It was noon.

Tang Yu sat on his balcony, basking in the sun leisurely.

The weather has entered winter, and the entire city is often shrouded in cold winter fog in the early morning.

Near noon, after the white winter fog dissipates, you can see some sunshine.

Tang Yu did not go to work today.

The company didn't need him to go to the office to handle many things in person. Some procedural matters could just be arranged by Sasha.

He looked back at Sasha who was busy in the living room. She was sitting in front of the computer working seriously.

Now that Sasha has mastered the basic affairs of the company, he will only ask him if he doesn't understand or is undecided about something, and generally won't disturb Tang Yu.

If something happens to the Counterintelligence Department, Sasha can go to the company alone to take over the job.

Tang Yu picked up the tea cup, took a sip of hot water, and opened the contact communication interface.

Jack was telling him about the Nightmare House Mewtwo he went to watch with Lizzy that day.

"Damn it, I have never seen such a terrifying Mewtwo in my life. How could you recommend such a strange movie to me? It almost scared me*."

Tang Yu: "Did you leave a psychological shadow? It's time to go to Misty to give you some psychological counseling. Relax your mind. Don't keep thinking about going to Lizi to see those strange Mewtwo."

Jack: "It's a bit of a psychological shadow. If I had known it, I would have ordered The Wizard of Oz. Fortunately, you didn't watch that Nightmare House Mewtwo movie. That scene was so jarring. Does anyone really like this type of movie?"

Tang Yu thought.

Good brother Jack, I have not only watched this Nightmare House, but I have watched it more than once.

The first time it tasted quite strong, disgusting and scary.

You will find something different the second time, and it seems a bit interesting.

The door to a new world will open when you play it for the third time. I didn’t expect to be able to play like this. It is indeed fresh, exciting and terrifying enough.

The strong aftereffects of Nightmare House will greatly increase the excitement threshold. Watching other movies for a long period of time will feel boring.

Tang Yu: "Don't think so much. It's better to think about Misty more often. Lizzy Bar is a place to have fun. Naturally, whatever is new comes from there. There will be a market for all kinds of Mewtwo movies. "

"Just like some people like the warm and affectionate ones, some like the social ones with acquaintances, some like the wild nature, and some like the horror type."

Jack: "Hey, brother, don't say that. After hearing what you said, I feel it's not so scary. Maybe it was because I didn't get used to it the first time, but now that I think about it carefully, it seems a bit interesting."

"Those female zombies all have devilish faces and angelic bodies. They really have a unique flavor. The key is that they also have different types of performances. Some zombies have slow and stiff movements, while some zombies have agile and fast movements. When they bite, they have no teeth. "

"How can I describe that feeling? I can only say that my scalp is numb."

"I don't think we can bother Misty with this issue. It's more or less to save face."

"Why don't we find another chance to give Lizi a try, watch it a few more times, and try to overcome the psychological shadow as soon as possible."

Tang Yu: "."

Tang Yu suddenly felt that Jack was too idle and needed to find a companion to take care of him.

"Have you ever thought about proposing to Misty sometime?"

"I think your relationship has become very mature now. You really can't find time to get down to business."

Jack: "Why did you suddenly mention this? Brother, you know it. I can't even take out a steel penny from my pocket right now."

"And my mother doesn't even know about Misty and I. She probably doesn't like Misty very much. She needs time to slowly accept and digest it."

Tang Yu knew Jack's temperament. Although he disliked Mrs. Wells' nagging all day long, he always cared about his mother in his heart.

I still remember that when Jack went with him to pick up the big deal in the next life, he had a special chat with his mother for a long time.

Unexpectedly, that phone call would become the last communication between mother and son.

But Tang Yu was someone who had been there before and knew that Mrs. Wells actually didn't hate Misty that much. Especially after Jack left, he still acquiesced in Misty and adopted her as his daughter.

I believe that Misty, with her gentle personality, can quickly gain the approval of Mrs. Wells and make Mrs. Wells forget Jack's ex-girlfriend as soon as possible.

He felt that he must get Jack and Misty married as soon as possible to resolve the shortcomings in his heart.

Tang Yu: "You always have so many reasons. Stop making so many excuses. Just say whether you like Misty and whether you want to marry her?"

Jack: "Uh-huh, uh, brother, why are you asking this all of a sudden? Of course I do, but Misty may not agree. We haven't reached that point yet."

Tang Yu: "Don't be ridiculous. I have all the consumption records of you two when you went to Cangbi Building. You also open hourly rooms several times a day. It's not too troublesome to run back and forth."

Jack: "."

Tang Yu: "When we are free in a few days, I will go with you to find Mrs. Wells, and then take Misty with me and tell her that Misty has your baby. I believe Mrs. Wells will accept it happily. "

Jack: "Ah? Is this really good? If my mother knew the truth, she would definitely kick me out of the house. By then, I wouldn't even have a hot meal to eat."

Tang Yu: "That's not good. You can go and eat Misty's openly, and gain some energy and ask for the baby."

The two have been ambiguous for so long, but there has been no progress, mainly because of their personalities.

For Jack's character who hesitates when it comes to feelings, he has to cut the knot quickly. The longer he delays, the more annoyed they will be.

Misty was also gentle and gentle, even though her fortune telling was always accurate, she was more hesitant than anyone else when it came to her.

Tang Yu was too lazy to listen to Jack's explanation anymore, and he had urged him to get married once or twice, but Jack just didn't have the right brain.

I don’t even know that the life I live is just one day at a time. If I don’t cherish today, I may not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Why do you have to wait until you have all these achievements, career, money and fame before you go to Misty to confess.

By then it was too late.

Since you are in love, you should be decisive and do whatever you need to do to avoid regrets in the future.

The most important thing is that Jack has no money, but Tang Yu has a lot of money.

Tang Yu doesn't have enough money, the Counterintelligence Department has a lot, and Arasaka Company has a lot.

After doing so much work for Arasaka, he should make some small money.

If Tang Yu gives Jack money with nothing, he will definitely not accept it. When the time comes, he will ask Gloria to find two simpler jobs for Jack, and it will be the same as giving it to him in another way.

Think about this.

Tang Yu didn't talk too much nonsense to Jack, and decided on the date. Then he would escort the young couple directly to see Mrs. Wells, and then set a wedding date and get it done quickly.

He settled Jack's marriage and casually browsed through recent contact information. There was nothing worthy of special attention.


There is a caller ID requesting access.


Tang Yu suddenly remembered that he hadn't had much contact with her since the Bad Land commission ended.

I don’t know if she has been lazy these days, but she just called now and needs to check her homework carefully.

In the intermediary business, you don't become famous by doing one or two orders, but you have to do one deal after another, and slowly accumulate contacts, reputation, and credibility until everyone accepts and recognizes you. In the circle of mercenaries and financial leaders, Carve out a certain status.

The call is connected.

Gloria asked softly and politely: "Mr. Tang, is it convenient for you now?"

Tang Yu felt that he had known her for a while, and his speech and behavior were still very polite.

Unlike Rebecca, she didn't regard herself as an outsider at all. She kept saying "from the company" and shouted with great enthusiasm.

During the shooting competition, if Rebecca won, she would treat herself to two drinks.

But Tang Yu didn't care about anything with her. Instead, he felt that Rebecca's true temperament was quite good.

Tang Yu said calmly: "Well, I'm not busy. If you have anything to say, please tell me."

Gloria seemed to be relieved and continued quickly: "Mr. Tang, it's like this. Recently, I received a commission from the Mox Gang. They wanted to ask me to help investigate multiple disappearance cases. About several A street girl."

Tang Yu thought for a while about the Mox Gang's commission to find the missing girl, so he asked.

"Aren't those missing girls from the Mox Gang?"

Gloria replied repeatedly: "It is indeed not from the Mox Gang."

"I have learned about it in advance and found that these missing cases may involve a wide range of aspects, so I would like to ask Mr. Tang's opinion."

The disappearance of a girl standing on the street may sound shocking, but it is by no means a rare thing in Night City.

Some of them died of poverty and starvation on the roadside because they could not make ends meet.

Some suffered from incurable diseases due to the implantation of low-cost prosthetics, and died alone and miserably in dark corners.

Some may have been violently killed by customers while doing business.

There is also the possibility of being kidnapped to an unknown place, subjected to inhumane torture, and finally having all the internal organs separated.

The helpless street dancer is almost the lowest level existence in the Night City.

If the Mox Gang hadn't requested an investigation, no one would have paid any attention to this matter.

The reason why Gloria feels that it involves a wide range of things and is not able to make up her mind clearly shows that she has begun to have a certain awareness of risks.

It would be fine if it was just an ordinary disappearance. There is a high probability that we can get some clues from the scavengers.

But if higher-level people are involved, this matter will not be so easy to handle.

Tang Yu said in a deep voice: "Okay, let's meet at the same place."

Gloria was on the other end of the phone and agreed simply.

After hanging up the phone.

Tang Yu stood up and went back to the living room to pack up and go out.

When he came to Sasha, he saw that she was still dealing with company matters seriously, so he asked.

"How's it going? Is there still a lot going on?"

Sasha quickly looked up at Tang Yu and found that he seemed to be getting ready to go out, so he explained anxiously.

"Not much, there is still some left, Sasha will finish it soon!"

Tang Yu casually glanced at the work on the screen, which was basically daily content, and then touched her cat's head.

"These jobs are not important. Let's go out and talk about important jobs."

When Sasha heard that Tang Yu was going to take her out, she smiled so happily that she got up and got ready.

It didn't take long.

The two of them set off to the old place where they had made an appointment with Gloria.

Santo Domingo Valley, Wallerson Street, the entrance gate of the manufacturing plant, in front of the Chinese hot food house.

Gloria had been waiting here for a long time, holding a glass of hot water in her hand, but looking at the street from time to time.

Steam billows from the hot food room, and the stall owner is busy preparing meals.

Perhaps because the weather is getting colder, the business of the hot food house is not very good, and pedestrians are hurrying on their way with their heads down.

Gloria turned her head to look at the public transportation station and suddenly saw a pair of familiar figures walking out.

Tang Yu, who was wearing a black windbreaker, was accompanied by company assistant Sasha.

She stood up quickly and waved hello to them.

Tang Yu and Sasha crossed the street and came to the hot food hut.

Gloria smiled and took the initiative to say hello: "Mr. Tang, Miss Sasha."

When Sasha saw the familiar red-haired beauty, she happily greeted her and even added something special.

"Just call me Sasha."

Tang Yu saw Gloria wearing a red scarf and suddenly realized that her cyber transformation did not seem to be deep.

Unlike Sasha, even in cold weather, she is still dressed neatly.

The three of them sat back in front of the hot food hut.

Gloria asked Tang Yu and Sasha what they wanted to eat.

Sasha said it was fine, so Tang Yu simply ordered three portions of thin noodles, which would be enough to warm his stomach.

Not long after, three steaming bowls of noodles were served on the table.

When Daryl, the stall owner, saw that they were regular customers, he specially took out three cans of Stupid Monkey and placed them in front of them.

"You three, try it for free."

Seeing that the stall owner Daryl seemed to be in a good mood, Tang Yu asked casually: "Why, what good luck have you encountered recently? You are smiling so happily."

Daryl, the stall owner, raised his hand and touched the corner of his mouth. There were a few flour marks on his face. He smiled and said, "Is it so obvious?"

"But you really hit the mark. My sister recently took a position in the company and her salary has increased a lot."

Tang Yu remembered something about this. The sister of the stall owner Daryl joined Zeta Technology some time ago.

Holding a position in a company may seem like a good thing, but it may not be a good thing for someone without a background.

But Tang Yu didn't want to spoil the boss's interest, so he didn't say anything more.

Sasha on the left had been staring at the stupid monkey, and when he saw a monkey's head on the green can, he asked.

"Is this drink good? The reviews Sasha found about Stupid Monkey are not very good."

After hearing this, Gloria, who was sitting on the right, smiled and explained: "It's not that bad, it depends on how you taste it."

Unconvinced, Sasha pulled open the Stupid Monkey Easy-tab, and a sweet smell of corn pulp wafted out.

She really didn't like the taste, it was so sweet that she felt dizzy.

But when Sasha saw Tang Yu and Gloria both taking a sip, she no longer hesitated, picked up the stupid monkey and took a sip.

A burst of sweet syrup rushed in instantly, and I felt the smell of corn flow down the throat and into my brain. It was so sweet that it made me feel dizzy.

Sasha closed her eyes tightly and gulped again, trying to swallow it down. Some of the corn pulp spilled out from the corners of her mouth.


Stupid monkey was so suffocated in one gulp that he almost lost his breath.

Tang Yu took out a tissue and wiped the corners of Sasha's mouth.

"Why are you in such a hurry? No one is trying to snatch it from you. There are plenty of stupid monkeys."

Sasha: "."

Gloria couldn't help laughing. Seeing Tang Yu caring about Sasha, her eyes became softer.

After the noodles were finished, they each held a cup of hot tea, sat in front of the hot food stall, and chatted.

Gloria saw that the time was right, so she took the initiative to say: "Mr. Tang, please take a look at the matters entrusted by the Mox Gang."

Tang Yu nodded, it doesn't matter if we just talk here.

"Well, let's talk about it first."

Gloria thought for a moment and then explained.

"Actually, the whole thing is not complicated."

"Many street girls have disappeared inexplicably on the streets recently. The Mox Gang should be aware of this and want to investigate the truth behind it."

"Disappearances of street dancers happen all the time, but this time the Mox Gang has provided some clues."

"Someone discovered that these street dancers appeared in some black Mewtwo on the street."

"Even some of the body parts were inexplicably transplanted into other girls."

Street dancer, disappearance, kidnapping, Black Mewtwo, organ transplant.

This chain of interests hidden in the sewers of Night City tightly strangles the necks of these girls struggling at the bottom.

They have no future to speak of, they just have a muddle-through mentality and live day by day.

If you are lucky, have some good looks and skills, join Lizi and get an identity card, it will be a change.

At least you no longer have to worry about being cheated by others when doing business.

Girls from the Mox Gang stand on the streets and feel at ease when walking at night.

Tang Yu said in a deep voice: "These disappearances are indeed not accidental. There should be a complete black industry chain behind them, involving many people and forces."

Gloria continued to add: "Yes, there is another discovery. I don't know whether it is intentional or unintentional. Most of these missing girls are working near Lizi."

"And many of them have applied to join Mox, but were rejected without exception."


Tang Yu was keenly aware that there was something fishy in this matter.

He thought of what Evelyn had said about the Mox Gang in the machine room in the basement of the Lizzie Bar.

Judy wanted to recruit more poor girls to join Lizzy, but Susie refused verbally on the grounds of business.

Even if these girls on the street failed to enter the Lizzy, they still chose to do business near the Lizzy Bar for safety reasons.

Could it be that the disappearance of these girls is also related to the Mox Gang?

In other words, it has something to do with Suzy Q, the owner of Lizzy Bar.

After all, she has the final say on who can get into Lizzy and who can't.

The Mox Gang does provide some shelter to the girls, ensuring they have some level of personal safety.

But who is a scavenger?

The scavengers don't care what kind of gang you belong to. As long as they are interested in a target, from the top of the company to the gang leader, there is no one they dare not do evil to.

All the disappearances occurred near Lizzy, but they avoided the Mox Gang. It seemed that they had reached some kind of tacit understanding.

Tang Yu looked at Gloria and felt that this commission might be an important part of her path to becoming a middleman.

He believes that although Gloria has become increasingly familiar with this industry and has certain intelligence channels and human resources, she still lacks a piece of her own territory.

For example, the famous Rogge opened an afterlife bar and had its own fixed source of profit.

And Wakako Okada opened a pachinko game store on Twist Street.

The reason why there are these service-oriented physical stores is that one is evidence of the strength of the middleman, and the other is to provide a communication venue for various information dealers and cyberpunks.

Many gossips and secret trends are gathered and spread in these strongholds.

For Tang Yu, in order to obtain all aspects of intelligence, in addition to the overt channels of the Arasaka Company's Counter-Intelligence Department, a hidden line is also needed.

Otherwise, the information he obtained from Arasaka might also be known to senior Arasaka executives such as Arthur Jenkins and Michiko.

Just like this riot in the company square, with a little use of Arasaka resources, the news can spread throughout the entire Arasaka Tower in almost a second.

Even Evelyn Parker could hear the news from her guests, which shows that Arasaka's intelligence line is definitely not safe or reliable enough.

Gloria can't just be a setter who takes jobs, otherwise her status and role will not be able to support Tang Yu's requirements for her.

Gloria noticed from the corner of her eye that Tang Yu kept looking at her, as if he was sizing up something seriously.

She was a little flustered, and pretended to touch the corners of her mouth inadvertently, thinking she had something on her face. Then she found that her face was quite clean, and she couldn't help but feel a little strange.

But Tang Yu still didn't look away, just staring at her, as if thinking about something.

Gloria felt her cheeks were slightly hot and her neck was red to her ears. She quickly picked up the teacup on the table and put it to her mouth to hide her inner embarrassment.

‘Well, what’s wrong with Mr. Tang? He looks so serious all of a sudden. ’

Suddenly Tang Yu asked: "Are you interested in opening a store?"

Open a store?

Although Gloria didn't know what Tang Yu was doing by opening a store, she still nodded and expressed her willingness out of trust and obedience to Tang Yu.

But she really doesn't have any experience in opening a store, but she used to work part-time here and there and worked as a shop assistant for many times.

She expressed her thoughts tactfully and said, "Mr. Tang, I'm not very good at opening a store. Can you ask me what kind of store you want to open?"

Tang Yu said calmly: "Custom shop."

Custom shop?

Gloria was a little startled by the sudden answer. The tea cup in her hand shook and some tea spilled.

She hurriedly took a sip of tea, letting the water level in the teacup drop a little to prevent more water from spilling.

Because I drank too quickly, I accidentally choked on a few more mouthfuls.

Gloria carefully put down the teacup in her hand, covered her mouth to hold back her cough, and apologized sheepishly.

"Mr. Tang, I'm really sorry. I just..."

When Tang Yu saw Gloria's panic, he had already expected it.

After all, Gloria has endured so many years of hard life and would rather work as a porter in a public medical center than think about it, which shows that her thoughts are still very conservative.

Even if it was just to prevent David from being criticized by others in the college, Gloria was determined not to touch this profession.

So opening a custom shop was like a bolt from the blue to her.

Gloria was stunned and looked at Tang Yu, wanting to confirm if he was joking.

It can be seen that when Tang Yu looked very serious, Gloria was really confused. She didn't really want to open a custom shop.

Ah this

Many images flashed through Gloria's mind, including enchanting dancing, ambiguous and dim lights, a chaotic and crowded dance floor, and the world of several people in various private rooms.

She felt like she was already blushing just thinking about these scenes, let alone seeing them with her own eyes.

And how could Mr. Tang change his past style and take the initiative to open a custom shop? Could it be...

This is absolutely impossible.

In Gloria's view, even a beautiful girl like Sasha couldn't feel any ambiguity when she was next to Tang Yu.

And how could those vulgar fans in the custom shop catch his eye? She felt that she must have thought too much.

Mr. Tang is definitely not that kind of person!

Then there is only one purpose for opening a custom shop.

Engage in intelligence.

Gloria knew that girls were often good at intelligence and had more unique conditions than others.

For example, they have the opportunity to get close to dignitaries and find out some information that is difficult for ordinary people to know, but they will not attract attention.

And there are girls all over Night City, and everything they see and hear is the latest and most cutting-edge first-hand news.

If a custom shop can really be opened, a lot of intelligence work will be carried out much more smoothly.

Gloria regained her composure and asked in disbelief.

"Mr. Tang, is your purpose of opening a custom shop to build an information center?"

Tang Yu saw that Gloria was enlightened quite quickly, but network intelligence was only one of the purposes, provided that the store had to be established first.

In other words, it is not accurate to say that it is opening a custom shop. It should be said that it is inheriting a custom shop.

Tang Yu wants Gloria to replace Suzy Q and take the top spot in Lizzy.

He currently only has a preliminary idea. As for how to implement it, he still has to take it step by step.

If Gloria can get Judy's support, she has a half chance of becoming the proprietress of Lizzy.

Tang Yu thought about it carefully. Judy's personality is purely in love with Chaomeng technology and she is not good at management. If she is the boss of Lizzy, there is a high probability of bad things happening.

And Judy still has a tail that she can't solve, Evelyn Parker.

Judging from the current situation, Evelin is definitely better at speaking than she is in front of Judy.

Evelyn's departure was one of the very important factors in being able to pick up Judy.

This is why Tang Yu feels that the method is not very honorable. To put it bluntly, it is to take advantage of the opportunity and cook the rice as soon as possible.

It is almost impossible to use this trick now.

To put it another way, Tang Yu would feel even more uneasy if he supported Evelin to be the leader of Lizzy.

This woman is obsessed with getting ahead, has high ambitions but low power and likes to play with fire. When the time comes that she makes a big mistake, I will have to wipe her tail, and the trouble will only increase.

After much thought, Gloria was the most suitable, even though she had no experience in a custom shop.

But this time when you are the boss, the most important thing is to listen to yourself.

"Well, you are right, but this is just a preliminary idea. If you are willing, you can make plans later."

Gloria was stunned.

In her memory, this is the first time Tang Yu has discussed with her.

In the past, whether it was a commission or a task, Tang Yu would give orders directly, and she would just act according to the instructions.

To be honest, she did help Tang Yu, but she always felt that she was more like a tool and dispensable.

But this time it was completely different.

Tang Yu wanted to build his own intelligence network center, and also consulted her opinion, preferring to spend time discussing plans.

This shows that her status is different from the past and she has received his attention and recognition.

This change made Gloria feel inspired and inspired.

Tang Yu felt that asking Gloria to open a custom shop would be difficult for her to accept for a while. He had just planned to let her consider it for a few more days, but he was really unwilling and would not force her.

But Gloria almost blurted out, looked at Tang Yu firmly and said in a deep voice: "I do."

"If Mr. Tang wants to build an intelligence network center, I think there is no problem in opening a custom shop."

"Not only can it be convenient to obtain information, but it can also hide people's eyes and ears. Custom shops are the best carrier."


Gloria looked a little worried and then explained.

"It's just that I'm worried that I don't have experience in this area, and I'm afraid that I won't be able to do it well and let Mr. Tang down."

On the other hand, Sasha on the side heard the two chatting and said they were going to open a custom shop. Her eyes turned and she immediately searched for relevant information in her mind.

I found that there were many custom shops in Night City and the market competition was fierce, so I suggested.

"Mr. Tang, if you want to open a custom shop, Sasha can also help."

Tang Yu didn't plan to open a new custom shop now, and he still let the two rookies go there.

Lizzy now has a mature business model, and Susie Q is still smart about doing business, regardless of other aspects.

If Li Zi can be won, the venue, territory, manpower, etc. will be complete, which will meet Tang Yu's requirements.

For now, if you want to win Lizzy, you have to start with the missing girl's commission.

It would be great if we could take this opportunity to break into Mox's interior.

This matter needs to be considered in the long term.

Tang Yu looked at Gloria and said in a deep voice: "There is no rush about the custom shop. You can take over the commission of the missing girl from the Mox Gang first."

"As for the direction of the investigation, you have to keep an eye on forces such as the Scavengers and the Tiger Claw Gang, and try to dig them out as soon as possible."

Gloria nodded, took note of Tang Yu's words carefully, and planned to start investigating after returning.

If this matter is not investigated as soon as possible, I am afraid that there will be girls on the street who will disappear one after another.

to be honest.

Gloria couldn't bear to see something like this happen. After all, it was hard enough for them just to survive on the streets of Night City, and now they were being targeted by some scum. They were really desperate.

Even Sasha showed deep sympathy and sadness when he heard about this.

The joys and sorrows of people are completely different.

Some people are worried about fame and wealth, while some people are desperate about whether they can survive tomorrow.

Now, Tang Yu has agreed to take on the Mox Gang's commission.

Gloria felt relieved. No matter how many dangers she faced, she would not be afraid of anything.

In her mind, Tang Yu was already a king and could do anything.

Eight thousand words, no more tonight, everyone, please go to bed early!

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