Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 149 Genting Transformation

Rainy night.

Cross street.

The girls of the Mox Gang set off a wave of all-out counterattack, holding their axes high and killing the Tiger Claw Gang.

Gloria's red hair was soaked by the heavy rain, and her whole body was wet.

She wiped the rain from her eyes and saw with her own eyes that the girls fought back against the Tiger Claw Gang and gradually gained an overwhelming advantage, turning the previously impossible into a possibility.

The Tiger Claw Gang's team of several hundred people almost collapsed. They were completely unable to withstand the anger and murderous intent of the girls. They could only struggle to support the defense line, and some people kept falling.


The Tiger Claw Gang was in a state of decline and could only shrink its defense line while retreating step by step.

Mox's girls had no intention of letting them go, and kept charging forward without fear of the light of swords.

Facing the powerful Tiger Claw Gang, Mox proved himself in this bloody battle.


Gloria also did not expect that the girls of Mox would achieve the final victory.

In terms of overall strength, weapons and equipment, personnel combat effectiveness, etc., Mox is not on the same level as the Tiger Claw Gang.

The effect of that notice was far beyond imagination, causing a huge chain reaction and allowing Mokes to receive powerful foreign aid.

Without the help of everyone and the fearlessness of death, it would be difficult for Mox to defeat the powerful Tiger Claw Gang.

Gloria believes that in the final analysis, the girls have had enough oppression and bullying, and their hatred for the Tiger Claw Gang has reached its extreme.

Even if you don't fight to the death with the Tiger Claw Gang here today, you won't be able to escape the fate of being tortured by them in the future. It's better to fight with the Tiger Claw Gang, at least have a good time.

In addition, in order to maintain the so-called moral high ground, the Tiger Claw Gang was worried that forcibly breaking into Mox and annexing Lizzy Bar would cause a counterattack like the one a few years ago, so they gave up the advantage of hot weapons.

Otherwise, with the Tiger Claw Gang's well-equipped equipment, it would be difficult for Mox to win if the two sides fought fiercely.

In the face of powerful intelligent firepower, no matter how many people there are, they are just living targets.

Both sides used cold weapons to start the war. They wanted to avoid the escalation of the conflict, which gave Mox the possibility of winning.

In addition, the number of people who came to support was much higher than that of the Tiger Claw Gang, and Mox's biggest shortcoming was also made up for.

Seeing the balance of victory gradually tilting towards Mox, Gloria realized that winning the battle in front of her was not enough.

Even if everyone from the Tiger Claw Gang was hacked to death, it would not pose much of a threat to the entire Tiger Claw Gang.

Recruiting soldiers is not a big deal at all for the wealthy Tiger Claw Gang.

It only makes sense to severely damage the profit industry of the Tiger Claw Gang so that the girls can get more tangible benefits.

She decided to take advantage of Mox's popularity and seize this rare opportunity to give the Tiger Claw gang a hard blow.


The battle is nearing its end.

The funeral procession of several hundred people from the Tiger Claw Gang was already running low and was unable to stop the strong resistance and began to retreat.

Many Tiger Claw gang thugs dropped their samurai swords, turned around and fled towards the rear, only to be taken away by the axes that followed.

The members of the Tiger Claw Gang fell into a pool of blood one after another, and were then cut into pieces and chopped into pieces by the Mox girls who stepped on them.

They frantically vented their resentment, their dissatisfaction with the Tiger Claw Gang's oppression, and their dissatisfaction with the filth of Night City.

These once high-ranking members of the Tiger Claw Gang have now ended up lying dead on the streets, which makes them feel unprecedentedly happy.

The thugs from the Tiger Claw Gang kept falling down, and then were chopped into pieces by the swarming girls. The blood stains were diluted by the rain, and the thick smell of blood spread throughout the street.

Until the last member of the Tiger Claw Gang was dismembered with an axe, this violent melee with cold weapons came to an end.

The girls of Mox were soaked in blood and water, leaving corpses and broken limbs at their feet.

Each of them held an ax in their hands, breathing hard, the hatred in their eyes not dissipating.

It seems that killing hundreds of Tiger Claw gang members is not enough to satisfy their hatred. They are full of grievances and anger, but they have not yet vented their anger.

A jingle.

The ax in Judy's hand slipped, and she knelt on the ground as if she was about to collapse. She gasped for air, and rainwater dripped down her chin.

Gloria quickly waded through the bloody water, came to Judy, and helped her up.

"Are you hurt?"

Judy shook her head, raised her eyes and looked around, and found that the originally chaotic and noisy streets had quieted down. All the people standing there were girls, and no one from the Tiger Claw Gang could be seen. She asked in disbelief.

"Did we win?"

Gloria estimated that Judy had not recovered from the battle just now. After all, the fighting scene was too bloody and too shocking for a technical nerd like her.

"The Tiger Claw Gang's funeral procession has been cleared."

When the little girl saw this, she quickly ran over dragging her baseball bat: "Are you injured?"

Gloria said they were not injured

Sasha finished the battle at the front, put away the sharp lynx diamond claws, and jumped to Gloria's side in a few steps.

The four sisters reunited.

Seeing that everyone was fine, Gloria ignored the rainy night and explained in a deep voice: "The Tiger Claw Gang's attack has been resolved, but they haven't received a real lesson yet, so we can't just take advantage of them."

Little Miss Mox asked sternly: "You're right! We can't just take advantage of them, so what should we do next?"

Gloria said in a deep voice: "Everyone's hatred for the Tiger Claw Gang goes far beyond that. The Wrecked Phoenix Club's den is still there, and the industry that provides blood transfusions to the Tiger Claw Gang is still there."

"We're going to drive the Tiger Claw gang out of this area, unplug every venue and every store they have here, and make them pay the price they deserve."

Little Miss Mox immediately agreed, Judy also strongly agreed, and Sasha also had no objections. They hit it off immediately and decided to strike while the iron was hot and called on all the girls to continue going crazy.

Little Miss Mox raised her baseball bat and shouted loudly.

"Sisters, this isn't over yet, let's have a good time tonight!"

"Every store owned by the Tiger Claw Gang will be robbed! Every place owned by the Tiger Claw Gang will be smashed!"

"Sisters, let's start with the Phoenix Club!"


Little Miss Mox raised her arms and shouted, and instantly thousands of girls raised their axes in response, and a group of people rushed towards the Phoenix Club.

The huge crowds of people walked aggressively on the streets on a rainy night, beating, smashing, looting and burning without restraint.

If any store has the Tiger Claw Gang emblem painted on it, just smash open the door, go in, sweep it, and burn it all before leaving.

Encountering the Tiger Claw Gang's entertainment venue, after violently clearing the place, they killed all the Tiger Claw Gang's thugs, took away the cash, and smashed the machines and facilities.

Everyone fought their way to the Phoenix Club and found that the casino door was closed, but Sasha soon broke open the door and everyone swarmed in and started looting wildly.

Based on the information they obtained, Gloria and others took the secret elevator to the second floor of the club and saw the scene where Jotaro was recording Mewtwo.

There were dried blood stains and private clothing on the circular bed. On the operating table was a corpse with hollowed-out prosthetic organs.

Judy frowned and glared at the scene where the crime occurred.

Many innocent girls have died here, and many girls from Meaux have been brutally murdered.


A fire broke out, burning the entire second floor of the club.

It didn't take long.

The Tiger Claw Gang's industry on several streets throughout Kabukicho has been completely destroyed.

Countless girls cheered in the streets. Not only did they defeat the Tiger Claw Gang, they also grabbed a lot of good things.

Gloria saw the results in front of her and understood that after this battle.

The Tiger Claw Gang's power in Kabukicho will be greatly weakened. Although they have not been able to shake their foundation in Sakura Street, they have achieved the biggest victory since the establishment of Mox.

Mox not only strengthened his power and gained more living space, but also proved to Night City that girls are not easy to mess with when they unite.

Judy stood on the street on a rainy night, the rain washed away her makeup at the corners of her eyes. Seeing the Phoenix Club destroyed, she didn't seem to have much joy.

Gloria was a little strange and asked Judy: "What, are you worried about something?"

Hearing Gloria's question, Judy hesitated to speak, and said with some helplessness: "The Lizzy Bar is safe, but the sisters at Genting."

Gloria seemed to have thought of something.

There are many girls in Genting who were also members of the Mox Gang, but in the end they chose to stay in Genting.

They may also want to use Mox's power in this conflict to resist the rule of the Tiger Claw Gang.

Little Miss Mox said with a smile: "Does Genting also want to undergo a major renovation?"

Judy had no choice but to explain: "Yunding learned that Mox defeated the Tiger Claw Gang and wanted us to help solve the Tiger Claw Gang in Genting and help Genting gain independence."

Gloria found it a little strange. Genting was located on Cherry Blossom Street in Westbrook, which was the core territory of the Tiger Claw Gang.

Genting has been operating as a key profit-making base of the Tiger Claw Gang for a long time, and the girl there no longer has much to do with Mox.

Now it is somewhat unrealistic to want to rely on Mox's power to achieve independence.

Even if the Tiger Claw Gang guards in Genting are eliminated, they can send more people to support them and come to seize Genting.

If Genting wants to be independent, it must be completely transformed into a Mox territory like Lizzy Bar.

It is absolutely untenable to try to gain independence simply by relying on Mox's power.

Gloria saw that Judy was in an urgent mood, which may involve Judy's personal reasons, so she did not continue to ask further questions.

The relationship between her and Judy is still very delicate now, and it is not appropriate for her to point out the potential troubles in Genting.

Judy briefly explained what happened. Her former acquaintances and friends in Genting learned that Mox had successfully counterattacked the Tiger Claw Gang, and wanted to ask her to lead the girls to eliminate the Genting Tiger Claw Guards and help Genting gain independence.

Judy was willing to agree and wanted to hear Gloria and the others' opinions.

Sasha had no objections; her main task was to keep Gloria safe.

The little girl thinks that Genting should be included in Mox, otherwise there is no need to care about Genting's life and death. She has not done anything to counter the Tiger Claw Gang, and now she wants to take a ride.

Then Judy's pleading eyes fell on Gloria.

Gloria agreed without hesitation.

"Judy is right. If it can help Genting become independent, it will also be a good thing for Mox."

Judy suddenly felt relieved. With Gloria's support, she felt much stronger and spoke frankly.

“This is how it should be, Genting should also undergo a transformation like this.”

"We have all eliminated the Tiger Claw Gang with hundreds of people. I know that the Tiger Claw Gang in Genting is definitely no match."

Gloria thought to herself that Judy was indeed a little emotional. She was so simple-minded that she could only think about the immediate step.

There is no comparison between Genting and Lizzy.

The former is located on Cherry Blossom Street in Westbrook, which is the territory of the Tiger Claw Gang.

If they go to other people's territory to cause trouble, can the Tiger Claw Gang remain true to their word? It won't be just a machete like this time.

The latter is Mox's last stronghold, and all the girls will risk their lives to fight in order to protect this lifeline.

The girls in Mox are willing to fight for Lizzy, but they may not be willing to fight for Genting.

Gloria saw through it but didn't say anything. When Judy summoned her own car frame, the four of them got in the car and headed directly towards Yunding.

On the way.

Gloria, who was sitting in the back row, immediately reported the news to Tang Yu that they were going to Genting to cause a scene.

No more tonight.

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