Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 127 Never fade away

North Oak Park, oceanfront mansion.

At this moment, Kerry was sitting in a luxurious villa with an area of ​​more than a thousand square meters. His whole mind was confused, and he could only say "horse sells batch" in his mind, not knowing whether to say it or not.

Obviously, the sudden appearance of 'Silver Hand' gave him a huge shock. The big brother he hadn't seen for almost fifty years suddenly appeared in front of him in this way, and it was hard to accept anything he said.

It's like I once hated a person, hated him for going his own way and not listening to advice, leaving behind his flourishing career and his partners who worked hard together to achieve the so-called romance and wantonness in his heart.

Fortunately for him, he had unlimited fame and became a legend in Night City. He was remembered by history, and even his name was entered into the Afterlife Bar.

But what about the remaining chicken feathers?

The band broke up, the friends broke up, and Big Brother died without even being able to find his ashes.

Kerry hated him, hated him.

But he missed him so much that he couldn't get out of this shadow for a long, long time.

In the past fifty years, Kerry has grown from a little follower to a rock star, but what he misses most is the time when he stole Big Brother's underwear.

But that man is back.

I don't know where he changed, and he came back in a way I never imagined.

What a paradox!

Kerry didn't know how to face 'Johnny' in front of him, and just stared at Tang Yu. Thousands of feelings came to his heart, gathering like a sea, and finally turned into a chuckle.


"I didn't expect you to change your taste and wear a company leather suit. This is not like you before, Silverhand."

Tang Yu nodded in disbelief. Seeing Kerry's somewhat lonely look, he comforted him: "You are still so tacky. The spacious golden mansion, the expensive super car, the courtyard where you can race horses, laugh to death. In addition to this music corner, you also have so many other things." Like that, did you forget what I told you before I left? Go your own way, Kerry."

Hearing this, Kerry suddenly looked like an angry tiger, raised his head and roared: "Where are you on the horse? Oh, I thought it was fifty years ago, a self-righteous legend, you are so happy, everyone What? Don’t try to teach me how to be a good person like before, I’ve had enough of this!”

Kerry taunted vigorously, as if he was letting out all the emotions that had been stored in his heart for many years.

Tang Yu didn't say anything, just looked at Kerry silently, letting him scold or rant, after all, this former young man rarely had the opportunity to vent in front of 'Johnny'.

After Kerry finished cursing to himself, his temper gradually lost more than half, and he sat awkwardly next to Tang Yu, shaking his head uncontrollably, and finally seemed to have no choice but to accept this fact.

He turned to look at Tang Yu again, as if he was relieved, and said hello to his old friend: "How have you been these past few years?"

Tang Yu calmly laughed at himself and said: "How can a soldier who escaped from the battlefield or a has-been rock star live?"

"By the way, I forgot to introduce you, this is Tang, Arasaka Company."

When Kerry heard 'Johnny' take the initiative to introduce him, he couldn't help but take a closer look at Tang Yu. He was handsome, well-dressed, and looked like a noble and wealthy young man. If 'Johnny' hadn't been talking, he would have absolutely no regard for such a person. No interest.

"Oh, you have good taste, right? Tang, I remember it, but what about her?"

After Kerry finished speaking, she pointed at Sasha. She was standing aside and looking at the two of them curiously, her eyes full of confusion and excitement.

‘Johnny’ briefly introduced: “Don’s bodyguard, you know, people from Arasaka Company like to show off a little bit.”

Kerry nodded. Now he has accepted the fact that Johnny is back. Nothing is impossible in this world.

He stood up and invited Tang Yu to chat upstairs.

"Come, come and chat with me upstairs. I haven't seen you for so many years. If you suddenly come to me, you won't even have a shit."

Tang Yu stood up, hung the guitar back on the wall, and followed Kerry to the second floor.

"I heard that you have been suffering from depression recently for more than half a year. Why, are you still thinking about how to make yourself famous?"

Kerry stepped on the steps with bare feet, walked upstairs step by step, and replied: "People's tastes have changed now, and it's not right. They have been brainwashed by those companies, and they don't know what good stuff they hear."

Tang Yu knows that Kerry's career has begun to decline, and the record company he signed is not strong enough, so it will inevitably lose a lot of promotion resources.

Just like the three strong sisters who just debuted from Kyoto, with Arasaka's strong support and promotion, they are now extremely popular.

"Kerry, you are being cynical. Didn't I start from a small record company, and in the end, those big companies were overturned by me?"

Kerry felt that 'Johnny' had not lost any of his arrogance after fifty years, so he said a little funny.

"What era were you in? What era are you in now? The Samurai Band has become the last song. Johnny, we can't go back."

Speaking of this, Kerry suddenly became a little melancholy. Perhaps the vow that had never faded could not withstand the ruthlessness of time.

Sasha followed Tang Yu and listened to their conversation carefully.

It didn't feel right at first. Tang Yu suddenly seemed to be a different person, his words and deeds were completely different from before.

It's obviously still the same Tang Yu, but the arrogance shown in every gesture is really not fake.

Later, Sasha realized as she listened that Mr. Tang was thinking of himself as Johnny Silverhand and was talking to Kerry as Johnny Silverhand.

However, how does Tang Yu know what kind of person Johnny Silverhand is? After all, Johnny has been a legend for decades, and most of the people who know him are probably no longer alive.

Sasha checked the information and found out that Kerry was a member of the band Samurai and was Johnny Silverhand's best friend. He must be very familiar with Johnny Silverhand.

If Tang Yu wants to hide it from Kerry, he must understand Johnny better than Kerry, and even think of himself as Johnny.

Unexpectedly, Kerry actually believed in such a paradoxical thing. He believed that a man who had been dead for more than fifty years was "resurrected" and came here with another completely unfamiliar face.

Especially Tang Yu's tone of 'educating' Kerry, Sasha was dumbfounded and almost prepared to step forward, concerned about whether Tang Yu was feeling uncomfortable.

The words spoken one by one really seemed like a different 'person', and they looked extremely natural.

Sasha followed the two people up to the second floor and came to a small living room.

Two large semi-circular brown leather sofas surrounded a glass round table, with scattered wine bottles and food scraps piled on the table.

On the wall not far opposite, there is a giant electronic screen hanging.

Sasha followed Tang Yu obediently, and when she saw him sitting down, she took the initiative to stand behind and kept silent.

Kerry sat down on the sofa, minding his own business, and then pulled out a bottle of whiskey from the gap in the sofa behind his waist, with only one-third of the wine left.

Kerry took two glasses from the table and filled them with wine. He pushed one cup to Tang Yu and kept the other cup for himself.

When he was about to take a sip, he accidentally burped and said a little unhappily: "Mad, it's so late at night, just drinking wine is embarrassing."

Tang Yu joked: "Why, your hands are itchy and your voice doesn't sound right. Did the company do anything to you?"

Kerry snorted, and he felt a little unhappy when he mentioned the company, and directly cursed: "What the hell are those people saying that I am tone deaf and always sing out of tune? I have no choice but to have an electronic throat implanted, which makes me talk." It’s all weird, but singing has definitely become easier, these days, you can even fake the sound of a horse riding on it.”

When Tang Yu heard this, he also understood why Kerry relied on hype to maintain his popularity. In this era when companies control everything, even people's hobbies will be changed.

Synthesizing human voices can meet any of your needs. Even a song is fully automated by artificial intelligence, and various styles and tones can be switched at will.

An old stereotype like Kerry relies more on his former reputation and status, as well as his past with the legendary Johnny Silverhand.

Whether Kerry admits it or not, his success is inseparable from Johnny's afterglow.

Tang Yu started to 'educate' his younger brother Kerry again, and said calmly: "So what do I say, rock and roll will always be a spirit, and those stupid electronic synthesizers will never understand it. I didn't teach you back then. , chasing fame and fortune like a pug."

After Tang Yu finished speaking, he added a few words: "Kerry, if you had listened to what I said, you wouldn't have become like this. Is it useful to live in such a big house? In the end, you have to rely on depression to gain some attention. "

The more Kerry listened, the more harsh and uncomfortable he felt, so he simply put on an indifferent attitude and said: "Yes, yes, everything you said is right. Anyway, you are the most awesome legend in the world. In the middle of the night Are you tired of coming here to educate me? I thought you had sincerely repented, but I was overthinking it. Tell me, what do you want to do with me?"

At this time, a video was playing on the electronic screen. It was the video of the band's park road show. The atmosphere at the scene exploded with enthusiasm, attracting countless pedestrians to stay and join the rock wave.

Tang Yu stopped trying to sell things off to Kerry and said directly: "Are you interested in having another concert? Don't you want to become famous? A concert that is hot and explosive enough will make you famous, and maybe it will make you famous." Night City has been discussing you for half a year."

"Don't worry about the record company. Those managers are vampires. Look at what you've done."

Although MSM Records is old, it is still far behind Arasaka Entertainment.

Not only in terms of advertising, exposure, and investment in promotion, Arasaka is the leader.

Arasaka can regain a foothold in Night City, and Arasaka media has contributed a lot.

A little girl who doesn't even have the same height as three girls can become popular from Kyoto to Night City, which shows the power of Arasaka media.

Kerry's focus was not on this. Whether he could become famous was no longer the most important thing. When he heard that Johnny wanted to hold a concert, he immediately got into high spirits. He immediately stood up from the sofa, stared at him and asked: "WTF?" Damn, are you serious, you want to have a nostalgic concert?"

Tang Yu couldn't wait to see Kerry, and explained again: "It's not a nostalgic concert, but a brand new concert, a concert that can make you popular, a concert that can light up the building of a biotechnology company."

A concert that lights up a biotech building?

Kerry was a little confused. Holding a concert had something to do with a biotechnology company.

Suddenly, he seemed to recall something. It was Johnny who instigated the riot in the company square.

Johnny held a concert in front of the Arasaka Twin Towers, which then triggered a riot against the company. He took the opportunity to sneak into the company and play a big game.

That was the Samurai Band's last concert, and it was also the last time Kerry saw Johnny.

Kerry looked at Tang Yu in disbelief and murmured: "No way, do you want to do it again, and this time the object is biotechnology, right? Haven't you understood yet? Arasaka Tower has been rebuilt , you can blow up the building a hundred times, they can rebuild it a hundred times!”

Tang Yu smiled disdainfully: "Kerry, no wonder you say this is all you have, OK, I can tell you, but I will only say it once, just listen."

"I never wanted to blow up a building or destroy a company, let alone become a legend."

"But in the face of this **** world, when everyone only dares to be silent and patient, someone must make the first cry, declaring war on that damn capital, declaring war on those damn companies."

"This is a war. If no one blows the horn, then it's up to me to let everyone open their eyes and see that no matter how powerful the giant is, he will fall one day."

"It's all over the place, Kerry. You don't understand it now, but sooner or later you will."

Tang Yu stood up, looked at Kerry, and said again: "Kerry, I'm not living in the past, nor do I have to do anything to the company, but at least this time, I have to let people see, the Samurai Band, Never fade away.”

Kerry was silent.

He knew that 'Johnny' would do nothing good when he came back to him. He was once again going against the company and playing the same old tricks.

Kerry smiled helplessly: "Haha, I finally understand. Fifty years have passed, even Taima Yorinobu has changed his character and returned to Arasaka, but you are still the same as before."

"It's really a fool's errand. Why do I just accept your trick? Although I don't fully understand your arrogance, you are really awesome. Johnny, you are worthy of it."

Kerry seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and was no longer as excited as before, but asked seriously: "So do you have any plans? Or did you have no plan from the beginning, to hold a concert and call on everyone to boycott Is it a biotechnology company? Let me guess, I’m afraid it’s biotechnology that got you into trouble again.”

Tang Yu took out a micro memory chip, which contained information he had compiled and merged, all of which were evidence of biotechnology experiments.

"You'll know just by looking at it."

Kerry picked up the chip and put it into the biological nerve slot on the back of his neck without hesitation. After browsing it quickly, his face could not help but darken.

"It's really a horse riding thing."

Tang Yu added: "Now you understand, even if fifty years have passed, the company has not learned any lessons from that explosion."

"Biotechnology has no intention of letting anyone go. The bad-land wanderer tribe and the soldiers who have retired from the battlefield are all their targets."

At this point in the conversation between the two, it was already a real showdown.

Sasha, who had been silent all this time, stood aside blankly, thinking about the cause and effect, and understood everything instantly.

Only then did Sasha truly understand why Tang Yu asked him if he wanted to hold a concert.

Thinking of all the atrocities in the bad land and the evils of biotechnology, Sasha was really touched. For some reason, a layer of mist gradually obscured the world in front of him, and even the figure looking at Tang Yu became blurry.

After reading the chip, Kerry still had some questions: "Don't you work at Arasaka Company? No, it's because Tang works at Arasaka Company, so it's not convenient for you to use company means to disclose this information, so you found it on me. right?"

Tang Yu looked like he wanted to do it or not, and replied directly: "It's up to you to join or not. No one can stop what I want to do. The biotechnology building must be burned down, I said so."

"But don't make this matter difficult for Tang. He works for Arasaka, so don't let him get involved too much."

Tang Yu knows Kerry's feelings for Johnny, and Kerry will never betray Big Brother under any circumstances.

And Tang Yu is not worried about leaking the secret at all. Even if Kerry tells it, as long as he doesn't admit it, who will believe the absurd story that Johnny's ghost has returned to possess the top executives of Arasaka Company.

If Kerry told Lai Xuan, it would be convenient for Tang Yu. The prince Lai Xuan might have been impatient and wanted to steal the relic chip containing Johnny's mark and come to him for confirmation.

When Kerry heard that Johnny cared about other people's feelings for the first time, he picked up the wine glass again and said hehe, "Why, when did our Johnny Silverhand change his temper and learn to care about others?"

"You actually share a body with Arasaka. It feels ironic just thinking about it. Let me introduce you to Tang. Who are you from in Arasaka? If it doesn't work, I'll call Yorinobu. I can take care of you."

Tang Yu said frankly: "He is just an average person, just a deputy director of the Counterintelligence Department and Special Operations Department of Arasaka Company."

Kerry took a sip of whiskey, and when he heard this, he almost spit out the old wine.

The dual-department deputy minister is also a high-level position in the two real-power departments of the Counterintelligence Department and the Special Operations Department.

Is this called being a normal person?

Kerry said angrily: "Johnny, when you come back this time, are you planning to destroy Arasaka Tower from the inside? You are so stupid. Who would have thought that Arasaka's number one enemy, the super terrorist, would be hiding in Arasaka?" Tali, this world is too arrogant and annoying."

This time he had no intention of rejecting Johnny. He was just going to hold a concert, start a biotechnology company, and burn down a dilapidated building.

He didn't dare to blow up the Kerry Arasaka Tower, so why didn't he dare to burn down a biotechnology company building? It wasn't him who did it anyway.

"Okay, I will believe you again, come to a concert and burn down a company building."

Tang Yu smiled and teased: "Kerry, you have enlightened yourself this time and have taken the first step to become a real rock star."

Kerry couldn't help but laugh loudly: "You're a fool, I'm starting to get excited just thinking about it. Burning down a biotechnology company building is big news. You're the only one who can think of it."

"Tell me, when are you going to take action?"

Tang Yu said in a deep voice: "Just listen to Tang's arrangements. He will take care of things. We will see you then."

Kerry still wanted to say something, but he saw Tang Yu's demeanor suddenly changed, becoming completely different from before, with a faint coldness in his eyes.

what's the situation?

Seamlessly switch souls in one second?

Even Sasha on the side felt that the Mr. Tang she was familiar with was back, always cold and calm, with a calm attitude towards everything.

A series of question marks also appeared in her little head, and she couldn't help but start to doubt herself in her heart.

"Is there another soul living in Mr. Tang's body, Johnny Silverhand?"

Kerry was a little dazed. He shook his head and tried to wake up. When he blinked, Tang Yu still had the same cold posture.

He cautiously asked for confirmation, "Are you Tang?"

Tang Yu stood up again, fastened the first button of his suit, and stretched out one hand as a handshake.

"Hello, Cliorodian."

"Introduce yourself."

"Deputy Director of the Counterintelligence Department and Special Operations Department of Arasaka Company."

"Tang Yu."

Kerry: "."

No more tonight.

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