Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 157 Night Banquet


Arasaka Manor.

In the dense courtyard, black flags with the Arasaka family crest hanging down, highlighting the territorial atmosphere.

Somewhere in the courtyard, the main hall with gilded eaves was brightly lit with candles, and many maids in kimonos were busy preparing for the dinner in the main hall.

One after another, people slowly walked into the inner hall, found their own places, knelt down and sat down, whispering to each other in twos and threes, and talking secretly.

These guests came from Arasaka's branches around the world and were recommended to attend Saburo Arasaka's birthday party.

For them, this not only symbolizes an honor, but more importantly, they can take this opportunity to become a core member of the Arasaka family.

In the inner hall.

No members of the Arasaka family were present yet, and the guests looked slightly relaxed, smiling from time to time as they talked to each other.

Among the guests, there were some Western faces, but not many, and the seats were all near the outer circle.

There are more oriental faces, or most people from Kyoto.

Many 'smart' people put on kimonos to show their loyalty to Arasaka.

It is well known that Saburo Arasaka is particularly interested in the symbols of his clan.

He never wore a suit in his life, only traditional kimonos.

To quote Saburo Arasaka's evaluation of Western faces, in one sentence, they are a group of uncivilized savages.

Tang Yu also arrived at the scene in advance, sitting cross-legged in his seat, looking at his nose, his nose and his heart, and his ears closed to what was going on around him.

I don't know if it was a deliberate arrangement, but his position was on the innermost side, adjacent to the main road and slightly close to the main seat.

It was difficult for him to hide in this position, because he noticed that several eyes had already glanced at him.


Wearing a suit and sitting among a group of people wearing kimono does look very eye-catching.

He could even hear some discussions, as if they were curious about his origins and why he was sitting in the 'highest position'.

For others, naturally the position where they can show their face in front of Saburo Arasaka is better.

But for Tang Yu, this is indeed not a good thing.

Just as he was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, Michiko Arasaka walked in wearing a kimono.

The appearance of little Michiko immediately attracted a lot of attention. The identity of the direct granddaughter of the Arasaka family is indeed very tempting.

If it weren't for little Michiko's marriage, these Arasaka elites from all over the world would be overjoyed to show their attentiveness.

But even though she is married, there are many rumors about little Michiko's marriage.

Many people find it a pity for her widowed marriage.

What makes them feel even more regretful is that Michiko Arasaka has a Western face. She basically lives in Night City and rarely returns to the Arasaka family home in Kyoto.

With such an identity and appearance, it is difficult to say that Saburo Arasaka likes him.

In the Arasaka family, losing Saburo Arasaka's favor naturally loses the possibility of competing for the power of the Arasaka family.

Therefore, in the eyes of the elites of Arasaka Company, the dove faction represented by Michiko Arasaka is the weakest faction.

I'm afraid you need to be more cautious when choosing to be on her team.

An old servant in kimono quickly came forward, came to the side of little Michiko, bowed and said, "Miss, please follow me, this way."

Michiko Arasaka glanced at the inner hall with a calm gaze and quickly locked the target.

Tang Yu.

She said bluntly: "Uncle Tanaka, don't bother, I will sit here."

Little Michiko sat directly next to Tang Yu and did not choose to sit in the pre-arranged seat.

Although Tang Yu didn't open his eyes, he could still feel the movement of the figure sitting next to him.

Michiko Arasaka’s move made the amount of information a bit large.

She called the old servant Tanaka. He was most likely one of the managers of the Arasaka family. She didn't know what relationship he had with Tanaka in Night City.

in addition.

Little Michiko didn't sit in her own place, but sat next to him. What was An's motive?

He estimated that the seats for the banquet were probably arranged by this old servant named Tanaka. If Saburo Arasaka had chosen the seats, little Michiko would not have been so bold.

No matter what her intentions were, her goal was definitely achieved.

Tang Yu felt that the number of eyes paying attention to him suddenly increased a lot.

Little Michiko is tall and tall. Even if she wears a kimono, she doesn't have much of the beauty of Madame Butterfly. In addition, she has lived in the Night City for a long time, so she is not very proficient in various etiquette habits, and her posture when kneeling on the futon is not very standard.

Tang Yu reminded: "Keep your knees together and make a tight fit."

Maybe it was due to her physical condition. It was a little difficult for Michiko to sit down and bring her knees together, so she said, "That's why I don't like coming back."

This kind of kneeling posture takes time to practice, and it does not mean that you can sit well as soon as you can.

Tang Yu didn't care. He was not from the Arasaka family, so he simply sat with his legs crossed.

It didn't take long.

Another member of the Arasaka family walked in slowly, immediately attracting the attention of everyone in the hall.

I saw that he was wearing round-rimmed glasses and a traditional kimono. He was the only remaining son of Saburo Arasaka, and there was no doubt that Yorinobu Arasaka was there.

What is completely different from the appearance of Michiko Arasaka is that Yorinobu Arasaka was immediately sought after by many elites after his appearance.

On both sides of the aisle, one after another Arasaka elites stood up and bowed to say hello to Arasaka Yorinobu.

"Hello, Mr. Yori Xuan!"

"Lord Yorinobu, good evening!"

As the only legal direct heir to the Arasaka Empire, Arasaka Yorinobu has the most prestige in the Arasaka Company second only to Arasaka Saburo.

This prestige comes not from his ability or charisma, but from his last name and gender.

Almost everyone knows that Saburo Arasaka, who is more than 150 years old, has already stepped into the coffin with one foot, and the other foot is trembling too fast.

As long as Saburo Arasaka dies and returns to the West, there is no doubt that Yorinobu Arasaka will succeed Arasaka and become the true supreme helmsman.

This is why birthday banquets become more important every year, because the old and weak Master Arasaka Saburo may be unable to afford it at any time.

If you can closely follow Arasaka Yorinobu at this time, you will have the merit of following the dragon.

Arasaka Yorinobu's proud face had a hint of anger, but when he saw many Arasaka Company elites greeting him, their eyes were extremely cold.

Even this arrogance did not arouse anyone's resentment. Instead, they took it for granted and showed even more respect to Yori Xuan.

The old servant Tanaka immediately walked up to Arasaka Yorinobu, bowed and led him towards a seat next to the main seat.

When passing by little Michiko, he stopped and said in a deep voice: "When the general trend is coming, I hope you can understand it."

After saying that, Arasaka Yorinobu glanced at Tang Yu sitting next to her, and then walked straight to his seat.

Tang Yu remained unmoved, and Arasaka Yorinobu was able to attend Saburo's banquet patiently, which shows that he is still waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to escape from Arasaka's old house in Kyoto.

As the Crown Prince of the Arasaka Empire, Yorinobu, took his seat, the hall became completely quiet, and everyone was seated, waiting for the banquet to begin.

The time has just arrived.

On the wooden floor outside the hall, the sound of wooden crutches tapping on the floor could be heard.

Duh. Duh. Duh.

This sound is not fast-paced, but crisp and powerful.

Everyone realized that Saburo Arasaka, the strong man of the century who had been in charge of Arasaka Company for hundreds of years, was about to appear.

The entire hall was silent, with only the gentle breeze blowing, fluttering the Arasaka family crest flag.

As the sound of crutches hitting the ground got closer and closer, Arasaka Saburo's figure appeared at the door of the hall, followed closely behind him was Arasaka Hanako.

The entire audience's eyes were solemn, focused on the old man.

I saw him with a stooped and thin back, one hand behind his back, and the other hand holding a cane, walking forward slowly, with slow and powerful steps.

On his old face, the left eye was replaced by an electronic prosthetic eye. His eyes were as sharp as a hawk, but the eyeballs were turbid white and gave off a gloomy aura.

Hanako Arasaka, who followed behind, stood solemnly with her hands folded in front of her belly, wearing a cherry blossom kimono, showing the style of Miss Arasaka.

It's just that the face is expressionless and cold, and his features are quite similar to Saburo Arasaka's.

Saburo Arasaka walked up the steps and turned to face everyone with his cane.

Hanako Arasaka stood beside him, closer to the main seat than Yorinobu.

Seeing so many new young faces, Saburo Arasaka seemed to be a little interested. He covered his mouth and nose with his fists, coughed twice, and said in a hoarse voice.

"Everyone who comes here to attend the banquet today has gained the glory of Arasaka."

"The banquet has begun."

"You can drink whatever you want."

After speaking, he gently leaned on his crutch, and the banquet officially began.

One after another, the maids slowly approached carrying the square low-leg dining table and placed the plates filled with sake and snacks in front of everyone.

Saburo Arasaka seemed a little tired. He couldn't help covering his face and coughing twice. After looking twice, he turned around and walked behind the screen and disappeared into the inner hall.

Hanako Arasaka stayed and started hosting the banquet instead of Saburo Arasaka.

When Tang Yu saw the banquet beginning, he followed the crowd and picked up his chopsticks, picked up some snacks and started eating.

He noticed that the little Michiko next to him seemed not very good at using chopsticks, and left the meal in front of him untouched.

She was used to using knives and forks. Even though she had practiced chopsticks for a while, she couldn't adapt. There was no knife and fork to use.

So on such occasions, just leave your chopsticks alone to avoid making a fool of yourself.

At the banquet.

Hanako Arasaka began to accept toasts on behalf of Saburo Arasaka. Whenever someone toasted, she took a symbolic sip from the cup.

Many 'smart' people took the opportunity to pay homage a few more times, fearing that there would be no such shop after passing this village.

Hanako Arasaka was not angry about this, and responded to the toast expressionlessly without saying a word.

On the contrary, it was Arasaka Yorinobu. After Arasaka Saburo disappeared, he walked up to Hanako Arasaka and whispered a few words. Hanako nodded as if he had agreed to something.

After finishing speaking.

Arasaka Yorinobu strode out of the inner hall. When passing by Tang Yu, he glanced at him from the corner of his eye, with coldness written all over his face.

Tang Yu just pretended that there was no such problem, and the affairs of the Arasaka family had nothing to do with him for the time being.

He was brought by Arasaka Michiko, and Arasaka Saburo personally named him. I am afraid that Arasaka Yorinobu already regards him as an alien from the City of Night.

After all, he was covering up the truth about the complete annihilation of the Arasaka Special Forces with military technology, and the news might have reached Yorinobu's ears.

After three rounds of drinking.

The drinks that need to be toasted are almost done, and the rest is for the guests to drink and eat by themselves, taking the opportunity to learn more about the affairs of Arasaka Company in other places.

at this time.

Arasaka Hanako put down the cup in his hand, stood up from his seat, and walked down the steps.

Amid everyone's doubtful gazes, Arasaka Hanako came to Tang Yu, knelt down, faced him seriously, and then said in a deep voice without expression.

"Mr. Tang, father, please have a chat in the back room."

Johnny: "Instant noodles, what about V? Are you here to worship the Bodhisattva?"

Instant Noodles: "We are worshiping the big financier. The heavens and the earth are full of gratitude to the big financier 'book friend 20180201110350119' for the huge reward!"

V: "If you don't come out early, you won't come out later. You're so good at picking the right time."

Johnny: "I've come out, are you still not satisfied? Hey, thank you to the big sponsor!"

PS: Thank you to the following sponsors for the rewards!

Book Friends 20180201110350119, Qidian Reading iOS 200.00

On my belly 1.00

Just like under the lamp 1.00

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