Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 153 Mom, why are you here?

Lizzy Bar interior.

Gloria listened carefully to the girls' reports. The Mewtwo server equipment had been debugged. Lights, music, and the Mewtwo ring were all in place. Drinks were also available, enough for the entire audience to drink.

Little sister Rita Wheeler came to Gloria's side and asked, "How are you? It's almost time."

Seeing that preparations for the opening have been fully prepared, Gloria nodded: "There is basically no problem, we can open."

The little sister loudly summoned all the Lizi sisters present, and everyone stopped what they were doing and gathered around.

The little girl announced loudly in front of everyone present: "Sisters Lizzy, before we open, how about we ask the new proprietress to open a party?"

Everyone applauded and agreed with this decision.

Gloria smiled and agreed with everyone, and specially asked the bartender Matteo to fill the plates with wine.

When everyone had a glass, Gloria faced everyone, raised the glass in her hand, and made a grand announcement.

"Sister Lizzy!"


Then drink it all in one gulp.

Everyone also drank the wine in their glasses.

The business sign of Lizzy Bar lit up again, informing the whole Night City that the Lizzy sisters were back.

In order to welcome customers, everyone immediately became busy.

Many customers were already waiting in the small square outside the bar. When they saw the bar's sign light turn on again, they all became quiet and turned their attention to the main entrance of the bar.

I saw the gate slide open automatically.

Little sister Rita Wheeler led a group of Mox girls to the door and said with a bit of fierceness.

"Welcome to Sister Lizzy."

"Before entering, you have to declare some old rules."

Then someone answered loudly.

"We understand the rules!"

"No stealing, no touching, no taking drugs, and no free prostitution."

The little girl nodded with satisfaction and stepped aside: "That's right."

Start inviting customers in.

The crowd outside suddenly burst into cheers, and they walked towards the bar in a crowded crowd.

at this time.

A red supercar parked slowly outside the gate of the small square, and David got out of the car with Sister Fengqing.

Sister Fengqing turned her eyes around, activated the automatic parking function of the supercar, and searched for a nearby parking space.

She found that several other colleagues had not arrived yet, so she took David and stood on the street waiting.

David discovered that Lizzy Bar had newly opened today, and business was indeed booming. The small square was full of people, and there was a steady stream of customers walking into the bar outside.

Sister Fengqing took the initiative and said: "Don't worry, I have reserved a booth, but unfortunately the box is not open yet."

David knew little about this. He was under eighteen years old and had never been to a place like Lizzie Bar.

David saw a high-end off-road vehicle parked at the entrance of the small square. Then a few people got out and walked into the small square carrying several flower baskets that were about the same height as people.

Sister Fengqing explained: "It's someone from the Afterlife Bar."

Afterlife bar?

David was a little surprised.

Sister Fengqing pointed at Claire who was walking at the front and said, "Did you see the leader? It's the front desk of the Afterlife Bar."


Three more cars painted with blood-colored skeleton spiders pulled over, and four guys who looked like cyber zombies walked out, carrying a black box and walked into the small square.

Sister Fengqing held a cigarette between her fingers and said, "That's from the Uzumaki Gang."

David also knew something about the Whirlpool Gang, but he didn't expect them to come too.

It didn't take long.

A black business car drove to the small square, and two people in suits got out.

Sister Fengqing glanced at it and continued to introduce to David.

"It's the city hall car."

David became even more confused. He couldn't help but look at Lizzy Bar with admiration and asked curiously.

"Is Lizzy Bar so great? The reopening can bring so many people here to congratulate it."

Sister Fengqing explained: "That's because today's Mox Gang is different from the past. They have grown up and their strength cannot be underestimated, so they will naturally attract more attention."

"And the new landlady of Lizzy probably has a very complicated background. Just because she doesn't support the Tiger Claw Gang at all, it's obvious that she has an extraordinary background."

While the two were chatting, they saw that the Tiger Claw Gang also sent people to deliver flower baskets to Lizzy Bar, and then quickly turned back and left.


Many companies, gangs and reputable individuals have expressed their congratulations on the reopening of Lizzy Bar.

Only then did David understand that the existence of Lizzie Bar was far more than just a custom shop.

It takes two cigarettes.

Several colleagues from the Counterintelligence Department of Arasaka Company also arrived outside the small square. After they met, they prepared to enter together.

A male colleague saw that David was still wearing a suit for work and said with a smile: "David, why didn't you go back and change clothes? It's not like you came to work at Lizi."

Only then did David realize that other colleagues had changed their clothes, and they should have been prepared in the car.

Sister Fengqing said: "I think David is very handsome in this suit. Unlike you, you really stink when you wear formal clothes to work."

Everyone also laughed.

David followed his colleagues into the small square. Because Sister Fengqing had reserved a seat in advance, she didn't need to wait outside the door and walked directly to the door.

A cool colleague with short hair pointed at the back of a beautiful woman not far away from the main entrance of the bar, and asked doubtfully: "That one, she seems to be the new proprietress of the bar, right?"

Sister Fengqing also looked in the direction she pointed, and saw a curvy back with white shoulders.

"Red hair and red dress, maybe it is."

David also looked over curiously. It didn't matter if he didn't look at it. When he saw it, his heart skipped a beat and his whole body froze in place.

The familiar slightly curly red hair, the familiar figure and the back, as well as the extremely capable temperament when talking to everyone, are exactly the same as Gloria.

what happened?

David's whole head was confused.

Although he hadn't seen the front yet, his heart was already beating wildly, and the pressure caused by the back was definitely real.

You can’t go wrong!

David's legs felt a little weak, and he even staggered a little.

Mom, why are you here?

And became the proprietress of Lizzy Bar?

David felt like his whole body was torn apart, and his outlook on life was hit by an unprecedented huge impact.

The most important thing is not this. The most important thing is that his mother must not discover him.

If Gloria saw him coming to a place inappropriate for children like Ritz Bar, it would be too embarrassing when he got home.

My mother is the owner of a custom shop, and my son came to the shop without knowing it. I'm afraid there is nothing more stupid than this.

Think about this.

David's scalp was numb, his eyes were numb, and his toes were so tangled that they were about to tear out his shoes.

Sister Fengqing noticed something strange about David, waved her hand in front of his eyes, and quickly asked softly: "David, what's wrong?"

Only then did David react, and he laughed twice, feeling extremely guilty.

The male colleague next to him held David's shoulders, pushed him to move forward, and said proudly: "Men, there is a first time for everything. It's normal to be too nervous. It would be better if we did it a few more times. Ha ha."

A colleague echoed: "Indeed, I almost didn't get nervous when I first came here. David, you are a young man with a lot of energy and a lot of fire. Just relax, it will be fine."

Everyone burst into laughter, thinking that David was too nervous.

No matter how hard David resisted and struggled, he was finally surrounded by his colleagues and got closer and closer to the door of Lizzy Bar.

David no longer dared to look directly at the back, so he quickly picked up his briefcase and tried to cover his face.

that's all.

David was carried to the door of Lizzie Bar by everyone, and he hoped with all his heart that the familiar figure would never look back.


He heard Sister Fengqing take the initiative to say hello.

"Hello, are you the boss lady Lizi? I think you are so beautiful, especially your red hair. It's so pretty."

"Hello, beauty, it's nice to meet you. Welcome to Sister Lizzy. Just because of your appearance, I have to buy the drinks list today. Who made us so close to each other?"

The two complimented each other and laughed happily.

But this laughter was enough to make David's heart tremble. There was no doubt that the voice was his mother Gloria.

After Sister Fengqing chatted with Gloria for a while, David followed several colleagues from the counterintelligence department before continuing to walk towards the inner door of the bar.


A familiar voice came from behind him, with a slight threat in his tone.

"David, you must have fun"

David felt his whole body stiffen, and his head slowly turned back uncontrollably. He saw Gloria staring at him with a kind smile on her face.

He used all his strength to force out a forced smile, which was uglier than eating bitter melon, and replied with a guilty conscience: "I know."

After saying this, David almost lost his feet.

Surrounded by colleagues, several people walked towards the inner hall of Lizzy Bar.

"That's okay, David. He even knows the new proprietress of Lizzy Bar, so he won't make arrangements for everyone."

"David, please tell me the truth. Have you been to this Lizi many times? You are so good at pretending to be young. Even my sister was deceived by you."

"Yeah, he looks like a pretty solid guy. He might have a lot of trouble in his belly."

David felt extremely speechless in his heart. How could he not recognize his mother?

Everyone walked to the reserved booths in the inner hall, and then a waiter came forward to offer some free drinks and refreshments, and asked what to order.

Seeing David's sluggish appearance, a colleague next to him recommended The Wizard of Oz to him, promising to cheer him up.

David was completely absent-minded and could only nod stiffly in harmony with the rhythm of his colleagues.

Several people ordered drinks, and the male colleagues could not wait for the Mewtwo Ring to be served.

The female compatriots from Fengqingjie came down to the dance floor with wine glasses in hand and swayed to their heart's content.

David found that no matter how loud the music or the chaotic light, it could not affect his numb heart at this time.

Soon the bartender brought the Mewtwo Rings up, put them on one by one, and activated the strobe.

David passively put on the Mewtwo Ring and entered the Mewtwo World of The Wizard of Oz. Looking at the Baiyangdian all over the world, he felt no emotion in his heart.

A few minutes later.

The male colleagues have all taken off their Mewtwo Rings, slumped down on the sofa, entered the Sage Time, and completed the peak experience in their brains.

But he found that David beside him was motionless, sitting in his seat seriously, still immersed in the world of Chaomeng.

I couldn't help but give him a thumbs up.

at this time.

Outside Lizzy Bar.

Gloria was busy meeting some distinguished guests when she saw a brand new business car slowly drive into the small square, and Sasha came out.

She knew then that Mr. Tang was here.

So he pushed away the few people who came to congratulate him, got up and walked towards Sasha.

No more tonight.

Super Invincible would like to thank the financial backers of ‘ADKiss’ and ‘Shadow of Lawlessness’ for the huge reward today.

With so many rewards, it would be unjustifiable not to add instant noodles!

Try to add two updates on Monday, and try to add four chapters for fifteen thousand.

Now let’s get down to the details.

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