Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 145 Make further plans

Everyone was shocked when they learned that the Tiger Claw Gang had come looking for them.

The little baseball girl Mox asked in surprise: "How come the Tiger Claw Gang came here so quickly?"

Gloria did not doubt Sasha's words at all. As Tang Yu's company assistant, she would never target without aim. Then she said in a deep voice: "This secret settlement was renovated not long ago. It should be impossible to be targeted so early."

She then asked with some confusion: "Is it possible that there was a tail that was not taken care of when you came here?"

"Fuck! It must have been Susie Q. She had long suspected that we were investigating Jotaro's affairs." Little Taimei Mox cursed.

After Judy heard the news, she immediately understood and said worriedly: "It's very possible, I didn't expect that it would involve you."

Gloria also realized that the current situation was not good. The floors of this abandoned apartment were not high, and there were very few rooms on each floor. It would not take long for them to find their secret settlement.

"Sasha, can you find out the other party's intelligence? Number of people, weapons and equipment, etc."

Sasha turned his eyes around and controlled several cameras on the bottom of the building to investigate.

In the picture, the members of the Tiger Claw Gang are wearing colorful airplane heads, holding samurai swords, or holding short swords. The most conspicuous thing is the fluorescent tattoo.

Before I could explore for a while, the screen was suddenly shattered by bullets, and then the screens went black one after another.

"The people from the Tiger Claw Gang just destroyed the camera probe. There are about fifty of them. They are all equipped with combat implants and light weapons. No heavy weapons have been found yet."


The Tiger Claw Gang came prepared.

Judy heard that the Tiger Claw Gang had a large number of people and said worriedly: "Damn it, I didn't expect that the whereabouts would be leaked. We are all Mox's. How could Susie do this?"

She always thought that the conflict with Susie was limited to the Ritz Bar. After all, the starting point of both parties was for the Ritz Bar to operate better and survive. Therefore, she had never asked Susie for help in kidnapping Jotaro Shoho.

Gloria looked at Judy seriously and asked in a deep voice.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. What are you going to do with this scumbag?"

Dealing with Zhengfa Jotaro has become a key issue now. If he is handed over, peace may not be obtained from the Tiger Claw Gang. But if he doesn't hand it over, the Tiger Claw Gang will definitely fight to the death.

Little Miss Mox said unceremoniously: "The Tiger Claw Gang can shake people, so can we. Judy, let's give them a fierce fight."

Judy seems to be very conflicted. She does not want to fully expand the conflict with the Tiger Claw Gang now, mainly because the overall strength of Mox and the Tiger Claw Gang are too far apart. If there is a real quarrel, Lizzy may be destroyed.

She glared hard at Jotaro Shoho, who was no longer human, and said coldly: "Jotaro Shoho doesn't deserve to live in this world. I'll go talk to the Tiger Claw Gang."

The little baseball girl quickly dissuaded Judy: "Don't be stupid. You want to talk to the Tiger Claw Gang, but they may not want to talk to you. Wake up, Judy!"

Gloria also saw that the current situation was not something Judy could control, so she said in a deep voice.

"That's the truth. The people from the Tiger Claw Gang may be waiting for this opportunity to use the case of Jotaro to attack Mox."

"He's just a lackey of the Tiger Claw Gang. I'm afraid he has other motives for searching everywhere like this."

She thinks that even if Judy doesn't kill Jotaro now and hands him out alive, the Tiger Claw Gang won't buy it.

The fundamental purpose of the Tiger Claw Gang is not to save Jotaro, but to dismantle Mox and occupy the Lizzie Bar.

If Judy really falls into the hands of the Tiger Claw Gang, the entire Mox will become puppets. Except for her who dares to take the lead in standing up against the Tiger Claw Gang, there will be no one else left for Lizzy.

Susie is a weakling. For the sake of the bar business, she might rather be a puppet than end up as the owner of Lizzy Bar.

Gloria asked Judy to calm down for a moment, then walked aside, turned her prosthetic eyes, and started dialing Tang Yu.

at this time.

Arasaka Tower.

Tang Yu was sitting in the minister's office, exchanging information with Aunt Mei.

Recently, Meredith discovered some trends in the Arasaka Counterintelligence Department. Someone was trying to infiltrate military technology insiders, and called specifically to ask what Tang Yu meant.

Tang Yu asked Aunt Mei to take care of business. It was normal for the Arasaka Counterintelligence Department to conduct infiltration work in the military science and technology building.

Just like Military Technology has buried informants in Arasaka Tower, both of them know it well. Once a spy is caught, it all depends on how they arrange it, whether to eradicate the enemy or to resort to subterfuge.

Business is business.

Aunt Mei quickly understood what Tang Yu meant, so she smiled and said: "It's a good business matter. You didn't give me any favors about last time."

Tang Yu just laughed twice. When Gloria called in, he hung up the phone after a few perfunctory words.

Get on the phone with Gloria.

On the phone, Gloria immediately informed Tang Yu of all the situation at the scene.

Tang Yu quickly figured out their current situation. Zhengfa Jotaro was dying, there were differences within the Mox Gang, and the Tiger Claw Gang was pressing on from the outside.

However, she was not worried about Gloria and the others' safety. According to Gloria's report, they were surrounded by thugs from the Tiger Claw Gang and did not carry heavy weapons.

This kind of team configuration is simply not good enough in Sasha's eyes.

Sasha, who has fully turned on the combat hacking mode, is enough to challenge those Tiger Claw gang minions.

The key to the problem is that the Tiger Claw Gang cannot continue to send reinforcements and enhance weapons and equipment. The Tiger Claw Gang still has a lot of Arasaka's high-end equipment.

in addition.

The internal disagreements within the Mox Gang have reached the final moment. If they don't break up with the Tiger Claw Gang, Judy will definitely become the target of public criticism and bear the blame for kidnapping Jotaro.

Tang Yu thought for a few seconds and then said immediately: "Zhengfa Jotaro must die today. As for the threat from the Tiger Claw Gang, Sasha can handle it."

Must die?

Gloria immediately understood Tang Yu's intention and wanted to use Zhengfa Jotaro's death to completely provoke a conflict between the two families and let Li Zi's girls make a choice.

Either follow Judy and rebel against the Tiger Claws, or support Suzy and become the Tiger Claws' puppet.

After hanging up the phone.

Gloria immediately returned to everyone and said in a deep voice: "Judy, the Tiger Claw Gang is not here to save Jotaro, but they want to take the opportunity to provoke a conflict with the Mox Gang. It's time to make a decision. ."

"Even if you don't kidnap this scum today, they will find other reasons to attack. For Mox, this is a war with no retreat."

"Now we still have evidence of what Jotaro Shobashi did. The Tiger Claw Gang does not have any reputation at all."

Judy knew that what Gloria said was true. The Tiger Claw Gang had always been targeting Mox's girls and bars.

Mox's tolerance could not bring peace, but made the Tiger Claw gang more arrogant and domineering, pushing them further.

The little baseball girl next to her also urged her: "Judy, I agree with her, just let go and fight with them!"

Judy fell into hesitation and couldn't help but clenched her fists tightly.

After a while.

She seemed to have figured it out and finally made up her mind to resist, but the situation in front of her was still not optimistic: "The people from the Tiger Claw Gang have come to kill us. We have to hold on until Mox's support arrives."

at this time.

Gloria looked at Sasha and saw Sasha nodded, meaning she was ready.

Sasha has just obtained Tang Yu's remote permission and can activate combat mode to deal with current threats.

"The Tiger Claw gang downstairs is not a problem." Sasha said simply, "Let's go down and play with them."

After saying that, Sasha turned and walked towards the gate, his prosthetic eyes turned, the combat implant on his body was preheated and blue light circulated all over his body.

The gate opens automatically.

Little Miss Mox saw that Sasha was wearing a high-level combat implant and was really strong. She smiled and said, "It's interesting, girl, I'll go with you!"

Sasha, wearing a cat mask, looked back and said, "Let's go."

"Wait for us to have good news." The little girl glanced at Judy, picked up the baseball bat and went out with Sasha.

Judy was still uneasy and worriedly asked Gloria beside her: "Can they cope with it? Maybe we can wait for Mox's support, and I'll ask Xiao Ai to call someone at Lizi."

Gloria explained aloud: "No problem, let alone these Tiger Claw gang thugs, even the company's special service team may not be her opponent."

At that time, in the bad land, Kangtao was besieged by more than a dozen combat robots, but Sasha easily solved them all by himself, which shows his strong combat effectiveness.

Judy crossed her arms in front of her body, feeling a little relieved, and looked coldly at Jotaro Shoho, who was sitting on the chair dying.

"In this case, we can't take advantage of this scum. Let's just burn his head and let him have a taste of brain roasting."

Gloria also said coldly: "Throw him out of the window and let the Tiger Claw gang take a good look at what will happen if he offends Mox."

After that phone call, she already understood Tang Yu's intention. Since she wanted to intensify the conflict between Mox and the Tiger Claw Gang, she would let Zhengfa Jotaro's body play the final role.

Hackers from the Mox Gang immediately invaded Jotaro's brain neural network, wreaked havoc on the opponent's ICE, and implanted the electronic disease DU.

Jotaro's brain implant sizzled, sparks suddenly burst out, and he breathed his last.

at this time.

People from the Tiger Claw Gang gradually gathered downstairs. According to the intelligence obtained, the person who kidnapped Jotaro was hiding in this building.

Just as they were about to enter the building, a body was thrown down from the sky and hit the ground heavily.


This was a male corpse wearing a burgundy suit. Blood stains stained his oily head. His entire face was bruised and swollen, and there were a few electric sparks sizzling from the biological nerve sockets in his eyes and neck.


Although the body was unrecognizable and difficult to identify, the scanned biological data confirmed that it was the person they were looking for.

Everyone in the Tiger Claw Gang looked surprised.

A member of the Tiger Claw Gang then stepped forward and kicked the body twice, only to find it motionless and dead.

When he arrived here, he had received instructions from the leader of the Tiger Claw Gang that Jotaro must die, and he had to die at the hands of the Mox Gang.

"It saves some trouble."

Seeing that the top members of their gang were tortured and killed here, the target they were looking for was in the building in front of them.

He turned his prosthetic eyes around and reported the situation to the leader of the Tiger Claw Gang. Then without saying a word, he raised his samurai sword and rushed into the building with a group of thugs.

at the same time.

Tang Yu was sitting in Arasaka Tower, waiting for the leader of the Tiger Claw Gang to come over.

After communicating with Gloria, he asked the front desk to contact the leader of the Tiger Claw Gang and immediately went to Arasaka Tower to see him.

With Sasha on Gloria's side, there was nothing to worry about.

What he has to do now is to ensure that the Tiger Claw Gang will not send any more reinforcements to the scene.

It didn't take long.

A reminder was sent from the front desk, informing him that the leader of the Tiger Claw Gang had arrived at the Counterintelligence Department and requested a meeting.

Tang Yu agreed to the meeting request, and the office door automatically slid open.

The leader of the Tiger Claw Gang was still wearing a burgundy suit. After entering from the front door, he walked straight to the desk and bowed slightly, still looking respectful.

"Mr. Tang."

Tang Yu reached out and motioned for him to sit down and talk.

The leader of the Tiger Claw Gang sat upright on the guest chair opposite and asked in a deep voice.

"I wonder why Mr. Tang summoned me here today?"

Tang Yu looked a little surprised and asked strangely: "Didn't you receive my gift?"


The leader of the Tiger Claw Gang was stunned for a moment, carefully recalling the things he had received recently. There were a lot of gold coins, beautiful girls, famous paintings and watches, and even male models, but these gifts were not related to the Counterintelligence Department.

He thought for a moment.

The only thing related to Tang Yu was the huge gamble at the Phoenix Club, but he had asked Zhengfa Jotaro to pay back all the money Tang Yu lost, and also transferred an extra million euros as an apology.

The casino is still closed, just because Tang Yu said at the time that they should be renovated.

Because of this incident, Shohō Jotaro has always held a grudge and hid on the second floor of the club to record the more cruel Black Mewtwo, not only to make money, but also to vent his anger.

Are you talking about Shohō Jotaro?

The leader of the Tiger Claw Gang instantly recalled what happened today.

He had just received a message from his subordinates, saying that Jotaro Shohō had been found, but the man was dead and only a corpse was left, and he was preparing to capture the murderer.

The leader of the Tiger Claw Gang looked at Tang Yu in disbelief. Seeing his indifferent expression, he couldn't help but suspect that the person who really kidnapped Jotaro Shofa was most likely the senior executive of the Arasaka Company in front of him.

Seeing that he seemed to have some realization, Tang Yu asked casually, "Have you remembered?"

The leader of the Tiger Claw Gang instantly understood that kidnapping Jotaro Zhengfa was what Tang Yu meant.

He suddenly felt a chill and couldn't help but think of what happened at the Phoenix Club that day.

Tang Yu squandered money in the casino and lost millions. Maybe it was because the casino was too dark or he was in a bad mood, so he deliberately borrowed large amounts of chips to find trouble.

Because Jotaro didn't recognize his identity in time, he offended Tang Yu with his words.

Fortunately, he arrived in time, stopped and taught Jotaro a lesson, and later returned the lost gambling money in full. In order to prevent Tang Yu from feeling that he was not calm enough, he also apologized for one million euros and closed the casino for a period of time.

Achieving this step was definitely enough to give him face. Unexpectedly, Tang Yu still refused to let Zhengfa Jotaro go.

The leader of the Tiger Claw Gang always thought that it was the Mox Gang who kidnapped Jotaro, but in the end it was Tang Yu who was behind it.

But in his opinion, it doesn't matter who instigated the kidnapping now. What matters is that the Tiger Claw Gang will take this opportunity to attack Mox.

"Mr. Tang, are you referring to the matter of Zhengfa Jotaro? He offended you, paid the price he had to pay, and passed away forever. If your people take action over there, I will ask my men to retreat immediately."

Tang Yu pretended to smile calmly and said: "Don't think of me so stingy. Jotaro Zhengfa died at the hands of Mox and has nothing to do with me. If you want to avenge your subordinates, just go find that person." A bunch of little girls.”

The leader of the Tiger Claw Gang raised his head unexpectedly, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he realized that Tang Yu had put the blame for killing Jotaro on Mox's head, with the unspoken intention that he would help the Tiger Claw Gang frame Mox.

Tang Yu continued: "Since the Mox Gang does not follow the rules, this matter should be judged by everyone. How can you deliberately kill customers just because they care about their money."

"You brothers from the Tiger Claw Gang wanted to seek justice, but you were viciously attacked. Arasaka will not ignore this matter."

After hearing these words, the leader of the Tiger Claw Gang became more convinced of what he was thinking. The reason why Tang Yu killed Zhengfa Jotaro was, on the one hand, to vent his personal hatred, and on the other hand, to frame Mox, so that the Tiger Claw Gang could attack Mox. Seeing the opportunity to cause trouble, Si asked in a deep voice: "You mean, since we are going to make trouble, why not make it bigger?"

Tang Yu was noncommittal: "For this reason, there is no need to talk anymore. Mokes has already handed the knife to your hand. It's up to you how to deal with it later."

"But I have to remind you in advance that Director Michiko Arasaka is keeping an eye on this matter, so don't mess with it."

The leader of the Tiger Claw Gang was thoughtful, nodded heavily to Tang Yu and said, "I understand."

He immediately stood up to say goodbye, strode out of the minister's office, and immediately received a call from the crime scene.

"Sir, there is a woman wearing a cat-face mask. Her fighting power is terrifying. More than half of our troops have been damaged. We need to request support."

The leader of the Tiger Claw Gang said coldly: "Take the body of Jotaro Shobo and retreat, and prepare to go to Lizi to settle the score with them."

Tang Yu got up and left the leather office chair, walked to the rest area next to him and poured a glass of warm water. He took the tea cup to the panoramic glass window and looked down at the company square.

His hint to the leader of the Tiger Claw Gang has been very obvious, and now is the best time to attack Mox.

Later, Tang Yu will arrange Arasaka's media power to vigorously cooperate with the Tiger Claw Gang to falsely publicize what Mox has done.

Attributing the death of Jotaro Shohō to the desire for money, it is roughly the case that the girl with the mox head was so greedy for money that she turned evil and deceived her business customers to death.

The Tiger Claw gang stepped forward to demand an explanation, but were ambushed and attacked by Mox, killing many people and adding fuel to the conflict between the two gangs.

As for whether Feng Xiang will support the Tiger Claw Gang to seek justice after the publicity, Tang Yu is sure that it will not.

No one in Night City likes the vicious Tiger Claw Gang, and no one hates the high-quality service provided by the Lizzie sisters.

What's more critical is that these propagandas are inherently false and fabricated, and all that is needed is to spread the truth secretly.

The Tiger Claw Gang not only has to bear the accusation of bullying the Lizzie sisters, but also has to bear the charge of frame-up.

By then.

The Mox Gang can cheer up and give the Tiger Claw a hard blow, and all the debts that should be collected can be recovered.

Tang Yu raised his tea cup and took a sip. The top priority now is to quickly integrate Gloria into Mox, unite with the opposition represented by Judy, and actively denounce the Tiger Claw Gang.

If Gloria could successfully help Mox defeat the Tiger Claw Gang, he would definitely be grateful based on his understanding of Judy.

Fighting against the Tiger Claw Gang and rescuing girls in distress has always been what she longed for, but she lacked the people and strength to support her.

And if Gloria wants to secure the top spot in Lizzy, she must get Judy's support.

Now the Tiger Claw Gang has stepped forward to serve as the target, which just gives the two of them a chance to work together.

Tang Yu activated the remote visual connection with Sasha and instantly learned the situation at the secret settlement site through what Sasha saw.

The battle is over and the remaining Tiger Claw thugs have retreated.

In the corridor inside the building, the bodies of members of the Tiger Claw Gang were lying scattered, with broken knives lying on the ground.

Sasha sensed that Tang Yu was connected, and immediately put away the lynx's diamond claws. Just now, she completely let go of her hands and feet, killing in the corridor.

Little Miss Mox raised the bloody baseball bat on her shoulder and proudly said to Sasha: "You really have you. These little guys from the Tiger Claw Gang are really not enough for you."

Because Sasha is wearing an optical anti-recognition mask, no facial details are visible except for an electro-fluorescent cat.

Sasha didn't reply for the time being. After Tang Yu exited the visual connection, he blinked and replied with a smile: "It's nothing."

Hearing that the noise outside had disappeared, Gloria, Judy and others walked out of the secret settlement and joined Sasha and the others.

Judy couldn't help but look surprised when she saw the fighting scene in the corridor. Being able to repel the siege of dozens of people from the Tiger Claw Gang was indeed very powerful.

She was very grateful to Gloria for her help and was willing to pay a fee for it.

Although the kidnapping of Shohō Jotaro was in Mox's name, it was equivalent to Judy's personal commission, and the reward was basically collected by her and several sisters.

So the euros on the public electronic account are no longer enough, and I want to invite Gloria to sit at the Ritz Bar.

Seeing Sasha's strength, little sister Mox also deliberately tried to win over Sasha and emphasized: "Judy is right. A loyal middleman like you is so precious in Night City. I'd like to show you a little face and get to Lizzy." Come and sit."

Gloria had received Tang Yu's reminder to continue following the Mox Gang, so she followed the trend and said: "Zhengfa Jotaro deserved his death, and the Tiger Claw Gang deserves to be taught a lesson for their many evil deeds. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. We should leave here first." .”

"The Tiger Claw Gang suddenly retreated and took away Jotaro Shohō's body. I'm afraid they have some back-ups, so we have to be careful."

The five girls agreed and decided to go back to Lizzy Bar before making new plans.

No more tonight.

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