Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 130 Freedom

late at night.

Company Square.

The scene of Samurai Band's rock concert was surrounded by neon lights and shadows, and waves of music covered it up one after another.

Kerry's selfless roar and powerful electronic fingering skills completely ignited the atmosphere in the audience to its peak.

Everyone was so enthusiastic that they stretched out their index and little fingers, held high the metal gift, and kept shouting and cheering, hoping to release all the suppressed emotions in their hearts.

Kerry felt the fire rising in his chest more and more, and it had reached its extreme.

He has never been so angry, excited, selfless, and emotional as he is today.

This is his own stage, his own crazy rock and roll.

But Kerry knows that everyone in the Samurai Band has given him strength.

He looked around the stage.


Kerry saw.

Keyboardist Nancy was back, standing to his right, playing the keyboard with her fingers together.

Drummer Danny is back, sitting behind him, transforming into a blast drummer, beating the drum set crazily with two drum sticks.

Bassist Henry is back, standing to his left, sweeping out bursts of bass current.

Finally, Kerry couldn't help but look at the man with silver arms in the middle of the stage, standing in front of him.

The man was still cool and cool, with a smoky voice, and he was still wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night. He turned around and looked at him and said.

"Kerry, we will never die."

Kerry raised his proud head high, looked up to the sky with eyes full of anger and roared, singing "We will never die" loudly and wantonly!

"We'll, never, fade, away!"

"We'll, never, fade, away!!"

"We'll, never, fade, away!!!"


As Kerry shouted, a bright electric light instantly illuminated the entire company square.

Bang! ! !

A burst of brilliant electric fireworks exploded over the square, instantly attracting the attention of countless people present.

Everyone present raised their heads and looked at the fireworks, the fireworks rising from the company building, the fireworks of different colors.


Deathly silence.

Suddenly, the whole place was silent.

You can hear a pin drop.

To everyone's surprise, the biotechnology building was penetrated by a strong current.

The entire building instantly turned into a dazzling white light bulb, illuminating every corner of Sifang Company Square.

Then a massive high-voltage short circuit occurred, sparks exploding from floor to floor and shattering glass.

In the end, the fireworks climbed higher and higher until they reached the top, bursting into brilliant arc fireworks, lighting up the sky above the Night City.

So charming, so bright.

Everyone was witnessing this moment, and everyone was silent.

Rock, company, high-rise buildings, electric lights, and fireworks all exploded, igniting the most shocking scene of the concert like a whip.

After a few seconds.

A serious circuit burnout occurred in the biotechnology company, and the entire building immediately entered an emergency state, and the red emergency backup signal light was turned on.

The dark building instantly turned into a red tower, flashing strange mechanical alarms.

at this time.

Everyone at the concert looked at the biotechnology building and immediately realized that it was a biotechnology company that won the lottery this time.

The roar of the mountain and the tsunami rose again, and the densely packed crowd on the five-story disk surged towards the biotechnology building.

The NCPD police officers and the blockade were unable to stop anyone, and they could only allow the torrent to flow towards the biotechnology building.

Kerry watched helplessly as the biotechnology building suddenly lit up like daylight, exploded with fireworks, and then saw it plunge into darkness.

He suddenly felt overwhelmed and shocked, and even his brain was numb.

I saw countless spectators in the audience, whether they were veterans or young guys, rushing toward the building like a tsunami.

Kerry seems to have a clear understanding that this is the soul of the Samurai Band.

Rock and roll is not riot, destruction, disorder, or wild behavior.

But a kind of resistance.

It's a struggle.

A kind of courage and romance that turns into fire without hesitation, burning enemies, burning companies, and burning all oppression.

Kerry no longer hesitated, picked up the Tomahawk guitar again, and started playing crazily.

Cheer for the crowd, cheer for the courage, cheer for yourself, let this fire burn stronger and stronger and never die!

A sudden large-scale high-voltage short circuit in the biotechnology building even caused fluctuations in surrounding circuits.

The power supply of office buildings of major companies has experienced voltage instability, and the lighting is dim and bright.

Fortunately, as the biotechnology building was completely shut down, the surrounding power supply returned to normal.

But the drama in the company square has just begun.

Serious traffic jams began to occur at various traffic entrances in the company square. Some modified off-road vehicles occupied multiple lanes and parked on the road for excuses.

The tribal wanderers, dressed in shabby jeans, got out of the car and began to push and curse each other, as if they were suffering from road rage disorder and were determined to fight to the death.

"Why are you driving? Are you blind?"

"What are you talking about when you step on a horse? I'm just going to hit you. If you dare, hit me."

"Fuck him to death!"

At various intersections, homeless people picked up sticks, bottles, etc., and started fighting in groups on the roadside. No matter how long the queue was behind them, the lane was in chaos.

Beep! Beep! Beep! ! !

The car owners, unaware of the situation ahead, honked their horns anxiously and cursed loudly.

"Mad! Can you please move the car out of the way for me first during the fight?"

The words just fell.

A hammer flew over and hit the glass of his car. It was impossible to see who threw it.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

Hundreds of Rangers' modified off-road vehicles, according to the planned plan, almost blocked the main thoroughfares in the company square.

Thousands of homeless people were fighting in the streets, and the fight was fierce.

For a while.

A manic atmosphere permeated the entire square, as if it was completely engulfed in riot.

at the same time.

Many audience members rushed out of the concert venue and rushed to the biotechnology building, picking up bottles filled with gasoline along the way.

The huge crowd rushed downstairs, lit the gasoline bottles in their hands, and threw them towards the biotechnology building.

The security robot of the biotechnology building stood in front of the building's main entrance and issued a mechanical sound warning.

"Warning! Please stop attacking immediately, otherwise"

The words are not finished yet.

One after another, the flaming gasoline bottles hit the robot's head, instantly igniting oily flames.

The Kangtao robots were surrounded by fire and oil, and fell one after another.

People frantically threw their bottles into the sky, and the fire gradually spread upward from the second floor of the building.

"The corporate dog of Nima will burn you to death, hahaha!!!"

"Silly* company, it deserves to be kicked off the horse, well burned!!!"

"Burn, burn, it's so exciting!"

"Oh! Oh! Oh! It's burning!"

"It's so fun, I burned him* for three days and three nights!"

Thick oily smoke and fire spread upward from the bottom floor of the biotechnology building.

Someone even took the opportunity to remotely unlock the company's emergency access control, and the iron gate at the main entrance automatically slid open to both sides.

"Brothers, put the fire inside and charge!"

"Fuck! It's good to burn it. I won't have to go to work tomorrow. I'll burn it for you!"

"Hahaha, burn this idiot to death!"

Countless people threw their gasoline bottles with frantic force, and the fire spread to the interior of the building.

Everyone vented their anger and anger towards the company.

They already know what the biotechnology company has done, how many soldiers who have retired from the battlefield have been killed, and how many tribal wanderers they have killed.

Everyone is filled with resentment, and biotech companies are bound to pay a heavy price.

Among them were soldiers who had retired from the battlefield, beggars living on the streets, vagrants who came from outside the city, and young people who joined in the fun and were full of hatred for the company.

They all know that if they don't take advantage of this opportunity, they may not have the chance to burn down the company again in the future.

A power outage in the biotechnology company building is the clarion call to charge. No one can stop this torrent of indignation.

The fire grew stronger and stronger, and the mood became more intense.

The NCPD officers all looked at each other, helplessly looking at the chaotic and disorderly scene.

With their current strength, they are really powerless in the face of a large and emotional crowd.

The NCPD chief has issued an order not to use hot fire on crowds unless encountering gunfire.

Even if they had permission to shoot, no one would be stupid enough to shoot at a bunch of rock lunatics unless they wanted to die in the line of duty.

There were no gunshots in the entire scene, only shouts and flames, and the manic and compelling rock music.

The NCPD officers at the scene could only continue to call for reinforcements, but the reinforcement vehicles had no way to reach the scene. They were all blocked on the road and unable to enter the disc hub.

As a result, the NCPD police force at the scene was severely lacking. Even most police officers gave up maintaining order and stood aside to laugh and watch the fun.

Burning the company down, NCPD officers said, is quite interesting, and such a job is rare.

In riot.

The power of Kangtao's security robots could no longer withstand this powerful torrent. They were either burned by fuel or the control system was hacked and paralyzed.

This shows that there are some unknown powerful hackers mixed in among the crowd, who took the opportunity to hack into the Kangtao robot system and wreak havoc.


Several emergency aerial vehicles from Biotechnology arrived over the company building and began spraying dust in an attempt to extinguish the fire and disperse the crowd.

"Please stop invading the company immediately, otherwise Biotechnology will pursue it strictly to the end!"

Biotechnology does not dare to use weapons of mass destruction. Once the weapons of mass destruction are used, it may cause greater conflicts and riots.

The only option is to adopt soft eviction to try to suppress the development of the situation.

The company has never regarded those at the bottom as human beings, but no one in the company wants to be the one who stands out.

Just like when Arasaka Company was at its worst, a nuclear bomb taught them how to behave, and it took fifty years for them to breathe again.

It's destined to be a sleepless night for biotech executives.


The dust sprayed by the biotechnology float vehicle took effect, and the fuel flame began to weaken. Many people's eyes were filled with smoke and dust, and their vision was instantly blurred.

The rioters saw that the fire was suppressed by smoke and dust, and the oil fire in the inner hall of the building was also controlled by emergency fire fighters.

Then, someone else started to raise their arms and shout loudly.

"Come in, let's rush in and grab whatever we have!"

"Yeah, if you can't burn it, just smash it!"

"Go, go, go, grab him!"

In the chaos, the crowd rushed into the biotechnology building against the dust and smoke in the air.

Dust disturbance can only be avoided by going inside the building.

The rioters didn't even have time to dust their shoulders, and immediately began to break through the layers of security restrictions. They began to freely use tables, chairs, and benches, smashed the hosts when they saw them, and started burning the servers when they saw them.

A large number of people were charging into the building, and the Kangtao security robots on the floor were defeated.

Outside the square.

There were even some crazy guys who rushed towards Arasaka Tower, but before they even got close, they were quickly captured and subdued by Arasaka security guards.

There were also some crazy and agitated people who rushed directly towards the NCPD officers, trying to take advantage of the chaos to seize their guns.

NCPD officers immediately took out their stun guns and started shooting at the crazy people who rushed towards them.

But one person fell, and there was a large area that couldn't be controlled at all. The situation was completely out of control.

The NCPD police officers retracted their front line and gradually gathered next to the motorcade, and then they were able to save themselves.

I am afraid that tens of thousands of people participated in this riot, but the NCPD police force was only a few hundred, which was a drop in the bucket.

NCPD Senior Inspector Stings, who was stationed at the scene, was standing on the roof of the car watching the situation in the square, frowning and looking sad.

There were too many people participating in the riot. He saw many Haywood boys, Valentino's gang members, and even old bones of the Sixth Street Gang.

How come we are burning down the company today and everyone has given up their old grudges?

Stings caught sight of a familiar figure, Jack Wills, the big boy from Heywood who was carrying a box of gasoline bottles and rushing towards the biotechnology building among the rushing crowd, smiling happier than anyone else.

He sighed helplessly, a little worried that today's concert would be such a mess, that the situation was completely out of control, and he might be punished if he went back.

Stings asked all police officers present not to violate the regulations and to do their best to maintain order on the premise of protecting their own safety.

Of course, he also knows how to protect himself.

Stings sat back in the NCPD armored vehicle, picked up the pager and started calling the NCPD central headquarters building.

He wanted to request reinforcements and directly dispatch a violent terrorist mobile unit to deter and deal with it.

Otherwise, if this continues, the entire biotechnology building will be burned down.

But the NCPD director was not in the office, so Stings had no choice but to hang up the communication.

The directive issued by the director today is that there must not be any active shooting, nor must the violent terrorist mobile unit be mobilized to suppress the scene.

Stings also knew that this was done to prevent greater riots, but now the riot scene was out of control.

As the NCPD's most important weapon, the Terrorist Mobile Team is only responsible for dealing with cyber lunatics who pose serious threats.

Although Stings was the High Sheriff, he had no authority to mobilize this powerful force.

He began to realize that something was wrong. For such a big event as Kerry's concert, rumors spread that some forces were taking the opportunity to cause riots.

Why was the NCPD indifferent? It only sent a hundred police officers to maintain order as a token and strictly prohibited the use of firepower.

If you really don't want to deal with this mess, you can find a safer and more secure way, which is to directly propose to cancel the Samurai Band's concert.

Stings had worked in the NCPD for many years and was keenly aware of the fishy nature of it. He looked at the biotechnology building through the car window.

The chaos in the company plaza continues to escalate and get worse.

at this time.

In a factory park, under a large container, the sound of luxury is coming.

On the wall of the room, a shadow with plump curves was twisting hard, and three spiral deep xi simulation prostheses were turning rapidly.


A loud curse suddenly came from the room, and the three of them collapsed on the sofa in defeat.

They took a deep breath and then took off the Mewtwo rings on their heads.

Lucius Lane raised his fat foot, kicked the watch between his legs hard, and then showed a look of pleasure.

"This time, Black Mewtwo is really riding hard. He tied up his limbs and then shocked him with electric shocks. Every part of his body, especially his vagina, was burnt and burnt. It was so satisfying! It was so satisfying!"

The man on the left echoed: "The Black Mewtwo made by this boy, Jotaro Shoho, is really good. The problem is that he is too ugly and his figure is not good. Next time, let him choose a girl from Genting instead of the ones from the streets." Shit."

Lucius Lane quite agreed, closed his eyes and fell on the sofa, like a puddle of mud.

"Well, you can have this. I think the girls from Mox are quite suitable."

"The Tiger Claw Gang is also a weakling. When those girls started a riot, those Sakura guys gave in. They are really useless."

After hearing this, the man on the right asked: "Are you sure you don't want to go see the riot tonight? I have issued a death order. NCPD officers are not allowed to shoot. I'm afraid the situation is out of control. There will be a lot of news tomorrow. You We have to participate in the election recently, which is a very unfavorable factor. If I had known that no concerts would be held from the beginning, riots would not have occurred."

Lucius Lane looked at the NCPD director, with a confident smile on his fat face, and said bluntly.

"Haha, I can only say that you don't understand Night City very well, and you don't understand what these low-level people are thinking."

"It is precisely because the election is approaching that I never thought of stopping Kid Krina's concert from the beginning."

"And the bigger the riot, the better, it will be to my advantage."

Holt next to him was a little confused. He had recently been assisting Lucius Lane in his campaign, so he asked, "What's the saying in this?"

Lucius Lane closed his eyes and explained with a bit of pride in his tone.

"Night City is known as the City of Freedom. It won't even allow a concert or a company to be burned down. It's still called a woolly City of Freedom."


The three of them laughed.

Lucius Lane continued: "Nowadays, everyone is holding back a lot of anger. If you don't let him vent it out, he will feel unhappy and he will find a place to target."

"I'm sitting in the top spot now, and everyone in Night City can scold me. If Kerry is not allowed to hold this concert, I probably won't even be able to defraud these old guys out of their tickets."

"In addition, riots are both risks and opportunities. It depends on how you take advantage of them."

"In my opinion, the riots just prove that Night City is free, and I am a mayor who upholds freedom."

"Not only will we not hold anyone accountable tomorrow, we will also provide them with some sweeteners, such as a disability support plan for veterans and a food and clothing plan for homeless people. We will draw a big pie and hang it up."

"Hold another press conference to hold Biotechnology accountable, and ask them to arrange for a high-level executive with some credibility to publicly apologize."

"Isn't it just burning down a dilapidated building? Biotechnology still lacks such money?"

"And biotechnology has its handle on military technology, the Joanne Couch thing, a bunch of dirty secrets."

"Besides, Kerry, the washed-up rock kid, isn't that restless. Someone from Arasaka will appear in this concert. It may be Yorinobu Arasaka's line. It's not clear at the moment."

"So use your brains. This concert and this riot can't be stopped no matter what. Then just let them burn it out."

"It's just like us, once you finish your hair, it's easy to talk about everything, isn't it?"

After saying that, the three laughed again.


Holt repeatedly praised: "This is a great move. It's really not bad. That Jefferson is still shouting about freedom and rights all day long. We can shout too."

Lucius Lane smiled and said: "That's why I am the principal and you are just the deputy."

He thought of his rival, Jefferson. With his handsome appearance and loud slogans of freedom, his approval ratings had surged recently and he had become the biggest threat during the campaign.

Lucius Lane said disdainfully: "Jefferson is just a vase. Soon other people's flowers will be planted in his mind, haha."

I'll look at it later and see if I can figure out a chapter.

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