Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 159 The famous V

Wild Wolf Bar.

A girl was sitting alone at the bar, facing the beautiful face in the electronic mirror, pinching the bridge of her nose, looking at the bruises and hematomas at the corners of her mouth and nose arch.


In the mirror, she has a handsome face with a round and delicate face, full and sexy lips, and a slight upward arc with a hint of stubbornness.

The owner of this top-notch sweet and pleasant appearance has a pair of cold eyebrows, extremely sharp eyes, always looking at someone with a displeasure.

Contrary to this girl's appearance, she has a unique aesthetic. Her makeup and fashion are too advanced, and she dares to wear bright red, green, and purple clothing.

The fluffy hair was dyed in various colors, and the heavy side bangs almost covered half of her face.

Even such an exaggerated dress cannot hide the beauty in the girl's bones.

While she was enduring the swelling and pain and checking the wound, Pepi, the bartender next to her, handed her a small drink and placed it on the table.

"V, give me some anesthesia."

"I invited you."

V accepted this 'little gift' without hesitation, picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

With the help of alcohol, V firmly fixed the dislocated bridge of his nose with both hands and twisted it hard.

There was only a "click" sound from the bones, and then the reset was completed.

The sore feeling from the bridge of her nose rushed directly to her forehead, almost making her shed two tears.

"Fuck the horse."


I don’t know whether this sound was a scolding of myself for not living up to expectations, or a scolding of this long-lost night city.

As soon as V came back from outside the city, he saw a bold robber. He thought that the robber wanted to rob him, and he felt quite unhappy.

She tried her best to get the thing, caught him, and gave him a good beating.

After defeating the opponent, she returned to the Wild Wolf Bar and found that her face was bruised and badly beaten.

After a few words of indifferent concern, Pepi's face began to look heavy, as if he had something to hide.

He knew that V would just do this and not see his friend in trouble.

Speaking of morality, she is famous in this field.

V couldn't help but feel helpless when he saw the sour look on the honest Peppa. After drinking someone else's wine, he should help a little.

"Speak directly if you have any trouble."

When Pepi heard that V was willing to lend a helping hand, he knew that it would definitely be possible.

Although V left Night City for two years, he was not as popular as before.

But she has been hanging out in this area since she was a child, and she has a good relationship with the local snake father Sebastian. As long as she is willing to come forward, everything will be easy to handle.

The elder Pepi didn't care about his face, so he sighed and told the story that he couldn't hide.

I hope V can help him find Kirk and solve the problem of not paying back the money, otherwise Kirk will find someone to break his legs.

Kirk also hangs out on Heywood Road. His main business is loan sharking. With a gang background, he attacks people who do not pay back money.

Pepi explained the reason to V. Not long ago, he borrowed some money from Kirk to celebrate his good brother's release from prison, and now he can no longer pay it back.

Regarding Pepi's remarks, which appeared to be honest and friendly, V felt that they had little credibility.

But she didn't care about it. After understanding the specific situation, she planned to go to Kirk to reconcile.

As Pepi expected, after being scolded and educated by V, she still agreed to help.

V himself was very poor and couldn't afford a single penny. He really didn't understand what the robber was thinking. He was planning to rob him. It was so outrageous.

Therefore, Pepi's troubles must not be solved with money, and she planned to reconcile them according to the rules of the road.

According to Pepi, Kirk is now on the second floor, and tomorrow is the final time to pay back the money.

V got up and left the bar, went directly to the second floor to find Kirk, and saw him sitting in a booth, reading a car magazine.

She walked forward unceremoniously, sat directly opposite Kirk, and said straight to the point.

"How do you want to resolve Pepi's matter?"

Kirk didn't even raise his eyelids. He wore sunglasses and said in a deep voice: "V, long time no see. His account hasn't been paid yet, so don't worry."

V pushed away the fat man who was about to sit next to him and interrupted Kirk bluntly: "Stop talking about professional ethics in front of me. It is natural to pay back debts, but Pepi has no money now."

"I owe you a favor and give him some grace."

Kirkpi smiled but said: "Do you think I look like a charity worker?"

V said in a deep voice: "You think it's useless, but I think it's worth it."

Kirk put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray. Seeing V's stubborn face, he knew that this was a tricky thing. Mom, if you offend such a person, you won't be remembered every day.

"Okay, let's follow the rules of the road. If you do something for me, Pepi's bill will be forgiven. In addition, I can pay you an extra amount of money. What do you think?"

After hearing this solution, V found it quite in line with her reality. She had no money, but she had enough energy to work, and she completely forgot about the black and blue face she had just received.

"I think this is a good stroke. Tell me, what kind of job is it?"

Kirk threw the car magazine in his hand on the table. The magazine had the Renfield super coupe printed on it. The pictures kept changing, showing the appearance and parameters of each luxury sports car in detail.

V picked up the magazine on the table and glanced at it casually, confirming that it was an expensive thing that he couldn't afford.

Kirk also explained: "The supercars you see, there are four in total in Night City."

"One is in the name of Rayfield Regional Director, one is in the name of Mayor Lane, and one is in the name of the rental car company."

"The fourth one, after you complete the errand, it should be in the name of my client."

V quickly realized that Kirk meant for him to steal this expensive sports car.

But the people who own these sports cars are all rich or noble, and they all have well-known names in the Night City. If they steal such expensive sports cars, if the operation fails, the end may not be as simple as a bruised nose and a swollen face.

She put down the car magazine in her hand and asked in a deep voice: "Who is the owner of the car?"

Kirk saw V's doubts and explained in a relaxed manner.

"A certain man in an Arasaka suit who came back from overseas."

"But don't worry, this car has been sitting in the underground parking garage of Ember Nightclub for more than half a year without being touched. It has several layers of dust."

"These rich owners have so many toys in their hands that they may have forgotten that they have a Renfield like this."

Kirk told the whole plan by the way. With the security of the underground garage helping to act as an internal response, all he had to do was walk into the underground garage, spend a few minutes finding the Renfield, crack it, and drive away without hesitation.


V knew that few people in the entire Night City dared to mess with Arasaka, let alone those who could afford to drive such a sports car, at least they were considered a role in the Arasaka company.

The valuable Renfield was left to eat ashes in the embers underground garage. This is how many people must be like this. He is either a high-level person or a top tycoon.

She quickly made a prediction in her mind that stealing a luxury car was very risky. If she was caught, there would be a high probability that she would tell him.

Although she was fearless, she still wanted to find out more information based on the principle of being bold and cautious.

"Name, position, movements."

Kirk said impatiently: "How do I know this?"

He placed a black mold on the table and asked: "This thing can bypass identity authentication and directly start the vehicle engine. The principle is as simple as operating an automobile engineering vehicle."

"V, you are a smart man. Everyone on the street knows your style. Whether you do it or not, please give me a happy word."

V stood up decisively, picked up the cracked mold on the table, and said, "It's not just about making a trolley, I did this job."


In front of Kirk, V stepped directly onto the booth table, stepped on the car magazine, held on to the fence on the second floor with one hand, jumped over, and landed directly from the second floor of the bar into the lobby, and then calmly He walked towards the back door and exited the Wild Wolf Bar.

Just as he passed through a dark back alley, he suddenly spotted his old friend, the priest. He and his men were standing in front of a black car, seemingly talking on the phone.

Seeing V walking out of the back alley of the bar, the priest said hello with a surprised smile: "Look who's back, V, long time no see, I didn't even know you were back."

Meeting an old acquaintance, V finally felt better and said with a smile: "I just came back from Atlanta not long ago. How have you been these past years, Father?"

The priest looked kind and said in a calm tone.

"Heywood is still the same."

"But I can see that you are returning home in fine clothes."

"Get in the car, kid, I'll give you a ride."

The priest invited V to get in the car, intending to give her a ride and chat with her about recent developments.

The three of them got into the car.

V took the initiative to report his destination, and the priest asked the driver to drive to the mentioned address, Ember Nightclub in the Valley area.

The priest asked about V's situation in Atlanta. He hadn't seen her for more than two years, and she was now looking graceful and graceful.

V laughed at himself: "If it was better than Night City over there, I wouldn't be too lazy to come back."

After saying that, she suddenly remembered something, just in time to ask the priest for advice.

"Oh, by the way, Father, have there been any changes in these two cities? For example, on the road."

V has just returned to Night City. Rather than returning to his hometown in fine clothes, it is better to say that he is returning home to make a living.

She planned to resume her old career as a mercenary and take on some jobs to earn a living, so it was necessary to know what was happening on the road in advance.

The priest thought for a moment and said in a deep voice: "The road is basically the same as it was two years ago. The area that has made more noise this year is the Watson Kabukicho area. The girls of Mox are now doing well."

"However, a new middleman has indeed emerged on the road. He is the new owner of Lizzy Bar. He is very powerful and is considered a celebrity in the circle. Many mercenaries have gone to Lizzy Bar to find work."


Lizzy Bar?

V is no stranger to these terms. She remembers that when she first left two years ago, the Mox Gang was just a small gang. Although Lizzy's Bar was prosperous, it did not get involved in the mercenary business.

With the priest's explanation, V finally learned about the conflict between Mox and the Tiger Claw Gang, as well as the new owner of Lizzie Bar.

She couldn't help but be a little curious, what kind of strange woman could do this, and asked bluntly: "Who is the new owner of Lizzy Bar? It is not easy to fight in the Night City."

The priest nodded and explained: "It is said that he has a corporate background and is most likely related to Arasaka Company."

"I see. It would make sense if he had Arasaka's background, but working for Arasaka doesn't make him a hero, and the company doesn't have anything good." After V learned the truth, his original curiosity disappeared without a trace.

The priest saw V's thoughts and took out an ID card from his pocket and handed it to her: "Take it, kid. If you have the chance, we can cooperate, just like we did two years ago."

V accepted the card without hesitation. The priest's status and credibility in the church were completely trustworthy and could not be compared to a second-rate guy like Kirk.

She thought that after settling Pepi's debt this time, she would come to the priest to get some commissions.

It didn't take long.

The entrance to the underground parking lot of the destination Ember Nightclub is here.

Although some people from the Sixth Street Gang blocked the road halfway and delayed a little time, it did not affect V's continued stealing of cars.

V said goodbye to the priest, then pushed open the car door and walked decisively towards the underground garage.

Ember Restaurant.

A seat by the window.

Tang Yu and Gloria were sitting across the table from each other, having dinner together.

Gloria had curly red hair draped over her shoulders. She held a knife and a fork in each hand. She lowered her eyebrows slightly and fiddled with the food on the plate. She seemed a little absent-minded.

After learning that Tang Yu was back, Gloria thought about it, made up her mind to find a suitable reason, and finally asked Tang Yu to have dinner.

The reason was that she had important work to report in person, and the time happened to be during dinner.

Gloria's face was slightly red. She took a peek at Tang Yu and found that he was sitting upright with a calm expression. He didn't seem to feel strange because of what happened in the carriage last time. Everything was still business as usual.

To this.

Gloria couldn't help but feel a flash of disappointment in her heart.

She specially put on the long dress today, the one she wore when she met Tang Yu for the first time at Ember Nightclub, and bought it in full from the store.

At that time, she was reluctant to return the dress after renting it. When she saw that the dress was still there, she made a decisive move.

But judging from Tang Yu's performance, she didn't seem to remember the dress, and she didn't mention anything about it from beginning to end.

In order to prepare for this dinner, Gloria even deliberately chose the original seat, close to the panoramic floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

Everything is to restore the scene when he first met Tang Yu.

And this time there was no David around.

Gloria's Xiao Jiujiu kept thinking in her mind, sometimes a little ashamed of her own initiative, sometimes a little troubled by Tang Yu's seriousness.

She couldn't help but recall the scene in the carriage that day. When Tang Yu started speaking, he was not as serious and gentle as he was now. It hurt like hell.

Although the two were already entangled, Gloria felt even more guilty when facing Tang Yu for some reason.

I feel like a thief who has stolen a gem that I don't deserve. I want to have it but I am afraid that the gem will return to its original owner.

But the most important thing is that we can go out for dinner together, if nothing else happens.

It should be done tonight.

Think about this.

A blush appeared on Gloria's cheeks, as if she was slightly tipsy.

Tang Yu saw that Gloria barely touched the plate and thought she had no appetite, so he asked: "What, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"No, no, no, it's not uncomfortable." Gloria was worried that he would misunderstand, so she quickly explained, and then pretended to take two bites of the vegetable leaves, which were tasteless.

Tang Yu talked about work seriously: "How is the current situation of Lizzy Bar?"

Gloria truthfully reported the current situation of Lizzy. After the renovation and renovation, the revenue has increased and the income is quite considerable.

However, due to the sudden addition of too many new people, Mox had a lot of troubles with quarrels and frictions with customers, but little girl Rita Wheeler came forward to solve them.

The management of Mox's group of girls is still a bit troublesome, and it will take some time to train them slowly.

Tang Yu felt that it was inevitable to have many people and many hands, and he had to gradually set rules for the girls in Mox, and they could not behave as they did before.

Gloria has always kept Tang Yu's words in mind, but what she is currently concerned about is not the Lizzy Bar, but what's next.

Seeing Tang Yu finish his meal and pick up a napkin to wipe his hands, Gloria asked innocently: "Mr. Tang, if there are no other arrangements, I..."

The words are not finished yet.

Tang Yu suddenly received a communication request.


He couldn't help but feel a little strange why NCPD would call at this time.


The waiter from Ember Restaurant also came over, seeming to have something to talk about.

Tang Yu asked the waiter to wait and connect to the communication first to hear what was going on.

The Sheriff on the other end of the phone immediately explained the situation.

"Hello, Mr. Tang, NCPD Senior Inspector Stings discovered that the Rayfield sports car in your name, parked in the underground parking lot of the Ember Club, was stolen by criminals while patrolling the Valley area. The suspect has been captured, according to NCPD Regarding security protocols for your company, you can choose"

Renfield was robbed?

Only then did Tang Yu remember that about half a year ago, his old boss Arthur Jenkins gave him a Renfield.

At that time, he just casually looked at the vehicle authentication chip and never took care of it from beginning to end. He had long forgotten that there was such a problem.

After all, luxury cars are nothing new to him. In the past, many luxury cars were left to gather dust in the garage.

He was just about to let the NCPD take care of business when something suddenly occurred to him and he changed his mind.

"Okay, I know."

"I just happened to be in the embers, now go down and take a look."

After communicating with the NCPD, Tang Yu decided to go down and see the situation.

In 2077, he was all too familiar with the scene of stealing Rayfield in the underground garage of the Ember Club.

Could it be that V-zi is back?

After he fired Arasaka, he followed Jack to Ember to steal Rayfield and met V.

The waiter on the side also explained the purpose of his visit and wanted to ask Tang Yu to go to the underground parking garage to confirm the theft, saying that the Ember Club would handle it properly according to his request.

Only now did Tang Yu realize that the three of them were really brave back then, if they hadn't met Stings, an acquaintance of Heywood.

Either be thrown into jail, thrown into the sea and fed to sharks, or beaten up by Ember Club thugs.

Tang Yu stood up and was about to leave the table. Gloria also stood up quickly, with a look of disappointment in her eyes.

Tang Yu then looked at Gloria and explained directly: "I have something urgent to deal with here. The account has been settled, so I'll go ahead and see you later."

Gloria replied blankly: "Mr. Tang, see you later."

After that, Tang Yu, accompanied by the waiter, walked towards the elevator.

Gloria wanted to stop Tang Yu and say something, but gave up. After all, he was in a hurry now and couldn't force it.

She felt extremely regretful, wishing she had known that she should have done business first and then eaten.

I secretly made up my mind that no matter what I say next time, I will drive to pick up Mr. Tang personally.

Underground Parking Lot.

The waiter respectfully led Tang Yu towards the VIP parking area.

Before he got too close, Tang Yu saw several NCPD cars flashing red and blue lights at the end of the parking lot.

The battle is not small.

The attendant explained the relevant situation. Each exclusive vehicle in the VIP parking area is equipped with an anti-theft system. Even if the vehicle is cracked, as long as there is a slight movement, the security system will notify the corresponding service unit.

Just like Tang Yu is a member of Ember Restaurant, then Ember Restaurant will 'keep an eye on' Leifield for him.

Tang Yu went straight to the scene of the car theft and saw the scissor door of the blue beast open. The vehicle authentication system and anti-theft system were undoubtedly cracked.

In front of the car, four NCPD police officers pointed their guns at the thieves lying on the ground and issued stern warnings.

"Be good and be honest!"

NCPD Senior Inspector Stings was squatting in front of the thief. He seemed to recognize her identity. When he saw the car owner coming, he got up and reported it.

"Mr. Tang, the thief has been arrested. She is a gangster from Heywood. We will take her away now so as not to interfere with your troubles. You may need to cooperate with some investigations in the future."

Tang Yu ignored Stings' words. This senior inspector was also from Heywood. He just wanted to find a reason to take the thief away, and then secretly found an opportunity to let him go.

What he wants to confirm now is who is the not-so-honest person lying on the ground.

Especially the exaggerated style of clothing and the iconic colorful hair.

Tang Yu squatted in front of her, stretched out his hand to pry up her stubborn chin, and then he could clearly see her face under the heavy bangs.

Tang Yu was suddenly stunned.

V son.

Sure enough it was her.

Unexpectedly, V-zi really came back.

His eyes were burning, staring at her face, looking at every detail of her face.

The handsome face, sharp eyes, and that sexy little mouth make you want to take a bite when you see it.

For a while.

The memories of what he had experienced with V-zi surged out instantly in his mind, drowning out all the noise around him like a tide.


His eyes were filled with this maddeningly beautiful woman.

V glared at the man in front of him, and the strange man was holding his chin, looking at him intently.

It was the first time that I was so offended by a strange man, which really added fuel to the fire.

She was originally very upset when she was caught stealing a car, but now she was treated like this by a company dog, and an unknown fire suddenly surged in her heart.

Look at the mud horse!

V opened his mouth without ceremony and bit down on the man's index finger, the finger that lifted her chin.

She bit her very hard, saying that she would make this person who was scornful of her pay the price, and she would remember it for a long time.

Don’t be afraid of wearing shoes if you are barefoot!

V bit Tang Yu's index finger tightly, and even wrapped the whole finger in his mouth to prevent him from breaking away.

Bite for a few seconds.

She suddenly realized that the man in front of her didn't seem to have any reaction. He neither screamed nor punched her on the bridge of the nose like the others.

She felt something was wrong, so she raised her eyes to look at him.

Their eyes collided for the first time.

V was stunned.

She found the man looking at her.

This was the first time a man looked at her like this, for so long, and so seriously.

V saw his own figure and face in his pupils, which seemed to occupy his entire sight.

His eyes seemed to be trembling, and there was an indescribable flow of emotions, as if he was an old friend, or a past fate.

V was stunned and unknowingly let go of his teeth.

Only then did Tang Yu take out his finger from her mouth, revealing a circle of bloody tooth marks.

He put away his gaze, smeared the saliva and blood stains on his index finger on V's face, stood up, and said to Stings.

"Thank you for your hard work. I'll take care of the rest. It's not considered theft. After all, she is the owner of this car now."

Stingston was extremely confused and looked at V lying on the ground.

Could it be that the other party wants to give the car to this female car thief?

Even V's eyes widened and he looked confused.

After confirming Tang Yu's intention not to pursue the case, Stings asked his men to unlock her handcuffs.

Since the original car owner didn't say anything about pursuing the crime, they also saved themselves some trouble.

Stings quickly led people away from the scene.

Only then did Mr. V get up from the ground, brushed off the dust on his body, and said bluntly: "Mr. Tang, right? I owe you a favor for this."

"My name is V. If you need anything in the future, you can come to Heywood to see me."

"As for you wanting to give me the car, there's no need to do so. It's no reward for no merit."

"It's getting late. If there's nothing else, I'll go back first. No need to send me off."

After saying that, V was about to get up and leave, heading towards the exit of the underground parking lot, still muttering about bad luck.

"Stop." Tang Yu ordered in a deep voice.

V stopped and turned around, his expression a little ugly.

"What else do you want? Your car is not lost or broken. I have already recorded this favor and promise to return it to you in the future."

Tang Yu said somewhat playfully: "Miss V's favor is really important, but who said I would give you this car as a gift."

"You have touched this car and cracked the identity authentication system, so I decided to sell this car to you so that you will not count it as stolen."

"You have to accept this car today, or you have to accept it if you don't."

"As for the price, I can give you a discount."

V was speechless for a moment, but unexpectedly the other party was not joking at all, and actually transferred the vehicle authentication authority directly.

The owner information of this blue beast was immediately changed to V's information.


V was stunned.

Tang Yu ignored her reaction, turned around and sat in Renfield, and continued: "Miss V, remember to work hard in the next period of time, and don't even think about hiding until you pay off your debt."

"If you can't find a good job, try the Lizzy Bar and tell me what I recommend."

"By the way, if you rent this car to me today, you'll be able to pay back your debt of 10,000 euros."

After saying that, Tang Yu started the engine, and the roar of the blue beast echoed throughout the underground garage, and the engine air billowed out.

V was still stunned in place, with question marks all over his head.

She wondered if Mercury was retrograde today.

After coming back, he was robbed, then took over a job of car theft, was caught on the spot, was molested by a strange man, inexplicably took over a super car, and owed a huge debt.

After working on it for a long time, the car was driven away.

She suddenly realized that the man kept shouting "V", "V". She hated this nickname, but V was her favorite name, so she gave him a stern warning.

"My name is V!"

Tang Yu smiled and said: "I know Miss V, I wish you good luck."

After saying that, he closed the scissor car door and kicked the accelerator to start the car.

She could only watch as the supercar rushed out of the underground parking garage.

V: "???"

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