Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 137 Chaomeng

late at night.

The dim streets of Kabukicho.

Under the street lights on both sides, there are some dancing girls standing here and there, either kicking their heels with their arms folded in front of them, or looking at the passers-by with cigarettes in their mouths.

Waiting for work to come.

From time to time there are young pedestrians walking together, chatting and laughing on the road.

They talked about the latest Mewtwo movie and admired the unique skills of the Lizzy girls, without paying any attention to the looks of the street dancers.

With the development of cyber technology, the invention of Mewtwo Ring almost subverted the traditional entertainment industry experience.

As the most popular form of entertainment in Night City, it is sought after by almost all walks of life.

Even the top executives of the company who stand at the pinnacle of power have the habit of experiencing Mewtwo.

Because a high-quality Mewtwo movie allows the experiencer to completely experience a scene, a story, or a peak experience.

In short, things that cannot be done or felt in reality can be realized in Mewtwo.

There are many labels for Mewtwo, such as "intracranial blowout", "brain* intercourse", "fantasy time" and so on.

It is enough to show that Chaomeng can skip all troublesome steps, penetrate the body and reach the intracranial nerve synapses, and experience unprecedented sensory stimulation.

Even though excessive use of Mewtwo is harmful to brain health, people are still chasing newer and more intense Mewtwo experiences.

Crowds of people in twos and threes came under the fluorescent sign of Lizzy, turned at the iron gate, entered the small square, and walked into Lizzy Bar.

At this point in time, it is Lizzy’s home court.

"You have a nice face. Welcome to Sister Lizzy."

The cool girl Mox at the bar reception welcomed the new face with a slightly teasing tone.

Tang Yu came to the bar reception desk and looked through the catalog list familiarly. All the Chaomeng movies were old movies he had watched, and he was really lacking in interest.

The main reason is that these Mewtwo movies on the table are completely incomparable to the ones Judy customized for him back then.

I am used to eating seafood, but looking at these sea salt and shrimps, I am afraid that even stuffing them between my teeth is not enough.


The interesting thing about Chaomeng at Lizzy Bar is that there are optional packages. The price of the same movie can vary greatly depending on the target audience and service items.

The simplest Mewtwo package is to experience the entire process from the first-person perspective according to the progress of the movie.

The whole process is based on the rhythm of the recorder, and the entire progress cannot be controlled independently.

Many people watch this type of Mewtwo and simply skip the beginning and end, jump directly to the back of the progress bar, and repeatedly experience the precious ten-second peak. When the repetition becomes boring, today's task is over.

After this type of Mewtwo experience ends, it often enters a long period of sage time, and even causes certain male sexual obstacles. When the economic situation is poor, this method can be a good solution to the drought.

The cheapest Chaomeng package at Lizzy Bar is much more expensive than a sexual intercourse with a street dancer standing outside.

It hurts the kidneys outside, but it hurts the brain in Lizi.

The premium package of the Super Dream Experience at Lizzy Bar has much more novel service items and experience methods.

For this kind of high-end set menu, you can choose your troops and generals. You can order the set meal of whichever Lizi girl you like.

After confirming that it is correct, you can walk into the private room under the guidance of the young lady, and enter the beautiful and fantasy world of two people through two Mewtwo rings.

In the fantasy world, Miss Li Zi will guide you to appreciate the peak beauty of the mountains.

If you want to add money to upgrade the service, you can also change the appearance of Miss Lizzy in Mewtwo, and choose from various costumes such as royal ladies, lolita, acquaintances, etc.

This kind of scene-based Mewtwo experience often requires delicate techniques to edit the external environment in Mewtwo in order to achieve the most realistic effect.

In addition, scene-type Mewtwo has high requirements on the neural parameter calibration of the experiencer, and must meet the built-in requirements of Mewtwo.

If the built-in requirements are not met, the experiencer may have his brain exploded in Mewtwo, and the synapses in his brain will be completely burned into chaos.

Usually, in order to ensure the safety of the experiencer's brain, scene-type Mewtwo will choose a small environment to reduce the load on the brain.

Focus on enhancing sensory experiences such as vision, hearing, and smell, and pursue the highest ultimate experience at the lowest cost.

The cool girl at the front desk, Mox, seemed a little hesitant when she saw the strange customer in front of her, so she casually suggested.

"If you like something bigger, the newly launched Wizard of Oz is pretty good."

"If you like something smaller, I recommend the timeless Midsummer Dream for You."

Tang Yu casually glanced at the service list and asked, "Has Nightmare House been removed from the shelves?"

The receptionist was slightly stunned. This Mewtwo is a classic version and has been around for several years.

But because the taste is too strong, sales have not been very good, and it mainly focuses on the zombie genre.

Nowadays, there are very few Lizzy girls who are willing to play zombies and have a unique date.

"I actually know about this Mewtwo movie. It seems that you know a lot. Nightmare House has not been removed from the shelves, but there are not many people who have ordered it, so it is not in the catalog list."

"But are you sure you want to watch this Mewtwo movie? If you choose the premium package service, the price will not be cheap."

Tang Yu hopes that this Mewtwo can help Jack get his life back on track and think more about Misty instead of thinking about Lai Zi all day long.

"Two copies of Nightmare House."

"I will send it over later and say it is your special recommendation."

He gave Jack a single-view Nightmare House Mewtwo package. If it was a premium package, he felt a little sorry for Misty.

The former prefers watching movies and is harmless to humans and animals, while the latter prefers 'brain cheating'.

Although the cool girl at the front desk was a little confused, she still made arrangements as Tang Yu said.

Tang Yu didn't want to lead Jack into trouble. After finishing the set meal, he turned and walked towards the inner hall of the bar.

Passing through the broken round curtain in front of the door and stepping through a gate, the dark purple and secret atmosphere of the Lizi Bar's interior hall hits your face. The hot electronic music rhythm resounds throughout the venue, and all kinds of people stand and sway on the dance floor of the bar.

On the public circular bench not far away, people sat neatly in a row. Their headbands flashed with a faint silver light, and they were immersed in the world of light and shadow in Mewtwo.

Jack was sitting with his back to the bar. When he saw Tang Yu entering the bar, he waved and said, "Hey, here, brother, come here, come here."

Tang Yu glanced over and saw the honest Jack waving to him. Seeing how excited he was, he was probably impatient to wait.

He came to the bar in the drinking area of ​​the inner hall and sat next to Jack.

"Why, why didn't you make two cups to warm up first?"

Jack was wearing a jacket with a stand-up collar, and his huge body held up the jacket, making him appear solid. With an unstoppable smile on his face, he said: "I'm just waiting for you, brother, but you have big words written on your forehead. Two words.”


"We come to Lizi just to relax, not to worry about the company all day long and turn our brains into mush."

"If I had to choose, I'd rather watch a movie at Lizzy or be roasted to a pulp."

"How do you say Lizzy's famous saying?"

Jack's brain was short-circuited for a moment, and he couldn't remember the words, but they were clearly about to reach his mouth, which made him feel uncomfortable for no reason.

At this time, the bartender came up and took over the conversation.

"Do it or die."

Jack suddenly understood, patted his thigh, and praised repeatedly: "Yes, yes, that's it."

"Do it or die."

"What a classic line."

"Thanks, friend."

The bartender smiled politely and said, "You're welcome. What do you two want?"

Tang Yu motioned to Jack to be casual, he had no requirements.

Without hesitation, Jack ordered two glasses of old-fashioned tequila, mixed with some pomegranate juice or something. He liked this kind of strong liquor, and it tasted delicious when paired with juice.

The bartender brought over two glasses of tequila, placed them on the table, and handed them to Tang Yu and Jack respectively.

Jack picked up the wine glass and asked the bartender: "What's the origin of this slogan? I've heard a little bit about it. When Lizzy was a girl, she really used an ax to kill three bastards from the Tiger Claw Gang. ?”

The bartender glanced at the two of them. The tall and round man looked familiar. He must have been to Lizi, but not many times.

The person next to me is dressed in a suit and leather shoes. He looks very handsome. It must be his first time here.

The origin of this slogan was not a secret, so he spoke.

"The slogan does have something to do with Lizzie, but her real name at the time was Elizabeth Borden (Burton)."

"About nine years ago, this was still a dance nightclub. A sister was dragged away by members of the Tiger Claw Gang and violently tortured to death."

"Lizzy found the three men alone with an ax in her hand, captured them on the spot, hung their bodies up, and hung them in front of the nightclub door for public display."

"That night, the Tiger Claw gang launched a crazy retaliatory attack, smashing the nightclub into ruins, and Lizzy herself died in the attack."

"This conflict caused a great response, and many people began to openly join the wave of resistance to the Tiger Claw Gang."

"Later, in order to commemorate Lizzie, people rebuilt Lizzie Bar on the original site, and now the owner is Suzy Q."

After hearing this, Jack couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "In the name of Heavenly Father, these guys are really indifferent. Fortunately, those guys gave up the Lizzie Bar to Mox."

Tang Yu sat aside and said nothing. He knew these things very well.

nine years ago.

The Mox Gang has not yet been established, and the entire Kabukicho area of ​​influence is under the control of the Tiger Claw Gang.

They were domineering and misbehaving in this area, brazenly robbing any girl they liked on the street.

Later, the "Lizzie Incident" happened, and the Mox Gang came into being, a gang composed of girls.

Judy, who was still young, was still working as an editor in Mewtwo at Genting. After learning about what the Tiger Claw Gang had done, she left Genting angrily and came to Lizi to join Mox.

Although the Mox Gang is loosely structured and relatively small, taking care of each other is better than facing the pack of jackals alone.


In the following years, thanks to the unity and tenacity of the Mox Gang, the Tiger Claw Gang never reaped any benefits.

The Tiger Claw Gang has long been coveting the business of Lizzie Bar. However, they have learned from their previous experience and are worried that violent actions will lead to backlash, so they have been playing dirty tricks in private.

The friction between the two gangs is also increasing, but judging from the current situation, it is still within the acceptable range of the Mox Gang.

After all, the business of Lizzy Bar is getting better and better, and the gang's ability to protect itself has also become significantly stronger.

But without a backstage background, Li Zi is more like duckweed in the water, and it is difficult for her to withstand a big storm.

Jack raised his wine glass towards Tang Yu and said in a deep voice: "Come on, brother, let's go one by one. We can't live up to the good intentions of the girls and leave such a good place like Li Zi, can't we?"

Tang Yu also raised his glass and agreed with Jack that Lizzie was indeed a good place.


Two glasses clashed.

"Jing Lizi!"

The two drank half a cup of tequila in one gulp.

Jack put the cup on the bar, rubbed his hands excitedly, and said with expectation.

"Don, you know, there's a new movie out recently, The Wizard of Oz, and it has a wine name, which sounds weird."

"Shall we try?"

What Tang Yu was thinking was that if a boy wants to grow up, the best way is to get married.

Believe that the nightmare house can be healing.

The two stood up and walked to the booth in the corner of the inner hall.

Jack was just about to check the Mewtwo set meal catalog when a black girl waiter walked over in high heels.

She held a box in her hand, which contained two black Mewtwo rings.

The black girl placed the box on the table, then took out the Mewtwo Ring, moved closer and put it on for Jack.

Jack was a little strange and asked doubtfully: "What's going on? I got the Mewtwo set meal before I even ordered it?"

The black girl professionally replied: "This is the Mewtwo specially recommended for you, Nightmare House. I believe you will like this Mewtwo."

Nightmare house?

Jack was a little confused when he heard the name of this Mewtwo. The name sounded strange and scary.

What he wanted to see before coming was Baiyangdian, not the thriller Mewtwo.

"Didn't you just recommend The Wizard of Oz? Why did you go to the Nightmare House again?"

The black girl is only responsible for putting the Mewtwo ring on Jack, and is not responsible for explaining the specific content of Mewtwo.

Tang Yu explained to him: "The Wizard of Oz is a movie that caters to the public's taste. You should try this Nightmare House first, and if it doesn't work, change it."

Jack obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at this time. Although he had some bad premonitions, considering that Lizzy Bar was mainly about love experience, there shouldn't be any trouble.

With the help of the black girl, Jack quickly put on the Mewtwo ring and prepared to enter the Mewtwo world and experience this nightmare house recommended for him.

Jack, wearing a black Mewtwo ring, looked sideways at Tang Yu and asked, "Don't you try it?"

Seeing Jack's innocent and fearless expression, Tang Yu held back his smile and said, "It's okay, you take a look first, and I'll answer the phone first."

Hear this.

Jack stopped talking and thanked the black girl. Following the steps of entering the Mewtwo world, he stared at the strobe light screen and entered the nightmare house with continuous bright flashes.

After the black girl helped Jack successfully enter the Mewtwo experience, he was about to get up and wear the Mewtwo ring for Tang Yu, but he directly refused.

He knew the details of the contents inside the nightmare house very clearly. The general story flow was that a man was trapped in an ancient villa and was besieged by zombies.

Fortunately, these zombies have no teeth, and their mouths are rotten and bloody, like slime.

Unfortunately, these zombies are all female zombies. They are about to attack and want to bite the man to death on the spot.

Fortunately, these female zombies are pretty good-looking, and if you don't mind, there are unexpected surprises.

Absolutely healing.

At the corner booth, Jack experienced the nightmare house Mewtwo alone, while Tang Yu sat aside and quietly watched the scenery in the interior of Lizzy Bar.


A familiar figure slowly approached the booth in the corner.

Tang Yu recognized the other party's identity at a glance, and he was also an old acquaintance.

Evelyn Parker.

I saw her wearing a mink fur waistcoat, a pair of purple stockings, and a leather bag on her shoulder, walking slowly and elegantly.

The purpose is clear.

Tang Yu sat still, waiting for Evelyn Parker to come over.

Although her intention is not yet known, it is obvious that she has recognized her identity.

Senior executive of Arasaka Company.

Judging from her life experience, Evelyn Parker can be considered a courageous character.

I was not born well. I worked in Lizi for a period of time in my early years, and later I went to Genting.

Perhaps because he disliked Genting's inability to meet her demands, he resigned and started working alone.

With his extraordinary skills and bold vision, he successfully hooked up with some of the upper-class dignitaries in Night City.

Later, he tried every possible means to gain friendship with Arasaka Yorinobu and walked into the luxurious suite on the top floor of Kanbi Building.

Even if it's a business, it's better than a middleman making a profit.

This woman, who was dealing with the Mox Gang and the Tiger Claw Gang, wandering around Li Zi and Yunding, was somewhat capable.

With a slight smile on her face, Evelyn Parker walked to the opposite side of Tang Yu's desk and asked softly: "Mr. Tang, can I just say a few words?"

Tang Yu signaled her to do whatever she wanted.

He was not surprised that Evelyn Parker recognized him.

With her social circle, it is not difficult to get to know some of Arasaka's senior executives, and it is normal to learn about Arasaka Company's trends from their mouths.

When Evelin approached Arasaka Yorinobu, she had the unique opportunity to obtain the whereabouts of the Relic biochip.

Evelin sat on the sofa and snapped her fingers, and soon a Lizzie waiter came over with a plate with two glasses of water on it.

The waiter placed two glasses of water on the table, then turned and left.

Evelin pushed the water cup on the table in front of Tang Yu and said with a smile: "Plain water, warm."


Evelin had investigated Tang Yu in advance and even knew about his habit of drinking Wenbaikai. This method was indeed interesting.

She can do business on her own without a middleman making a profit, which is very difficult in itself.

You know, the business in this area belongs to either Mox's Lizzie Bar or the Tiger Claw Gang's Genting.

If you want to work independently from these two forces, you must at least get the acquiescence of both families.

Tang Yu picked up the teacup. The water temperature was just right, so he replied calmly: "It seems you have done some homework."

Evelin smiled confidently: "I like to understand the interests, hobbies and needs of others before dealing with them. After all, this way I can provide better personalized services when doing business."

She knew that the person in front of her was none other than Tang Yu, a senior executive of Arasaka Company. He was also the deputy director of two departments and was the hottest rising star in the workplace at Arasaka Tower.

Seeing him come to Lizzy Bar was like a fish swimming into a cage, there was no reason to let him go.

Evelin believes that as long as he is a normal man, there is nothing he cannot please.

Tang Yu said in a deep voice: "Then tell me how you plan to provide personalized services based on my needs."

"I am quite picky. If you are not satisfied, you may be disappointed."

"Miss Evelyn Parker."

Evelyn Parker was obviously stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect Tang Yu to know her name.

Then I thought about it.

She could find out Tang Yu's name. As a senior executive of Arasaka Company, Tang Yu could naturally hear her name.

The smile on Evelin's face became thicker, and she seemed to be fully confident that she could satisfy the other party, and her tone was somewhat bewitching.

"You are joking."

"Of course those people at the bar can't catch your eye."

"Lizzy has the best Mewtwo experiencer in the Night City. I believe you will be full of praise after experiencing it."

"Really high-quality Mewtwo. Regarding the Crystal Palace, there is absolutely no other place in the world. Are you interested in giving it a try?"

Crystal Palace?

Tang Yu knew that the Crystal Palace was a space entertainment city built by Arasaka. It was a place to provide entertainment for the top dignitaries, including various projects such as Mewtwo Experience, space casino, tourism and leisure.

But behind it lies Arasaka's deeper purpose. However, with Tang Yu's current job level, it is impossible to obtain the inside story of the Crystal Palace.

The Crystal Palace is built using an independent subnet, and the entire network operates in a closed loop. Even the strongest hackers on the surface cannot invade the Crystal Palace unless they can fly to the Crystal Palace in person.

But this Arasaka Space City is as solid as a fortress and has strict inspections. It is almost impossible to sneak in.

Arasaka Corporation has always wanted to compete for control of space orbits, but is restricted by Space Orbital Airlines and cannot build space base stations with military significance.

They had no choice but to take a compromise and build the Crystal Palace, a space station for entertainment purposes.

And in order to compete for the right to speak on the moon base Unkai, Arasaka did not hesitate to conflict with Orbital Airlines, which led to the subsequent death of the Frankfurt agent.

In order to put an end to this matter, Arthur Jenkins forcibly attacked and killed many senior members of the NASA Board of Directors. In the end, he took the blame for Arasaka and was fired by Susan Abernathy.

Tang Yu also suffered a heavy blow, fired Arasaka and became a street cyberpunk.

Now Evelyn Parker mentioned the Crystal Palace, which somewhat attracted Tang Yu's attention. It seems that her appetite is indeed not small.

Even if there was no relic chip at the beginning, Evelin's bold play method would only make sense if she didn't get herself into a trap.

Tang Yu nodded slightly and smiled lightly: "It sounds pretty good. I hope you won't disappoint me."

Evelin stood up with a slight smile: "You'll know after you try it. Let's go down there. I believe you won't be disappointed."

Tang Yu glanced at Jack, who was immersed in the world of the Nightmare House, twitching his brows slightly, as if he was experiencing the most exciting part.

The two left the booth, stood up and walked towards the back door of Lizzy Bar, disappearing into the enchanting hall of singing and dancing.

No more tonight.

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