Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 152 The new boss lady

Arasaka Tower.

Counterintelligence Department on the 33rd floor.

David Martinez is packing up his desk to get off work.

He had already received news from Gloria, saying that his cousin, a distant relative, had left and he could go home.

David basically spent this time at the company and didn't go to the hotel much to save money.

But recently, he really doesn't have much work on his hands, so he just helps other colleagues deal with some less important urgent matters.

Many colleagues around him recognized the intern David's character when they saw him working so hard.

A handsome guy who doesn't like to talk much and just works hard is a treasure to these company veterans.

With David helping me in the counter-intelligence department, everyone felt comfortable using it.

After all, David can help with some trivial matters that do not involve their respective core businesses.

The key point is that David's background is unpredictable to them. It is rare for him to have a relationship with Boss Tang and work so diligently.

Colleagues in the Counterintelligence Department knew this very well and had basically acquiesced in the possibility that David would join the Counterintelligence Department of Arasaka Company after his internship.

Just as David finished packing and was about to get off work with his briefcase, he was stopped by Sister Fengqing.

Sister Fengqing sat on the office chair, turned around and took David's arm, smiling meaningfully: "David, I will get off work later. Lizzy Bar is renovated and reopened today. Come and have fun with us later."

After Sister Fengqing finished speaking, several colleagues in the office not far away waved to him. There were both men and women with smiles on their faces. It was obvious that there were quite a few people in this office tonight.

David was a little confused, his eyes were full of red bloodshot eyes, and working overtime all night made his brain a little unable to move. Even though there were so many beauties in Lizi Bar, he still couldn't do anything.

He really wanted to go back and take a nap now, but he was too embarrassed to refuse his colleague's invitation, so he could only force out a smile.

"Well then let's go together."

It didn't take long.

Several colleagues from the Arasaka Counter-Intelligence Department set off one after another. In order to avoid being noticed, they deliberately staggered their off-duty hours and made an appointment to meet in the small square of Lizzy Bar.

David followed Sister Fengqing over. He sat in the passenger seat. It was his first time sitting in a luxury supercar, so he was a little cautious.

He just discovered today that Sister Fengqing's family background should be unusual, and she could actually afford to drive an expensive supercar to work.

Sister Fengqing was very casual, holding the steering wheel with one hand and moving slowly along with the rush hour traffic.

She glanced at David and saw his sluggish look. She couldn't help but smile charmingly and said, "Be like a man. It's your first time to go to Lizzie. You can't say no."

David's face suddenly turned red. He remembered the scene of secretly watching Mewtwo at home, and said with some embarrassment: "Uh, I know."

Sister Fengqing chuckled and explained: "This time Lizzy Bar has reopened. It is said that a high-quality new Mewtwo has been released. Many stinky men are waiting in line."

David asked curiously: "Is the renovation and opening of Lizzy Bar related to the conflict between the Tiger Claw Gang?"

Sister Fengqing nodded and explained: "Well, after the fight between Mox and the Tiger Claw Gang, the two sides seemed to have reached some agreement."

"Both gangs have undergone major personnel changes. The boss of Mox and Lizzy's Bar have both been replaced."

"I heard that the new landlady of Lizzy is a red-haired beauty."

Red hair?

David felt a little weird inexplicably, but he just thought about it for a while and then closed his mouth.

Today is a lively day.

Lizzy Bar has undergone a new round of renovations and is about to be reopened.

Gloria wore a long dark red dress that showed off her plump curves. She was greeting the girls from Mox, who were busy preparing for the opening in the bar.

Seeing that all the preparations were being carried out in an orderly manner, she wiped the beads of sweat on her forehead, turned and walked towards the basement computer room.

When she walked to a deserted place, Gloria released the breath that had been holding her belly, and her belly was slightly protruding.

Gloria couldn't help but lament that the cold weather made it easy to gain weight.

She came to the basement computer room and saw Judy and Xiao Taimei chatting about something.

When Judy saw Gloria coming, she raised her head and smiled and said, "You're here. I just have an idea. Let's talk about it."

The three of them started discussing in the basement computer room.

After Mox experienced the battle with the Tiger Claw Gang on a rainy night, Tang Yu intervened on behalf of Arasaka Company, and the two parties reached an agreement on conditions.

First, the two gangs stopped escalating their fight and stopped attacking each other.

Secondly, the two families have clearly divided their respective spheres of influence and territory. The streets centered on Lizzy Bar are Mox's territory. People from the Tiger Claw Gang are not allowed to enter, nor are they allowed to interfere with the street girls' business.

Third, the Phoenix Club in Kabukicho and the street shops originally owned by the Tiger Claw Gang were allowed to open, and the Mox Gang were not allowed to intervene.

Fourth, the Tiger Claw Gang permanently recognizes that Lizzy Bar belongs to the Mox Gang.

Fifth, Mox permanently recognizes that Genting is owned by the Tiger Claw Gang. In addition, couples who do not want to stay in Genting can leave on their own without the Tiger Claw Gang intervening.

The establishment of these terms quickly helped Mox gain unprecedented status and security.

Many girls working at Lizzy are full of smiles. It is their dream to have a safe place to do business.

Lizzy's Bar is reborn, and the Mox Gang is reborn.

The little girl said proudly: "This time, the security of the entire Lizi has been strengthened, and several machine gun turrets have been installed. Let's see who dares to cause trouble in the future. We also have ruthless guys to give them a try."

Judy seemed to have gotten rid of those hazes, and she smiled brightly and said with a smile: "Liz is not that dangerous."

She looked at Gloria and asked softly: "What's going on with the Tiger Claw Gang? Have you talked to them?"

Gloria explained: "Well, the negotiation has ended. The leader of the Tiger Claw Gang, Sato, is willing to accept this result. The two families are evenly matched. Fortunately, Mox has gained more living space."

Judy's eyes were full of gratitude and she said softly: "Thankfully you are here, otherwise we wouldn't know what to do."

The little girl also agreed very much and said with a smile: "That's right, without Gloria, there would be no Mox and Lizzy Bar today."

"While Lizzy Bar is preparing to open today, it's a good time to introduce our new owner of Lizzy Bar to our customers. Judy, what do you think?"

When Judy heard this suggestion, a flash of light flashed in her eyes, and she immediately praised: "Yes, our new boss lady Lizzy will definitely impress everyone."

Gloria smiled helplessly and said, "Don't make fun of me, you guys. I feel like my head is too busy and one brain is simply not enough."

Just after the rainy night battle not long ago, Mox won the counterattack against the Tiger Claw Gang, and both gangs underwent huge personnel changes.

For the Tiger Claw Gang, Sato, with the support of Arasaka, became the veritable number one leader in the gang.

Several other senior members of the Tiger Claw Gang are either dead or not strong enough to compete with Sato.

Hiromi Sato continued to serve as the owner of Genting Club and was not severely punished for Maiko Maeda's rebellion.

The Mox Gang also underwent huge changes.

First, Suzy Q, the owner of Lizzy Bar, died in a car accident, leaving the boss position vacant.

Secondly, the official members of the Mox Gang grew to more than a thousand. After the rainy night battle, many girls applied to join the Mox Gang.

Mox also followed the notice and accepted all comers as his help.

There are also many girls who did not choose to join Mox, but came to support and vent their ill-will towards the Tiger Claw Gang.

Without the constraints of Suzy Q, the Mox Gang's numbers expanded rapidly.


For the first time, Mox introduces the girls' recognized eldest sister, Mox's little sister, Rita Wheeler.

Little sister Wheeler's performance in Mox and her courage to protect the girls against the Tiger Claw Gang were unanimously recognized by everyone in Mox.

Little sister Rita Wheeler plays the role of Mox's eldest sister, and everyone is convinced.

Then, with the push of Judy and Little Taimei, it was a foregone conclusion that Gloria became the owner of Lizzie Bar.

Gloria met the proprietress of Lizzie Bar and lamented that everything was exactly as Mr. Tang expected.


Things were going in the direction Tang Yu envisioned from the beginning.

That day in front of the hot food house, Tang Yu asked her if she wanted to open a custom shop.

Gloria was still confused at the time and had no idea that she would be running the famous Lizzy Bar.

Investigating the kidnapping of Jotaro Shoho, the Tiger Claw gang denounced Mox, and the Mox girls rose up in resistance until the top brass of the Arasaka Company stepped down to calm the situation.

Everything is moving in a certain direction, which is to promote Gloria to become the owner of Lizzie Bar.

But Gloria understands that being the owner of Lizzie’s Bar is not easy.

She had done some research on Lizzy Bar before and reviewed the profit model of Lizzy Bar in detail.

Only then did I realize that Susie Q's ruthless approach made sense. She sternly rejected Judy and was unwilling to attract more street girls into Lizzy.

Not only to prevent Judy from being too popular, but more importantly due to financial considerations, Lizzy really can't afford to support so many "idle" people.

The main business of Lizzy Bar is to provide Chaomeng and supporting special services. The survival of the Chaomeng editor of Lizzy Bar falls entirely on Judy alone.

It is no exaggeration to say that Judy relied on her superb Mewtwo skills to support half of Lizzy.

As for the supporting special services, you need high-quality girls. Not only do the implants need to feel real, but they also have to be good-looking.

Some girls on the streets simply don't meet the requirements, and customers won't even look at them.

Lizzy Bar has no shortage of people serving tea and pouring wine, but it needs girls who are truly capable of serving.

Now that the number of Mokes has expanded to more than a thousand, the strength has grown, but it is really a false name.

The vast majority of girls have little fighting ability and no ability to make money, let alone provide funds for blood transfusions for gangs.

It is really a difficult task for Lizzy Bar to support such a large group of people.


Gloria thought further.

She wants to build Lizzy Bar into Tang Yu's exclusive intelligence network center, which is impossible without manpower.

These ordinary street girls can often get some important information without attracting any attention.

In addition to the rainy night battle, Mox also made a lot of money, and the money was enough for the girls to survive for a while.

After the renovation, Lizzy Bar has more functional divisions, including not only interior halls and private rooms, but also a high-end VIP area to provide higher-priced high-quality services.

In addition, the area of ​​Lizzy Bar has also been expanded a lot, the number of bar staff has increased, and the service capacity will also be improved accordingly.

So far, the situation is pretty good.

Under the active persuasion of Little Taimei and Judy, Gloria did not refuse, so she agreed to their invitation and personally presided over the opening as the new proprietress of Lizzy Bar.

Seeing Gloria agreeing, all three of them were happy.

Several people discussed other matters in the basement computer room.

Judy felt a little dizzy after hearing this, so she had no choice but to say with a smile.

"Okay, okay, I'm really not good at these things."

"Now Lizzy Bar has a new owner, and Mox has a new eldest sister. Shouldn't everything go to their own owners?"

"I'm just a technical worker. I'm only responsible for editing Chaomeng. You can decide the rest."

Judy put Mewtwo around her neck, suddenly thought of something, and said excitedly.

"I think this rainy night battle can be turned into a Mewtwo. I believe that such an exciting and rare confrontation with cold weapons will definitely be a great experience!"

Gloria thought this idea was a good one: "Yeah, and it's also very commemorative. This is Mewtwo that belongs to Mox."

Judy smiled happily, then sat on the leather chair and slid in front of the electronic screen.

"Well, then I'm going to get to work now."

"No one can disturb me."

"This time I have to put my mind down and create well!"

"After all, I haven't had such a pleasant time for a long time. I feel like all my worries have disappeared, and my creative inspiration has returned to my head."

The three of them all smiled, and after saying goodbye to Judy, Gloria and the little sister walked out of the basement computer room.

Prepare to return to the bar to host the opening.

There will be another chapter later.

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