"Are you ready?"

Upon hearing the question, Sasha quickly lifted the hem of her skirt a little further toward her legs and looked at the electronic mirror screen to compare carefully.

Visual inspection shows that the hem of the skirt is exactly 12.5 centimeters above the knee, which fully complies with the company's workplace etiquette standards.

She finally showed a satisfied look and trotted out of the room.

"Sasha, you're ready."

Tang Yu was folding the cuffs of his shirt and tying the black gold cuffs. When he heard Sasha's footsteps going out, he looked slightly sideways.

I saw.

Sasha's oval face is delicate and round, with diamond chain heart rings at the tips of her ears. Her plain white long-sleeved dress and short skirt tightly wrap her graceful figure. A black belt is tied around her neck, and a "T" printed button attached to it.

Today is a very important and special day for Sasha.

Because Tang Yu was going to take her to Arasaka Tower Company. This was her first time going to work.

And there will be a concert tonight, a concert planned by Tang Yu himself, which will be staged in the company square.

Sasha paid special attention to it and prepared in the room for a long time, wanting to be in the best condition to greet this day.

She was ready. When she came to the living room and saw Tang Yu adjusting his cuffs, she took the initiative to step forward and took the black gold cufflinks from his hand, then folded the cuffs of the shirt and fixed it with the black gold cufflinks.

Tang Yu allowed Sasha to help tie the cuffs. When he raised his hand, he touched the cat's head and said thank you softly.

at this time.

Tang Yu is wearing a navy blue suit with a retro style, well-tailored, and a straight figure. The cuffs of his shirt just cover his wrists, and two centimeters are exposed from the jacket, showing all the details of his clothing taste.

This plate-style suit is tailor-made and is specially made according to the body shape measured at that time, so it has very high requirements on the body shape.

Changes in body shape will greatly affect the wearing experience. If you are a little fatter, your waist will be stretched and your legs will be stretched, and it will even be difficult to squat down.

If you are a little thinner, you will not be able to support your shoulders and will look baggy, and your clothes will be wrinkled and you will look lethargic.

Tang Yu hasn't gone to work at Arasaka Tower for a while, and he doesn't feel any change when he wears a plate suit, which shows that he has maintained a good shape.

He thought it might have something to do with running at night every day. His height and shape remained the same, but his weight increased a lot. It must be because his muscle density had increased.

Tang Yu moved and checked his clothes as usual. After confirming that there was no problem, he glanced at Sasha who was waiting nearby.

"Let's go."

The apartment gate unlocked and slid open automatically. Tang Yu stepped out first, and Sasha quickly followed.

After the two people went out, the apartment gate automatically closed again, locked the access control and activated the early warning mode.

Arasaka's black limousine was already waiting on the side of the road. Sensing Tang Yu approaching, the rear compartment door opened automatically.

Tang Yu sat sideways and leaned against the red leather soft sofa.

Sasha also lowered her head and followed him into the car, and sat on the opposite side, with her knees together and obediently saying nothing.

After Tang Yu and the two got in the car, the door closed automatically and headed towards the destination Arasaka Tower.

The space in the carriage is not too large, with a seat-to-seat layout. The seats are upholstered in red leather, and the carpet is made of brown wool. It has a good sound insulation system to block all external noise.

Sasha sat across from him and never looked away from Tang Yu. Seeing that he had been busy on the phone, he guessed that he was dealing with some work matters.

She found that the work was very formal this time, which made her a little nervous and excited. After all, it was her first day at work. She was somewhat worried that the work would be a failure, but she was also looking forward to it.

Sasha was curious as to why Tang Yu, as a special assistant, chose to take her to work today.

But it was hard for her to ask too many questions. When Tang Yu didn't take the initiative to tell her, keeping silent was the best way.

Tang Yu has been busy communicating since he left the house and didn't pay much attention to Sasha opposite.

Not long ago, his old boss Arthur Jenkins heard the news out of town that Kerry, a former member of the Samurai band, was going to hold a concert in the company square. He was worried about another incident, so he called Tang Yu to reconcile.

Tang Yu knew that his old boss was worried about the Counter-Intelligence Department. If something went wrong, there would be no one in the Counter-Intelligence Department to deal with it in a timely manner and he would be very passive.

Arthur Jenkins specially opened the minister's office authority for Tang Yu, allowing him to act as minister with full authority and be responsible for making decisions on all matters to prevent the new deputy minister Kate from taking the opportunity to cause trouble.

It happened that Tang Yu also wanted to go to the company square to focus on all aspects of the concert, so he agreed.

But before going to work, he still had many important things to deal with.

A few days ago, after Kerry agreed to hold a concert, Tang Yu was preparing for it.

He wanted more than just an ordinary concert, he wanted one that would set the biotech building on fire.

There were a lot of things that needed to be prepared. Just setting the venue for the concert at the company square took a lot of trouble. We had to find connections to convince the municipal government and NCPD departments to agree.

However, Kerry's concert is free for public welfare and is not a paid commercial performance. As long as the procedures are complete, it can be performed normally.

In order to prevent chaos at the concert, the city hall put forward a series of conditions, such as prohibiting high-risk supporting activities such as fireworks, and no one is allowed to bring guns and ammunition into the company square. NCPD must be stationed at the scene to maintain order, and the number of people flow must not exceed the limit.

This is a company square after all. Because of Johnny Silverhand's previous lessons, both major companies and the NCPD are very sensitive to this kind of carnival.

Companies like order and hate loss of control and chaos.

After the location was finalized, the rest of the performance stage construction, warm-up publicity and other work were carried out in an orderly manner.

There was a slight problem on the way. MSM, the record company that Kerry signed with, learned that Kerry wanted to hold a free charity concert and directly expressed his disagreement.

However, this concert is not a commercial performance and does not involve any business cooperation. It can be regarded as Kerry's personal singing performance, and he can sing wherever he wants.

However, MSM Records insists that Kerry is consuming his commercial value and destroying the interests of cooperation between both parties. If Kerry dares to hold this concert, all his promotions and sponsorships will be withdrawn, and he will also be made to eat File a lawsuit.

Even Kerry's vampire manager hurriedly stepped forward and used various means to threaten him. If he dared to hold this free concert, he would lead the entire manager team to resign.

After Tang Yu learned about it, he didn't expect that an MSM record company would actually play the trick of hiding in the snow, as if it was treating Kerry as private property.

They forced Kerry to implant an electronic throat prosthesis, and asked him to pretend to be depressed and commit suicide to hype up the so-called traffic.

He immediately mobilized the resources of the Counterintelligence Department to investigate various business problems existing among MSM employees.

Then Arasaka's elite legal team was activated and began to issue legal letters to MSM.

In order to suppress the MSM record company in all aspects, they also dispatched hackers from the Special Operations Department and began to secretly attack and bomb the other party's subnet. This will inevitably make the MSM company restless and unable to survive in Night City.

As for Kerry's management team, after a little arrangement, they were scared out of their wits and obeyed Kerry's orders honestly.

When MSM Records saw Arasaka's situation, they immediately gave in and immediately announced their unconditional support for Kerry's performance.

Who in Night City doesn't know the huge terror of Arasaka's lawyer team, hacker team, and intelligence team.

In order to seize Watson's coastal industrial park, Arasaka's entire Night City industry was purged.

at this time.

Kerry was staying at his seaside villa, talking on the phone with Tang Yu about the preparations for the concert.

"Tang, thank you very much this time. MSM has been very honest these days and works much harder than before."

"Have you seen, there is so much hype outside right now, the headlines are like crazy, crazy reports about Kerry making a comeback, Kerry will never die, Samurai is rekindling, blah blah blah."

"Listen, I want to laugh when I step on the horse. Sometimes whether you are popular or not is really determined by a word or a headline from these bull* media."

Tang Yu naturally knew that all the major entertainment media had been going crazy recently, reporting crazily on Clio Rodion's concert.

The reason why the concert caused such a sensation was not only because of Kerry's own fame and popularity, but also because the concert was for charity and a carnival exclusively for old guys.

The songs "Chippin'in", "Never Fade Away" and so on that Kerry is scheduled to sing are more like bringing the entire Night City back fifty years ago overnight, opening up those memories sealed in Chen Tan.

There is a saying that goes, Samurai fans are getting old, not dead. Even though the Samurai Band has become a thing of the past, there are still a lot of old guys who miss those passionate days of the past.

Tang Yu replied calmly: "Don't underestimate yourself so much. Your rock status is unmatched by anyone in Night City. The stage tonight belongs to you."

Kerry didn't know whether this was encouragement or comfort, and couldn't help but smile: "I'm really worried that if the battle is so big and all the songs are old antiques, in the end there will either be very few people coming, or a bunch of old people will come. , haha, then my Kerry brand will be destroyed."

It has been a long, long time since Kerry sang the old songs of the Samurai Band, although he still has the instruments that the Samurai Band once used, such as guitars and drums.

After the Samurai band disbanded, he himself never touched it again. In addition, the single album took up most of his energy, so these old rock music gradually disappeared from the stage.

Kerry deeply understands that today's entertainment market is a card game of capital, and fifty years is enough for popular music to be updated countless times.

Even if he tried his best to keep up, it became increasingly difficult for him to do as much as he used to.

In fact, Tang Yu has already made arrangements for tonight's hot spot in advance. The concert will definitely not be a letdown, and it may be full and popular.

"Kerry, collect yourself and get ready."

Kerry reluctantly answered on the other end of the phone. He felt a little weird being encouraged by the young Tang Yu, so he asked tentatively.

"Will Johnny come tonight?"

"Of course, I don't mean to let him take over your body."

"After all, with your status, there is no way you can go on stage."

Tang Yu heard what Kerry meant. This guy still didn't let go of his former big brother, so he said in a deep voice.

"Johnny will see this."

Confirming that Kerry was ready, the two broke off communication.

As soon as Tang Yu hung up the phone, Gloria called in seamlessly.

Communication is connected.

After saying hello to Tang Yu, Gloria went straight to the point: "Mr. Tang, all the matters previously arranged have been successfully completed."

"Mann's 'fireworks' are ready. They found the circuit bus of the biotechnology building and successfully connected to the electric storage pulse device. The accumulated power is now enough to burn out the main circuit of the entire building."

Tang Yu nodded slightly: "Well done."

How could a successful concert not be accompanied by fireworks? Fireworks were the highlight of the night.

The city hall does not allow fireworks to be brought into the venue, so Tang Yu simply used the Biotechnology Building to make a soaring sound.

This ‘fireworks’ preparation work is left to Gloria and Mann’s team.

First, Pyrrha was responsible for making a high-power electric storage pulse device. The raw materials for making this device are not difficult to find. You can find them by searching around on the black market.

Qiwei and Lucy then went to the Santo Domingo power supply base station in Night City to find the power supply line of the biotechnology building, confirm the direction of the underground cables, and select a suitable location for digging.

Mann, along with Dolio and Rebecca, set up road construction barriers, hung up the signboard of the electrical circuit company, and began to operate the machine to dig wildly.

After digging out the cables, connect the electric storage pulse device in the pit, activate the switch, cover the protective cover, bury it back and fill it up to ensure that no problems can be found.

The electric storage pulse device starts to work, stealing tiny bits of current from the huge current of the cable, and storing electrical energy bit by bit.

Over time, after the energy is stored, it can be poured back into the cable to form a powerful high-voltage electric wave.

Drastic changes in voltage will inevitably seriously affect the power supply system, causing large-scale circuits and completely burning down the power supply network of the biotechnology building.

A fireworks show of electricity and fire is ready. If you are lucky, you may be able to burn down the entire building directly.

After Gloria finished her report, she received Tang Yu's affirmation and suppressed the excitement in her heart.

She knew that there was a good show going on tonight, and the 'fireworks' were the most crucial part. Whether it could cause an explosion or not depends entirely on this.

Gloria continued her report: "In addition, I contacted Regina Jones, and she introduced me to several channels to contact retired warrior groups in the city, including some from the Sixth Street Gang."

"As required, the incriminating information on biotechnology was secretly disclosed to them. Judging from their performance, they are very angry that biotechnology concealed the side effects of painkillers and harmed retired soldiers."

"In addition, all kinds of gossip about tonight's riots have also been spread by intelligence dealers."

"Afterlife, Lizzy, Red Mud, Wild Wolf, etc., many bars are spreading rumors that Kerry's concert will trigger a riot against the company."

"Based on the current situation, I'm afraid there won't be many people going to the company square tonight to join in the fun."

"There are even businessmen who don't mind the trouble, and they have started to engage in prize betting, betting on which company will be unlucky tonight."

After listening to Gloria's report, Tang Yu felt a little more confident.

Kerry's concert has attracted much attention, and everyone is looking forward to tonight's drama.

As long as Kerry performs on stage, there will be no silence at all.

The atmosphere has been heightened here, and Kerry will definitely be the most handsome guy tonight.

After listening to the report, Tang Yu specially asked Gloria to pay attention to protecting Kerry's personal safety.

Gloria agreed seriously and went on her way to work.

Kerry's personal safety must be guaranteed. At that time, he will also arrange for special agents from the Counterintelligence Department to secretly protect Kerry on the grounds of stabilizing order in the company.

After all, the Biotech Building and Arasaka Tower are located in the company plaza and are very close together.

The two hung up the communication.

Immediately afterwards, Panan also sent a communication request.

In fact, when Tang Yu just answered the phone, he saw Panan's call, but he couldn't answer two calls at once, so he had to ask her to wait.

Line connected.

Panan didn't care and waited for a while, Feng Feng Huohuo said bluntly: "Tang, I have already completed the matter you told me."

"Several wanderer tribes have expressed their willingness to support us. They have learned about the dirty work of biotechnology, and they can't wait to bring weapons to fight with them now."

"Now, there are hundreds of vehicles in the fleet alone. I can't imagine what it will be like when we drive to the company square and see a long queue of vehicles."

The task Tang Yu assigned to Panan was to contact the tribe to send vehicle reinforcements, mainly to block traffic at the critical moment and prevent municipal rescue and NCPD from entering the site, so that the biotechnology building could be burned clean.

After Tang Yu listened, he said in a deep voice: "Panan, thank you for this. Remember to ask your friends in the tribe not to bring guns and ammunition, otherwise the company and the NCPD will definitely take the opportunity to attack and hurt innocent people."

Panan said confidently: "No problem, I know that the target this time is biotechnology, and I won't mess around. I will ask people to keep an eye on it before setting off."

Tang Yu nodded, and after the two exchanged messages, they hung up the communication.

He arranged for the homeless tribe to drive into the city dispersedly so as not to attract too much attention. They waited for the concert to start and then poured into the company square from all directions, blocking various intersections.

At that time, you can quietly watch the fireworks bloom, one after another, soaring into the sky.

Just as Tang Yu hung up Panan's call, he received another communication request from Jack.

Sasha sat opposite Tang Yu and kept staring at him. She found that there seemed to be a lot of calls today.

One after another without stopping.

She didn't know what happened. It seemed that Tang Yu had been hiding something secretly recently and not playing with her.

Sasha is very curious now and wants to know what Tang Yu is talking about on so many phone calls.

Talking about Kerry's concert?

She felt that everything was going smoothly for the concert. She could see Kerry perform on stage tonight, and she didn’t know if ‘Johnny’ would show up.

Could it be that they were talking about company matters, but as a special assistant, she did not receive any work notification.

Sasha stared at Tang Yu, full of curiosity.

On Tang Yu's side, the call was connected.

Jack's familiar and hearty laughter came from the other end of the phone: "Brother, I have all the goods here. The garage is full of gasoline bottles. I am worried that a spark will send my garage to the sky." ”

Tang Yu asked Jack to specially prepare gasoline bottles, mix them with a large amount of alcohol, and secretly transport them to the company square.

When the show starts, these gasoline bottles will be distributed to tribal wanderers and retired soldiers who come, and they will be smashed on the biotechnology building to let them burn to their heart's content.

Tang Yu said with a smile: "Don't tell me that you drank thousands of bottles of wine to get so many bottles."

Jack said this was all a minor problem and said bluntly: "Don't tell me, it's really a waste of effort to get these wine bottles. The key is not to let my mother know that she was mumbling about the smell of gasoline in the Wild Wolf Bar that day. , I almost got scared and ran away on the spot.”

"But don't worry, the Wild Wolf Bar produces too many empty wine bottles every day. I just want to do whatever I want, and my mother doesn't bother to take care of it."

Tang Yu expressed strong praise for Jack's wit. After the two exchanged questions, they also hung up the phone.

He waited for a while, and there must have been no calls, so he had some time to spare.

Only then did Tang Yu notice that Sasha was holding the cat's head with both hands, leaning closer, his beautiful big eyes shining with curiosity.

He smiled and raised his hand, touched her cat's head and said.

"Stop thinking about it, you'll understand it tonight."

PS: There will be another one later.

Thanks to the following big sponsors for the rewards, the boss is generous and the boss makes a fortune!

With Whom the Lonely Birds Fly Together_, Qidian Reading iOS 50.00

Misaka Little Devil, Qidian Reading iOS 50.00

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