Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 144 The Perfect Assistant

Santo Domingo, Valley District, super skyscraper H4.

Gloria got up early and just opened the door and walked out when she found Sasha coming out of the bedroom next door.

The two looked at each other and smiled.


After saying hello, we started a new day.

Gloria saw Sasha walk to the kitchen area, pick up an apron and tie it on her body, skillfully taking out various ingredients from the refrigerator to prepare breakfast for the day.

She couldn't help but sigh, Sasha was so good.

Gloria, still wearing the same light pajamas as last night, got up and walked over to Sasha to help prepare breakfast.

Since being arranged by Tang Yu, Sasha has been living in Gloria's apartment these days, and the two have quickly become familiar with each other.

Since the apartment was small, with only two separate bedrooms, Gloria gave her room to Sasha, and she packed up David's room to borrow for a few days.

David hasn't been back for a while. When he's busy, he stays at the company and when he's not busy, he stays in the hotel.

Gloria asked while peeling off the skin of the synthetic ham sausage, looking at Sasha who was chopping vegetables next to her.

"Are you self-taught in all your crafts?"

During the recent days when we lived together, Sasha would get up on time every day, tidy up, and then prepare breakfast.

Gloria, who originally liked to sleep in, was too embarrassed to continue sleeping in, so she had to get up early to make breakfast with her.

So Sasha was fully dressed and she was still in her pajamas.

She actually has a good impression of Sasha. Not only is her hacking skills great, but she is also very capable in combat. Unexpectedly, she also has a good way with life. With her young and delicate face, she can be called the perfect assistant.

Gloria was very curious about her past and wanted to know how such a perfect girl grew up, but out of respect for Sasha, she never mentioned it.

Sasha nodded seriously: "Well, Sasha's cooking skills are all self-taught. He followed the information and cooking procedures step by step and learned it slowly."

Gloria nodded thoughtfully, put the peeled synthetic ham sausage on the dinner plate, and raised her hand to pull the somewhat loose silk shoulder strap.

Sasha turned his head and noticed that Gloria was still wearing her pajamas, so she reminded her with a smile: "Sasha can prepare breakfast."

When Gloria saw Sasha's smiling face, she felt an inexplicable desire to touch her cat's head. She remembered that Tang Yu had touched her head like this before.

As Mr. Tang's company assistant, only someone as good as Sasha can do it.

Gloria returned to the room, changed into regular clothes and came out to help.

With the cooperation of the two of them, a sumptuous breakfast was ready in a short time.

Sasha placed two sets of cutlery on the table, and when she saw Gloria coming over after washing up, she took the initiative to greet her.

"Let's eat quickly."

Gloria smiled and said, "We are together."

The two of them sat down at the dining table and began to enjoy today's breakfast.

Gloria had just forked a small piece of bread and put it in her mouth when she received a communication request.

She smiled and apologized tactfully to Sasha, then rolled her eyes and answered the phone.

Sasha saw the red-haired beauty in front of her answering the phone while eating breakfast, and couldn't help but think of Tang Yu.

She would also see Tang Yu answering the phone and dealing with some instant messages every morning at breakfast.

Sasha took a few random bites and felt a little boring.

"I don't know what Mr. Tang is busy with?"

"Who prepares breakfast for him?"

"Will you go on field trips at home again?"

She lives very well with Gloria. She usually goes out to run tasks and is responsible for protecting Gloria's personal safety.

Taking into account Sasha's identity, Tang Yu specially asked Lao Wei to prepare an electronic fluorescent cat mask for Sasha, which could block the reading of facial information.

Whenever Sasha goes out, she wears a cat mask to avoid being recognized.

She is actually also very curious about the relationship between Gloria and Tang Yu.

Sasha could tell from the last Badlands commission incident that Tang Yu and Gloria had known each other relatively early and had an unusual relationship. The number and time of calls they made to each other ranked among the top contacts.

She saw that Gloria's brows were slightly furrowed, and she estimated that the call was not from Mr. Tang. If it was Mr. Tang, Gloria would have signaled her in advance.

Gloria received a call from Mann.

Mann told her that the commission to capture Jotaro Zhengfa had been completed, and it was up to her to handle the follow-up matters.

Gloria had previously found out that the mastermind behind the disappearance was Jotaro Shobo, but due to the lack of traces of him, she could not catch the culprit.

After Tang Yu learned about it, he went to the Phoenix Club for a big gamble and attracted Zhengfa Jotaro. Only then did he find out that he usually liked to hide in the secret base upstairs in the club and record the dark Mewtwo.

Since Jotaro has a strong sense of confidentiality, he installed confidentiality equipment in the secret base and blocked signal searches, so few people knew where he was hiding.

Tang Yu transferred this information to Gloria and asked her to arrange the follow-up matters by herself.

After Gloria got the information, she communicated with the client of the Mox Gang again, and the other party was willing to pay a high price to kidnap Shohō Jotaro.

So, Gloria contacted Mann's team to cooperate and kidnap Jotaro Shoho.

And today.

The Mann team has completed the commission to kidnap Jotaro Shoho and is communicating with Gloria on the follow-up matters.

On the phone.

Mann said in a deep voice: "We have successfully captured the target person, stunned him, and transported him to the designated location."

"In order to prevent being tracked, a shielding chip was installed in his biological nerve slot. What are we going to do next?"

Gloria asked: "Can the deep-diving equipment over there still work?"

Mann: "It's all ready."

Gloria thought for a while and said bluntly: "Okay, I'll be right over."

According to Mox's request, after kidnapping Jotaro Shohō, he was transported to a secret settlement and then handed over to Mox.

Preparing deep-diving equipment was also a request made by Mox. Gloria guessed that they most likely wanted to hack into Jotaro's neural network system to dig out more intelligence.

After hanging up the phone.

Gloria immediately called the client of the Mox Gang and informed him of the successful kidnapping of Jotaro Shoho, and arranged to meet at a secret settlement.

After getting all this done.

Gloria looked at Sasha and said seriously: "The matter of Zhengfa Jotaro has come to an end, let's go there now."

She had previously told Sasha the general process of Mox's commission. After all, the reason why she came to live with him in the house was because of this commission.

This period was peaceful, and the two of them did not encounter threats or revenge from the Tiger Claw Gang.

After Sasha heard that he was about to set off, he immediately got up and packed his equipment, put on a tactical uniform, put on the cat mask, and activated the anti-recognition function. An electronic blue fluorescent cat covered his entire face.

After the two of them finished packing, they took the time to open the door and set off.

They took a taxi and arrived at the secret settlement, an abandoned apartment building in the North District of Watson.

After getting off the bus, they took the stairs upstairs.

Sasha paid special attention to the surrounding surveillance probes and directly invaded and took over the surveillance system in order to detect abnormalities around him in time.

The two arrived at a steel gate on the three-story corridor. After passing the access control recognition authentication, the door automatically opened for traffic.

This place was a settlement point that Gloria had specially spent money to transform, and it was specially used to conduct some inconvenient transactions, such as kidnapping.

She has been an intermediary for a while and found that many of the commissions were related to people. In order to facilitate the placement of the target targets, she selected several abandoned apartments in some areas and transformed them into secret settlements. This is one of them.

As soon as she entered the room, Gloria saw the big man Mann and Shohō Jotaro who was tied to a stool. He had fainted.

"How is the operation going? Is it going smoothly?"

Mann looked at them, especially the one wearing a cat mask next to Gloria, hesitated for a moment, and then said.

"Everything went smoothly. Qiwei and Lucy hacked into the security system on the second floor of the club. We took the opportunity to get in from the alley."

"I just happened to see Jotaro Shoho coming out to smoke after recording Black Mewtwo, so I knocked him out and tied him up."

"After the target was achieved, everyone successfully retreated in time."

"This guy's men should have realized it by now and are looking for people everywhere. They probably alerted the Tiger Claw Gang."

Gloria was relieved to hear that the Mann team's operation went smoothly. As long as their whereabouts were not leaked, everyone was safe.

"Okay, just leave it to me. I'll handle the follow-up matters here."

After saying that, Gloria turned her eyes and transferred money to Mann to pay the fee for this commission.

Mann received the reward in full, looked at Sasha wearing a cat mask, and said boldly: "If you need help, just ask me."

Gloria thanked him and explained: "It is estimated that the Mox Gang will conduct a deep dive on Shohō Jotaro."

"After I get information about the missing persons, I may trouble you to rescue them."

"Mox brought the hacker for him and is on his way here."

Mann nodded: "No problem, this guy should be able to dig out a lot of things in his mind. You should pay more attention to safety."

The handover of the target task was completed and the commission was successfully completed. When Mann walked to the gate to leave, he couldn't help but turn around and ask.

"Is the person next to you arranged by Mr. Tang?"


Mann has recognized Sasha and knows that she wears the cat mask to hide her identity.

Gloria gave him an affirmative answer.

Sasha looked at Mann through the fluorescent mask. She had recalled some of her memories, but she couldn't mention a single word.

This is Tang Yu's order to protect her.

After Mann received a positive answer, he turned around and left. The rest of the matter was between the middleman and the sponsor. As a mercenary, he was not suitable to be present.

Sasha glanced at Shoho Jotaro, scanned his biological signs, and found that his life was not in danger, he was just in a temporary coma, and the shielding chip was still working normally.

The two of them waited at the secret settlement for a while, and the door control alerted that someone was visiting.

Gloria checked to see who was coming, and it was none other than the three girls from Mox. The little girl headed by them had two buns on her head and a baseball bat on her shoulder.

Standing next to her was a beauty with rainbow-colored short hair, wearing a one-shoulder suspender jumpsuit with four roses tattooed on her neck and arm.

The floodgates open.

Three girls from the Mox Gang walked straight in. The little baseball girl glanced around the room and saw Gloria and the others, as well as Shohō Jotaro tied to a chair.

"Well done, this is the scum we're looking for."

After saying that, the little baseball girl turned her eyes to them, looked back and forth between the two of them a few times, and then looked steadily at Gloria.

"If I guess correctly, you should be Ms. Gloria."

It was also the first time for the girls of the Mox Gang to see Gloria in person. They had previously communicated on the phone for their commissions.

When Gloria saw the entrusted person coming, she said bluntly: "Yes, the person has been brought to you."

The little baseball girl gave up her position and introduced the rainbow-colored short-haired beauty next to Gloria.

"This is Judy, I've entrusted her to talk to you about the rest of this matter."

Judy took two steps forward and took the initiative to thank Gloria.

"Thank you this time."

After speaking, Judy turned her eyes and paid Gloria the fee for this commission.

After paying, she turned to glare at the fainting Jotaro and said coldly.

"This scumbag has killed so many innocent people. He deserves it. Today is the day he pays the price!"

During the investigation, Gloria also learned about what Jotaro had done and was disgusted by his despicable and dirty bloody methods, so she agreed with Judy's words.

"You're right, this kind of scum deserves a taste of hell."

"He has the blood of so many innocent people on his hands, and he must pay with blood."

"I have investigated and found out that this scumbag specifically targets defenseless girls on the street. His methods are extremely cruel and he would not hesitate to die."

Judy looked at Gloria in surprise, but she didn't expect that she also hated this scumbag.


Before Judy found Gloria, she also found several intermediaries to investigate the girl's disappearance.

But those middlemen either don't pick up the call, or they pick it up halfway and then abandon it.

Only Gloria not only accepted the commission, but also successfully investigated the truth and caught the culprit Shohō Jotaro.

She also understands that investigating the commission of the Tiger Claw Gang's top brass does carry relatively high risks.

Because the Tiger Claw Gang is famous for protecting its shortcomings, even the lowest members of the gang who are bullied will suffer strong retaliation from the entire Tiger Claw Gang.

This is why many people would rather go to the scavenger's territory to hunt for people than provoke the Tiger Claw Gang.

The Tiger Claws are more strictly a group gang than the vengeful but loosely organized Scavengers.

This made Judy's affection for Gloria even more intense.

The most important thing is that she feels that Gloria is passionate, unlike ordinary middlemen who are all about money and power.

at this time.

The five girls unanimously decided to show Jotaro some ruthlessness.

The little girl held a baseball bat in her right hand and poked Shohō Jotaro in the face.


Shohō Jotaro, who was hit in the face by a hard object, opened his eyes in a daze and gradually woke up.

When he saw the five girls wearing fluorescent masks in front of him, his head was a little dazed. He remembered that he was recording Mewtwo on the second floor of the Phoenix Club. He was suddenly attacked and fainted, and when he opened his eyes again, he came here.

Shohō Jotaro glanced around and immediately understood that he had been kidnapped, and the biological signals in his body were blocked, preventing him from contacting the outside world.

He smiled contemptuously and said: "You are from Mox, right? Anyone who has ever done anything negative should know the consequences of doing this."

"If you don't want Mox to suffer even more brutal revenge, I advise you to stop now, otherwise."


Before Jotaro could finish speaking, a baseball bat hit him in the face, knocking out several of his teeth and leaving his mouth full of blood.

The little girl said coldly: "This stick is for Mox."

Shohō Jotaro slowly turned his head, holding back the pain, smiling sinisterly, with blood foaming in his mouth, and was about to speak.

Another stick came and hit his arm.


The severe pain caused by the broken bones made his facial expression become extremely distorted.

This stick was wielded by Gloria, and she said coldly: "This stick is for those girls."

Next, several people took turns holding baseball bats and bombarding Jotaro's non-lethal parts.

In a short time, he was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he looked like he was dying.

Sasha scanned to confirm the situation and said in a deep voice: "His biological sign fluctuations are still within the normal range. Adrenaline can be injected to enhance his vitality."

Shohō Jotaro's face was covered with blood, and he said vaguely: "Oh, then, those girls died miserably."

"With your limited means, it's impossible to find the missing Bai Tiao."

Obviously, Shohō Jotaro has no intention of telling the truth.

Judy took the baseball bat, bumped it in her hand, pointed it directly at his root, and said coldly.

"Very good, your mouth is indeed tough enough, but we have to see later whether your brain is also so tough!"

After saying that, she raised the stick high and slammed it down, hitting the vital point directly.

The eggshell cracked.

Shohō Jotaro's whole body was pierced by severe pain, his eyes nearly bulged out of his head, and he couldn't even make a sound from the pain. He passed out again, his head lowered and motionless.

After teaching Jotaro a lesson, Judy decided to take the next step.

She had long expected that Jotaro Shoho might not be willing to confess anything, and specially arranged for Mox to help hackers dive deep into his brain's neural network to search for relevant information.

Gloria had prepared the deep-diving equipment in advance and plugged in the data cable for Jotaro.

the other side.

Mox helped the hacker take off his clothes, lay down in the cold bath, and connected the optical cable to the deep dive port on the back of his head.


The deep dive begins.

Perhaps Jotaro never thought that such a day would come. The ICE loaded was of average level and the deep dive process went relatively smoothly. With Sasha watching from the side, it was basically impossible for any unexpected situation to occur.

The time of waiting.

Judy crossed her arms in front of her body, looked at Gloria and asked: "How long have you been an intermediary? I have never heard that there is such a good person like you in the Night City before."

Gloria said frankly: "I haven't been in this business for long, and I'm still a little behind compared to a real middleman."

She felt that this was also true. After all, from the beginning to now, Tang Yu's support was inseparable.

Without Tang Yu, she would not be where she is today.

And she felt that she was far from mature enough to be able to independently support the title of middleman.

Judy couldn't help but smile a little: "Don't be too modest. This just shows that you have the talent for this business."

"You are different from those middlemen who get their money. At least in my opinion, you are really good."

Seeing Judy praising herself without hesitation, Gloria felt a little embarrassed.

The little baseball girl next to him smiled and added: "Judy is Mox's baby. Anyone who can be recognized by her is definitely a good person."

Gloria just smiled and then asked: "Jotaro Zhengbo is a high-ranking member of the Tiger Claw Gang. Kidnapping him may lead to revenge from the Tiger Claw Gang."

The little girl said angrily: "How dare they?! Mox is not afraid of them."

Judy looked a little worried. In fact, it was her idea to kidnap Jotaro.

When Susie refused to take in those street girls, Judy realized that the disappearance case might involve the Tiger Claw Gang, but she didn't expect it to be the scumbag Jotaro.

Judy didn't want Mox or Lizzy's Bar to be hit, but she just couldn't bear the pain in her heart.

Even at that time, Evelin had advised her not to interfere in the affairs of those girls outside. After all, they were not from Mox.

Judy also understood these truths, but she really couldn't stand by and watch. Every day when she heard the news of girls disappearing one after another, she felt like her heart was being pulled.

"Let's take it one step at a time, but this scumbag must pay the price for what he has done!"

Gloria nodded.

If people like Shobo Jotaro are not eliminated, those girls will never be able to live in peace.

This kind of scum is like the cockroaches in Night City. If you kill one, a new one will appear soon.

But at least the girls were safe for a moment before popping up.

Suddenly, Judy received a communication request.


After signaling to everyone that there was a phone call, she walked out of the gate, checked that no one was around, and answered the call.

Evelin's tone was a bit reproachful, and she asked eagerly: "Judy, does the matter of punishing Jotaro have anything to do with you? Now people from the Phoenix Club and the Tiger Claw Gang are taking action outside, searching for him everywhere. figure!"

Judy was also holding back anger in her heart: "So what if Jotaro Zhengfa? Without him as a scourge in Night City, what impact will it have? If they can find it, let them find it. Anyway, there will be no more trouble in Night City." This guy!"

Evelin said anxiously: "Judy, you have no idea how deep the water is here. Jotaro Zhengfa has a close relationship with the upper echelons of Night City. He has too many secrets. You will kill yourself!"

She seemed to feel that what she said was not clear enough, and the other party did not realize the seriousness of the problem, so she added again.

"Now not only the people from the Tiger Claw Gang, but also the NCPD are out, looking for clues about Zhengfa Jotaro."

"And the people from the Tiger Claw Gang have taken Susie Q away. I guess they will find out about you soon."

"If you don't want to implicate Mox, Lizzy, or yourself, then quickly clean up the tail and let him go!"

When Judy heard this, she was so angry that she didn't want to say anything and hung up the phone with Evelin.

She saw a message from Lizzie's boss Susie Q in her contact list, asking her to save Jotaro's life, otherwise no one would be able to stop the situation if it got too big.


"A scumbag from Night City disappeared, so he mobilized an army like this."

"The girls are missing, and I don't see any of you showing any sympathy!"

Judy felt a sense of desperate irony.

After a moment of silence.

She got up and returned to the house. The deep dive operation was over.

The hacker from the Mox Gang stepped out of the cold bath and told everyone all the information he had dug up.

It turns out that there are many missing girls, and they are being locked up in an abandoned factory container, where some of Jotaro's men are watching.

After Gloria learned about it, she immediately contacted Mann and asked them to rush to the destination of the container as soon as possible to rescue the kidnapped people.

After doing all this.

Everyone's eyes fell on Zhengfa Jotaro, and how to deal with him became the final problem.

Judy said in a deep voice: "You go ahead and leave this scum to me."

The little baseball girl asked in confusion: "Judy, did something happen? Let's just kill this scum and leave and go back to Lizi."

Judy explained helplessly: "Xiao Ai got information. Now the Tiger Claw Gang is looking for Jotaro. Susie has already gone to negotiate with the Tiger Claw Gang to save this scumbag's life."

The little baseball girl sneered: "Fuck, Susie is still so soft-headed. At worst, she will have a fight with the Tiger Claw Gang. Who is afraid of whom?"

Gloria on the side immediately heard the clues. She knew that the current owner of Lizzy Bar was Suzy Q.

In other words, this commission has caused divisions within the Mox Gang. One group supports Judy in joining the Tiger Claw Gang, while the other group, represented by Susie, wants to compromise with the Tiger Claw Gang.

She immediately said: "But if you kill this scum, I'm afraid you will never have the chance to return to Lizzy, and the people from the Tiger Claw Gang will not let you go."

The little baseball girl immediately said angrily: "Is it because of this scum? The Chaomeng in Lizzy Bar is all supported by Judy. Without her, Lizzy wouldn't be called Lizzy!"

Judy also knows the consequences of killing Jotaro Shoho.

The meaning of this message from Susie is that if Jotaro is not allowed to survive, she will be sold to the Tiger Claw Gang to calm the situation.

Judy didn't want to involve the other two Mox sisters. The worst she could do was kill Jotaro alone and then hide somewhere else.

Just as Judy was hesitating, Sasha suddenly noticed something unusual.

She discovered that the surveillance camera downstairs in the apartment captured footage of a crowd gradually gathering on the street, including many members of the Tiger Claw Gang, with tattoos all over their arms and a fierce look.

"Something happened. People from the Tiger Claw Gang came here."

Everyone was shocked.

No more tonight

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