Lizzy Bar, basement computer room.

A white light flashed across Tang Yu's vision, and the deep sky scene in front of him suddenly disappeared.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw Judy standing next to him, leaning over slightly to take off the Mewtwo Ring.

"How do you feel? Are you feeling dizzy or having a headache?"

Tang Yu had just finished the Mewtwo experience in the Crystal Palace. Apart from that conversation, the following information was not very important.

It was nothing more than two young men enjoying a variety of entertainment services in the Crystal Palace entertainment service area.

A total of ten luxury casinos and five panoramic swimming pools have been built in the Crystal Palace Ring entertainment facilities.

At the same time, private rooms have been opened, equipped with top-level Chaomeng facilities, as well as top chefs for various high-end catering.

There are also thousands of beautiful beauties selected to provide the best service to every distinguished guest who visits the Crystal Palace.

The entertainment experience on the Crystal Palace is almost the result of the super entertainment activity space station built by Arasaka Company with all its efforts. It is a masterpiece.

Those who can visit the Crystal Palace are basically rich or expensive, so in terms of service, they are also at the top level.

After Tang Yu experienced this super dream, he did not feel any discomfort.

So Judy took the initiative to help him take off the Mewtwo ring, held it in his hand, looked at it, and then said.

"This headband is given to you. The sensory files on it have been saved and set, so it will be convenient for you to use it next time."

"Just put it in Xiao Ai's account."

Tang Yu sat up, took the Mewtwo Ring handed over by Judy with one hand, and looked at it in his hand.

This is also an old item. I used it to see many Mewtwos at Judy's place.

He accepted the Mewtwo Ring and placed it on the table beside him, and thanked him.

"Thank you, I'll take the stuff."

"But I don't have the habit of watching Mewtwo alone, so I'll save it for you first."

Judy picked up the Mewtwo Ring on the desk again and smiled.

"I didn't expect you to be so particular."

"Okay, just keep the Mewtwo Ring with me for now, and take it away when you want to see it."

After saying that, Judy turned around and walked to her office area, putting the black Mewtwo Ring into the drawer on the right.

Tang Yu stood up from Chaomeng's chair and straightened his suit jacket.

Evelin walked forward slowly, gently brushed the fine dust off his shoulders, and spoke softly.

"The computer room in the basement is rarely cleaned. Judy usually compiles Mewtwo here."

"If Mr. Tang still wants to experience Mewtwo, if Lizzy's private room doesn't suit his taste, he can also choose a room at Genting. The environment there is much safer and more secluded than Lizzy's."

"Although I no longer work in Genting, I still have a bit of a thin side there."


Tang Yu was not interested in Evelin's suggestion at all.

As a restricted area club, Genting is operated independently, but it is actually controlled by the Tiger Claw Gang.

Genting, which claims to be the best at protecting privacy, is precisely the culprit in stealing customer secrets.

When Tang Yu went to Yunding before, he discovered that Yunding not only secretly filmed the live transactions of customers, but also created files for each customer.

The files are filled with Genting’s investigation of the customer’s background, identity, hobbies, relationships, and friend circles.

Targeted measures are proposed for each customer by category. Customers who like to cause trouble are usually left to the Tiger Claw Gang to solve.

Tang Yu saw what she was thinking and wanted nothing more than to take him to Yunding, get a private room, and claim to have started the erotic behavior mode without knowing anything.

In fact, he wanted to wait for an opportunity to obtain more information.

He bluntly rejected Evelin: "No need."

"As you said, the most powerful Mewtwo experiencer in Night City is in the computer room in Lizzie's basement."

"Why go to Genting for the distance? Here, at least I feel clean."

Judy sat back on the leather chair and smiled a little shyly when she heard Tang Yu mentioning this matter again.

"Okay, okay, stop praising me with every word."

"I just love being in this little room and being able to edit whatever I want and experience Mewtwo."

"That's enough for me, it's not that great."

There was something wrong in Evelin's eyes, and she felt more and more that Tang Yu's attitude towards Judy was a little strange.

Mainly because of the contrast.

Ever since she met Tang Yu, she had never heard a good word from him. A ruthless and ruthless senior executive of Arasaka Company actually praised Judy for the first time.

This is not a good sign.

Evelin had no choice but to take over the conversation and try to divert his attention.

"Judy just loves Mewtwo editing. Most of the techniques are taught by herself, including these Mewtwo editing equipment, which she assembled by herself."

"She and I both worked at Genting for a period of time, but now that the Mewtwo industry has matured, there are fewer and fewer Mewtwo experiencers like Judy who work alone."

"No more."

"Mr. Tang, after experiencing this Mewtwo, are you interested in talking about our cooperation?"

"Maybe we can change places and have a good chat."

Tang Yu watched Crystal Palace Mewtwo, heard the conversation between Arasaka Yorinobu and Hanako, and also learned some inside stories about him and the Iron Lotus Brotherhood.

If Tang Yu hadn't already known the details of Arasaka Yorinobu, the value of this Chaomeng's information would indeed be priceless.

After all, there is too much information hidden in this Mewtwo, and it is not information that a single person can grasp.

Either that.

Evelin got acquainted with the protagonist from the first-person perspective of Mewtwo in Crystal Palace, and used her own conditions to steal this Mewtwo data.

Because of the maturity of Mewtwo editing technology, many people will turn on implants to record every bit of themselves so that they can be recorded and saved as Mewtwo.

Chaomeng can restore the past life in the most detailed way, allowing many people to reexperience those unforgettable times in their memories.

At the same time, Chaomeng can also help politicians and celebrities sell themselves, allowing people to understand themselves more deeply and enhance their stickiness.

If Mewtwo was not stolen, there was only one possibility.

Evelin obtained this Mewtwo through other channels, and there was definitely a strong organizational force behind it to facilitate it.

Tang Yu was not surprised at all by her way of playing with fire.

At that time, Evelin dared to deal with multiple forces, playing tricks on Arasaka Yorinobu, Internet surveillance, the Voodoo Gang, and the fat black man Deshawn.

Thinking that everything is perfect, he is just waiting to make a fortune and become a master from then on.

But as luck would have it, her plan ultimately failed and ended tragically.


Even if she had obtained the relic biochip, successfully deceived everyone, and found a follow-up buyer, the rest would probably be a dead end.

It's not that Evelin isn't smart enough or that her methods are too mean.

But her strength and identity are completely unmatched for this king's game.

Even knowing a little bit of secret information may lead to death.

Regardless of whether something is done or not, the fewer people who know about it, the better.

All the forces involved in this turmoil will not let her go easily.

Think about this.

Tang Yu was ready to give her another chance, so he looked at Evelin and said in a deep voice.

"I can consider connecting you, if you are just doing business."

"I'm afraid you want more than just business."

"You have many choices in your life, but sometimes, if you make the wrong move, you can't go back."

"To tell you the truth, the forces behind you are qualified to deal with Arasaka, but that doesn't mean you are, too."

"Clinging to the powerful and becoming the powerful are two different things. Don't get me wrong."

When Evelin heard these words, she suddenly felt a bit of chill in her heart.

She felt that Tang Yu's eyes were as sharp as a falcon, directly seeing through all her thoughts and intentions.

Evelin had indeed managed to get acquainted with some powerful people through business, including Arasaka and some senior officials of Military Technology, and learned some information from them.

at the same time.

She also found a force that was willing to cooperate, or in other words, the other party came to her and proposed conditions that made her tempted.

Evelin was tired of living like a piece of rotten meat. If she wanted to completely change everything, she had to give it a try.

At least this way, she still has a chance.

Evelin lowered her eyebrows slightly, seeming to be lost in thought and hesitation, pondering what Tang Yu had just said.

Tang Yu saw that she was still hesitating, but she had actually explained her choice. This woman would not look back until she hit the wall.

In Crystal Palace Mewtwo, Arasaka Yorinobu didn't make it too clear. It's hard for ordinary people to figure out exactly what Hanako Arasaka was asked to do.

But Tang Yu knew.

What Arasaka Yorinobu wants is a relic biochip loaded with consciousness imprints.

This research on personality imprints covering the brain has advanced to the 2.0 stage, and is just a step away from success.

As long as a successful sample data or a successful experiment can help Arasaka Company achieve this step.

Arasaka Yorinobu desperately wants to stop Arasaka Saburo's immortality plan, so he must find a key key.

Johnny Silverhand's digital soul mark.

in addition.

Arasaka Yorinobu is not fighting alone at this time, except for the members of the Tetsuro Brothers who have been supporting his approach.

His sister Hua Zi also provided a lot of help.

It's just that while Hanako was helping his brother, he might have told his father all about Yorinobu's plan.

Tang Yu planned to give Evelin some time to reflect on whether this approach was worth it.

"The fact that Arasaka Yorinobu is coming to Night City is not really new information."

"But if you really want to do business with him, think about it carefully and give me the answer after some time."

Judy had seen the content in the Crystal Palace Super Dream, and heard Tang Yu's tone and demeanor, which had a condescending attitude, and had some questions about his identity.

Is it from the company?

She rarely cared about what Evelin was doing outside, but this matter involved Arasaka Yorinobu, which was beyond Evelin's ability.

She couldn't say she hated the company, but when she saw that Evelin seemed a little wronged, she took the initiative to intervene and persuade her.

"Xiao Ai, I'll let it go."

"It doesn't have to be Arasaka Yorinobu's business, right?"

"You're putting yourself in danger."

"Besides, it seems to me that he doesn't want to help you."

After speaking, Judy looked at Tang Yu with some complaints.

It was obviously Xiao Ai who brought him to experience Mewtwo. In the end, after watching Mewtwo, he still had to receive his education.

Evelin raised her head to stop Judy and continued.

"This matter has nothing to do with Mr. Tang. I took the initiative to find him."

With that said, she turned to Tang Yu and emphasized seriously: "I will seriously consider what you said."

"If you are willing to help me when the time comes and get on Arasaka Yorinobu's line, I believe the reward will not disappoint you."

At this time.

The iron gate of the underground machine room suddenly opened.

Judy looked back a little strangely. The computer room gate had identity authentication. She had only given the access control identity authentication to Xiao Ai. Not everyone could enter and exit at will.

Susie Q?

She felt a little surprised that it was Lizzy's boss Susie who appeared at the gate.

What she didn't expect even more was that Susie was followed by two members of the Tiger Claw Gang. Their tattoos spread from their necks to half of their faces, glowing with light in the dim underground computer room.

The Tiger Claw Gang inherited Kyoto's old system, and the tattoos of gang members were determined according to their rank.

Judging from the combat implants and tattoo coverage on their bodies, they can be considered to have a certain status in the Tiger Claw Gang.

The members of the Tiger Claw Gang stared at Evelin with fierce eyes, their purpose was very clear.

Judy was very angry about Susie's behavior. She didn't like strangers coming to her underground computer room, let alone the Tiger Claw Gang.

The Tiger Claw Gang is the mortal enemy of the Mox Gang. She left Genting under the control of the Tiger Claw Gang because she couldn't stand what the Tiger Claw Gang did.

"Susie, what do you mean? What are you bringing them here for? This is Lizzy and Mox's territory!"

Judy spoke bluntly and questioned Suzy sharply.

Susie didn't care about Judy's opinion, but looked at Evelyn Parker and gave a serious warning.

"Evelyn Parker, I don't care what you do out there, but don't bring trouble to Lizzie."

"The Tiger Claw Gang is here to find you. It has nothing to do with Li Zi. I advise you to go out and make it clear if you have any problems."

After saying that, Susie turned and left the basement, ignoring the trouble between Evelin and the Tiger Claw Gang.

Judy was disdainful of Susie's behavior. She knew that Susie didn't like Evelyn.

Although Evelyn is from Mox, she has been working alone and does not work at Lizzy.

Moreover, Evelin was involved with the Tiger Claw gang and was a typical social butterfly.


Evelyn had no real friends except her.

Judy quickly looked at Evelin, trying to get the answer, and asked with concern: "Xiao Ai, what's going on? Are the people from the Tiger Claw Gang threatening you to return to Yunding?"

Evelin, on the other hand, acted very calmly, seemingly not surprised by the arrival of the Tiger Claw Gang, and just said in a deep voice.

"Judy, this is none of your business, don't ask any more questions."

After speaking, she looked directly at the two vicious Tiger Claw gang members and explained.

"I'm a little busy right now. I'll come over when this is done."

The two members of the Tiger Claw Gang were obviously not so easy to deal with. They had already found this place, and they must have received orders to take Evelin back.

"Stop being so verbose, come with us now."

"The boss has an order for you to go back and test Genting's next-generation top-notch behavioral chip."

"Don't try to play any tricks."

When Judy heard this, she immediately realized that something was wrong. Evelin had clearly told her that she had left Yunding, so why was she still doing chip testing for Yunding.

And there are so many girls in Genting, but the one chosen is Evelin.

She walked up to Evelin and said with some excitement: "Xiao Ai, don't go, who knows what kind of evil people are hidden in those behavioral chips!"

After saying that, Judy turned to glare at the two Tiger Claw gang members and shouted.

"Get out of Lizzy, you are not welcome in Mox!"

When the members of the Tiger Claw Gang saw Judy being so hostile, the combat implants on their bodies began to recharge faintly.

They estimated the scene, a puppet, a Mewtwo experiencer, and a native ordinary person.

It is estimated that it only takes a few seconds to kill them, but the Tiger Claw Gang does not want to cause such a big thing yet, but their eyes are full of murderous intent.

Evelin quickly persuaded Judy: "Don't be like this, it's just a behavioral chip test, it won't do anything to me. After all, Genting will never be able to find another Evelin, right?"

Judy hesitated to speak after hearing her words. Evelin was indeed the most successful as a lover.

Her successful solo career relies not only on her communication skills, but also her unique talent.

Genting's latest generation of behavioral chips are developed based on Evelin's behavioral habits.

The two members of the Tiger Claw Gang were obviously a little impatient. They were just about to step into the door, pretending to take Evelin away by force.

However, Judy alerted them and immediately stopped them.

"Don't come in!"

"Didn't you hear me? If any of you dare to step into the computer room, I guarantee you will get nothing good."

Judy has a high prestige in Lizzy. If she really shouts in authority, all the girls in Lizzy may have to rush down to help.

She single-handedly raised the super dream level of the entire Lizzy, making Lizzy's films famous throughout the Night City.

Moreover, Judy treats the girls very well. Almost all the girls at Lizzy have been under her care to some extent, and even many of the new girls at Lizzy were recommended by Judy.

The members of the Tiger Claw gang felt extremely insulted and were yelled at by a little Mox girl, which made them very angry.

No matter what they do today, they have to teach these two short-sighted things a lesson and teach them the rules of life. You can't offend the majesty of the Tiger Claw Gang at will.

The tattoos of the two Tiger Claw gang members glowed, and the combat implants were activated directly. One of the bald heads rushed forward with both hands, raising his fist and preparing to hit Judy.

Judy saw that the other party was about to take action, but she could no longer react.

Evelin on the side did not expect that the Tiger Claw Gang would actually take action directly, and it was too late to stop them.

I saw my fist raised in the air, about to hit Judy.


The bald man from the Tiger Claw Gang was slapped hard on the right side of his face by a sudden backhand slap. He flew straight away, hit the wall and collapsed on the ground.

Half of his face was instantly congested and swollen like a bun, his teeth were shattered on the ground, and soon his face was covered with blood, and he fell unconscious on the spot.

Both of them were stunned immediately.

Judy's eyes were full of surprise, and her expression looked unbelievable.

She first looked at the members of the Tiger Claw Gang who were lying on the ground, and then quickly looked up at Tang Yu, confirming with absolute certainty that it was indeed him who had taken action to deal with the opponent just now.

He used a big slap, which caused the Tiger Claw Gang members to fall to the ground.

She asked urgently: "Are you okay?"

Tang Yu put away his somewhat red right hand and looked at another member of the Tiger Claw Gang calmly.

The other party didn't expect this to happen at all, and his expression immediately turned cold, and his hand slowly reached for the thermal samurai sword hidden behind his back.

"Who are you?"

"If you dare to attack someone from the Tiger Claw Gang, you are making the entire Tiger Claw Gang an enemy!"

Evelin was also surprised, but she was not surprised that someone from the Tiger Claw Gang was injured, but she was surprised that Tang Yu would choose to take action.

In fact, the reason why she dared to face the Tiger Claw Gang who came to her door was to test Tang Yu.

If Tang Yu refused to take action, she would go to Yunding with the Tiger Claw Gang.

If Tang Yu takes action, it means that there is still talk about the previous matter.

With Tang Yu's identity, it was impossible to take the two Tiger Claw gang thugs seriously.

Even when the leader of the Tiger Claw Gang saw him, he had to give in to him respectfully to show respect for Arasaka's senior management.

The entire Tiger Claw Gang relies on Arasaka to support them, and with their roots coming from Kyoto, respecting the superiors is the default rule of the entire Tiger Claw Gang.

Evelin no longer has any scruples. Since Tang Yu has already taken action, it means that he is willing to eliminate the disaster for her, or to eliminate the disaster for Judy.

She took a step forward and said in a deep voice.

"Shanbei, how dare you take action? Why don't you apologize quickly?"

"Mr. Tang is a senior executive of Arasaka Company. How can I let you act so arrogantly here?"

When the Tiger Claw Gang heard what Evelin said, the hand touching the katana on the back of his waist stopped and looked at Tang Yu doubtfully.

There are no advanced implants in his body. He looks ordinary, but he is actually a senior executive of Arasaka Company.

Mr. Tang?

For a moment, he seemed to have thought of something.

Then he showed an expression of disbelief, his prosthetic eyes turned, and he was trying his best to search and confirm the situation in front of him.

A trace of cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and when he looked at Tang Yu again, he became obviously guilty.

Apparently he has found the answer.

"Tang, Mr. Tang"

The members of the Tiger Claw Gang immediately stood up straight, bowed deeply to Tang Yu at 90 degrees, and called in an extremely eager tone.

"Sir, I'm sorry. This is my fault. Please punish me as a punishment."

An imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of Evelin's mouth. She was a typical Kyoto person who bullied the weak and feared the strong. When she saw her immediate boss, she would be intimidated faster than anyone else.

The higher-ups of the Tiger Claw Gang have to pay three points, not to mention they are just thugs of the Tiger Claw Gang.

Judy was suddenly confused. The man standing next to her turned out to be a senior executive of the Arasaka Company. She was so frightened that the arrogant Tiger Claw Gang members were respectful. This was something she never expected.

She clearly remembered that the two of them were talking and laughing just now, and she didn't feel that Tang Yu had any airs at all, and she didn't even call him by his correct name.

Judy stared straight at Tang Yu and found that he was completely different from before.

She always thought that Tang Yu was from a rich family. He was a little shy when meeting strangers, so he didn't talk much.

It seems that Evelin has indeed taken up Arasaka Yorinobu's idea, and has also found people from Arasaka Company to cooperate.

No wonder he was chosen by Evelin and accompanied her so cheerfully. This identity is definitely not simple.

Tang Yu was not interested in teaching the two Tiger Claw gang thugs a lesson, so he asked them to follow the court rules and cut off three of their fingers as punishment.

In fact, in today's era of cyber prosthetics, a broken finger is really nothing. It is not satisfactory that the entire arm can be replaced.

But for the Tiger Claw Gang, this is a punishment from the authority of a superior. Even if they replace their prosthetic limbs in the future, they cannot install the fingers that were broken due to punishment.

When the members of the Tiger Claw Gang heard Tang Yu's words, they did not dare to hesitate at all. They immediately took out the samurai sword behind them and cut off three fleshy fingers themselves.

One stick is a minor punishment, two sticks is a severe punishment, and three sticks means a life is spared.

The members of the Tiger Claw Gang endured the severe pain in their fingers, put away their samurai swords, bowed to Tang Yu again, and asked politely.

"Sir, can I take him away?"

After getting Tang Yu's tacit permission, he walked up to his unconscious companion, cut off three of his fingers, and then quickly picked up all the severed fingers on the ground and put them in his pocket.

He shouldered his unconscious companion, bowed to Tang Yu again, backed out of the computer room, and left in a hurry.

Judy was still in the state of surprise. It wasn't until the Tiger Claw Gang disappeared that she slowly regained her composure.

Seeing that Tang Yu took the initiative to relieve the siege, and Evelin was not coerced by the Tiger Claw gang to go to Yunding, she said with some gratitude.

"Thank you. If you hadn't taken action just now, there might have been some trouble."

"I don't like the computer room being messed up by these people. Anyway, thank you."

Tang Yu could only do it with a little effort, but he was somewhat interested in Susie Q bringing people from the Tiger Claw Gang here.

"It's just a small thing."

"After all, I still want to come to your place to experience Mewtwo in the future. It wouldn't be good if I messed it up."

Evelin looked a little apologetic and said directly: "Mr. Tang, I'm sorry to make you laugh. In fact, it had nothing to do with me going to Genting with them just now."

When Judy heard this, she immediately became anxious and persuaded again: "Xiao Ai."

Evelin raised her hand to interrupt Judy, her tone seemed a little melancholy.

"Mr. Tang, to be honest, although I am from Mox, Susie does not welcome me to Lizzy."

"Mox is not as united as it seems to outsiders. In Lizzy, except for Judy, there is no one trustworthy."

"She is the only girl here who truly has a sense of justice."

Judy's eyes couldn't help but soften when she looked at her, and she seemed to appreciate Evelin's affirmation.

Tang Yu found that Evelin's tea skills were indeed not low, and she was trying to please her both inside and outside, but Judy was convinced after listening to her.

He would like to hear what kind of card Evelin wants to play. She definitely doesn't want to play the Judy card.

It was like playing a love game to make him fall in love with her, but she also loved her, so she used her to blackmail him.

Tang Yu nodded slightly, indicating that Evelin could continue to talk about the sadness behind her.

Evelin sighed helplessly: "Actually, I don't really want to leave Lizzy, but Lizzy has changed."

"As you know, Lizzy Bar's business has become more and more prosperous in recent years, and its reputation has become more and more famous."

"But it has completely deviated from Lizzy's original intention. All Susie wants is to make more money, and she has no intention of taking care of more girls."

"Judy tried many times to attract more street girls, but Susie sternly refused."

"She was afraid that one day Judy would take her place."

"The girls here all listen to Judy, but they don't necessarily buy into Susie's fault."

Judy wanted to dissuade Evelyn from saying these things.

"Xiao Ai, stop talking. Susie is doing it for Mox."

But Evelin insisted on clearing her name, especially in front of Tang Yu.

She could see that Tang Yu might not be interested in her, but he must be interested in Judy.

"Suzy Q? For Mox?"

"It's a joke, she just does it for her own business."

"At least I'm going to make money on my own, and what about Suzy?"

"She was riding on the heads of all the girls, swallowing her anger in the face of the Tiger Claw Gang, for fear that those girls standing on the streets would become losers."

"Judy, if it weren't for your Mewtwo skills, I'm afraid she would have been thinking of ways to drive you out of Lizi."

"Besides, Susie is not willing to take in those poor girls in order to protect herself."

"After all, if they all join Mox, where will the Tiger Claw gang have fun? Otherwise they will have to target us in the end."

Hear this.

Tang Yu has already understood the situation of the Mox Gang.

Suzy Q is the boss of Lizzy Bar on the surface, but it is Judy who supports Lizzy Bar behind the scenes.

Judy had a strong sense of justice and could not bear to see the girls on the streets being bullied and unable to endure, so she recommended many dancers to join Mox and find a job at Lizzy.

But Lizzy Bar relies on service quality to win. The cheap implants on these street dancers cannot meet the service requirements of Lizzy Bar.

After most girls come in, they can only do some chores and cannot make money for the bar at all.

Coupled with the fact that Judy introduced more and more people, Susie Q already felt faintly threatened.

Even though the simple-minded Judy has no idea of ​​​​making the final decision on Mox, Susie, as the owner of Lizzie's Bar, has to prevent this from happening.

In addition, the most serious contradiction is that Judy and Suzy have completely different ideas.

Susie puts Lizzy Bar business first in everything, pursues harmony to make money, and tries her best to ease the conflict with the Tiger Claw Gang.

It can be seen from the fact that she brought two Tiger Claw gang thugs to find Evelin in the basement computer room that she does not respect Judy and does not look down upon Evelin.

When faced with the threat of the Tiger Claw Gang, he would only compromise and give in in order to keep the bar safe.

Judy is the complete opposite.

When she gave up Genting's generous remuneration and chose to join Mox and come to Lizzie Bar, it was to oppose the evil deeds of the Tiger Claw Gang and do her best to protect the weak girls.

But because of Susie, the Mox Gang is unwilling to recruit weak street dancers to become gang members.

Judy became more and more frustrated, so she simply hid in the basement machine room and stopped asking what was going on in the bar above.

At least this way, the conflict between her and Susie will not expand and affect the unity of the entire Mox.

Relying on the 'Lizzie' incident a few years ago, Mox has indeed made a name for himself in Night City and resisted the power of the Tiger Claw Gang.

But with Arasaka returning to Night City, the Tiger Claw Gang has become stronger than ever.

The Tiger Claw Gang is equipped with a large number of Arasaka's highly intelligent weapons, which can pose a great threat to even the weakest thugs.

Mox's power began to be eroded, and even many Mox girls in Genting had to lower their heads in order to survive.

There are very few among the very few who can escape from Genting and work alone like Evelin.

Even so, she was still under the control of the Tiger Claws and had to do things for them.

Tang Yu has no intention of getting involved in Mox's affairs for the time being, and expressed his indifference to Evelin's touching speech.

Evelin's rhetoric was not bad at deceiving the simple Judy.

The dignitaries who did business with her seemed to be just like each other, but there was probably no one who was really willing to help her.


When Evelin saw that Tang Yu agreed to watch Mewtwo in the Crystal Palace and was willing to take action to solve the Tiger Claw Gang's troubles, she felt that it was more interesting to hook up with Arasaka Yorinobu.

And Tang Yu's next words poured cold water on her.

"I still have something to do."

"Judy, if you have a good Mewtwo, remember to find me."

After saying that, Tang Yu got up and walked out the door, ready to see his good brother Jack. He didn't know if he had finished experiencing the nightmare house.

When Evelin saw Tang Yu leaving, a trace of unwillingness flashed in her eyes, and she turned around to say goodbye to Judy softly.

"I'm going to see Mr. Tang off. We'll talk later."

After saying that, he followed up with small steps on high heels, ignoring Judy who was behind him and wanted to stay.

Judy stared at the two people leaving one after another, and she didn't even have time to say what she wanted to say.

She had no choice but to go back to her office and sit down alone, leaning her head on the table with her hands and looking at the screen absentmindedly.

"Xiao Ai."

"Mr. Tang"

She seemed to have thought of something, opened the right drawer, and took out the Chaomeng ring that had been given to Tang Yu before.

Judy put on the Mewtwo ring again, called up a new scene-based Mewtwo, and began to edit it seriously.

There’s nothing left to read tonight, 8,000 chapters, I tried my best, I’m so tired

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