Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 151 Meeting the Parents

The moment Judy saw Sato, the leader of the Tiger Claw Gang, coming out, she instantly understood what was going on.

Maiko Maeda betrayed her, she was just using herself, using Mox, to get what she wanted.

Any talk about Genting being independent is just nonsense.

Judy couldn't accept what she saw. Now they were surrounded by the Tiger Claw Gang, surrounded by thousands of meters of altitude, and there was no place to go.

The so-called floating car is just a way for Maeda Maiko to lure them to the rooftop.

Judy felt both immensely angry and apologetic.

She felt unprecedented despair from the way Maiko Maeda treated the Tiger Claw Gang with respect.

Judy looked blankly at Gloria beside her, and saw her little sister and Sasha brave the wind, rain and danger to accompany her to the top of the clouds, but fell into a desperate situation, which made her have mixed feelings. , regretful.

She hated herself. She shouldn't have believed Maeda Maiko's words easily from the beginning. After all these years, she still didn't see clearly who Maeda Maiko was.

Judy whispered apologetically: "I'm sorry that I caused you trouble."

When Gloria heard that Judy was confused, she could only comfort her: "Judy, it's okay. They took advantage of your kindness. You don't have to blame yourself for this."

Deep down, Maeda Maiko still adheres to the Sakura people's behavior, respecting the strong, always only seeing interests and status, and not caring about worthless friendships at all.

Judy was deceived by Maiko Maeda and incomprehensible to Evelyn one after another, which made her emotionally shocked and disturbed, and she even began to doubt herself.

The little girl clutched the baseball bat tightly with both hands, and she and Sasha protected Gloria and Judy, and faced off coldly with the Tiger Claw gang's thugs.

Gloria saw that the current situation was already very unfavorable, and the only one who could save them was Mr. Tang.

She knew that Mr. Tang would definitely appear.

Mox's counterattack against the Tiger Claw Gang has reached its peak. If the scale of the conflict continues to expand, neither the Tiger Claw Gang nor Mox will end well.

Sato walked up to Maiko Maeda and saw her respectful attitude. He didn't say anything. Instead, he looked at Gloria and the others and asked coldly.

"Are they from Mox?"

Maiko Maeda said bluntly: "In reply to Mr. Sato, they are indeed Mox's people. They are also the leaders of Mox's counterattack this time."

"In addition, as far as I know, the kidnapping and killing of Jotaro Shoho was also related to them."

Maiko Maeda told the leader of the Tiger Claw Gang all the information she knew, without leaving any sympathy for Judy.

Every word she said was like a sharp knife, making Judy's heart ache.

Such a ruthless approach made Judy feel unprecedented humiliation, and her eyes revealed anger and helplessness.

Sato nodded, then looked at Sato Hiromi who was kneeling on the ground, and kicked him directly.

"Trash, can't even hold the top of the clouds, extremely weak and incompetent."

Sato Hiromi did not dare to resist at all, and quickly got up and knelt on the ground motionless.

Maeda Maiko's face lit up, as long as Mr. Sato, the leader of the Tiger Claw Gang, hated Hiromi, her plan to take over Genting would be safe.

Unexpectedly, Sato just waved his hand and said coldly: "How dare you join forces with outsiders to usurp a high position? Hiromi is just weak, but you, Maiko Maeda, are disloyal!"

Hearing Mr. Sato's comment, Maeda Maiko's pupils shrank suddenly, she felt something bad, and she panicked. She quickly wanted to explain, but it was too late.

I saw gunfire everywhere in the rainy night, and countless bullets poured out, instantly beating Maiko Maeda into a sieve. She took a few steps back and fell into a pool of blood, her eyes widening as if unwilling to give up.

After Sato dealt with Maeda Maiko, he asked Sato Hiromi to roll aside, and then returned his attention to Gloria and others.

Seeing Sato's cruelty and Maeda Maiko's death, Judy knew that it was almost impossible to leave here safely tonight.


The Tiger Claw Gang's guns were pointed at them.

No matter how high Sasha and Xiao Taimei's force value is, facing the siege of the Tiger Claw Gang on the rooftop, it will be difficult for them to have room and room to display.

Sasha popped out the Lynx Diamond Claw, and her brain was running rapidly, looking for a safe hiding spot.

Only by subduing Sato with one move and using him as a hostage can he have a chance to escape from here.

But Sato is equipped with advanced combat implants, and his combat effectiveness may no longer be as good as those of the two.

And now that we are surrounded, we may lose sight of one thing.

Sasha knew that the task assigned by Tang Yu was to protect Gloria's safety, and there must be no mistakes.

Sato seemed to realize that the fighting ability of these girls was not weak, and his prosthetics began to warm up, and red light flowed around them.

Just as the two sides were at war with each other.

There was a rumble of engine roar.

Everyone looked up and saw a black Arasaka high-end aerial vehicle coming from the sky, with four blue tail flames spurting out, gradually approaching the rooftop.

When Gloria saw the float car with the Arasaka logo on it, she immediately guessed that Tang Yu must be here.

She knew from the beginning that Tang Yu would come, so she could remain calm and collected when faced with the siege of the Tiger Claw Gang.

With Tang Yu around, Gloria dared to let Judy go to Yunding to cause trouble and run wild on the territory of the Tiger Claw Gang.

Even if Maiko Maeda sincerely cooperates with Judy, Genting has almost no possibility of independence.

Compared with Judy's innocence and impulsiveness, Maeda Maiko obviously understands this truth better. Starting from inviting Judy to capture Yunding, this was Maiko's trap, hoping to take this opportunity to enter the high-level vision of the Tiger Claw Gang.

It’s just that she overestimated her status and power. Hiromi Sato’s position as the boss of Genting was not just based on strength.

Just like Gloria's ability to become a middleman, it doesn't all depend on her strength, but more importantly, there are people behind her.

Sato looked up and saw the Arasaka float. He immediately raised his hand to ask everyone to put down their weapons, and then stood upright, looking extremely respectful.

Because that high-end floating car is exclusively used by the Arasaka family, this means that it is very likely that someone from the Arasaka family is here in person.

As the leader of the Tiger Claw Gang, he knows the Arasaka family's exclusive vehicles very well.

When Judy saw Sato's exaggerated reaction, she squinted her eyes and looked at the floating car above her head through the rain screen. It belonged to the Arasaka Company. It probably had a lot of background. The person who made Sato so nervous was most likely a senior executive.

This may not be good news for them.

When Sasha saw the hovercar coming, she immediately sensed his presence. She immediately put away her lynx adamantium claws and wanted to get up and run over, but was held back by Gloria.

If the cat mask hadn't covered her expression, everyone would have been surprised. How happy are you that Arasaka is here?

Gloria saw Sasha turn back, so she shook her head seriously, signaling Sasha to remain silent.

Sasha understood and kept silent, but her polite gesture of putting away her diamond claws and folding her hands in front of her belly was completely different from the way she had been fighting just now.

The Arasaka float slowly landed on the rooftop, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

The car door was not opened, but Sato seemed to have received the order and walked to the side of the car frame, standing by it respectfully, not caring that the rain had soaked his suit all over.

I saw Sato nodding and bowing, saying "hi", and showing complete respect to the people in the box.

A few minutes later, after Sato made a 90-degree bow, the float vehicle started again, the four-column blue engine sprayed out, and the float vehicle slowly lifted into the air again and left the rooftop.

Sato waited for the Arasaka float to go away, then waved his hand and quickly left with the Tiger Claw Gang's men.

Judy, who was left stunned, looked at the situation in front of her in confusion, not knowing what was happening.

After an Arasaka hovercar flew over, it gave Sato a lesson, then disappeared without a trace, and then he was willing to let them go.

As the float vehicle left, the crisis had been resolved. Gloria quickly waved them off the rooftop and back to the Ritz Bar.

Only Maeda Maiko's body was left, still soaked in the rain and gradually turning white.

High in the sky on a rainy night, the Arasaka family float vehicle was slowly heading towards the North Oak area of ​​Westbrook.

In the luxurious and quiet box, there is a faint fragrance floating.

Michiko Arasaka was sitting on a soft sofa seat with her legs folded and a pair of red high heels tilted up, showing that the owner of the shoes seemed to be in a good mood.

Maybe it’s time after get off work, or maybe you’re in a private float vehicle.

Little Michiko looked very relaxed. The hem of her shirt was tucked into a close-fitting skirt. Two white buttons on her collar were casually unbuttoned, revealing a hint of white.

Opposite her.

Tang Yu sat calmly, holding a red wine glass in his hand and shaking it gently.

Little Michiko smiled lightly and said, "I think you care about those little girls."

Tang Yu saw that little Michiko was taking advantage of her and acted obediently, without even mentioning that he helped her take down the Tiger Claw Gang.

At that time, little Michiko was sitting in the car giving lectures, while Sato was waiting outside honestly. This respectful and obedient attitude already explained the situation. She successfully got the handle on the leader of the Tiger Claw Gang.

Tang Yu smiled calmly and said: "Director Michiko, this is a joke."

"There are so many girls in Night City, but you are the only one who is the jewel of the Arasaka family."

Little Michiko smiled interestingly: "My words are quite sharp, but I don't know if they are genuine."

Tang Yu took a sip of red wine and couldn't help complaining, you'll know after you try it.

Little Michiko seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said: "My grandfather's birthday is coming soon. Early next year, you will accompany me to Kyoto."

When Tang Yu heard that Michiko was going to take him to see Saburo Arasaka, he almost spit out a mouthful of old wine.

Fortunately, he was very good at swallowing the wine.

Michiko Arasaka stared at his handsome face, trying to get some clues from it.

Tang Yu caught this from the corner of his eye, reacted immediately, pretended to cough twice and said.

"I'm afraid it's not good to go to Kyoto to see Master Saburo."

At this moment, Saburo's old and terrifying face appeared in his mind, and his cataract-like eyes concealed viciousness and cruelty.

If Saburo found out that there was something fishy, ​​the end would be a very ugly death.

A trace of doubt flashed in Arasaka Michiko's eyes, and then she asked with a smile.

"What's wrong? If you think your rank is not enough, I'll tell you. Susan Abernathy has always been against you, why don't you try her position?"

Tang Yu was thinking in his mind, what exactly was Xiao Michiko planning to go to see Saburo Arasaka?

I have never experienced this in my previous life. I can't just take him to meet his parents. Little Michiko is also a mother. She has never had a child after so many years of marriage.

Tang Yu quickly suppressed his thoughts that were flying around, and kept constant in response to all changes. He first stabilized little Michiko.

Not just meeting Saburo.

Not false!

Rebecca: Ah~ it’s instant noodle sauce! How have you been?

Instant Noodles: ‘Tianqi Lei’ rewards the protector, Rebecca-chan, please help me think of how to thank them!

Rebecca: You think about it! pauper! (Than the middle finger)

Rebecca: Instant noodles, you could say. ‘Tian Qirei’, I am instant noodles. Nice to meet you. Stop winking at the old lady and come dance with me!

Instant noodles:.

Rebecca: But then again, instant noodles’ dance moves are super bad.


No more tonight.

Thank you to all the generous donors for the rewards.

Sky Drive Thunder 300.00

Nuclear Cyborg 6.00

Numb fully automatic voting machine, Qidian Reading iOS 1.00

Desmond 10.00

ShiunShiang 10.00

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