Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 150 Be a little wild

Westbrook Cherry Blossom Festival, skyscrapers.

Judy drove Gloria and others downstairs. On the way, she briefly explained the situation at Yunding.

Genting Club Business Center is located on the 12th floor of the skyscraper.

The person responsible for the security of Genting in the Tiger Claw Gang is Oswald Forrest, nicknamed Wood Man.


The top floor of the skyscraper is the residence of Genting boss Hiromi Sato, who is also one of the top leaders of the Tiger Claw Gang.

If you want to win Genting, you must first deal with these two people.

At the Genting Club, those who cooperated with Judy were Maiko Maeda, the Genting housekeeper, and four or five male and female idols.

In view of Mox's victory in Watson Kabukicho, the Tiger Claw Gang has strictly controlled and strengthened Genting's security.

They must find a way to hack into the cloud top and break through the security of Hiromi Sato's penthouse apartment.

Judy revealed that the intelligence and plans are currently kept secret.

She said that Maiko Maeda was a cautious person, and if Judy could not persuade Mox to cooperate, the operation to capture Genting would not be possible.

After listening to Judy's introduction, Gloria judged that there should be no big obstacles to the blitz attack on Genting.

The Tiger Claw Gang's main focus now should be on Kabukicho. After losing such a large area, how to get it back is the most important thing.

After a sudden brake, Judy stopped the car firmly at the foot of the skyscraper.

The four people got out of the car one after another and walked quickly into the building.

Judy immediately contacted Maiko Maeda, the internal commander of Genting, and after exchanging information, he began to implement the lightning operation to capture Genting.

Gloria could see that Judy was a little nervous in her words, and she still had feelings for Genting.

When Judy first started working at Genting, she made many friends, many of whom she still maintains good relationships with now.

She is such a person, she likes to be emotional, and although she is reckless, she can still gain popularity.

In Night City these days, it's not easy to find a friend who is willing to go through fire and water to save you.

Judy initially formulated a plan of action.

Maiko Maeda will go to the penthouse apartment of the skyscraper and drag down Hiromi Sato, the owner of the Genting Club, to prevent him from noticing anything strange.

The basic server of the entire skyscraper is located on the third floor. Because the Tiger Claw Gang's current security is concentrated at the Genting Club on the twelfth floor, the task of hacking into the main server was completed by Judy.

After the main server is hacked, public access control and monitoring are basically ineffective.

Sasha, Little Taimei, and Gloria continued to the twelfth floor and cooperated with Genting's working team, Roxanne and others, to get rid of the wooden man, eliminate all Tiger Claw gang thugs, and completely take down Genting Club.

After solving the trouble on the twelfth floor, everyone gathered together and headed to the top floor, forcing Hiromi Sato to hand over Genting.

None of the other three objected to Judy's plan.

On this crazy night, nothing is impossible for them.

Several people walked into the public elevator of the skyscraper. After arriving on the third floor, Judy left first to find the server.

Gloria and the other three continued to take the public elevator up to the twelfth floor, waiting for Judy to hack into the server before taking action.

Gloria estimates that the Tiger Claw Gang is gathering most of its forces and preparing to head to Watson Kabukicho.

They have suffered such huge losses and cannot sit idly by. Instead, they may ignore Genting on their own territory.

As long as they fight quickly and evacuate the scene immediately after capturing Genting, it is beyond their control if the Tiger Claw Gang fights back to Genting.


Good news came from Judy. She had found the main server device and hacked into the system, allowing the three of them to start taking action.

Ding dong.

The elevator reaches the twelfth floor.

Each floor of the skyscraper is like a commercial plaza, with stores, shops, and residential apartments.

The three of them walked out of the elevator and walked straight towards the Genting Club. They passed through the glass door and the turning corridor and arrived at the main entrance of the Genting Club.

After a blue light scan, the three of them arrived at the front desk of Genting Club.

The girl at the front desk was a little surprised to see the three of them, but still smiled softly out of professional politeness: "Welcome to Genting, a place that understands your inner desires."

But she quickly recognized the little girl's tattooed appearance, and she was from Mox, and asked a little strangely.

"Is this your first time coming to Genting?"

The little girl put the baseball bat on the table and asked coldly: "Where are the wooden men from the Tiger Claw Gang?"

The girl at the front desk was stunned for a while, and said with some embarrassment: "Hello, I'm sorry, I'm not responsible for picking up customers. We have better VIP services here."

Little Miss Mox said dissatisfiedly: "You have to pick him up today even if he doesn't. Just tell me where he is. I won't bother you with the rest."

The girl at the front desk hesitated for a moment, made a gesture to go inside, and then said: "The wooden man is the security director of Genting. His office is in the VIP area on the second floor. If this is your first time here and you are not a VIP member, it is There is no way to enter the second floor, which is only open to Genting’s VIP members.”

Little Miss Mox smiled confidently: "Don't worry, we will be VIPs soon."

After saying that, they continued walking towards the Genting Club.

The three of them walked through the dimly lit club corridor. A passing customer blew a whistle at Little Miss Mox, and was scolded harshly by her.

"What a silly* thing, you're bragging!"

The fierce look left the man speechless, and he obediently shut his mouth and looked away.

As Sasha walked, he noticed surveillance probes everywhere on the ceiling, and directly hacked into the surveillance system remotely.


The three of them walked to the glass gate of the VIP area. There were three Tiger Claw gang thugs guarding the door, blocking some customers who wanted to enter and go upstairs.

When they saw the little girl's dress, they immediately realized something was wrong. They didn't bother to intercept other customers and prepared to draw their guns directly.

The little girl had quick eyesight and quick hands, and was already prepared to kill one of the Tiger Claw gang thugs with a stick, while Sasha easily killed the other two.

This scene frightened the other customers around and stunned them, causing them to run away in panic.

Sasha pulled out the biological nerve data cable at her wrist, connected it to the access control of the Yunding subnet and opened it directly.

Gloria also took out the Sijibao and held it tightly in her hand. Although it was not the first time she had to face a battle, and there were two fighting masters beside her, she still felt a little bit nervous, and her palms secreted beads of sweat. .

As soon as she held the Four Seasons Treasure in her hand, the bullet holographic projection jumped out.

"Good, good wet, hot."

"It has been detected that the user's heart rate has accelerated and adrenaline hormones have soared. It is recommended to vent the fire appropriately."

Gloria quickly put Si Bao in her arms, trying to make him lower his voice. This gun always liked to make some weird noises.

As soon as the three of them went upstairs, they saw that the Tiger Claw gang thugs were already in action and rushed out with guns in hand.

Sasha pushed Gloria behind the wall to hide, then jumped in and started fighting with the Tiger Claw gang's thugs.

The little girl also rushed forward with a baseball bat, not giving the Tiger Claw Gang thugs a chance to shoot.

Gloria saw that the battle had begun, and immediately contacted Judy to inquire about the internal response.

Judy informed the gangsters working in Yunding to cooperate in launching an attack.


The entire Genting Club was filled with gunshots and flames.

Many customers who were experiencing the service were disturbed by the sudden sound of gunfire. They quickly picked up their pants and ran away barefoot without caring about getting dressed.

Some people who were in service mode finally realized that Genting had gone into chaos at some point.

The Sijibao in Gloria's arms buzzed and suggested: "It has been detected that the user is under threat, and the bullet tracking function has been turned on."

"Warm reminder, users can pull the trigger directly without aiming."

Nervous Gloria finally realized that the Sijibao in her hand was a smart pistol, so she asked: "Can it automatically target people from the Tiger Claw Gang?"

Sijibao adjusted his black sunglasses and said confidently: "We have locked the legs of the relevant people of the Tiger Claw Gang."

Gloria tried sticking the gun out against the wall and pulled the trigger.


A bullet was fired, bypassing irrelevant customers, and directly hit the vital part of a bald man from the Tiger Claw Gang. The man immediately covered his crotch and screamed in pain.

Sijibao: "The target has been successfully hit, uh ah ah, good, cool, no, want, stop."

Gloria's cheeks blushed slightly, and then she poked her head out curiously. Sure enough, she saw the target hit by Si Jibao, curled up on the ground and screaming, and a hint of excitement flashed in her eyes.

I didn’t expect Sijibao to be so accurate!

She picked up the Siji Bao and fired several shots.

Bang bang bang.

Si Ji Bao howled as he fired tracking bullets with tail flames.

"You've offended my aunt."

"Eat my big a** [silenced]."

"I'm going to shoot you into a sieve, you're a wimp!"

Gloria was surprised to find that although Sijibao's words were a little dirty, the bullet tracking function was indeed very strong, and all the bullets hit the enemy's vital parts accurately without missing a beat.

It didn't take long for the dozens of thugs from the Tiger Claw Gang who were responsible for guarding Yunding to be completely eliminated.

Seeing that the gunfire subsided, a frightened worker occasionally stuck his head out, wanting to secretly spy on what was going on outside.

But he didn't expect to be discovered by the little girl, who pointed at him with a baseball bat and shouted.

"Come here!"

The workman walked out tremblingly and said softly: "Sister, please forgive me, I just work at Genting and have nothing to do with the Tiger Claw Gang."

The little girl asked coldly: "What is your name?"

Work*Puppet: "I am an angel. If sister wants to order from me, she can be at the front desk."

The little sister was a little speechless and said impatiently: "Where is the wooden man? Take us to find him, and nothing will happen to you."

The angel carefully pointed to a bald man on the ground and explained: "He is a wooden man."

Gloria saw the wooden man covering his crotch, struggling on the ground in pain and cursing. She realized something in an instant and picked up the Sijibao in his hand to look at it.

Without saying a word, the little girl stepped forward and knocked the wooden man's head off with a stick, completing the mission of the Genting Club.

Gloria immediately informed Judy of the situation here, and the plan went smoothly. They made an appointment to continue to the top floor to meet Maiko Maeda.


Gloria and others evacuated Genting, returned to the public elevator to meet Judy, and then took the elevator directly to the rooftop.

In the elevator room.

Judy explained in a deep voice: "The Tiger Claw Gang has noticed the situation at Genting. Maiko Maeda wanted us to evacuate from the rooftop. She arranged for an aerial vehicle to pick us up."

Gloria asked: "Has Genting Boss already taken it?"

Judy explained: "Maiko controlled Sato Hiromi and met us on the rooftop."

The elevator quickly reached the top floor, and the four of them broke through the layers of access control and went directly to the rooftop of the skyscraper.

Hundreds of meters high in the sky, with strong winds and heavy rain blowing, you can see the shining night view of the entire city.

However, a few people were not in the mood to enjoy the scenery at the moment. As soon as they climbed to the rooftop of the building, they saw a woman wearing a uniform and short skirt. She was holding a samurai sword on a man's neck and forcing him to kneel on the ground. It should be Genting boss Hiromi Sato is undoubtedly.

Regardless of the wind and rain, Judy quickly stepped forward and said, "Maiko, the plan is successful."

She glanced at Sato Hiromi who was kneeling on the ground and said coldly: "Has he promised to give up Genting? Genting can be independent. Hasn't the floating car arrived yet?"

Maeda Maiko looked at Judy and said with a chuckle: "Judy, please be patient for a moment. You guys will come with me to meet someone first."

Judy realized that something was wrong, that this was different from the planned plan, and she quickly asked sharply.

"Meeting whom?"

Maeda Maiko solemnly replied: "Of course it is Mr. Sato, the leader of the Tiger Claw Gang. I have to let him see with his own eyes how incompetent Sato Hiromi is."

Judy's pupils shrank suddenly, she glared at Maiko Maeda in disbelief, and shouted: "Maiko, you are taking advantage of us!"

Maiko Maeda smiled nonchalantly: "Judy, you don't really think Genting can be independent, do you? This is Sakura Street, the core territory of the Tiger Claw Gang. They just killed dozens of Tiger Claw Gang thugs. They are enough There are thousands of people.”

"So I have to trouble you to stay for a while. After convincing Mr. Sato, Hiromi Sato will naturally be of no use, and you can leave."

Judy was stunned. She didn't expect that Maiko Maeda was deceiving her, and she didn't wait for her to say anything more.

In the rainy night.

Countless Tiger Claw gang thugs appeared one after another, each armed with machine guns and weapons, surrounding the entire rooftop and surrounding several people.

One of them was a man in a burgundy suit, escorted by bodyguards, walking out of the night.

Maeda Maiko immediately put down the katana in her hand, bowed deeply to the visitor, and said hello.

"Mr. Sato."

There will be another chapter later.

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