Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 156 Arasaka Manor

January 1, 2077.

Suburbs of Kyoto.

In the courtyard of Arasaka Manor, Chinese-style green tiles, red columns and white walls stand. The open garden is paved with clean and tidy gray and white gravel. Not far away, there are weeping willows and cherry blossoms by the pond and lake, which fully display the classical aesthetics and garden style.

Tang Yu was holding a hot tea cup, sitting under the wooden eaves, admiring the sunset alone.

It had been a few days since he arrived at Kyoto's Arasaka Manor in Michiko's special car.

These days.

Tang Yu always stayed alone in this courtyard. He had nothing to do but drink tea and keep healthy.

After little Michiko arrived at the Arasaka Residence, she disappeared without a trace. She might have gone to report to Saburo Arasaka in advance, or she might have returned to her own exclusive residence.

Occasionally, he would come to visit Tang Yu, but he never stayed for a long time and didn't say anything extra. He just let Tang Yu have a good rest in the courtyard. If he felt bored, he could arrange for a few butterfly beauties to accompany him.

Tang Yu understood Xiao Michiko's kindness.

Although this old Arasaka house is nice, it is not fun to visit. If you see something you shouldn't see, you will inevitably cause trouble.

The purpose of his trip was very clear, which was to survive until Saburo Arasaka's birthday and return to Night City safely.

Try to stay away from everything that happens in the Arasaka family and not get involved.

Now in this Arasaka Manor, not only the famous Saburo Arasaka lives, but also Hanako Arasaka, Yorinobu Arasaka, Michiko Arasaka, and other related members of the Arasaka family.

There are eyeliners and ninjas everywhere, and any slightest sign of trouble will fall into the ears of Saburo Arasaka.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads.

At this critical moment, it is always right to be cautious.

Now Tang Yu suddenly understood the mood of his old boss Arthur Jenkins. He was far away, but he was thinking about things at home.

I don’t know what’s going on at the Arasaka Tower Counter-Intelligence Department. Jenkins has been on a business trip for almost two months and there is no sign of coming back. He doesn’t know what he is busy with outside.

Deputy Minister Kate is temporarily in charge of the Counterintelligence Department, and is probably still thinking of ways to find his own tail.

Not many people knew about the fact that he came to Kyoto's Arasaka Manor to celebrate Saburo's birthday.

After all, he was going to meet the top executive of Arasaka Company. These matters were top secret information and were not allowed to be leaked at will.

Gloria knew this, and there were certain risks involved.


He received an instant message and opened the contact interface to view it.

[David Martinez: Mr. Tang, happy New Year! 】

Tang Yu was a little surprised that David would be the first person to send New Year's greetings.

The time in Night City should have just reached midnight now, so this kid is quite thoughtful.

I think it has been almost three months since David interned in the Counterintelligence Department. When he returns home, he will finish his internship and attend the graduation ceremony to officially graduate.

Before that, let's see which company he can get a letter of appointment from, but Tang Yu thought that it would most likely be Arasaka Company.

Tang Yu replied: "Happy New Year. Remember to write your company internship report carefully."

[David Martinez: Mr. Tang, I understand]

Soon, he received another message from Sasha.

[Sasha Yakovleva: Mr. Tang, happy New Year, Sasha should take advantage of the new year! (with pictures)]

The content of the picture is that Sasha is wearing a cat fluffy short skirt uniform, kneeling on the sofa, highlighting her enchanting figure, and stretching out her hands to make the shape of a cat's paw.

Ah this

Who taught her to dress like this and pose for photos? The surrounding environment looks familiar. Isn’t this sofa from Gloria’s house?

Tang Yu looked a little helpless and had to reply: "Happy New Year. Sasha's clothes are very nice, but they may not suit you."


Then, Panan also sent a message.

[Pannam Palmer: Hey, happy new year! I originally wanted to go to the city for a stroll, but there were too many family affairs to spare. There were endless things like transportation, delivering customers, robbing companies, and so on. In short, I wish you all the best in the new year. Adecado welcomes you as a guest. 】

Tang Yu: "Happy New Year. Come to the company square when you have time and I'll treat you to tea."

Just after midnight, messages came one after another.

[Rebecca: From the company, where are you going to play again? Why don’t you take me with you? That casino has recently reopened, what should I do if I still want to play? But I still have to say Happy New Year! (with pictures)]

The content of the picture shows that in the small square of TURGO, the Mann team and the cyberpunks are having a happy gathering. Rebecca is sitting alone on a sofa, holding a can of stupid monkey in her hand, with two fat legs on the On the table, he was grinning and sticking out his tongue, as if he was tired of the corn juice.

Tang Yu replied: "Happy New Year. Then try to save more money in the new year."

[Meredith Stout: I heard that no one in your counterintelligence department is in charge of the overall situation now. What's wrong? I remember that the Arasaka family would hold a family banquet at this time every year. If you get promoted when you come back, I will celebrate it for you. Also, happy New Year. (with pictures)]

The content of the picture is a pair of Aunt Mei's thighs, wearing black leather boots. There are several whip marks on the white thighs.

Tang Yu: "Happy New Year, I hope we will be promoted together this year."

[Mann: Mr. Tang, happy New Year. Thank you for your help many times. I will keep the kindness in my heart. I hope we can have better cooperation in the new year. 】

Tang Yu: "Happy New Year. Take care of yourself and go to Lao Wei Na for a physical examination when you have time."

[Jack Wills: Brother, happy New Year. I wanted to have a drink with you, but Misty really can’t leave. She is always lonely and needs my company. In short, Happy New Year! 】

Tang Yu: "Happy New Year. May you have a son soon."

[Victor Victor: "Don, happy New Year. How have you been lately? Things in the company are going pretty well, but I can't be of much help. If you have time, make an appointment with Jack to watch a boxing match.\

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