Lizzy Bar.

Tang Yu was invited by Evelin and was heading to the underground computer room of Lizzie Bar, preparing to experience the "Crystal Palace" Super Dream.

Evelin had a small black leather bag slung on her left shoulder and accompanied Tang Yu with a slight smile. The faint smell of rose perfume floated around.

As if to appear more considerate and tender, Evelin leaned a little closer and would lightly brush against Tang Yu's elbow from time to time.

This gentle and considerate look is completely different from the first time we met.

At that time, Tang Yu had just fired Arasaka and received a commission to meet with Evelyn Parker to search for information on the Relic biochip.

Evelin showed a completely cold attitude, keeping others away from her, and she was somewhat dismissive of them as mercenaries.

In her opinion, cyberpunk mercenaries only work for money and do not participate in higher-level intelligence affairs.

But now Tang Yu's identity is still a senior executive of Arasaka Company. When he saw Evelin again, he realized that she still had such a sweet time.

As expected, the dishes are served to whomever you meet.

Evelin, who has experienced many human relationships and sophistication, has already gained a sense of proportion and knows how to deal with various occasions and people of various identities.

Company executives like Tang Yu naturally have to show their true skills, greet them with a smile, and treat them with gentleness.

Tang Yu knew very well about Evelin's flirtatious nature. In the final analysis, it was driven by interests and was not true at all.

If Arasaka Yorinobu hadn't trusted this woman so easily and fell into the land of gentleness, his plan wouldn't have been ruined.

The two of them left the bar's interior hall and came to the corridor of the box area. On the right hand side were the box gates.

The two of them continued walking through the ambiguous corridor of the box area, their leather shoes making no sound at all on the woolen carpet.

Tang Yu noticed that the gates of some private rooms were not closed, and holographic projections of fiery dancing lingered in the middle of the private rooms. Inside, there were either two people watching Mewtwo movies, or four or five people dancing wildly.

Evelin had an enchanting figure and walked beside Tang Yu with cat steps, taking the initiative to guide him in the direction and introduce him.

"Mr. Tang, this way."

"Is this your first time at Ritz Bar?"

"It's just that with your status, I'm afraid it's hard for you to fall in love with a girl like Li Zi."

Tang Yu didn't speak. This woman was always looking for information. If she could develop into an informant of the Counter-Intelligence Department, she would be a good hand.

It’s just that Evelin likes to sell the previous house, kick the next one down, and then go it alone.

This kind of person is too courageous and prone to overturning, and is completely outside of Tang Yu's employment considerations.

As for Lizzy's girls, he couldn't knock them all down with one stick. He remembered that besides Judy, there were actually a few good ones.

Seeing Tang Yu's indifferent expression, Evelin didn't seem to want to say more to her, but she still didn't give up the opportunity to get something out of her.

"Be careful, there are stairs just after the corner."

The two passed by the dressing room of Lizzy Bar, then opened the door to the underground machine room and walked down the stairs.

Their passing figures caught the attention of the Lizi girls who were putting on makeup.

"Look, look behind you."

"Don't look back, just look in the mirror."

"Who is the person Evelin is accompanying? Which noble man has she got along with?"

"I'm not sure. I've never seen him come to Lizi before, but his figure and face completely touched my aesthetic point."

"Have you discovered it? It's still native. This is really rare."

When Tang Yu turned around and walked down the stairwell, Li Zi's girls dared to turn around and look at each other's leaving figures.

Evelin walked down the stairs first, looked back, and said with a chuckle: "Mr. Tang, you don't have to pay out of pocket when you come to Lizzy Bar from now on. I think the girls are very happy to see you."

Tang Yu did not have to pay to come to Lizzie before, and he probably won’t have to pay anymore soon.

Evelin continued: "Judy can help with the Crystal Palace Mewtwo experience that I want to invite you to experience today. She is Lizzy's Mewtwo Experiencer."

"We have a good relationship, and she will always help me. However, I have to tell you in advance that she is from Mox, and she is not very fond of you."

Tang Yu knew about the previous relationship between Evelin and Judy. The two had been colleagues and had an ambiguous period.

However, in his opinion, Evelin actually did not understand what kind of person Judy was, nor did she know what Judy wanted to pursue in her heart.

In other words, the two of them are fundamentally different people from different worlds.

Evelyn is ambitious and dreams of joining the upper class society, circling among dignitaries, hoping to make a lot of money.

She chose to leave Lizzie and Genting, not to make more money from each business, but to take the opportunity to connect with the powerful and gain access to the upper echelon of business.

Judy is a simple girl immersed in the world of Super Dream. With a simple mind, she always becomes the more serious person in a relationship.

The completely different personalities of the two people have already determined that they cannot have a future.

Even if there is no external intervention, Evelin will inevitably be involved in the whirlpool and eventually become a victim of the strife of the powerful.


Evelin is now having a hard time getting away. When she mentioned Chaomeng in the Crystal Palace, Tang Yu already noticed the clues.

The origin of this super dream may not be simple.

Crystal Palace is an orbital space base station built solely by Arasaka. Whether it is its rigor or the secrets hidden behind it, outsiders cannot easily obtain information.

And if Evelin can obtain this Mewtwo, there must be other giant companies standing behind her.

Evelin asked him to watch Mewtwo at this juncture, which was most likely related to Arasaka Yorinobu.

He didn't believe that the Mewtwo that Evelin prepared for him was really just a high-quality movie.

If this is the case, it can only mean that Evelin did a poor job in her homework.

The two passed through the server room and stopped in front of an iron gate.

Tang Yu looked at Evelin and said bluntly: "It's a good way to get Chaomeng from the Crystal Palace."

"The content inside must be related to Arasaka Yorinobu. You still have time to regret it now."

"I'll take Mewtwo and tell me the source. You can treat it as if it never happened."

Evelin was suddenly stunned. The smile on her face froze for a moment, and she looked at Tang Yu at a loss.

She felt that her mind was being seen through, and she had nowhere to hide. The content in Mewtwo was indeed related to Arasaka Yorinobu.


When Evelin first approached Tang Yu, she was extremely nervous and not as confident as she appeared.

What she has to face is a senior executive of Arasaka Company, a veteran of the full-time counterintelligence department, who has solved many major cases.

Tang Yu's deeds are not difficult to find out in Arasaka Tower. Anyone who knows a little bit knows that he is a ruthless character.

This move was very dangerous for Evelin.

But she had no way out, because her original intention was to use Tang Yu's line to catch up with Arasaka Yorinobu.

And the power behind her didn't allow her to retreat.

Kerry's nostalgic rock concert in the company square and burning down the biotechnology building are so in line with Arasaka Yorinobu's style of resistance.

She felt inexplicably that there might be a shadow of Arasaka Yorinobu in it.

Tang Yu's urging for this concert has already spread among Arasaka's senior management.

The line between Tang Yu and Yorinobu Arasaka began to surface.

Evelin had heard some relevant information through different channels, so she paid more attention to Tang Yu.

She wanted to seize this glimmer of possibility, even if it was just a glimmer, she couldn't let it go.

There was a moment of silence.

Evelin regained her expression, but her tone became obviously weaker.

"Mr. Tang, I didn't expect you to see it so quickly. I really can't hide anything from you."

"Crystal Palace Mewtwo is indeed related to Arasaka Yorinobu, but I'm sorry for my helplessness. You can only experience this Mewtwo, and I can't say anything else."

"Otherwise, trouble will come."


A look of helplessness and grievance appeared on her face, and she stared directly at Tang Yu, as if begging for his forgiveness.

Tang Yu didn't believe her nonsense at all.

One of the things Evelin is best at is to kick her boss off and go it alone. Even this rhetoric is most likely prepared long ago.

Dealing with high-level officials from the Arasaka Counterintelligence Department, and hiding even this little thing, wouldn't it be asking for death?

If Tang Yu hadn't known that behind the gate was Judy's Chaomeng editing room, he might have been ready to draw his gun and clean out Evelin right now.

The fact that she deceived the top management of Arasaka Company, who seemed to have an unknown path, was enough to make her pay the price.

Tang Yu didn't talk nonsense to Evelin and said coldly.

"Give you one last chance to consider and tell your true purpose."

Evelin was stunned for a moment, not expecting Tang Yu to be so insistent.

She knew that Arasaka Tower was in a whirlpool of struggle, and that senior executives of the Arasaka Company were eager to seek all kinds of information about the Arasaka family in order to gain a foothold in the future change of power.

Similarly, Tang Yu was also affected by this whirlpool. Now that he has learned the information about Arasaka Yorinobu, he can still remain so calm, which is really chilling.

In the end, Evelin couldn't fight him and was defeated. She took the initiative to explain: "This Mewtwo came from Arasaka Yorinobu's old acquaintance, a former member of the Iron Lotus Brotherhood. I don't know who it is."

"The purpose I want is to hope that Mr. Tang can connect me with Arasaka Yorinobu's business."

After finishing speaking, Evelin suddenly seemed a little frustrated and cheered up to continue explaining.

"Mr. Tang, I learned some of your deeds from other Arasaka Company employees. If you are willing to agree to this matter, I believe it can be done."

Approaching Arasaka Yorinobu.

This statement is quite consistent with Evelin's motivation, but it is obviously not the ultimate goal.

But that's okay.

Tang Yu just tested her to see what else Evelin had hidden.

She did know something, but apparently not much.

As for the forces behind it, there may be more than one. After all, there are many people eyeing Arasaka Company.

The first one to bear the brunt is military technology, which has been coveted for Arasaka's soul killer technology for a long time.

There is also the Ye Company, which is controlled by the blue-eyed people. It has long been eyeing the research and development of relic biochips. It dreams of obtaining the personality re-enactment technology and the divine space that contains the huge digital soul.

In addition, companies such as Kangtao, Hi-tech, and Fuyutsuki all want to take a share of Arasaka's hugely profitable business.

With Evelin's social scope, even Arasaka Yorinobu dared to reach out, and other company executives were also her targets.

Tang Yu decided to take a look at Chaomeng first. As for Evelin wanting to play with fire, it was her business, so he said in a deep voice.

"Let's meet Judy first and then we'll talk."

Evelin's eyes flashed with surprise, but Tang Yu unexpectedly relented and was willing to go see Chaomeng.

This means that her request is likely to be successful.

She turned her prosthetic eyes, opened the door to the basement machine room, and slowly opened the door from the middle.

The two set off and walked into the computer room.

Tang Yu didn't even need to raise his eyelids, he knew the layout of this place well.

Mewtwo editing workbench, desk case, Mewtwo experience chair transformed from the operating table, and wall-mounted server inside.

I saw Judy sitting on the office chair, Mewtwo around her neck, blue prosthetic eyes turning, talking to someone on the phone, her tone seemed a little sad, mixed with a hint of anger.

"Are you just going to ignore them and ignore them? Lizzy still has plenty of room to accommodate them!"


The other end of the phone refuted Judy's opinion, and she was so angry that she covered her forehead helplessly, looking extremely disappointed.

Evelyn shouted softly.


Judy then raised her head from her hands and looked at Evelin, forcing out a smile.

"Xiao Ai, you are here."

Evelin nodded slightly, she was always very relieved when Judy was doing things, so she introduced her directly.

"Judy, this is Mr. Tang, here to experience Mewtwo."

"Mr. Tang, this is Judy, the most powerful Mewtwo experiencer in Night City."

Judy quickly raised her hand to interrupt Evelin's words and smiled sheepishly.

"Xiao Ai, don't be like this, stop bragging."

"I have already compiled the Mewtwo you want."

"Except for the audio part, which is a bit troublesome, the other decoding tasks are not too difficult."

Judy's mood seemed to have become much more comfortable because of Evelin's arrival, and the depression just now had disappeared.

She gently lifted her hair from her forehead with her right hand, then looked at Tang Yu with a smile and said confidently.

"But before you experience it, you need to calibrate the parameters."

"This way we can ensure you have the best experience. Work slowly and carefully, and don't miss these few minutes."

Tang Yu looked directly at Judy, trying to find a possibility in her eyes. Maybe there would be something familiar hidden deep in her mind.

Judy is still wearing the off-white T-shirt, with four red rose tattoos on both sides of her arms and neck. She looks very dashing when paired with a single-strap denim jumpsuit.

She wears the Mewtwo compilation and navigation glove on her right hand. When talking about the Mewtwo experience, she is like the Queen of Mewtwo, full of confidence and professionalism.

Judy saw Tang Yu staring at her for a long time, and suddenly felt a little strange. The other party's eyes looked very serious.

"What, is this your first time experiencing the original Mewtwo?"

Tang Yu said bluntly.

"My sensory profile."

"Visual sensory signals are divided into seven levels, and auditory sensory signals are divided into six levels."

"The emotional reflection parameter is 59.4, and the perception model is a two-layer neural network"

Judy couldn't help but be a little surprised when she heard Tang Yu speak out the relevant parameters of the sensory file in one breath. It seemed that he knew something about Mewtwo.

"Well, the sensory file is very detailed, but I have to take a look first."

"After all, you are a native brain. If the parameter calibration is biased, it will have some bad effects on you."

She stood up from the leather chair, walked to Chaomeng's chair, and motioned for Tang Yu to sit on the chair first.

When Tang Yu saw this Chaomeng chair with some broken leather, he could not help but recall the wild things the two had done here.

These thoughts passed by in a flash.

He sat on the Chaomeng chair skillfully, half-leaning on the back of the chair, and turned his head slightly to look at Judy.

Judy saw Tang Yu's skillful movements and there was always an indescribable feeling in his eyes. He took off the Chaomeng ring around his neck and asked.

"It seems that you have indeed experienced a lot of Mewtwo, but trust me, this time it will be different."

She leaned closer, put on the Chaomeng ring for Tang Yu, and asked after fixing it.

"How does it feel, is it tight or loose?"

"If there's no problem, we're ready to start."

Judy adjusted it a little, and after confirming that it was correct, sat back in her office area, and then began to debug the office computer.

"Hey, keep an eye out."

"It's not looking at me, it's staring at the strobe."

"It may be a bit harsh, but I'm confirming your sensory signals."

Judy entered the parameters one by one to confirm based on the sensory profile Tang Yu just mentioned.

It was found that the sensory profile completely matched his biological nerve signals, and there were no problems in experiencing Mewtwo.

"Hey, your sensory profile is very accurate. Did you find an expert to help you adjust it?"

Tang Yu thought to himself, 'Aren't you the one who helped me debug this sensory file? ’

He simply replied: "Well, she is the most powerful Mewtwo experiencer in Night City."

Judy smiled, and while typing on the keyboard, she replied: "Ha, if you have the opportunity to introduce me to him, maybe we can chat."

"Compiling Mewtwo is not an easy task. Many companies now use artificial intelligence to compile Mewtwo."

"But I feel that such a Mewtwo has no soul and no emotions, and cannot compile the most touching Mewtwo."

Evelyn: "Cough cough cough"

She stood behind Judy, put one hand on her hip and coughed deliberately several times.

When Judy talks about Mewtwo, she can't stop talking about it. The key point is that the other person is not an ordinary person, but a senior executive of Arasaka Company. It is not appropriate for Judy to have too much contact with him.

Evelin discovered that Tang Yu's eyes had never left Judy since he entered the room.

And she knew that Tang Yu had never looked at her in the eyes from beginning to end, and now he was staring at Judy so directly, maybe he had other intentions.

Evelin felt a bit sour in her heart. She obviously manipulated countless powerful and high-ranking officials to make them submissive, but when it came to Tang Yu, it didn't work.

Judy is indeed younger, more beautiful and energetic.

But she really doesn’t have much femininity, she is just a technical otaku immersed in the world of Mewtwo.

Does Tang Yu like this?

Evelin judged the situation in front of her, and for some reason, she regretted bringing Tang Yu to the basement computer room.

Judy has always been very friendly towards Evelyn's friends and is completely unguarded.

Judy's talk was interrupted, and then she smiled shyly and said: "No more, no more, the sensory file has been established, and I saved a few minutes."

Evelin said in a deep voice: "We will let Mr. Tang go in and have a look in the Crystal Palace. It will be over soon, okay?"

Judy glanced at Tang Yu: "Get ready to enter Super Dream."





As Judy finished counting, the Super Dream ring in front of Tang Yu's eyes flashed and emitted a dazzling white light.

After a strong feeling of dizziness, the whole person seemed to wake up in another world.

As far as the eye can see.

He was standing on a high platform, and a huge transparent glass cover covered half of the high platform.

Outside the glass cover, there is a vast and silent deep sky.

And what he looked at in the distance was the blue planet.

This is the top observation deck of the Crystal Palace Space Station.

Tang Yu is now in the first-person perspective and cannot perform any operations unless Judy turns on the editing mode for him.

But this Crystal Palace Mewtwo experience obviously doesn’t have to be so troublesome.

Because the victim, Arasaka Yorinobu, was standing not far away from him communicating.

Wearing round-rimmed glasses and a luxurious golden dress, he looked like he was on 'vacation' in the Crystal Palace.

When he communicated, he spoke in Kyoto dialect, but Chaomeng's voice had a built-in translator for interpretation, which did not delay Tang Yu's understanding of its meaning.

Arasaka Yorinobu was pleading for something, with a little excitement and paranoia in his tone.

"I've made it very clear that our father only wants to pursue his dreams and has never considered our feelings."

"He imprisoned you in the family compound, thinking that he could protect you like a canary, but little did he know that this cage had ruined the life you should have had."

"We can no longer be pressed step by step like this. When the cage is big enough, it can still accommodate you and me."

"When the cage is too small, the canary will become part of the cage."

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to be trying his best to explain something, which made Arasaka Yorinobu even more agitated.

"In this rotten family, the only one I can trust is you. Help me this time. I must get that thing."

"As for the rest, just leave it to me."


"Hua Zi."

Without caring about the person next to him, Arasaka Yorinobu said the name on the other end of the phone, Arasaka Hanako.

After getting the other party's consent, Arasaka Yorinobu showed a smile of relief.

Communication hung up.

Arasaka Yorinobu walked to 'Tang Yu', looked at the blue planet with him, and murmured.

"Will this plan really succeed?"

"My father, no, that stubborn old man will probably not give up so easily."

'Tang Yu's' voice seemed a bit mechanical, and his true timbre could not be heard, he said bluntly.

"To Night City."

"That's where the power to resist Arasaka lies."

No more tonight.

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