devices and so on without Sasha.

Tang Yu walked straight into the luxurious villa and found that the layout style of the house was exactly the same as before.

A large three-story duplex structure villa, the first floor hall is extremely spacious and bright, with a 270-degree panoramic floor-to-ceiling glass window for unobstructed views.

Luxurious pianos, fitness equipment, wine bottles and cans, blankets and pillows, leftover sets, etc. were discarded wantonly, making it look like a luxurious garbage dump.

Sasha looked around the inside of the villa curiously, guessing that Kerry who lived here was probably a sloppy guy who was not very well-behaved.

She didn't expect that behind the glamor and beauty of celebrities, they would live such a messy life, and she couldn't help but compare it with Tang Yu's family.

In terms of area and luxury, Kerry's villa wins.

Compared with cleanliness and comfort, Tang Yu's apartment wins.

Sasha looked around and felt that there was nothing strange about it, and she didn't like big houses. Living with Tang Yu, naturally the smaller the house, the better.

at this time.

Sasha saw Tang Yu walking towards a corner, and she quickly followed and found that the corner had been transformed into a music area.

Drums, tuners, high-end speakers and other music-related items are all available.

But she found that Tang Yu's attention was focused on a few retro guitars, which were hanging on the wall and looked old.

She knew that Tang Yu also liked to play the guitar, so she came forward and visited carefully, trying to get some clues.

Tang Yu picked up one of the guitars, looked at it repeatedly for a moment, and explained: "This tomahawk must be at least dozens of years old. It was Kerry's favorite back then."

Sasha was also surprised. This guitar was much older than her.

Tang Yu held the guitar and sat on the sofa. He checked the tomahawk in his hand and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with it.

"Well maintained."

Sasha followed and stood aside obediently. She knew that Tang Yu was ready to play, so she remained silent and said nothing.

Tang Yu held the neck of the piano with his left hand, and prepared to pluck the strings with his right hand, tapping the beat lightly with his toes.

A few seconds later, at the start of filming, a burst of electric piano sound roared out, the tone was exciting and deep.

"C-can, you, feel, it"

"can, you, touch, it"

Tang Yu switched the chords skillfully, and his fingering on the strings was full of rhythm and rhythm.

The huge rock electronic sound filled the entire villa suite. Even if Kerry was still asleep, he could hear the sudden explosive electronic sound.

Sasha suddenly discovered that he had heard this electric guitar music, and Tang Yu was playing the famous song "Jiguan" by the Samurai Band.

The origin of this song is also extraordinary, it is Johnny Silverhand's exclusive song.

Sure enough, not long after the electronic music started to sound.

A hurried figure immediately rushed down from the second floor, holding a silver pistol in his hand, pointing at Tang Yu and questioning him.

"Who are you, those who step on horses?"

When Sasha saw that Tang Yu was in danger, he immediately became alert and prepared to step forward to subdue him.

Tang Yu stopped playing and signaled Sasha to relax and not take action.

He looked up at the figure, with short silver hair, silver nightgown, and even a gun.

It was none other than the famous rock kid, Clio Rodion.

Tang Yu looked at Kerry and found that he still missed his big brother Johnny Silverhand very much, otherwise why would he be covered in silver.

He inexplicably remembered a gossip and joke that the reason why Kerry broke up with his girlfriend was because Kerry would not interfere.

Tang Yu couldn't remember exactly who told this joke. It seemed to be Jack or Johnny.

Tang Yu didn't bother to delve into these nonsensical gossips. He just looked at Kerry indifferently and said nothing.

Kerry raised his gun and stared at Tang Yu suspiciously. Seeing him holding the tomahawk and his demeanor while playing, he felt very familiar inexplicably.

He took a few steps forward, as if he wanted to see more clearly, waved the gun in his hand, and said in a gentler tone.

"Keep playing."

Tang Yu smiled helplessly, continued to pretend to be Johnny, and said slightly helplessly: "It seems that you still want to inspect the goods, okay."

After saying that, he improvised and played quickly, and the fingering method was exactly the same as what Johnny taught him at that time.

Back then, he and Johnny were inseparable. When they had nothing to do, they would play guitar together.

In addition, he already had a good foundation, and with Johnny's personal guidance, it didn't take long for him to master Johnny's fingering techniques.

The two of them were inseparable every day. Even Johnny's smiles and frowns when he was proud, and his cries and fuss when he was whining and smoking could not be more clear.

In short, if Tang Yu wants to play Johnny, he doesn't have to pretend, he can show off his Johnny nature naturally.

And the reason why he came to Kerry and was sure that he would agree to hold a concert was precisely because of Kerry's special feelings for Johnny.

Anyway, it's not the first time he has become Johnny. Tang Yu doesn't feel anything wrong. It's right to let Johnny pay off his debt in advance. After all, he will have to take risks to get him out of Arasaka later.

Tang Yu quickly completed an electric guitar improvisation, and after it was over, he looked at Kerry calmly.

I saw Kerry slowly put down the big gun in his hand, his eyes full of shock, his expression instantly paralyzed, and he looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

He stood there in a daze, his face unshaven, as if his brain hadn't reacted for a while.

There was a moment of silence.

The corners of Kerry's mouth suddenly twitched and he laughed, as if he was saying to himself: "No, hahaha, that's impossible. I must be dazzled. This is playing tricks on me."

Kerry thought he had oversmoked and had not slept well at night, and he had hallucinations. He patted his head heavily, shook his head, and then murmured to himself: "The horse rider, have you seen a ghost?" , No, this fingering music is yours, right, grass, etc."

Kerry tried to calm down the turbulence in his heart, raised the gun again, pointed it at Tang Yu, stared at him, and asked dubiously: "Tell me, what did Silver Hand say to me before he died?"

Tang Yu knew that Kerry would find it difficult to accept it for a while. In fact, this was not a lie to him. When Arasaka Yorinobu comes to Night City with the relic chip next year, he will be able to find a way to get the Johnny imprint stored in the chip. This is quite Yu resurrected Johnny in disguise.

He faced the gun and said calmly.

"Kerry, you are still a coward, and you still want to inspect the goods at this time."

"Obviously, I was right. After all, I never miss it."

"Would you like to play another song?"

Sasha stared at the situation with some worry, fearing that Kerry would shoot and hurt Tang Yu.

Judging from Kerry's slovenly appearance and weird behavior, Sasha suspected that he was mentally unstable. If he was accidentally injured by accident, she would probably die of heartache.

But Tang Yu told her not to do anything, so she could only stand aside and worry, almost dying of anxiety.

More importantly, Sasha couldn't understand why Tang Yu suddenly seemed like a different person. He who never swore was actually talking nonsense.

Sasha felt that wasn't this adding fuel to the fire and irritating the other party's sensitive nerves?

If Kerry's anger is aroused, big trouble will arise!

Everything is in chaos, chaos!

Tang Yu is not like Tang Yu before, Kerry seems to be a psychopath, and Sasha is so anxious that she almost jumps up.

But Kerry obviously didn't care so much. He was stunned when faced with a slap in the face. This feeling was too familiar.

He became more and more unbelievable, and even his weird smile slowly disappeared and gradually became serious.

Kerry looked at Tang Yu blankly, a trace of expectation seemed to flash in his eyes, and murmured questioning: "You are Johnny Silverhand"

After speaking, even he himself didn't believe what he said.

"Fuck, what the hell, this horse riding is definitely what the hell, it's absolutely impossible!"

Kerry began to sway uneasily, as if his mind was shut down, the words Johnny Silverhand echoed.

"Haha, I must have taken too much, it's impossible, haha"

Tang Yu had long expected that Kerry's behavior would be the same as before, and said calmly: "It's unexpected, Kerry."

When Kerry heard this, he cursed, turned around and punched him, but he didn't expect that the punch was caught by Tang Yu.

Tang Yu grabbed Kerry's fist tightly and asked calmly: "I understand, I didn't expect it to be me. You have been waiting for this punch for almost fifty years, right?"

Kerry's pupils shrank suddenly and he looked at Tang Yu in shock, completely losing control of his expression.

The 'stranger' in front of me, dressed in a suit and style like an aristocratic young master, turned out to be Johnny Silverhand riding a horse!

Kerry felt that his entire worldview had exploded, and he could not calm down the emotions in his heart for a long time.

a long time.

Only then did Kerry regain his composure, put down his fist feebly, and cursed bitterly.

"Johnny, I want **!"

There will be another update later.

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