Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 155 I’m fine, really

In the carriage.

Gloria held the car door tightly with both hands, and almost half of her body fell in front of Tang Yu, saying nothing to let him open the door and get out of the car.

She closed her eyes tightly, surging impulses surging in her heart, her chest undulating violently like wind and waves, and she fell into some kind of extreme distress because of her reckless 'overstepping' of closing the door.

Gloria could no longer restrain her emotional impulse, and tears fell down unsatisfactorily.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of pictures and possibilities flashed through my mind.

She felt inferior, distressed, and longing.

Even if she is rejected, she doesn't care, at least it can give her a ride, that's all, nothing else.

Even the voice begging for him to be sent away could not help but tremble.

Tang Yu was also a little overwhelmed by Gloria's sudden lunge. The hand he was about to open the door was held tightly by her. It seemed that she was too nervous and he could even feel the warm sweat on her palm.

Tang Yu found that her tears fell on the cuffs of her shirt, soaking a corner.

Maybe all the explanations to her at the beginning were of no use. What she wanted was actually very simple.

Tang Yu took back his hand holding the doorknob and gently wiped away her warm and crystal tears.

Gloria's eyes went dark, and she suddenly felt the warmth of his fingertips, and then opened her tightly closed eyes.

Tang Yu's right hand slowly moved to her waist and held her waist firmly.

Gloria felt as if she was electrocuted. An electric current started from her waist and spread all over her body in an instant. Her whole body immediately went limp, completely immersed in the gentleness between her hands.

She couldn't use any strength in her whole body, she only felt dizzy in her head. The sudden touch made her completely fall into the most desired impulse in her heart.

She blocked it desperately, and just sat in her arms, hooking her with the snow-white Fengze's hands, wishing that he could be trapped in her heart.

It was he who saved himself from the car accident, it was he who changed his destiny, and it was he who supported him all the way to where he is today.

She knew that she was not worthy of Tang Yu, and that her status was not as good as any woman around him, but she had already dedicated her body and mind, and all she longed for was to be by his side.

Just like now, burning myself, giving him a ride.

Thanks to the vehicle's excellent sound insulation, the outside world can hardly hear any sound inside the cabin.

In addition, there was a lot of noise outside the small square, and even Sasha, who was standing waiting by the car door, didn't notice anything strange.

Sound can be isolated, but body bumps cannot be avoided.

Sasha stood obediently by the car door, and suddenly noticed that the car behind her began to shake.

She was a little confused and thought she had seen it wrong, but after careful confirmation, the car body did suddenly bump.

The car body shook inexplicably. It was slight at first, but then became a bit violent. This made her feel a little strange, and she even worried about the quality and safety of the car.

My newly purchased car didn't even start, so why did it suddenly start swaying?

Sitting inside were Mr. Tang and Gloria. Sasha would not pry in without Tang Yu's permission, although the car's anti-theft and anti-peeping capabilities were almost non-existent in her eyes.

The strange movements of the new car attracted the attention of some people around. Their eyes looked a little strange, as if the lady who just got in was the proprietress of Lizzy Bar. She couldn't be overthinking it.

Fortunately, everyone's attention was mainly focused on Lizzy Bar. Many people chatted at the door and waited in line for a while before entering, not paying much attention to the abnormality of the car.

It didn't take long.

The limousine suddenly turned on its lights, started the engine slowly, and drove directly away from the small square in front of Lizzie Bar.

Sasha looked at the direction the car was leaving, feeling more and more strange.

What surprised her was not that Mr. Tang drove away, but that there was something wrong with the car.

Could it be that the quality of the car is not good enough, why is it so bumpy when running?

Tang Yu took her to the store to choose this car. It was specially prepared for Gloria. He also specially purchased a fully equipped model and spent a lot of money.

At that time, car salesmen kept praising the car for its perfect performance in all aspects. It was among the best in the market in terms of earthquake resistance and bulletproofness, and its soundproofing and confidentiality measures were very impressive.

Sasha couldn't help but shake her head and lamented that car salesmen never told the truth. She seriously doubted that this car would probably fall apart if it kept bumping like this.

However, the sound insulation is still no problem. The conversation between Mr. Tang and Gloria in the car could not be heard even if they stood next to the car door.

Taking responsibility for Tang Yu's safety, Sasha turned her eyes and sent a message.

"Mr. Tang, Sasha feels that the quality of the car is not reliable. For your safety, I suggest you replace it with another car."

A moment later, she received a reply.

Tang Yu: "I'm fine, really."

at this time.

The limousine was driving on the ever-flowing road, shuttling between high-rise buildings in the city and passing through layers of neon lights.

The vehicle is completely in autonomous driving mode, following the traffic flow, speeding up and down, with bumps and ups and downs.

Since it is during peak hours after get off work, there are also queues waiting for traffic lights, and vehicles can only start and stop.

When encountering a red light, vehicles stop and wait.

When the light turns green, the vehicle accelerates and continues toward its destination.

The vehicles drove around the streets of Night City, taking in the colorful evening scenery.

In the sky, the fiery red clouds gradually dimmed, the bright moon gradually rose again, and the night gradually enveloped the entire Night City.

Although the car had a destination, it wandered aimlessly through the streets until it suddenly braked.

The limousine stopped steadily in front of a high-end apartment in Little Chinatown, where Tang Yu usually lived.

The vehicle's red taillights illuminate.

It didn't take long.

The right door opened slowly and automatically, and Tang Yu stepped out.

After getting out of the car, he tied the collar of his shirt with one hand, then looked back at the scene inside the car, shook his head helplessly, and closed the door.

The vehicle started slowly again and drove towards Santo Domingo.

at this time.

Lizzy Bar.

David was sitting in a booth in the bar, feeling uneasy and feeling like he was sitting on pins and needles.

As for the Mewtwo I just watched, it didn't leave the slightest impression in my mind.

Despite the heated discussion among several colleagues around him, he remained silent and focused on the door of the bar.

When colleagues saw David's absent-minded state, they thought he might be too nervous and suppressed himself.

Young people always want to save face, so it's normal that they can't let go.

The colleagues did not continue to tease David, but each picked up a glass of wine and drank freely. From time to time, he would ask a girl to dance a song together.

David frowned, feeling inexplicably uneasy and worried. He always felt that Gloria was hiding something from him.

In fact, he was not afraid that his mother would blame him for coming to Lizzie. After all, he had started to work and was not young anymore. It was normal to hang out with colleagues in bars.

Just tell Gloria that the purpose of coming to the Ritz party is to strengthen interpersonal relationships among colleagues, and I believe she will understand.

What really worries David is how Gloria suddenly changed from a retired single mother to the new proprietress of Lizzy Bar.

This really puzzled him.

If mom is the boss’s wife, then who is the boss? And who supported her to become the boss’s wife?

For David Martinez, this is the number one unsolved mystery.

David felt more and more strange.

I think of my mother's recent abnormal behavior. She is often away from home, sometimes comes back in the middle of the night, is inexplicably generous, and even kicks him out of the house for a while, saying that distant relatives are coming to play.

After David figured it out, he immediately realized that this was all his mother's excuse to hide the truth.

He would never believe that his upright mother had used shady means to become the proprietress of Lizzy.

In David's impression, no matter how poor they were, Gloria never asked anyone for help, but bore all the burdens with great hardship.

I often work multiple jobs and am so busy that I feel so exhausted that when I get home, I am so exhausted that I am speechless.

They have lived like this for more than ten years.

From the beginning to the end, Gloria's biggest hope was to get him to join Arasaka Company.

Now this hope is almost within reach.

Since the car accident, Gloria has left her job and stayed at home, and I have never seen her go out to find a new job. Why did she suddenly become so successful?

Car accident?

David immediately thought of something.

All the abnormalities in Gloria began after the car accident.

After the car accident, he had an extremely realistic dream that completely changed his thoughts and even the trajectory of his destiny.

He had kept this matter buried in his heart and never mentioned it to anyone, not even to his mother.

Did she also change something after the car accident?

David suddenly felt that he had found the reason. It must be the car accident that made his mother make changes.

Gloria kept these changes secretly from herself.

David didn't know how she became the proprietress of Lizzie, but he believed in Gloria and wanted to know the whole story.

He suddenly stood up, attracting the attention of his colleagues.

"David, what's wrong? Are you going back? Let's sit down for a while. It's not even done yet."

"That's it, I want to give you two more Mewtwo movies, but we can't do that, haha."

David had no choice but to explain: "I'm going to the toilet and I'll be back later."

After saying that, David stood up, left the booth, and walked toward the door.

When I arrived outside the bar, I found that it was already dark, and the people who had previously lined up had all entered, leaving only the purple neon lights illuminating the small square in front of me.

He looked around and didn't see Gloria. Only a few girls from Mox stood guard at the door, smoking and chatting.

"Isn't Lizi opening today? Why haven't I seen anyone yet?"

David scratched his head. He originally wanted to explain it to Gloria and then ask her about her situation.

When the girl from Mox next to her saw David, she couldn't help but smile and said: "Handsome boy, haven't you had enough fun at Lizi? Seeing that you are so handsome, my sister can accompany you for a while."

David then turned around and politely replied: "Thank you, thank you, everything is fine with Lizzy."

"I just want to ask, are you boss ladies here?"

Miss Mox looked at David warily and remained silent.

David was worried that she might have misunderstood, so he quickly explained: "I've known her since I was very young, and I even said hello to her before. Don't worry."

Then Miss Mox relaxed and said, "Young man, our landlady doesn't accept customers. If you want to have fun, just go to the bar and choose."

"Seeing that you are quite honest, a trolley came and picked up the proprietress. It's been about a few hours, and that's all I know."

Picked up?

David was a little surprised and asked.

"Sister, do you know who picked him up?"

Miss Mox said impatiently: "Who knows, but that car seems a bit strange. It looks very new, but it runs very bumpy. Maybe there is something wrong with the brakes. If you buy this kind of car, I'm afraid it will be a problem." Taken advantage of."

Particularly crazy?

David was a little confused, so he thanked him, looked around, and found nothing, so he turned back to the bar.

He walked into the bathroom and washed his face next to the sink, trying to clean himself up.

Gloria gets into a brand new car and disappears on the opening day of Ritz Bar, which worries David.

He knew that people in Lizzie Bar were complicated and complicated, and just for congratulations on today's opening, there were people from all walks of life.

If you meet a bad person, you may be in danger.

He thought over and over again and decided to make a phone call to inquire about the situation.

David rolled his eyes, brought up the contact interface, and dialed Gloria's contact number.

After two beeps, the phone was hung up directly.

David was a little surprised, why did he hang up the phone? Was he busy with something?

He thought for a while and decided to send a message first to check the situation.

David Martinez: “Mom, are you busy?”

Soon, the text message came back.

Gloria Martinez: "Yeah, I'm busy. I'm fine here, really."

When David saw that there was a reply, he felt much more at ease, as long as he could be contacted, so he continued to reply.

David Martinez: "Okay, Mom, I'll go back and explain to you what happened today. I'm almost done here. I'm going home to wait for you. I stayed at the company for several nights and just changed my clothes."

Gloria Martinez: "Well, don't go home yet. That cousin hasn't left yet. She wants to stay here for a few more days. You will stay out for a few days. I will transfer the money to you. Don't talk about it yet. I’m busy.”

David was a little confused. Didn't he just say that his cousin had left today? Why did he change his story and say he was staying?

He was confused. She was lying to him again, but what was she doing at home?

David really couldn't figure it out.

However, judging from the content of the message, Gloria probably did not pursue him regarding the Lizzy Bar matter. He would have to have a good communication with her after a while.

David's plan was decided, so he replied.

David Martinez: "I understand, Mom, please be safe. The sister at the door said there seems to be something wrong with the car you are riding in."

Gloria Martinez: "."

When David learned that he had to spend the night outside again today, he simply returned to the bar booth.

After three rounds of drinking.

The gathering of several colleagues from the Counterintelligence Department was almost over, and they began to say goodbye and leave one by one.

David, who had always been honest and not good at drinking, was so drunk that he got drunk, his head was spinning, and he got into the car in a daze, and then drove away.

at this time.

Santo Domingo Valley District.

A black limousine parked slowly under the super skyscraper H4, with its red taillights on, but no movement was seen.

After a long time.

The car door was slowly pushed open. A beautiful woman in a silk dark red dress held the car door with one hand and the door frame with the other. She slowly raised her legs and took steps. Her slow movements seemed a bit weak.

She had a slightly larger black suit draped over her shoulders, and her slightly curly red hair looked a bit messy. After getting off the car, she deliberately wrapped her coat in front of her body, trying to cover up a mark on her white skin, which looked like the shape of a tooth.

What was unusual was that her face was extremely rosy, like a ripe apple, and she looked drunk.

Gloria did not close the door immediately after getting out of the car. Instead, she leaned against the car door and rested her head on her arms, as if she wanted to rest for a while and regain some strength.

I don't know what he thought of, but his tired expression suddenly showed a hint of smile.

Perhaps recalling the madness just now, or perhaps feeling unprecedented satisfaction, she smiled meaningfully.

After resting for a moment by the car door, Gloria felt that her dizziness had eased a lot. She then gently closed the car door, turned her prosthetic eye circles, activated the automatic parking function, parked the car in the underground parking lot, and then wrapped herself in her suit jacket. building.

She arrived at the door of her home, authenticated her identity, and the door automatically opened. When she entered the house, she saw Sasha preparing dinner at home.

When Sasha saw Gloria coming back, she happily greeted her. Tang Yu arranged for her to continue living with Gloria. After the two left, she came here on her own, and it happened that the access control identity authentication was complete. There is.

Facing the gentle and lovely Sasha, Gloria felt a little guilty for no reason, and greeted Sasha with a smile.

She was thinking that Sasha, such a beautiful and lovely girl, must be very happy working with Tang Yu as a company assistant.

Sasha put down what she was doing and said with concern: "It's night and the weather is getting cold. Sasha can go get you a coat."

She noticed that the suit jacket Gloria was wearing belonged to Tang Yu, and thought that Tang Yu was worried that Gloria would catch a cold. After all, the degree of cyberization was not high, and there was not much difference from ordinary people in all aspects, so she was prone to cold. subject to heat.

Gloria quickly waved her hands and declined politely. She could just do such a small thing by herself.

I don’t know why, but the more innocent and lovely Sasha is, the more guilty she feels.

Sasha noticed that there seemed to be scars on her collar, like scratches or bruises from foreign objects, and there were red spots on her neck. She couldn't help but wonder: "Is it injured? If it's inconvenient, Sasha I can help you apply the medicine."

Gloria was suddenly startled, quickly wrapped her coat tighter, walked to the bathroom with a sneer, and said, "Thank you Sasha, I can just do it by myself. I'm fine, really."

After saying that, he hid in the bathroom and closed the door. Soon there was the sound of water pouring from the showerhead.

Sasha felt a little strange, but didn't think much about it and continued to prepare the meal.

By the time she had prepared the meal, Gloria had just finished washing up, changed into a pair of clean pajamas and pajamas, and wrapped herself tightly, which was completely different from the silky suspenders before.

Sasha placed the dishes and chopsticks and invited Gloria to sit down and eat together.

After Gloria wiped her damp red hair with a towel, she rolled it twice on her head, and then said thank you to Sasha.

The two of them were eating.

Gloria hesitated for a moment and suddenly asked: "Sasha, is there anything you want to buy?"

Perhaps to make up for it, or perhaps to alleviate her guilty feeling, she decided to make it up to Sasha.

Sasha looked at Gloria and thought for a while, then answered simply: "Sasha doesn't need anything, there's nothing to buy."

Gloria changed her approach and continued to ask: "Then what do you want?"

Sasha thought about it again and replied seriously: "As for things, I really don't want anything."

Gloria was a little surprised. She felt that a cute and beautiful girl like Sasha was so different. Maybe this was the reason why Tang Yu chose her.

"Aside from things, what is your favorite thing to do?"

Sasha almost blurted out this question: "Sasha's favorite thing is to listen to Mr. Tang play the piano and tell stories, and then watch Mr. Tang enjoy the food cooked by Sasha!"

Gloria saw Sasha's innocent look and her beautiful eyes, which always shone like fireworks when talking about Tang Yu.

"Well, I can't play the piano, but I can tell some stories. If you want to hear it, I can tell you how I met Mr. Tang."

As soon as Sasha heard Gloria talk about how they met, she wanted to know everything about Tang Yu. Such opportunities were too rare.

Her understanding of Tang Yu was limited to work and some basic information, and she knew nothing about his life experience and past.

It would be great to learn something from Gloria.

But she was a little hesitant. After all, Tang Yu didn't allow her to hear these things: "If you tell me, will Mr. Tang be angry?"

Gloria thought about it, and as long as it didn't involve work and the story in the car, Tang Yu most likely wouldn't care. After all, Sasha was already the closest person to him.

But it was not good to make her own decisions, so she decided to ask.

She immediately sent a message to Tang Yu and received a reply soon, which meant that it was okay if Sasha wanted to listen.

Gloria couldn't help but smile a little more when she received Tang Yu's immediate reply.

Seeing her smile, Sasha asked expectantly: "Did Mr. Tang agree?"

Gloria nodded.


The two of them finished the meal in a hurry.

Sasha went to the bathroom to wash up first, while Gloria was responsible for clearing the dishes.

With the cooperation of the two, it didn't take long before they were lying in the same bedroom.

They were covered with quilts and their four eyes were staring at the ceiling.

Sasha asked excitedly: "Can we start? Sasha is ready."

Under Sasha's reminder, many scenes emerged in Gloria's mind, which were vividly remembered.

It has been so long since these things happened, but they are still fresh in my memory as if they happened just yesterday.

She started from the cause of the car accident, telling how David damaged the equipment of Arasaka Academy, and then on their way home from Arasaka Tower, they encountered the Animal Gang attacking Tang Yu, and a serious car accident occurred.

Until Tang Yu rescued the mother and son, and triggered a series of subsequent stories.

Car accident, rescue, Sean Westan, Mann's team, Ember Restaurant, the first commission, journey to the Badlands, Company Plaza, Lizzy Bar, and the secret that cannot be told, etc.

Everything is the first time in her life and the most profound memory in her life.

As Gloria told it, more thoughts about Tang Yu gradually emerged in Sasha's mind.

He really has more than one side.

In fact, Sasha also did a lot of things with Tang Yu, but she also envied the relationship between Gloria and Tang Yu. It sounded like Tang Yu would always protect her at critical moments.

After listening to Gloria's story, Sasha also felt a strong desire to share it, but the prohibition in her mind prevented her from mentioning it at all.

Even Gloria was curious and asked her about it, but Sasha made it clear that she didn't know.

Perhaps because he hadn't heard enough of the story, Sasha suddenly turned his head, looked at Gloria seriously and asked, "Are those wounds on your neck left by Mr. Tang?"

Gloria: "."

This girl seems to have a simple mind, but she has such keen observation. Is she really a cat?

Gloria pulled up some quilt and covered half of her face. She didn't know whether she should say it or not. It was too embarrassing to be asked this question by Sasha.

There was silence for a while.

She asked first: "Then do you and Mr. Tang have that?"

Sasha wondered: "Which one?"

Gloria: "."

It seemed that Sasha really didn't know anything, but because of this, Gloria felt a little happy.

Maybe she was his first time.

Gloria couldn't help but think of the blushing and heart-pounding scenes in the carriage again. The stamina was so great that she had to at least rest for a while.

Both of them are natives, and their experience is completely different from that of cybernetic prosthetics, which makes Gloria a little embarrassed.

"Then what is the most intimate thing Mr. Tang has ever done to you?"

Sasha said decisively: "Touch my head. Sasha likes Mr. Tang to touch my head the most."

"Sasha knows about the intimate state, but Mr. Tang hasn't used it yet."

Gloria suddenly understood and immediately understood: "So it's good to touch your head like this. It's better than covering your head."

Cover your head?

Sasha didn't understand.

Gloria turned sideways to face Sasha, held her hand, and asked seriously: "Sasha, do you like Mr. Tang?"

Sasha also turned sideways, facing Gloria and nodded seriously: "Yeah, Sasha likes it."

Gloria advised bluntly: "Then you have to hurry up. As far as I know, there is more than one person targeting Mr. Tang. When he comes back from a business trip this time, you must capture him!"

Sasha was a little confused about how to take down Mr. Tang, so he asked seriously: "Then what should I do?"

Gloria spoke firmly: "When you find a suitable opportunity to be alone, just pounce on it, and you will make good use of it later."

Sasha thought about it carefully and realized that there were quite a few opportunities to be alone with Tang Yu. Can he really pounce on them and take advantage of them?

The key point is that Mr. Tang always looks serious. Should he attack him at home, in the office, or in the car?

Sasha looked a little confused.

One of them dares to teach, the other really dares to learn.

Watson District, Little Chinatown, high-end apartments.

Tang Yu had just taken a shower and dried his hair. He walked to the fitting electronic screen and put on a new white shirt, tied a black tie, and arranged his clothes in an orderly manner.

Having just finished a hearty battle, I really feel that my whole body has become more enlightened.

At this moment, he wanted to smoke a cigarette and listen to some music to relax.

Gloria can solve lower body problems, but not upper body problems.

He is about to leave for Kyoto to meet Saburo Arasaka, but he doesn’t know what the outcome will be.

The main reason was that Michiko Arasaka didn't know the details, which made him a little unsure and inevitably made him feel unsafe.

But if you think about it carefully, you can probably make several judgments.

The first possibility is to simply take him to see Saburo Arasaka. This possibility is extremely low.

At the level of little Michiko, everything she does has deep meaning.

Taking him to see Saburo Arasaka for no reason had no effect, and Saburo didn't need him as a junior high-level executive of the Night City branch to wish him a birthday.

The second possibility is that little Michiko saw that he had made a great contribution and sincerely took him to see Saburo Arasaka to pave the way for his promotion. I am afraid there will be no such pie in the world. Whoever believes it will be stupid.

The third possibility is that Michiko wants to plot something, such as recommending herself to Saburo Arasaka, which will arouse Arasaka Yorinobu's dissatisfaction with her. When Yorinobu comes to Night City, he will definitely label himself as a heretic. It would be impossible for him not to follow little Michiko by then.

This possibility is very high. Rumors of Yori Xuan coming to Night City have spread so much that even if it is against Saburo's wishes, he will go to Night City to look for opportunities to resist Saburo.

If there is a fourth possibility, Tang Yu only thinks of one thing. Xiao Michiko wants to recommend herself to Saburo and become his alternative physical container.

This possibility cannot be ruled out.

According to Tang Yu's understanding, Saburo Arasaka was born a long time ago, and there was no such thing as cybernetic transformation when he was young.

Moreover, Saburo himself does not like to implant a large number of cybernetic bodies. The prosthetic body on his body is only to maintain life operation so that he can continue to live in this world until the opportunity of eternal life comes.

As a rare native body, Tang Yu seems to be very suitable as a new container in terms of appearance and physical fitness.

If that were the case, his trip to Arasaka's old house in Kyoto would be extremely dangerous.

If the old man Saburo takes a fancy to him, wouldn't it be impossible to escape?

If it didn't work, he could only pretend to be sick and hide it. He thought of the super bacteria sample specially taken from Lao Wei and cultivated by a biotechnology company.

If it doesn't work out, bring some backup. You should be able to withstand it with the talent of 'Perseverance', and you should be able to recover over time, as long as your immune system is strong enough.

after all.

After such a kidney-damaging exercise just now, I almost didn’t feel tired or exerted any strength, which shows that my foundation is still very strong.

He put the small capsule box containing the superbug specimen in his pocket in case of emergency.

For birthday wishes, I don’t know if I should prepare some surprises for Saburo.

But then I thought about it, I still have to be more restrained in other people's lair, and this Hongmen Banquet has to be played according to the situation.

Just as Tang Yu was thinking about whether to send a message to Lucy, Rebecca, Aunt Mei, Judy, and Panan before going to Beijing.

But I thought about it and held it back.

Now is not the time to plant flags. We will wait until we get back.

Especially Lucy. I don’t know what’s happened to her recently. She’s always avoiding him. Could it be that something happened to her?

After living several lifetimes, he found that women's thoughts were the most difficult to guess.


He received a message from little Michiko.

"Let's go now."

Tang Yu suddenly looked outside the balcony. A black Arasaka float car was slowly descending in mid-air, spraying blue tail flames, and huge air waves blew around it.

He tied the last button of his suit with one hand, and after confirming that the details of his outfit were correct, he stood up and walked out of the apartment, taking the public elevator downstairs.

Arriving at the street front of the building, I saw that the Arasaka armed aerial vehicle formation had cleared away the surrounding crowd, guarding the black Arasaka family aerial vehicle in the middle.

The floating car door slowly opened up and down, and the base extended to the ground. Little Michiko was sitting in the car, wearing a traditional cherry blossom-colored kimono with a small butterfly waist pillow tied behind her waist. She looked at him calmly, smiling and waving gently.

This was the first time Tang Yu saw little Michiko wearing a kimono, but her face was more Western, and to a certain extent more like her mother. This outfit was somewhat inconsistent with her temperament.

The Arasaka elite team was guarding the car door, waiting quietly.

Tang Yu sauntered forward, climbed directly onto the base, and walked into the floating carriage.

The floating door slowly closed, the engine spurted blue flames, and the vehicle gradually lifted into the air.

The elite teams also boarded armed aerostats and set sail to follow. Under the escort of a flying formation composed of multiple armed aerostats, the convoy drove towards higher altitudes.

There will be another chapter later, and I'm trying to get two chapters.

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